Chapter 1: The Beginning of Blades

Summary: Naruto was born seven years before the Kyuubi attack and the fox was sealed into his younger sister after it rampaged across the village; unfortunately destroying his chakra network. His parent don't have the time to teach him so he looks to others to help him become a great shinobi in order to protect his family and friends. Unlimited Blade Works Naruto; Naruto x harem; slight Minato, Kushina and Jiraiya bashing; Light Sasuke bashing (Only for his arrogance); Alive Uchiha Clan.

Hi everyone, this is the rewrite for my Master of the Unlimited Blades, because I decided that I wanted to try the story from Naruto's point of view from losing his chakra network and gaining the Unlimited Blade Works to becoming a genin and up.

Also, for my reviewers on my Armored Titan story, I'm sorry that I haven't updated, I have been working on how to write this story and the prelims for my Shark Empress that I finally got an Idea of what to do, as well as trying to do an idea for Naruto/Fate Stay Night/Sword Art Online Crossover after reading Heaven's Feel written By: Unlimited Blade Works.

I will not be bashing Kushina and Minato for too long in this story, because I will make them come to an understanding of what they have done to their son by playing favorites.

Two Hours before the Kyuubi Attack in a cave in the Hokage Monument

For Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage and Yellow Flash of Konoha, October 10th had quickly begun as the Fifth happiest day in his young twenty-eight year old life, the first being when he finally got Kushina to be his girlfriend, the second when she became his wife, then when their first son Naruto was born and the Fourth time of when he became the Hokage of Konoha. Today Kushina was going to give birth to twins, a boy and a girl, he had always wanted a family from growing up an orphan and now his family was getting larger by adding two new people to their already three member family. But before that could happen; special preparations were needed to make sure everything went as planned, mainly because Kushina was the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Demon Fox, or better known to the world as the Kyuubi no Kitsune. The seal which held the Kyuubi would be severely weakened during the childbirth meaning that Minato had to hold it steady while the wet nurses were trying to get the twins from Kushina's womb; of course they were hoping everything went as smoothly as Naruto's birth had.

Everything for the last few hours had been going smoothly; the twins were finally out of their mother's womb, the girl, Benihime, being born first with a red tuft of hair on her head, after almost eleven hours of the Sandaime Hokage's wife, Biwako Sarutobi, yelling "PUSH!"

Unfortunately all of their happiness soon went downhill when they heard a low, threatening voice speak up behind them where Minato had set his newborn daughter to be cleaned by a young rusty haired nurse. "Hello Yondaime-san, hand over the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki and your daughter will live longer than a few seconds." Minato and Kushina quickly turned around to notice that the nurse who had been cleaning their new baby girl, Benihime, had a deep gash in her throat that almost had her head separated from her body, and standing over the woman's corpse was a man with an orange mask that only had one eyehole and several flame-like markings covering it, along with a black cloak that concealed his whole body, except for his arms which were covered by black sleeves and gloves, his black hair, short and spiky showing over the top of his mask. In his arms, resting peacefully was their newborn daughter, Benihime Uzumaki-Namikaze, and he was holding a kunai to the baby's throat.

"Oh my god, Benihime! Please don't hurt her!" Kushina pleaded as she reached out into the air for her newborn daughter. Minato reached for one of his special kunai and spoke, "Who are you and what do you want with Kushina?"

"More worried about your wife than your newborn daughter I see. Very well then Yondaime-san, I shall answer your question. My name is Madara Uchiha and I want what was stolen from me, the Kyuubi no Kitsune." The man chuckled darkly as he moved the blade closer to the baby.

Minato's and Kushina's eyes widened as the Yondaime positioned himself between the man holding their child and his terrified wife. "That's a lie, Madara Uchiha died in battle against the Shodaime over sixty-five years ago!"

"Hahaha that would be true if I wasn't an immortal, as you can see I am very much alive and I will claim what is rightfully mine!" The masked man roared at the end and he threw baby Benihime into the air above him and made a run towards Kushina.

"Save her Minato, save Benihime-chan! We will be alright," Kushina screamed and took their second child, before running to the exit of the small cavern that she had been giving birth in.

Minato ran towards Benihime and caught her before the newborn could become little more than a blood stain on the ground and then threw his kunai to Kushina to execute the technique that had ended the Third War, the Hiraishin. In a flash of bright yellow he was beside his crimson haired wife.

