Disclaimer - Unfortunately, I don't own Death Note. Furthermore, the chapter title are lyrics from Walk the Moon's Tightrope which is a super cute and wonderful song.

Warnings - This story is going to start off pretty light, but it will eventually start getting very dark. This is not a happy story, as you can imagine. There will be character deaths and fairly disturbing content in later chapters. I would just like to warn anyone who may be uncomfortable.

L couldn't comprehend the queasy feeling that afflicted his stomach. It was an unfamiliar sensation, and one that he did not find particularly pleasing. It bothered him greatly, for he could find no specific reason for this feeling; indeed, this day was much like any other. He simply progressed through his regular routine of waking up, skulking around campus and attending the droll classes that marked his college education.

L groaned. College was a complete waste of his time, and he was regretting every moment of it. The classes were full of meaningless lectures about topics he understood better than the professors. There was nothing remotely interesting or exciting for him to learn, especially since he'd already taught himself everything. None of his peers interested him in the slightest; in fact they bored him greatly. He had yet to find someone who could maintain an intelligent conversation for longer than a minute. All of his fellow students only seemed interested in the opposite gender, celebrities, and cars; all of which L found boring and vapid.

The sole reason L conceded to the college education was due to the fact he needed college degree to achieve his dream of becoming a world-class detective. Throughout his childhood, he had read every single mystery novel he could lay his hands on, usually solving them within the first 20 pages. He began to persistently bother local detectives with prying question and eventually became involved in several cases of his own, solving all and building up a reputation. This made it simply ridiculous for him to attend college. He already had a career in the making, and now he needed to change his plans in order to make room for an obsolete college degree. Watari had insisted, however, and eventually L had succumbed. Then to make matters even worse, Watari had the brilliant idea to send L half-way around the world to Japan of all places. Not only was he going to suffer through four miserable years, he must do it away from his beautiful England. Watari believed that this would make L less dependent and hopefully more social as the lack of resources forced L interact with other people. Watari also felt it was necessary for L to leave England for while in order to distance him from any unpleasant memories or triggering situations. Therefore, L was attending the prestigious To-Oh University, known for its excellent programs in criminology and law.

L considered it literal hell on earth.

He was also so bored all the time.

He didn't know how much longer he would be capable of existing in the monotony of his daily routine. The little interacting with others L underwent felt tedious and wearing. The school work presented no difficulties, and he could actually feel his brain slowing down due to the lack of any challenge. He desperately needed something interesting to happen. A murder would be nice as it would allow him to use his deductive skills to some extent. However, with the maniacal Kira eradicating all those who committed crimes, there had been a significant drop in crime, leaving L with simply nothing to do.

His thoughts were rudely interrupted by a heavy force running into him, knocking him to the ground and spilling his books everywhere.

He looked up, prepared to shoot his most murderous glare at the fool who had so clumsily ran into him, only to find that it was Light Yagami.

Light Yagami as in the most popular beloved person at the university. The general census was that he was the most beautiful, perfect person ever to exist.

It was easy to see why he was adored by so many. He fit all the standards of beauty that society was obsessed with. Light was lean and thin; his face perfectly proportioned; his hair framed his face without a single strand out of place. His amber eyes complemented the rest of his appearance, fluidly complementing his auburn hair. Not only was he aesthetically pleasing, but he had proven himself extremely intelligent and certainly had a bright and promising future in front of him. He was charming and charismatic, essentially enforcing the idea that life wasn't fair. Despite all odds, Light skillfully embodied his beauty, intelligence, and charm: a combination that could prove deadly if played correctly.

He was also the exact opposite of L in every way possible. Where Light Yagami was beautiful, L was ugly. Where Light was sociable and adored, L was reclusive and ignored. They were polar opposites, much like the day and night.

Light Yagami was the one made for the spotlight. He expected all he met to admire and love him unconditionally. Meanwhile, L was the one made for the shadows. In darkness, his startling appearance was smoothed by the softness darkness provided. L preferred the night, and in turn developed fairly nasty insomnia.

L was the one to be ogled at for a second and then immediately disregarded for nothing for a freak or occasionally the mad genius. He was always passed over for those that were more visually pleasing. It never bothered him for he knew he possessed a greater intelligence than those who passed quick superficial judgements.

The only similarity that seemed to exist between these two was their astounding intelligence. Both had scored perfect scores on their entrance tests, making them the brightest the university had to offer.

L had only come into contact with Light Yagami once when they were forced to present together at the welcoming ceremony. Standing next to each other, one could not help but be completely struck by the differences, and he could tell Light was annoyed with having to share the attention with someone as ungainly like him.

L despised Light for his effortless perfection, for there was simply no way for anyone to be that perfect without harboring at least one dark secret.

