Screaming, fire, a bright flash, cries for help, pain. The moment, the moment has arrrived! Your nothing but a freak! The scream continued for the longest time.

There was a hand held out in front of her, "are you are right?" The voice asked gently

... ...

Loud obnoxious electronic beeping woke Elisabeth up with a loud gasp looking over to see it was just her stupid alarm clock she groaned falling back on to her pillows.

Ah,theses nightmares are getting worse, Elisabeth thought, sometimes she feels like she didn't even go to bed.

Elisabeth untangled herself from her blanket nearly tripping of said blanket. With a grumpy huff of air, she dragged herself towards the bathroom to take a shower.

20 minutes later Elisabeth was toweling off her long dark wet hair in front of her. She combed her fingers through the damp locks to tame it into a neat sidesplit,to cover the left side of her face, she applied a fair amount of cover up to her face just incase,Elisabeth glanced at the hair dryer and then at the clock, sighing at the bright red lights that proudly declared it was '7:30'. Resigning herself to going to work with damp, wavy messy hair, she padded over to her small dresser.

Elisbeth pulled the open small dewar and grabbed a dark blue blouse that she tucked into a black skirt. she put on her black flats before grabbing her mobile and bag and striding out of her room.

She had to at least appear professional, or at least presentable, not like anyone really cared how she looked she would always be treated the same, but it always made her feel better about her self that she actually was dressed from her job, than showing up looking like a homeless person.

she rushed out the door,locking it behind her of course, eager to keep her reputation as a punctual, reliable employee even though she moslikely kept her head down.

The combined expenses of collage classes and their usual costs of living were too much to handle without taking a gap year, and she needed to save up as much money as possible so she could continue with her education - her passion, considering she was barely finished and had a ton of fees she had to pay, Elisabeth thought herself lucky to have gotten this rather well paying job,after having no experience or records. She couldn't give her boss any reason to fire her until she'd saved up enough money to pay up all of her bills.

After 9 hours slaving away at putting up boxes and hanging up clothes neatly so they could be put in the store later on.

Pulling out her clipboard, and her phone to check the time, Elisabeth checked her to-do list. There was only two minutes left until everyone was sent home, and she still had to get the new inventory of electrical equipment to Wilson. Sighing heavily, she set upon the task immediately, walking back to her desk to print a copy of the list before setting off. Why Wilson wouldn't just accept an email attachment, she would never because he was just old fashioned, but she didn't mind Wilson was one of the only friends she had or that even cared she was around, Wilson would say how just having her stop by makes his day a little better.

"Wilson? Wilson, it's Elisabeth, I have the inventory. Wilson!" she called, knocking on the man's workshop door. She peered down the dark hallway, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn't be murdered that night, god she needed to stop watching horror movies.

Elizabeth readjusted her small purse that was strapped arocss her chest and gripped her clipboard in anxiety. She was rather uneasy at this unnatural silence. Why wasn't Wilson answering her? she had a bad filling in the bottom of her stomach.

Hearing a clatter further down the corridor, the young woman treaded into the darkness, and entered a storage area full of boxed clothes and mannequins.

Those mannequins always gave her the creeps for so odd reason.

"Wilson, are you in here?" Elisabeth pressed her ear against an employees-only door, hoping to hear the electrician confirming that he was, indeed, there.

She had left the double doors leading into the storage space open in case it locked automatically, but now they suddenly slammed shut. Alarmed, she rushed towards them. The doors wouldn't open no matter how hard she pulled and tugged; the endeavor merely left her with red hands, a slightly warped door handle, and no way out.

She walked further into the area to try to find another exit. Hearing the sound of squeaking plastic, Elisabeth stopped and tilted her head slightly to the left. When she saw movement from the corner of her eye she whirled around to fully face the potential axe-murderer,her hart beating fast and hard in her chest.

It wasn't a psychopath wielding a bloody knife thank god.

Rather, one of the plastic dummies was advancing on her, somehow that much more threatening for its artificial features and pleasant expression.

"If this is a prank, it's not very funny," Elisabeth informed the approaching plastic figures. She brandished her clipboard at the closest dummy, scowling furiously at it.

As dummies began to crowd her on all sides, the young woman found herself increasingly panicked.

