I do not own Kill la Kill in any form. This is a work of fanfiction.


Side story 7 ch 2: privacy, please! ch2


After the awkwardness the day before, Satsuki and Ryuko looked into rooms in the mansion where their daughter could have more privacy. The mansion being fairly large, there were plenty of options to choose from. They invited Minatsuki to look at the rooms, letting her know that she could have her own room of her choosing so neither couple would likely ever interrupt the other during intimacy. She finally came upon an empty room near the kitchen, on the opposite side of the mansion from her current room. "Huh. I like the feel of this one. Are either of you using this one right now?" She asked her mothers.

"This is all for you to find a new room. Neither of us are using this room." Satsuki answered.

"Yeah, it's empty for that reason. If you want it, it's all yours." Ryuko added.

Minatsuki stood in the center of the room and looked around. "I like it. I'll start moving as soon as my man comes over." She said, sending him a text message about it.

Before too long, Haruto showed up to help with the move. Even though she had planned on the two of them doing the moving since they'd be the main occupants of the room, Satsuki ordered some of the help to move the bulk of the items in the room. By the time they were done, there was little more left to do than arrange things the way they wanted. The rearranging didn't take long, which was mostly moving the bed and dressers. When they were done, they sat together on the edge of the bed and shared a brief kiss. "You know what this means, right?" Minatsuki asked.

"Um... we don't have to worry so much about interruptions?" Haruto guessed.

"Exactly. Later tonight, let's christen this new room." She said, moving her hand to his inner thigh and giving his crotch a light squeeze.

"Sounds wonderful."


That evening, Minatsuki was trying to think of a way to please her man that he might like. Knowing one source of awkwardness was her mother, she went to see Ryuko. They sat together on the couch and talked about it. "So, after being shocked and weirded out by you and Ma, I guess it was only a matter of time before I asked about this." Minatsuki started.

"Let me guess. You want to have fun in your new room." Ryuko answered.

"Yes. I wanted to do something special, not exactly like we've already done, but not anything in the front. That's still wedding night stuff."

"Okay, I see where you're going with this." Ryuko said, pondering a response.

"Are there any positions that you and Ma use that are special? I mean, I've seen and heard enough of you two through the years to know there's something special."

"I'll tell you what works for us. I am totally submissive to your Ma. I've gotten down and kissed her feet quite a few times. I'm not saying you need to go that far, but maybe try letting him be in total control. Let him hold and move you in any way he likes. Of course, you'll have the ability to tell him 'no' if there's something you don't like or want to do."

"Hmm. I can see what you mean. Let him be the boss, huh."

"Maybe start off by getting on your knees in front of him with your hands together and closing your eyes before letting him... you know. I get a little bit of a rush when I do that in front of your Ma."

Minatsuki started blushing at the thought of using her mother's advice. "Heh, for once, the sex talk isn't so much weird as it is informative."

"Anytime you need help with the subject, feel free to ask. And tonight, suck his soul out of him."

Minatsuki almost wanted to shudder, but thought that she would be doing just what Ryuko said.


When night finally came, Minatsuki and Haruto retreated to their new room. They both knew they would be doing something, but Minatsuki didn't let on about what exactly she had in mind. They closed and locked the door and stripped completely. They started hugging each other and shared a long, loving kiss. When she felt it was the right time, she looked into his eyes seductively. "I wanted to do something special tonight. I't kind of the same, but not totally."

"Anything in particular?" He asked, kissing her again.

"I want to be completely submissive to you tonight. The only thing out of the question is... you know."

"Submissive? Okay, If you would like to do that, we can do it."

They let go of each other and Minatsuki went on her knees in front of him, then leaned down and kissed his feet. She then put her hands together and closed her eyes. She opened her mouth when she felt his member against her lips and let him all the way in. He put his hand on her head and started pulling her against himself, going all the way in with every stroke. He pulled himself from her mouth and looked down at her. "Is that too much?" He asked, not wanting to push any boundaries.

With a sweet look on her face, she shook her head. "Not at all. I'll gladly stay on my knees for as long as you want."

She closed her eyes again and he put his member to her mouth, and she took him in again. He put his hands on the back of her head and started lightly pulling her against himself, again going all the way. With one final stroke all the way to the back, he released in her throat and held her there for a moment after. He removed himself and brought her up for another loving kiss. "Did you like it?" She asked.

"Minatsuki, I swear I wasn't in my body there for a moment."

"Would you like to do anything else? Remember, you're in control here. There's only one thing I'll say no to."

"I think I know. Come here."

He moved her onto the bed, laying her on her belly. "Is this going where I think it is?" She asked, slightly nervous, but willing.


He climbed on top of her and slowly put his member in her rear until he was all the way in. "Ah, that's it." She purred as he laid flat on her back.

"Is this too much?" He asked, still nervous about the position and situation.

"Not at all. You can do what you want back there. Nice and slow, fast and hard or anything in between."

He began stroking in her rear, holding her hands down on the pillow next to her head to show a little dominance. He picked up speed for a little while, until he was ready to release. He pulled her rear up, keeping her head down as he pushed inside one final time and letting go inside her. Now fully spent, he removed himself and laid next to her. She moved closer and kissed him again. "You just treated me the way my man should. A little force, but not overstepping any boundaries."

"I love you, Minatsuki." He said, pulling her in for a kiss.


The nest morning, Minatsuki went to talk to Ryuko, finding her in the office with Satsuki. "Hey mom, thanks for the advice. I think I might have changed his life last night." She chuckled.

"Atta girl. Did you make him see another world?" Ryuko asked with a smile.

"He said he didn't feel like he was in his body for a moment when I was on my knees."

Satsuki looked at Ryuko, also smiling. "What did you tell our daughter?"

"She gave me wonderful advice." Minatsuki said. "I kissed his feet and let him do what he wanted, anything except in the front."

"What all did you give him?" Satsuki asked.

"Mouth, and then he laid me on my belly and went in the back."

"Damn, did you kill him?" Ryuko asked, openly laughing.

"No, but I definitely took a lot out of him. He's still sleeping after that, though."

"Did you get any on you?" Satsuki asked, slightly jokingly.

"No, I got it in me, though. It's still in me."

Everyone shared a laugh and went on about their day.


End side story 7