Just then Madara grabbed Kushina's right arm and yanked her towards him. In a moment of desperation she handed their newborn son to the Yondaime, "Take them to safety then come back for me!"

Minato only nodded to his beloved crimson haired wife and disappeared in yet another brilliant yellow flash, bringing the two newborns to a cottage in the forest close to the Hokage Monument and lying them gently on a couple of pillows. Then he used his prized jutsu again, appearing back into the cave.

But the cavern was now deserted, save for the dead bodies of the ANBU guarding them and the wet nurses, besides Biwako Sarutobi, who was unconscious next to the door with a Kunai lodged in the base of her spine.


Present Time

Tonight was October 10th, a calm night and uneventful day that would seem very common in the eyes of anybody that had been going about their day to day lives. However no one person, be it shinobi or civilian, was prepared for an attack by none other than the Kyuubi no Kitsune, the most powerful of the Nine Bijuu that roamed the Elemental Nations, that had just appeared out of nowhere with no warning whatsoever. Roaring, it began to rampage on the village hidden in Leaves, better known as Konohagakure no Sato, as the Village's shinobi began to run towards the rampaging mass of chakra to protect their homes and families.

As the shinobi forces attacked the beast to try and stop its advance, the village civilians as well as the low ranking chunin and genin of leaf shinobi were taken to the bunkers inside the Hokage Monument.

One Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime Hokage and a man once hailed as a God of Shinobi, led the charge against the beast that he knew should have been sealed away inside his successor's wife and fearing for his own wife since she was helping the woman give birth to her children. "Come on, we can win against this beast!" Hiruzen yelled as he used his transformed Monkey Boss Summon, Enma, Bo Staff form to push the raging beast outside of the village that his family and friends lived in. All of his shinobi roared in agreement as they redoubled their attempts to push the Kyuubi away from Konoha.


Namikaze-Uzumaki Compound

Not liking being forced to stay in his sensei's manor while the battle was going on, Kakashi Hatake, currently an Anbu and one of the two remaining students of Minato Namikaze, and his self proclaimed eternal rival Gai Maito with his only remaining teammate, Rin Nohara, stood silently as the trio observed the colossal orange beast rampaging just outside of their home with emotionless looks on their faces. All the while making sure that the seven year old son of the Yondaime Hokage was kept safe.

As they observed and watched the roaring monster, a small whimper came from behind the three shinobi making them turn around and made their eyes soften.

Standing behind them was a little seven year old Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze, wearing the orange and red pajamas with little Uzumaki swirls decorating around them that his mother had gotten him and a little orange robe wrapped around his small seven year old frame. He had his father's spiky blonde hair and tanned skin, and even had a similar personality to the Yondaime which made him quite smart for his age. He had inherited his stormy grey eyes from his mother Kushina Uzumaki.

He was born on September 10th and had just celebrated his seventh birthday a month ago with his father, who managed to get away from the Hokage desk, and his heavily pregnant mother who was expecting twins. His parents adored him and spoiled him often, though they were happy that their son was always kind and never acting superior to others despite always being spoiled for being their little angel. He was a very kind, fun loving though quiet boy who loved his parents, especially his mother.

Naruto had been very excited when he found out he was going to have little siblings to spoil and protect, and he did his best to help his crimson haired mother around the house and the village. Sometimes he had even talked to his soon to be siblings in his mother's stomach which always made Kushina smile at him happily.

"Kakashi-niisan, Rin-neechan; where are Kaa-chan and Tou-san?" He asked, before he jumped in terror as he caught sight of the beast rampaging.

Rin smiled as she sat down on her knees and picked the mini-me of her sensei up in her arms to sooth him. "Your Kaa-chan and Tou-san will be okay Naruto. Remember your Tou-san is the strongest in the village and your mother is no pushover either," the brunette medical Kunoichi said, trying to lift the boy's spirits.

"B-But Kaa-chan has my baby siblings in her tummy. What if she gets hurt?" Naruto whimpered as they watched as one of the giant tails of the Kyuubi come crashing down with an earth shattering boom onto one of the civilian housing sectors.