"Whose idea was this? Is it Derek's? Derek, is this you?" Derek was the workplace prankster, and held a bit of a grudge against her after the seventh time she rejected him constintly,Not that that had stopped him from a eighth ,ninth, and tenth pass, he even made it a point to mess with her everyday.

Elisabeth tripped over a set of boxes and found herself plastered against a wall, her head pressed hard against a pipe as she furiously tried to find an escape path.

The only mannequin trying to outright hurt her was the one directly in her eyesight, so she inched to her left, where she could feel a draft. Hopefully, that meant there was an open doorway or window, and not a malfunctioning fan.

Just as the dummy raised its arm to attack, Elisabeth found a large, warm hand fitting perfectly into her own. The world seemed to slow as she turned her head and drowned in electric blue eyes,her hart flew.


The world sped back up and her attacker struck the pipe behind her mere moments after she was pulled away.

Elisabeth and the mystery man deftly avoided the clear strips of plastic that briefly waylaid the dummies and sped down the dark hall into a service lift. Staring anxiously at the approaching plastic men, the two pressed themselves against the back of the lift as they waited for the doors to close.

One of the dummies managed to get its arm into the lift before it closed off completely. The stranger grappled with the arm, until Elisabeth smacked the edge of her clipboard against the dummy's shoulder violently.

It finally came off with a pop.

She gaped at the item in the stranger's hands. "We pulled his arm off!"

"Yep. Plastic." He offered the arm to her.

"Okay, so I guess it's not students."

"What? Why not?"

She took the arm and examined it, allowing most of the adrenaline to drain away from her body. She could try to think logically now that she wasn't scared out of her wits. "At first I thought, 'must be students, to get that many people dressed up and being silly', but the arm detached much too cleanly... and it's solid plastic all the way through. Then I would have said, 'remote control', but as far as I know, remote control can't move around solid plastic limbs, especially not without framework, which there clearly isn't. Besides, that wouldn't account for the elbow, which was fluid earlier but apparently has no joint. The only remaining explanation that I can think of is highly improbable; shop windows dummies are not sentient like in Toy Story."

Elisabeth looked up. The man had been staring blankly at her since 'I thought' (most people tended to phase out when she spoke her thought processes aloud, or use not listen to her at all) but now his face was split into a wide, delighted grin that made her feel tingly all over.

Stop it, she told herself, trying to keep her normally tractable hormones in check. He probably smiles this way at everyone. You aren't special.

She was horribly unsuccessful.

"Impressive! Not just your typical dumb ape then; you're actually quite clever. Good for you."

Elisbeth crinkled her nose at the possibly patronizing compliment but let it slide.

"So the dummies are sentient?"

"Nah, not exactly. Your remote controlled theory was closer. But you'd be surprised."

She paused for a moment, remembering the reason she had been in the basement in the first place. "Wait, what about Wilson?"

"Who's Wilson?"

"Henrik's chief electrician."

"Wilson's dead," he told her gravely.

The lift doors slid open, but Elisabeth couldn't bring herself to move. The man stood still and watched her.

"That's- but, tears welling up in here eyes, he was my only friend she whispered,that the man was almost sure he imagined it. Wilson didn't deserve to die. He had a wife, and kids-" Elisabeth grit her teeth against the tears that where treating you spill.. "Whoever's controlling the dummies has to be stopped. You're gon' stop them, right? That's why you're here? I want to help, but I'm probably just gonna get in your way." She winced at the Cockney leaking out from her distress.

The stranger looked into her eyes and nodded. "I'll stop them. I promise."

His hand then shot out - impossibly fast - and caught the closing lift doors. He strode out and took a strange silver instrument to the lift mechanisms, making them spark brightly as he disabled the lifts with a high-pitched warble.

Elisabeth decided she liked that curious noise.

When the stranger started walking again, she took a deep breath and hurried to catch up.

"Who are you, then? Will you explain what's happening?" The man glanced at her without turning his head.

"Those were living plastic creatures, though not sentient in the way you're thinking. They're being controlled by a relay device on the roof, which would put you in a spot of trouble if I didn't have this." He waved a small beeping device - a bomb, probably - that he pulled out of his jacket. "So I'm going to go up there and blow them up, and I might well die in the process, but don't worry about me. No, you go home. Go and live your clever little life, and forget all about what happened tonight. Don't tell anyone about this, because if you do, you'll get them killed."

