Day 7 for OQ Fix It Week: Dark OQ meets their grandchild.

It was strange seeing her Robin with a baby in his hands.

He stood across from her swaying from side to side, gently shushing the bundle in his arms. A smile went across the queen's face as she took in the sight of the two of them. She knew he wasn't the Robin she'd originally loved. Far from him they shared very few similarities. The greatest difference being that her Robin of Locksely rarely showed the paternal instincts of his predecessor. Even after nearly 15 years with Roland living with them in the castle he still came off as a long-lost uncle, always fun, rarely protective which was just as well considering that was all Roland had asked of him. This had always suited the Queen just fine. Oddly enough, she hadn't desired more children. The visits from her Little Prince and Roland's sunny presence had been enough to fill her heart.

But now watching him as he coos at the tiny baby girl in his arms she wonders… what if?

He looks over at her, sending a sympathetic smile as he nods toward the mirror in her hand. "Anything yet?"

"No."She sighs, disappointedly shaking her head. "I don't know who this Tremaine lady is but she's proven to be one elusive bitch."

Her grip on the mirror handle tightens, as she resists the urge to throw it against the wall. Uncertainty and terror swirls in her gut and her husband senses it's arrival. He moves to rest a hand on her shoulder, gently comforting her.

"Henry will be fine Regina," he promises. "He's got you to protect him."

She glares at him and he shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, half of you," he quickly amends. "Which I've always found to be more than enough."

She rolls her eyes. "I just can't help feeling like I should be out there with him."

"I know," said Robin. "But he asked us to stay here… if not for his sake then for hers."

He gestures toward the baby girl in his arms and Regina can't help the small smile that tugs on her lips. She's only known the little bug for less than a day but she's taken over her heart in the blink of an eye. Holding out her arms she gestures for Robin to pass her over and he happily acquiesces.

A pair of big brown eyes stare up her. Brown like hers, brown like Roland's and perhaps her mother's, a woman she has still yet to lay eyes on. She squashes down her irritation, in favor of adoration for the baby girl in her arms. Her tiny mouth opens letting out a soft little cry and Regina shushes her, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Oh I know, sweetheart. You miss your daddy," she coos. "But he'll be back. Just as soon as everything's safe."

Her heart skips a beat as she remembers the night before, when her son had appeared in the castle holding the baby girl the now rests in her arms. He'd barely stayed an hour before he was running through the portal once more, this time carrying the promise that his mother and her husband would look after his newborn daughter.

Regina looks down at her. "Don't you worry Lucy. Grandma and Grandpa are going to take such good care of you."

I hope you enjoyed it! Please leave a review!