"That won't happen Naru-chan. Minato-sensei won't let any harm come to them while he's still alive. You have my word on it otouto," Kakashi said patting the boy's head, Naruto nodded to his adopted older brother as he nuzzled into the fourteen year old girl's neck, drawing a small blush from the brunette medical nin.

Gai was silent as he continued to watch as the elite shinobi of his village tried to push the Kyuubi away, but were getting thrown away almost effortlessly by the fox when it swiped its tails.

Just as it looked like the demon was going to storm forward to destroy the gate completely a large staff that was black with white tips, struck it on the beast's chest and threw the fox away and out of the village. When the Kyuubi turned around in rage to find where that attack had come from, it spotted Hiruzen Sarutobi, the former Hokage, standing on top of the massive wooden Gate; leading what appeared to be his old teammates, Homura and Koharu, and a contingent of the village's top Anbu.

"Saru-Jiji," Naruto muttered sleepily as Rin and the two others gave a smile when they turned to see the legendary shinobi going to battle the Kyuubi while the younger generation smiled at the arrival of the powerful Kage. As they watched the Sandaime battle with the Kyuubi with long range support from some of the other leaf shinobi and Koharu and Homura.

Soon they saw a massive cloud of smoke blast up before the Kyuubi revealing a colossal orange and red toad wearing a purple coat with a katana at its waist; this was the Toad Boss Gamabunta. Another blast of smoke that was smaller than the first joined Gamabunta, revealing a purple toad wielding a shield and what looked to be a two pronged spiked club as the smoke cloud disappeared. On top of the Toads' heads was none other than Jiraiya of the Sannin and his student, Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage.

When the four of them saw Jiraiya and Minato appear and begin pushing the Kyuubi back, the four of them and the shinobi population began cheering, believing that their victory would be assured.


With The Shinobi

"Jiraiya-kun, Minato-chan," Sarutobi greeted a little out of breath as the teacher and student nodded towards the aged Kage.

"Sarutobi-sensei, Minato-kun. If the Kyuubi is here I can only guess something went wrong with Kushina's seal while she was in labor?" Jiraiya asked as he looked over at the only person present to fill them in on what had happened.

"Yes there was, I'll explain what happened later. But now, we have to keep the Kyuubi away and weaken it until I can seal it properly. No matter what," Minato said with steel in his voice as he looked over at his sensei and his predecessor.

However just as the fox was about to launch an attack towards them, Minato appeared above the Kyuubi's head looking a little beaten up and then disappeared with the Kyuubi in a yellow flash away from the village making everything suddenly go quiet, the only sounds being where the beast's tails had struck as it was teleported away.

"Where did they go?" Jiraiya asked as they began to scanning the area's before they saw a large explosion a few miles out form the village.

"Over there!" A Lion masked Anbu shouted before he, his squad, Jiraiya and Hiruzen began running as fast as they could towards the area behind the Hokage Monument with the two massive summons carrying the two Kage level shinobi.


Behind the Monument

Kushina breathed in deep labored breaths as her legendary chakra chains shot out of her back towards the Kyuubi to keep it in place while her husband worked to set up the sealing array needed for sealing a Bijuu, before he disappeared in a yellow flash.

Moments later the blonde haired Hokage appeared in front of her in a yellow flash. In his hands was their newborn daughter, Benihime.

The Uzumaki woman's body felt like it was being ripped apart from the inside from having the Kyuubi ripped out of its seal on her stomach, but her strong will kept her awake so she could stop the monster that was threatening to destroy her home. She would not let her family and the village die because of some madman who thought he was a century old missing nin.

"I'm sorry Kushina, but this is the only way," Minato said solemnly as he looked at his tired and strained wife, not wanting to do this as much as she didn't. "You will die if we seal Kyuubi back into you and I can't let that happen. I can't let our kids live a life without their mother to watch over and guide them."

Kushina did not like it in the slightest, never wanting her own children to go through the curse of being a Jinchuuriki, but she knew it had to be done or else the Kyuubi would level their home. But to make her own children carry such a burden made a dent in her heart.

"How are we going to seal it?" Kushina asked as she tried to stand up, but she went back to her knees as the Uzumaki clan head felt the Kyuubi struggling against her chakra chains. Though she was a Fuinjutsu master due to having the blood of the Uzumaki clan flowing through her, there were only a few methods of sealing that could contain the Kyuubi inside a vessel and knew there would be a struggle since the Kyuubi no doubt did not want to go back to be sealed inside a human again.