He motioned her through a metal door. Stepping through it, Elisabeth realised he'd led her outside, into a deserted alleyway. He waved at her and shut the door behind him, missing her wince.

She was going to worry about him. She couldn't help it. She felt like she knew him some how.

"If i' means anything, I don't ' want ' you to die. Please don' get hurt '," she told the door.

Just as she was about to turn and leave, the door opened again and the man peered out with another grin, just as wide as the other, but somehow more manic.

"I'm the Doctor, by the way. What's your name?"

"E- Elisabeth"

"Nice to meet you, Elisabeth. Run for your life!" She smiled at him and turned to rush out of the alley.

Elisabeth heard the doors slam shut as she stepped onto the sidewalk, rejoining the rest of civilization. She reached the other side of the street without incident, and turned to stare at her workplace.

Nothing happened for about a minute.

Then the air pulsed with anticipation once, twice, three times...

The Henrik's building suddenly roared with a inferno that blazed first on the roof before speeding downwards, furiously destroying the infrastructure one floor at a time. The flames licked hungrily out the windows but thankfully remained within the confines of the building.

The people on the sidewalk screamed as glass rained down on them. Glad that Henrik's used tempered glass for all their windows, after watching the building burn for a few minutes Elisabeth turned on her heel and briskly walked back home.

Elisabeth only remembered the arm still gripped tighly in her hand when she was already halfway there. Deciding that even if the plastic reanimated , it was far enough from her flat for her to safe, she tossed the thing in a dumpster and went on her way, feeling silly when she zigzagged through different alleys, backtracked down a few streets and took a series of detours just in case.

Elisabeth shuffled into the sitting room and stared at the television as it proclaimed, "The whole of Central London has been closed off as police investigate the fire."

The image of the burning Henrik's building on television somehow made the events of that evening seem more real, as if she'd been trying to pass everything off as a dream before now, wouldn't be the fist time she's had werid dreams fire or death.

Elisabeth gave the newsreader her attention again. "... fire then spread throughout the store. Fifteen fire crews are in attendance though it's thought there is very little chance of saving the infrastructure."

Having turned in early the night before,Elisabeth easily woke to her alarm and turned off the asked to the bathroom to stepped into the shower and let the hot water soothe her tense muscles.

She didn't have work now. What would she do today?

She had no way to make money now,she still had payments for her art class to make, oh god she could lose the only place of home she has left.

She felt so useless, what would she do now, she had to pay rent tomorrow, and it's not like will give her more time to pay, she was lucky he gave her time to get job to pay him in the first place, now... Now she has no idea what do,theres no way anyone would hire her, she had no records hell she didn't even know if willams was her real last name or not.

Elisbeth stepped out of the shower smelling of vanilla and lavender. She dried herself quickly and sped through the rest of her morning routine, once again not bothering with the hairdryer. Today, she decided on a sweater dress,with black leggings and her favorite flats. It was wonderful, wearing the comfortable clothes she loved rather than the posh looking costumes she had to put on for work.

Elizabeth was putting the finishing touches on her breakfast when she heard rattling from the front door. She fished cooking placed the plate of buttered toast, eggs and sausages on the kitchen counter before heading off to the door.

Elisabeth walked twords the front door hopping and pray its not someone trying to break in. Frowning in confusion, she bent down and peered through the small opening.

Nothing was there, she opened the door to look around finding nobody there.

Shrugging her shoulders thinking nothing of it she went back inside.

After she fished eating she put up the dishes and went to go sit on the sofa taking her sketch book with her, thinking of more wonderful ideas for her next project, maybe she could sell one to pay for some of the rent, her thoughts her interrupted when something came flying at her causing her her to scream loudly.

It was the Mankin arm!, It was latched on to her throat, It was strangling her, it was trying to kill her!

Why she was struggling it managed to slice her with one of the sharp edges on its fingers,on her lips she could already taste the blood.

She suddenly herd what appeared to be her front door, being kick open with a loud bang.

Then she herd some kind of swirling noise then the arms was taken away from her throat causing her gasp and cough for air.

"Are you alright?" a male voice asked beside her.

Elisabeth turned to see the same man from last night kneeling next to her the Mankin arm in his hand.

"You!", Elisabeth said

"You!" the doctor said

"What Are you doing here?"he asked.

"I, what am I doing here?, I live here."she said still gasping for breath.

