In this story Haruhi never cut her hair, which is really long in this story, or broke the vase. She is also super-shy, and is always admired by other guys like in her middle school (Arai is in this story too, btw), but doesn't get noticed by the Host Club at all until she promptly starts hating on Tamaki every day after a terrible first impression. Because the twins are in the same class as her, they are given the job (by a desperate Tamaki) to convince her to go to the Host Club before summer vacation starts and the Host Club closes, but the task might not be as easy as the twins thought…

Chapter 1: Introduction of Haruhi Fujioka

Thunder flashed and rain pelted the window, a loud yet calm, soothing sound. Haruhi Fujioka gazed out the window from her corner seat in the farthest back, right corner, away from the door, where a shadow always cast over her and smothered away her existence.

"Thank God there won't be thunder…but I forgot to bring my umbrella…" Haruhi mused to herself as she leaned against and stared out the cold window, her brown eyes two orbs of hypnotic innocence that had netted so much people without even herself being conscious of so. Lunchtime had just been over, and Haruhi nudged the bento leftovers (which she had eaten by herself in the classroom) with her foot, unconsciously wondering how she could get home without getting wet.

"Well, you should get going before the rain hardens, which it seems like it will do. Class dismissed." Haruhi jumped at her sensei's voice and her desk moved, scraping the floor with a terrible screech; but nobody she saw glanced her way as they filed out, all the girls chatting noisily about a common subject.

"Hey let's go visit the Host Club later!"

"Yeah, of course! I baked a cake for Honey-sempai!"

"I want to check if their new album came out!"

"Ugh! There's still almost an hour before the Host Club opens though…"

Haruhi glanced up and made brief eye contact with a pair of startlingly golden eyes before she glanced down again, blushing, since she rarely made eye contact with anyone, and began packing up her things, invisible as usual. Haruhi glanced out the window one more time before heading out the classroom.

Ever since her mother had died, Haruhi had been a quiet, shy girl that blended in with the shadows and spoke only when spoken to. She was a mysteriously silent beauty, admired from afar. Oh, and she had no friends. She wasn't very sociable, and nobody made effort to talk to her, and neither did she, but Haruhi didn't mind-her mind was always busy anyways.

After a few minutes she was standing below the ledge of the main building, staring at the rain and wishing for a miracle that she could somehow find an umbrella. However, she was completely unconscious of the several boys who kept on glancing her way and seeming to be struggling on the verge of starting a conversation, but failing each time and then glaring at the other boys, as if daring them to make a move on Haruhi before he did himself.

"Rich people," she signed quietly as she glanced at the limousines filing in and out of the school, picking up the students, who stayed resolutely dry. Finally, just as one boy decided to talk to Haruhi, a ringing vibration coming from Haruhi's bag interrupted him.

Five minutes after Haruhi answered the phone, she was walking through the still student-packed school hall. While she brushed water droplets from her record-long chocolate hair, which was never let down from its loose braid and finger combing her side bangs, she had a silent battle with herself trying not to be frustrated at her father for taking her only spare key and forgetting where he put it.

"Well, I guess I'll just go study then…" However, as she thought they would be, all three libraries were filled with chattering people, loud and unconscious of the people who actually wanted to study. Though Haruhi hadn't cut her hair and had contacts to replace her gawky glasses, she still hadn't been able to afford the uniform and therefore wore the junior high section uniform. Haruhi often received weird glances from other high school section students, but she was nearly always forgotten in a matter of seconds.

Finally, after several minutes of wandering around, Haruhi walked down a near empty corridor and turned right.

"The Third Music Room"

"This should be an empty room…thank God for this," Haruhi silently cheered and turned the door handle. A blinding flash filled the room, and rose petals flew out in an extremely excessive amount, nearly smothering Haruhi and getting tangled in her hair as she struggled to adjust to the bright light. When she could finally see again, her eyes met with a scene she would never forget.

"What the actual f-"

"Welcome to the Ouran High School Host Club"