"I have a plan for that. I can sense Jiraiya-sensei and Sarutobi-sama are on their way here. When they get here we will perform a powerful sealing method. Once we get it trapped, I will seal it away with the Eight Trigrams seal and the variation of the Dead Demon Consuming Seal that Jiraiya-sensei and I came up with."

Kushina bit her lip as she thought over her husband's words, it was not the best idea but it could work. The Eight Trigrams seal would definitely hold the Kyuubi and any Bijuu it was used on, she just hoped it would be enough.

"INCOMING," Gamabunta shouted as the Kyuubi got one of its claws out of the chains and sent it towards them, the target of his claw was the baby Benihime.

"NO!" The two Kage level parents shouted as they jumped to protect their daughter from the death that one claw hoped to obtain.

They waited for the strike to hit, but suddenly heard a loud gong like sound. Turning to look behind themselves, they saw Gamaken had deflected the Kyuubi's claw with his shield while they saw Hiruzen and Jiraiya jumping down from the toad along with their Anbu.

"Minato!" Jiraiya yelled out and he sent a blast of fire from his mouth in the Kyuubi's direction, Hiruzen took in the state of everything and motioned a petite green haired female Anbu to begin healing Kushina as their Yondaime explained the plan to make his daughter a Jinchuuriki to them all.

The newly arrived shinobi all looked down at the girl that had only been brought into this world a mere thirty minutes ago in sadness, each and every one of them knowing what Jinchuuriki had to deal with in their life.

"Does anyone know if Naruto-chan is okay?" Kushina asked as she looked up from where she was being healed, while Jiraiya and the Anbu captain decided to try and keep the Bijuu back, thinking about her oldest child.

She saw Hiruzen nod his head in affirmation as he readied himself to fight back the Kyuubi should it get past his student, "Last time I looked he was in the Namikaze-Uzumaki Compound being looked after by Kakashi, Gai and Rin. He is safe and is unharmed."

Kushina nodded thankfully and breathed in a happy sigh, knowing that her little Naruto was safe and had not been caught in the fox's rampage.

As the Anbu healed Kushina's body enough for her to move and access her chakra from her slightly damaged coils due to having Kyuubi ripped out, Hiruzen switched with Jiraiya to face the Kyuubi, while the three seal masters took up their stations around the newborn to begin the sealing process that would imprison the enraged Bijuu once again.

From where Minato stood, he placed his hand on the ground, a summoning array spreading beneath him and a small alter appeared before him.

He gently placed his newborn daughter upon the cushion and stared down at her. Benihime was surprisingly sound asleep despite all the noise generated by the Kyuubi's roars and the battle. With a heavy heart, Minato began drawing on the necessary symbols with his blood around the baby and onto the baby girl's stomach.

After a moment the seal was ready.

"Everyone get ready! It is TIME!" Minato shouted to his crimson haired wife and his old teacher, getting nods from the both of them as Kushina broke the steady stream of chakra that was feeding her chains, forcing the golden chains binding the Kyuubi to dissipate.

Gamaken and Gamabunta did their best to hold the powerful demon down as well as Hiruzen and the recently retransformed Enma, but this certain Bijuu was the most powerful of the tailed beasts for a reason and was very quickly getting out of their grasp.

Minato nodded as he, Kushina and Jiraiya all channeled their chakra into the seal placed on the Baby's navel.

"Eight Trigrams Seal!" Minato shouted as he directed the other two seal masters and their chakra burst from all around them beginning to create a large net that had what seemed to be hooked.

Gamaken, Gamabunta, Hiruzen and Enma all saw the sealing jutsu get activated and quickly jumped up and away from the Kyuubi as the sealing array began to close in around the Kyuubi and began to wrap around him.

"RRRRRROOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAARRRRRR!" Was the earsplitting sound that shook the earth as the Fox fought against the chakra created net that was wrapping itself around the demon's body.

"Keep going. We need to give the seal more chakra," Minato shouted over the noise to the others who nodded and gritted their teeth as they all poured out more chakra, Gamabunta and Gamaken joining their own to the pool.