"Well what would you won't to do that for?" he asked

"Because I no longer have a job since someone desired to blow it up."

"Are you alright?" he asked gently seeing how she was holding her neck and caught sight of the small cut that was on her lip.

"Yeah just peachy!, nothing I love better in the morning is nearly getting strangled to death by a Dame plastic arm that decided to follow me home."she asked sarcastically

The doctor laughed but stopped when Elisabeth looked at him sharply.

"It's OK I've stopped it, see the signal it's gone."he said trying to reassure her

"Thank you."she whispered getting up slowly the room started to spin and she nearly feel if the doctor didn't grabbed he arm at the last second.

"You alright?" He asks damage more serious.

"Yes, yes am fine." she said her voice cracking her throat hurt more than she was letting on.

Sighing, the Doctor decided he had overstayed his welcome. He turned and rushed out.

He'd hoped to do the damn girl and her fantastic smelling hair a favor by leaving.

But she was following him.

Why was she following him?

"Why are you following me?"

"Well I can't just let you go swanning off, can I?"

"Yes you can. Here I am, swanning off. And this is you, letting me. See you."

"But that arm was moving autonomously. It tried to kill me!"

"Ten out of ten for observation," he remarked sarcastically. "Bonus points for fancy words."

"But... don't just walk away. Can't you at least tell me what's going on?"

"No, I can't."

"You said if I told everyone what's happened, I'd get people killed. So in exchange for not telling anyone, you can explain the situation to me. Quid pro quo."

"Is that supposed to sound tough?"

"... A bit. Is it working?"


"Who are you, exactly? What do you do?"

"Told you. I'm the Doctor."

"Yeah, but Doctor what? And I still don't know what you do."

"Just the Doctor. And you don't need to know."

"So, just... 'The Doctor'."


"Is that supposed to sound impressive?"

"A bit. Is it working?"

"Not quite," she smirked. "So why do those plastic things keep popping up around me?"

"Oh, suddenly the entire world revolves around you," he rolled his eyes. Humans. So full of self importance. "You were just an accident. It was after me, not you. Last night, in the shop, I was there, you blundered in, almost ruined the whole thing. This morning, I was tracking it down, it was tracking me down. The only reason it fixed on you is 'cos you've met me."

"So what you're saying is, the entire world revolves around you instead."

"A bit, yeah."

"You're full of it!"

"A bit, yeah." That made Elisabeth giggle.

"But, all these strange occurances. Who else knows about it?"

"No one."

"What, you're on your own?"

She looked up at him with large, sad eyes. Not pitying, exactly, but as if she wanted to apologize that he had to experience such a thing. As if she was sincerely sorry she wasn't there to prevent it somehow. He glared at her.

What would she know?

"Well, who else is there? I mean, you lot, all you do is eat chips, go to bed, and watch telly, while all the time, underneath you, there's a war going on."

"Okay,"Elisabeth said, now determined to help. "Let's start from the beginning. The living plastic - how did you stop it?

"The thing controlling it projects life into the arm. I cut off the signal, dead."

"So that's the remote control you were talking about?"

"Thought control, more like. Are you all right?"

"Yeah, of course! I'm more than alright. So, who's controlling it, then?"

"Long story."

"Well what's this all for? I mean, living plastic, what's that about? Is it limited to shop window dummies or does it apply to all plastic things? Is someone trying to take over Britain? Or the world?"


"Yes? 'Yes', what yes?

"It controls all plastic. It wants to take over Britain. It wants the Earth. It wants to overthrow the human race and destroy you. Do you believe me?"


"Which explains why you're still here."

"Really, though, Doctor. Tell me, who are you?"

He didn't say anything for a few seconds.

"Do you know like we were saying about the Earth revolving? It's like when you were a kid. The first time they tell you the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it because everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling round the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go..." he drifted off for a beat. Then his gaze sharpened. "That's who I am. Now, forget me, Elisabeth Please. Just go home."

The Doctor continued walking towards a tall blue police box while Elisabeth stopped to watch him. She wanted to follow him, so badly, but the man was almost begging her to go away. So she would do it. She could handle a few hours of not badgering the poor guy.