That was it! That was what L would do to alleviate the boredom. He would discover that secret. He would find the flaws in Light Yagami that had to be there, even if everyone else refused to acknowledge them. He was uncertain how exactly this would occur, but if there was one thing L was good at was wearing people down enough until they were ready to tell him anything.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm really sorry about this. I should have been watching where I was going. I ran into you pretty hard." Yagami turned to help, a perfect countenance of apology and concern adorning his face. He faltered when he finally saw who exactly he had ran so sloppily into. Maybe it was the messy black hair, or the deathly pale skin which only made the heavy bags under the black expressionless eyes even more prominent, or the bent shoulders and back or even still the simplistic white shirt and baggy jeans, but whatever it was it was enough for Light to lose his train of thought, something that for Light never ever happened.

L looked up at Light and his shocked expression.

Of course, he thought, typical. I doubt there will ever be someone who look at me without complete shock and distaste. And really, my appearance shouldn'tbe that surprising. He already saw me at the opening ceremony.

L rose slowly to his feet, while Light continued to gaze in shock. It was almost as if he couldn't comprehend exactly what he was looking at. L met his gaze with equal determination, but shuffled his feet uncomfortably. He wasn't used to being looked at this long, especially by someone who was perceived as so beautiful and perfect.

"I…wow. I'm Light Yagami. I don't think I've seen you before here. What's your name?" Then to L's complete and utter shock, Light Yagami blushed. It was a slight blush, but definitely there, tinging Yagami's cheeks a light pink.

"My name's L Lawliet." L said slowly, still distracted by the faint blush. It didn't right on his face, and it marred the perfect skin, but at the same time it seemed to fit perfectly. "I presented with you at the opening ceremony."

"Oh that's a…"

"Interesting name?" L interrupted scathingly" I know, who would ever decide to name their kid after a letter? It's basically dooming that kid to horrible life of taunts. Isn't that right Yagami-kun?" And to L's ever increasing surprise, Light blushed even deeper.

"What, no of course not. I think it's very cool actually. It's not every day you meet someone with a name like that and it's certainly a lot more interesting than most of the names you hear nowadays. And I'm so sorry I forgot about the opening ceremony. I was a bit preoccupied that day and didn't pay as much attention as I should have."

Now it was L's turn to stare at Light in shock. He had never met anyone before who had considered his name like this. Usually it was some weird glance, an uncertain pronunciation and then that was it.

"Thank you very much Yagami-kun. That was very kind of you to say. I accept your apology; it was a very busy day. Now if you would excuse me, I have class to attend and would very much hate to be late."

"Of course." Light, stooping down to pick up the fallen books and handing they back to L. "Also, you can call me Light, if you would prefer. I have never really preferred being called by my last name."

"Very well Light-kun. I suppose I shall see you around campus."

With that, L promptly walked past Light. It was a nasty habit of his to always want to have the last word, but it was one he had no intention in breaking. There was also something distinctly pleasing in leaving Light Yagami in silence.

Until he realized that he had essentially blown his chance of discovering Light's secret. He doubted Light would ever attempt contact with L again, especially after that curt exchange. He groaned inwardly. Now all he had to look forward to was class. The day would proceed as normally and this exchange would soon fade until it was nothing more than a distant memory and a wasted chance for something more interesting.

But really, was there any hope for L to get close enough to Light to find out what he hid from everyone else? L had neglected to remember that they were at the opposite of the social spectrum and someone as popular as Light would never ever express interest in someone like L, except maybe to highlight his own perfections or laugh at mockingly

It was a shame; for Light could have been very interesting.

So when Light Yagami grabbed L's arm and asked him if he would be okay with spending time after class with him, L simply did not know what to say.

After a few seconds of silence, L managed to push past his shock to answer with a yes. He immediately regretted answering. This was all probably a way for Light and his friends to embarrass him. Light didn't immediately strike you as someone who enjoyed teasing others, but one could never know for sure.

"Great! Do you want to meet outside of the tennis courts? They're pretty close to here."

"I suppose that would be fine." L responded cautiously.

And that was how L, the insomniac with the ungainly hair and crooked stance, ended up spending the afternoon with the most popular and envied student in the whole entire school.

AN: Hello! So this is my very first fanfic I've ever written/published so I suppose I should blow up balloons or bake a cake to celebrate that I've finally gotten around to putting my numerous thoughts into actual words (it wasn't easy). The best thing you could do I suppose would be to review or like or something of that nature. I've already written the first 5 chapters or so and I've really gotten into this story so I think I'll still continue. But I'll definitely write and update faster knowing that at least one person is enjoying it to some extent. Just some clarifications about the story: L isn't the world famous detective but Kira still exists. It's going to start off pretty upbeat with the cute college boyfriends vibe but then it's going to go pretty serious (it'll make sense once the story progresses). It's definite Lawlight, and I'll be trying to include as many characters as possible. Whatever happens, it should be a lot of fun.

If you have anything you'd like to say/ask, please do so. I promise I wont bite.

Thank you all so much!

- SomethingBlueat221b