The Kyuubi tried to break free, straining against the net of chakra, but the Sandaime jumped forward with Enma back in his adamantine staff and with a mighty swing, struck the Kyuubi across the face, making it stumble back in surprise.

"You are too dangerous to be allowed to roam around the world freely, Kyuubi," Hiruzen snarled as he watched the beast fall backwards.

A snarl ripped from its massive maw as the demon fox began to struggle against the net of seals even more. Making the three seal masters and two summons have a moment of hard struggle from the strain on their networks.

"NOOOOOO!" Kyuubi roared as he thrashed around more, only for the net to fully secure him to the ground. Minato looked down at his daughter with a sad and apologetic look on his face before he glared straight at the beast that had broken free from his wife and made the necessary hand seals.

"DEAD DEMON BREAKTHROUGH SEAL!" The blonde Kage roared as the blood marking and kanji's he made earlier began to move onto the baby's stomach and wrap around in a spiral like formation with eight kanji around it and a Yin/Yang symbol forming at the center of the seal.

The Kyuubi's body dispersed into a giant shroud of orange chakra as it was being pulled towards the seal on his daughter's stomach, the Kyuubi's head being the only thing still intact as it was sucked in, its mouth gaping open in a silent roar of rage and hate.

Eventually the Kyuubi had completely vanished leaving only the Anbu, Summons and four Kage level shinobi and a baby left in the area.

When it was over the area became silent despite the gasps for breath as they all gathered to look at the sleeping baby, thinking how unfair it was that after just being born not even an hour ago, that she already had to carry such a heavy burden for the rest of her life.

"Beni-chan," Kushina muttered happily as she scooped her daughter up into a hug and she held the baby's tiny head to her own. Though her exhaustion from the battle and childbirth finally hit her and she collapsed onto the ground with her back against the podium, her exhaustion finally taking over.

"Kushina-chan!" Minato shouted in worry as Hiruzen picked up Benihime, holding the newborn as the petite Anbu from before began using medical chakra on her until they could get to the Hospital and to Tsunade, who unknown to everyone had been passed out in her home from drinking since before the attack, not knowing that there had been a Bijuu rampaging in her village.

The Anbu checked her pulse and her breathing and smiled, letting go her pent up breath. "She will be fine, Hokage-sama. Though I think we should get Lady Tsunade to look at her. She is just exhausted which I am not surprised about after what she had been through today."

"I have a few Anbu bodyguards looking after little Kenshin. And we have a private room set up for her that we were going to transfer her too once the twins were birthed," Minato said.

"Flash her there and make sure to put her straight to bed," Hiruzen ordered his successor "I will take care of the Hokage duties until you and Kushina are ok again and I will bring your son Naruto to see you while I do it." Minato nodded in agreement to the previous Hokage's words and he knelt down picking Kushina up bridal style, Jiraiya getting ready to follow after them with baby Benihime in his arms.

Minato was about to go before he gained a panicked look on his face and looked over at Hiruzen. "Hiruzen-dono, send some Anbu to the cave, Biwako is still alive, she is just badly injured," he said urgently.

The older man nodded his thanks to Minato and sent a mouse masked Anbu to collect her and take his wife to the hospital.

No longer needing to stay in the devastated area, Jiraiya and Minato disappeared in a yellow flash, heading towards the Hospital.


Namikaze-Uzumaki Compound; thirty minutes later

Hiruzen and his shinobi came upon a horrifying sight as they saw the home of their Hokage had the western side of the mansion crushed, prompting them to run towards their destination in great haste and a sense of dread. "Naruto! Kakashi!" Hiruzen shouted in terror as he imagined the young seven year old that he saw as a grandson being crushed by the giant fox's flailing tails.

"Sandaime-sama!?" The familiar voice of Maito Gai shouted out from beneath a large pile of wood, rubble and steel that he was holding up to keep it off of his injured comrades.

"Gai! Where are Naruto and the others!? Are they okay?" The former Kage asked with tears threatening to spill down his face.

The shinobi could make out the soot covered face of the Green beast as he moved his head to look through the hole that was made by him head butting the stone in front of him, a large gash on his cheek and forehead. "They are all in here with me Sir!" Gai shouted before he looked back behind him with a grimace, his arms tired from holding the massive beams up. "But Naruto and Kakashi aren't looking so good, they're both unconscious. Rin is keeping them stable, and Kakashi has a large gash on his chest."