Right in front of her eyes the blue box began fading in and out with a strange worping noise. Air rushed around her, swirling her hair and clothes as the box finally disappeared from sight, she doesn't know why but she felt a pull like someone was calling her,that's strange she thought apart from the disappearing box, she turned around a walked back up to her flat, what Elisabeth didn't know is that it was the tradis calling for her calling for her lost sister who she finally found,she needed her thife to see this girl was not know normal human, but something else that will bring him back from the darkness that's trying to take him.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ..

The reminder of the morning Elisabeth sat down with a cup of tea hoping it would help her throat.

Elisabeth a voice said making Elisabeth jump looking around her flat.

'Am going mad." she mumbled to herself.

Maybe a walk Will help clear my head she thought grabbing her purse sliding it over her shoulder and walking out the door making sure to lock the door so nobody could rob her again.

Elisabeth walked down the deserted street with her hands in her pockets.

Elisabeth... There it was again she thought, tuning around to see nothing or no one in sight in fact Elisabeth noticed that it was starting to get very late, maybe I should head home she thought.

As she turned back around she care face to face with a Mankin witch gripped her by the throat.

"Where's the doctor!" it demanded it's grip on her neck getting tighter be she still managed to answer it.

"I don't know" she gasped gripping it arm he nails dining into the plastic.

"What is he doing here?" it asked

"I don't know" Elisabeth repeated

"Where is the doctor?" it asked lifting her into the air by her neck causing her to gasp, blacks pots where scattered across her vision.

"Oi! Mate am right here," The Doctor's voiced said not to far from her causing the Mankin to do her to the ground roughly. Elisabeth gasped for breath, God her neck hurt so much she wanted to cry, she was almost on the verge of having flashbacks again.

"Ah. Gotcha." it said almost happily

The doctor grabbed the mankin head taking it off with a loud pop,making Elisabeth jump.

Seeing the girl on the ground he grabbed her arm leading her tords his ship, she's been hurt enough in all this and she didn't even do anything.

The headless plastic was clumsily trying to case after them.

The doctor noticed how she was quit and not being frightened and for some reason that didn't sit well with him. Come on ," The Doctor grabbed her hand and yanked her into the blue box, closing the door the Plastic mankin still trying to follow them.

"But isn't it gonna come in after us!" Elisabeth asked, peering out through the window.

"The assembled hoards of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried. Now, shhh."

Elisabeth turned and stared, awestruck, at the gigantic space that met her eyes.

"You see, the arm was too simple, but the head's perfect. I can use it to trace the signal back to the original source. Right. Where do you want to start?"

"This is a box. You don't just have a spaceship that can camouflage well," Elisabeth took a deep, calming breath. "Outside these doors... it doesn't just look smaller, it literally is smaller! Is this a different dimension?"

"You could have just said 'it's bigger on the inside'. That usually works for most people."

"It's alien."


"Are you an alien?"

"Yes. Is that alright?"

"It's brilliant."she smiled

The Doctor grinned. "It's called the Tardis, this thing. T-A-R-D-I-S. That's 'Time And Relative Dimension In Space'."

Elisabeth grinned back at him, then she saw that the plastic head was melting on the cosole

"Oh no, Doctor the head's melting! The signal!""


The Doctor whirled around. The plastic head was melting on the console, where it was attached by cables.

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no!" He sprinted around the console, hitting this and pumping that and flipping all the switches in between.

"Can you still follow it?"

"It's fading. Wait a minute, I've got it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Almost there. Almost there... Here we go!"

The TARDIS shook a bit and the Doctor ran for the door.

"Did we get there?" Elisabeth asked, following him out. "Didn't feel much like we were flying."

"That's 'cos we weren't. Disappears there and reappears here. You wouldn't understand."

"try me."

He looked at her consideringly. "Maybe..." he hesitated. "Maybe later." He shook his head. "Anyway, I lost the signal, I got so close."he whined

Elisabeth scowled at him. "You really are alien, even though you sound like you're from the north."

He rolled his eyes. "Lots of planets have a north."

"So what do the living plastic creatures want? They're being very War of the Worlds."

"That's exactly it. You've got such a good planet. Lots of smoke and oil, plenty of toxins and dioxins in the air, perfect. Just what the Nestene Consciousness needs. Its food stock was destroyed in the war, all its protein plants rotted, so Earth, dinner!"

"How do we stop it?"

The Doctor held up a tube of blue liquid.



"Anti-plastic. But first I've got to find it. How can you hide something that big in a city this small?"


"The transmitter. The Consciousness is controlling every single piece of plastic, so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal."

"What does it look like?"

"Like a transmitter. Round and massive, slap bang in the middle of London..."

Elisabeth stared at the looming landmark over his shoulder with a raised brow.

"... A huge circular metal structure like a dish, like a wheel. Radial. Close to where we're standing. Must be completely invisible. What?"

The Doctor turned to look at what she was staring at on the south bank. Even after looking straight at the aforementioned object, the penny didn't drop.

"What? What is it?" He kept seeing Elisabeth's smirk every time he turned back to her. "What?"

She coughed and nodded at the structure behind him. After a final turn, the Doctor finally caught on to what she was looking at. The London Eye, the biggest wheel in the world, stood proudly on the south bank of the Thames.

"Oh. Fantastic!"

The Doctor and Elisabeth ran towards the wheel.

"Think of it, plastic all over the world, every artificial thing waiting to come alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables - "

"The breast implants," Elisabeth laughed.

"Still, we've found the transmitter. The Consciousness must be somewhere underneath."

Elisabeth looked over the parapet and quickly identified a large manhole entrance at the bottom of some steps. "What about that?"


The pair ran down and the Doctor opened up the hatch to reveal gloomy red lighting. They climbed the ladder into a multileveled chamber.

"The Nestene Consciousness. That's it, inside the vat. A living plastic creature."

"Wait, your not just going to start up kill it are you? "

The Doctor raised his eyebrows at her, "Why would you care it's tried to kill you 3 times already?" He asked testing her

"Anyone and everything deserves a chance no matter what doctor, "she said looking him strait in the eyes.

He just smiled, "Good because that's exactly what am gonna do he,am giving it a chance"

It's then doned on Elisabeth then that he was testing her,for what she didn't know.

"Then before you go down there, hand me the anti-plastic," Elisabeth told him.


"Well, what if you get searched? They aren't going to believe your 'I come in peace' if you have a weapon specifically tailored to kill them on you!"she asked looking at him with raised eyebrows

The Doctor stared at her. "Yes. Right. Good idea, here."

She rolled her eyes and surreptitiously hid the vial in her bra, making his ears turn red.

Witch made her giggle.

The Doctor abruptly turned and walked down to a catwalk overlooking the seething vat, why Elisabeth hanged back out of sight and but listening.

"I seek audience with the Nestene Consciousness under peaceful contract according to convention 15 of the Shadow Proclamation," he boomed.

The Doctor continued walking downwards until he stood at the edge of the roiling liquid.

"Am I addressing the Consciousness? Thank you. If I might observe, you infiltrated this civilisation by means of warp shunt technology. So, may I suggest, with the greatest respect, that you shunt off?"

"Pff-" Elisabeth stifled her laugh. What a horrible pun.

A face formed in the vat of plastic and made a series of strange noises.

"Oh, don't give me that. It's an invasion, plain and simple. Don't talk about constitutional rights. I am talking!" the Doctor roared. The Nestene Consciousness quieted. "This planet is just starting. These stupid - and sometimes clever - little people have only just learnt how to walk, but they're capable of so much more. I'm asking you on their behalf. Please, just go."he almost pleading with it.

"Doctor! Behind you!" Elisabeth yelped, seeing the dummies walking up slowly behind I'm.

The pair of shop dummies grabbed the Doctor before he could turn to look.

"I'm not your enemy though. I swear, I'm not. I'm here to help." More angry noises from the vat. "What do you mean?"

A door slid back to reveal the TARDIS. Elisabeth Heart sank.

"No. Oh, no. Honestly, no. Yes, that's my ship. That's not true. I should know, I was there. I fought in the war. It wasn't my fault. I couldn't save your world! I couldn't save any of them!" The plastic continued roaring at the Doctor, but Elisabeth couldn't understand anything.

"What's it doing?" the she asked panicking

"It's the TARDIS ! The Nestene's identified its superior technology. It's terrified. It's going to the final phase. It's starting the invasion! Get out, Elisabeth! Just go, run now!"

As the plastic in the vat kept roaring, Elisabeth scoffed. "Not likely."

Elisabeth ran to the edge of the catwalk, avoiding one of the dummies that tried to grab her too, and poured the anti plastic into the vat and watched as the dummies holding the doctor let him go, the doctor stumbled if not for Elisabeth grabbing his arm pulling him back quickly he would have feel in as well.