Gai turned back to look at the Sandaime, "We need to get out of here and get Naruto to the hospital now! He was closest to the Bijuu's tail when it came down and I think that some of its chakra seeped into his system."

Alarm spread across the faces of the shinobi gathered around the rubble and they leapt forward with their leader, quickly digging the rubble away from the four injured villagers and to take the weight off of Gai's arms so he could move and help them.

Once they removed enough rubble, an Anbu helped Rin drag Kakashi out while Hiruzen picked Naruto up into his arms, the three of them raced towards the hospital, Naruto in the Kage's arms, while Kakashi's arms were hooked around his teammate and Anbu's necks. Leaving the rest of the squad to finish digging Gai out from under the support beams and roof.

It did not take the scared Kage long to reach the hospital, though when he got there; everything was in a rush as stretchers ran down the halls with dozens of injured people being carried on them were brought in and some of the nurses working on the injured in the lobbies or in the hallways.

He spotted his student Tsunade's apprentice Shizune ordering a few nurses while setting a broken arm of a young kunoichi, quickly showing how far her studies with Tsunade were coming along. He even saw his last student Orochimaru helping, having arrived back from his S-rank mission during the final part of the sealing.

Hiruzen rushed over to the two of them, gaining their attention when they saw Naruto unconscious in his arms and his distraught face. The two of them took an empty stretcher that a man who just died from blood loss was taken from. Shizune set the boy down on the bedding, before Orochimaru started pushing past everyone intent on getting to the emergency section of the Hospital.


An Hour Later

Leaving the operation room where little Naruto was resting after a scary surgery that was performed by Shizune, Orochimaru and a dozen other medics. Hiruzen walked down a quiet corridor before stopping at the last room that was at the very end of the hallway.

"Here we go," Sarutobi sighed, hating being the bearer of bad news, as he opened the door and walked inside, he immediately spotted Minato talking with Jiraiya and a sober Tsunade in the corner of the room with serious expressions covering their faces as they talked about whether or not they should tell the populace about Benihime being a Jinchuuriki; while Kushina was laying tiredly in her bed with blankets covering her to her chest.

The aged Kage saw they were all looking tired from the night's events, especially Minato with his clothes ripped in a few places and he rubbed his sky blue eyes a little.

"Minato," Hiruzen said quietly. He saw Minato look in his direction and a smile appear on the twenty-eight year olds face.

"Hiruzen-sama," he said leaving the corner and expecting his predecessor to be with his son. "Where is Naruto?"

At the downcast look on the old man's face, Minato and the others grew terrified at the thought of what could have happened to the seven year old Namikaze-Uzumaki Heir. "I'm sorry Minato, but your son was crippled when the Kyuubi's tail landed on your home," He said, holding up a hand when he saw Minato about to interrupt with a flurry of questions. "While he is capable of doing anything a civilian can and has full use of his body, from what Gai-san said when he told me about the situation; Naruto was the closest to the Kyuubi's tail when it hit the house and he appears to have absorbed some of the fox's chakra into his system, destroying his chakra coils and network."

The gasps from everyone, especially the newly awakened Kushina filled the room. "Where is Naruto-chan?!" Kushina ask frantically, "Where is my Baby!?"

Tsunade moved over to the bed and pushed Kushina back onto the bed, not allowing her to break bed-rest as Hiruzen spoke up again. "He is currently in the emergency room resting after his surgery performed by Orochimaru and Shizune to see if they could heal him, but from Orochimaru's observations, we got to Naruto too late, the chakra had been in his system for too long."

To say that the boy's parents were devastated would be an understatement, as they just heard one of their close friends tell them that their son could never become a ninja like he had wanted to.

"Can we see him?" Minato asked as he looked at the older man. Hiruzen shook his head in the negative, "Orochimaru wanted me to come get Tsunade for a final opinion, right now he is in a small medically induced coma to keep him from feeling the pain." He said, getting a nod from the busty medic as she left to go check on her godson.

"How did everything go so wrong so fast?" Minato asked himself after a few moments of silence once everyone had left the room and his wife had fallen back into a fitful sleep, as he stared out at the stars from the window his wife's bed was next to. "What are we going to do now?"