The two dummies fell into the shrieking Nestene Consciousness as it turned blue.

"Come on we have to go," the doctor yelled to Elisabeth as they both made there way to the TRADIS .

They reached the blue spaceship, running in and closing the door behind them.

They took off, it was a bumpy ride Elisabeth was laughing and giggling the whole way as she held on to the railing. (The Doctor smirked)

Finally, the TARDIS materialised on the Embankment by a row of shuttered kiosks, Elisabeth stumbled out laughing like mad, why the doctor walked out with a big grin on is face.

"A fat lot of good you were," she told him smiling

Consciousness? Easy." He snapped his fingers trying to be sarcastic.

"You were useless in there. You'd be dead if it wasn't for me."

"Yes, I would. Thank you," the alien replied quietly. He coughed, and then shook himself. "Right then, I'll be off. Unless, er, I don't know, you could come with me. This box isn't just a London hopper, you know. It goes anywhere in the universe free of charge.

"What do you think? You could stay here, or you could come with me, go anyplace, any planet, anywhere in the universe."

"Is it always this dangerous?" Elisabeth asked

"Yes. Maybe. Do you want it to be?"

Elisabeth 's face clearly reflected her inner turmoil.

"I- I- I can't. I can't just leave, I have to pay my rent and I have my studies."her words didn't sound very convincing

As soon as the words escaped from her lips, she wanted to take them all back. What was she doing?

"Okay." The Doctor's shoulders hunched forwards. He shoved them back and turned around to walk off stiffly. "See you around."he called dejectedly.

No, she wanted to scream at his back, no I didn't mean it, no please, take me with you!

The TARDIS dematerialised.

She felt like a pice of herself walk away, afraid she missed the only chance she had to do something with her pathetic life.

What she didn't know is that the tardis had other ideas.


Once The TRADIS was in the vortex

Oh and she was pissed, everytime the doctor tried to touch anything he would get shocked, and her lights would flicker angerly at him.

"What? What's wrong old girl?"

"What did I do now?,I did I forget to clean or fix something again?"

The TARDIS sent images of Elisabeth to him, over and over showing him what she was angry about.

"What, do you like her?" He asked

The TARDIS hummed happily that he understood.

"Doesn't matter he mutter, she said no."

"And I never ask twice," he grumbled

The TARDIS rocked ought to the side knocking him to the floor.

"She said no! I won't beg her to come."

The TARDIS hummed angerly her light flickering dimly.

"You like her that much?" He asked surprised usually after a while she would let it go but she really wanted this girl here,and sometimes she didn't even like the companions he brought wit him, and it would sometime take weeks for her to even give one a decent room. But for this girl, she was demanding he take her with him.

The doctor had to admit she reminding him so much of Angel, clever and bright.

The doctor shook his head angels, his thumb running over is ring on his finger once again after hundreds of years having it on no matter what sort of man he turned into he always wore it, now that she's gone it's the only thing he has left of the love of his life, we'll to him she was the love of his life, even though back in the academy they where clearly both more than friends, considering how many time he snuck into her dorm room,and that she knew his true name as he knew hers, there not a day that goes by he wishes he would have asked for her hand when he had the chance, but now, now it's to late.

The TARDIS hummed sadly,knowing what her theif thinking.

The doctor suddenly jumped up, "ha! I didn't tell her it travels in time!" He said laughing and dancing around the control panel.


Elisabeth stood there for a few beats, not moving, not even breathing.

What did she just do she thought to her self, she turned around to walk all the way back to her flat.

Suddenly, she heard a wheezing noise that seemed to resonate with the empty vacuum of space, echoing out to the deepest recesses of reality.

Elisabeth looked over to see that the TARDIS had rematerialised. The Doctor's head popped out.

"By the way, did I mention it also travels in time?" he asked smiling

The girl, who'd looked as if she had died inside, instantly came back to life.

Elisabeth ran to the TARDIS giggling and grabbed the Doctor's outstretched hand, never looking back.

A/N: there it is the first chapter to my doctor who story! Please leave a review tell me if you like it, if you wanna see more or what, this is my second story I've put up and plan to add a lot more to it:)

Oh and I do not own doctor who what so ever, just to let everyone know.

And no I do not have a beta, am beta less...