So how did you guys like this chapter, I took so damn long on it. Trying to figure out how to do his accident and all that. I have a new policy for reviews, I will only accept reviews that have critique but no flames that are just meant to put someone down, those types of flames I report to admin and police if they reach into cyber bullying. So please use your brains, cyber bullying is a real crime and they do arrest people for it.

Now Naruto will be getting the Blade Works after a month has passed from Orochimaru when the Snake finds an artifact from the distant past that our favorite Rin Tohsaka used to put an imprint of Archer/Shirou's soul into. Orochimaru uses this to give Naruto the Blade Works, Naruto will still be best friends with Anko and Itachi and there will still be a harem, only smaller than the last.

I hope you enjoyed this, here is Naruto's team that will be shown in two or three chapters, I don't know yet. P.S. Itachi is on a Team with Izumo and Kotetsu.

Team 5: Team Orochimaru

Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze- Genin of Konoha Squad 5- Wind Elements- Unlimited Blade Works/Uzumaki Chakra Kekkei Genkai- Bukijutsu/Taijutsu Specialist- Projected Weapons, Kunai, Shuriken, Body Armor.- Genin Graduation Age: 8

Ryo Sarutobi- Genin of Konoha Squad 5- Fire Element- Monkey Summoning Contract- Ninjutsu/Bojutsu Specialist- Bo Staff, Kunai, Shuriken, Scrolls, Explosives.- Genin Graduation Age: 12

Anko Mitarashi- Genin of Konoha Squad 5, Snake Mistress- Fire Element- Snake Summoning Contract- Ninjutsu/Taijutsu Specialist- Kunai, Shuriken, Katana, Explosives, Scrolls, Poison, Senbon.- Genin Graduation Age: 9

Orochimaru- Konoha Squad 5 Sensei, Legendary Three Sannin, The Snake Sannin- Wind/Earth Elements- Snake Summoning Contract- Ninjutsu/Fuinjutsu Specialist- Kusanagi Sword, Kunai, Shuriken, Explosives, Scrolls, Poison, Senbon, Seals.- Age: 48

Ryo is an Oc of mine that I made to be the Great Nephew of Hiruzen.

Here's his Bio:

Name: Ryo Sarutobi

Aliases: Monkey in the Trees.

Occupation: Konoha Shinobi


Part I: 12 to 13

Hair Color: Chestnut Brown

Eye Color: Green

Affiliations: Konohagakure; Sarutobi Clan; Konoha Squad Five.


Part I: Genin

Bingo Book Ranking: Ryo Sarutobi, The Monkey Hiding in the Trees

Part I: C to B

Armament: Bo Staff, kunai, shuriken, explosives, scrolls, Monkey Contract.

Kekkei Genkai: None

Specialties: Taijutsu, Speed, Tracking and Stealth, Bojutsu, Ninjutsu, Recon.

Chakra Elements:

Fire (Affinity)

Strength: High Genin

Endurance: Low Chunin

Stamina: Low Chunin

Agility: Mid Chunin

Chakra Levels: High Chunin


Ninjutsu: Mid Chunin

Taijutsu: Low Jounin

Genjutsu: Academy Standards

Bojutsu: High Chunin

Range of Attacks: Close, Mid

Likes: Training, his team, Kurenai Yuuhi (Crush), his great uncle, fighting strong opponents.

Dislikes: People who act like he is dirt, Uchiha clan (Except Itachi and Mikoto), bananas for the monkey jokes.

Hobbies: Training, sparring with his squad, stalking Kurenai.

Dream: To become the strong shinobi and make Hiruzen proud.


Sarutobi Baiken (His Mother, Elite Jounin, The Shredding Death; Age: 32)

Sarutobi Naga (His Infant Sister; Age: 3 months)

Sarutobi Mako (His Grandfather, Retired Jounin Commander, The Sarutobi Black Ape; Age: 59)

Sarutobi Hiruzen (His Great Uncle, The Sandaime Hokage, The Professor, God of Shinobi; Age: 56)

Sarutobi Biwako (His Great Aunt, Retired Jounin, Cripple; Age: 54)

Sarutobi Kyaba (His Great Cousin, Elite Jounin; Age: 22)

Sarutobi Asuma (His Great Cousin, Jounin, Member of the Guardian Twelve Shinobi; Age: 16)

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