"My father," Cloud replied, he turned back to see Tifa paled with fear. "Tifa? What is it?"

"Tifa…have you seen my father in your vision?" he asked tentatively. Tifa blinked. She glanced at Cloud then back at the picture. His father? Trembling, Tifa tried to gather her thoughts that had scattered at the sight of the smiling man in the picture.

Everything about him was normal with the exception of his eyes that were hidden by the glare of his glasses. He emitted nothing that would illicit such strong emotion especially fear. For the life of her, Tifa could not remember meeting him at anytime of her life. But at the sight of him, it felt like someone had reached inside and was squeezing her heart. Her vision narrowed, and Tifa realized that she was holding her breath. Breathe! Tifa yelled at herself as she tried to control herself.

At the edge of her mind, an unknown memory. Something that felt important. Trying to push it's way through Tifa's consciousness. 'No!' yelled a young girl's voice. 'Don't! Stop it! I don't want to rem..' The voice young girl's voice became contorted. She began screaming in agony.

At the sound of the young girl's screams, Tifa pushed back instinctively. Fearing the memory. But as she did, the memory pushed back harder. The walls closed in on her. As the memory forced it's way back into existence. The pressure in her heart increased. Her grip on reality slipped.

Cloud rushed to her side, as his thoughts to clarify that it was his adopted father was pushed aside by his worries for Tifa. He reached to touch her, but stopped. His fingers curled into a fist as he withdrew his hand. She was afraid. He did not want another repeat from earlier.

Kneeling down beside her, he could see she was trembling. Her breathing was erratic. Her red eyes were wide and filled with terror. He knew that she was no longer seeing him. He was all too familiar with the expression of fear that painted her face and riddled her body. "Tifa?" he gently spoke. She did not respond. Was this a reaction triggered from the other line? A memory?

Cloud could see the tension in her body, and knew she would bolt at a mere touch. Realizing this; he gently assured her, "Tifa, he is not here. What you are seeing is just a picture. You are safe, he is not here." He repeated the last sentence several times gently like a lullaby. "You are safe, he is not here." Tifa's eyes eerily glowed for a few seconds. Cloud kept his lullaby up, as he watched the glow fade away revealing the chocolate brown eyes that Tifa normally had. Tifa's shoulders sagged as her head rolled back. Cloud caught her as she slid off the chair.

Thick, white, fluffy flakes fell all around Tifa. Exhaling, a thin puff of cloud formed as the heat and moisture from her breath collided with the cold. She glanced up, and was memorized by the fluff that was silently falling all around her. Tentatively, she stretched out her arms. The flakes softly kissed her outstretched hand before they disappeared from the heat of her skin. It tickled. A small wet cool puddle of water was left behind.

Snow? Where am I? She glanced around. The trees were naked from their glories crown of leaves. The smaller branches dipped slightly from the precariously perched snow. The ground was blanketed with a thick layer of virgin snow. It was a forest in its winter slumber. And nothing looked familiar.

Tifa stood quietly as she listened for any sounds. She hoped to catch the familiar sounds of the city. Or anything that give her a clue on where she was. It was silent except for the sound of her breathing. Oddly, she did not feel cold. There were no other signs of life, or a clue on how she got to where she was. Should I stay here and hope someone comes by? Tifa pondered. She glanced around one more time. Making her decision she began trudging through the snow. The only sound she could hear was the snow crunching under the weight of her footsteps.

After 20 minutes of trekking through the snow, Tifa paused to glance at her surroundings. Taking in a deep breath and she exhaled. Watching the thin puff of cloud disappear she contemplated if it was a good decision to keep going. Tifa frowned as she stared at a familiar looking knot on a thin white birched tree. Wait…didn't I see that same knot at the beginning?

Did she just walk in a circle? Tifa glanced around. Maybe not. Okay let's keep going, I should eventually run into something like a river or a road. Fifteen minutes went by, and Tifa found herself in front of the same knotted birch tree. She glanced behind her at her trail. A faint dent from her shoe prints could be seen within a few feet of her. Further out there was no sign of her trail. The snow was covering her trail quickly. What…I just went in the a straight direction. How did I end up back here?

"Tifa!" shout an indistinguishable voice. Tifa glanced around to locate the source of the shout. She saw no one within eye sight. The shout echoed through the woods. Perplexed and with more caution she continued through the silent forest hoping to find the source of the voice. The familiarity of the voice tugged at Tifa's memories. She stopped. As the tugging sensation became stronger. The last thing I remember was…That's funny I can't remember. Was there a fight? An angel that was a monster? A green, soft, warm light...

The sounds of children giggling startled Tifa from her train of thoughts. It was the first sound of life that Tifa encountered. She ran towards the sound. Maybe they will tell me where I am, and that will help me remember what I am forgetting. Within a few seconds, she came upon a clearing. It was breathtaking. The snow covered the field. It was beautiful and serene. It was a winter wonderland. Another set of giggling echoed through the woods breaking the enthrallment of the scene before her.

Tifa glanced around to see where the giggles had come from. There was no sign of any children. Tifa sat down on the snow giving up. With a sigh, she laid in the snow with her arms spread out. She watched the snow fall. She began to drift off to sleep, but sat up quickly when she heard the giggling was closer. Right near the edge of the field, she spotted two boys about seven years old or so with the same golden blonde hair. The familiarity of the golden blonde hair tugged at her memory. Someone I know...They were the source of the giggling.

"Hey!" Tifa shouted to them as she sprung onto her feet, "Do you know where I am?" The boys had stopped laughing. From their body language it looked like they were arguing. They didn't stop at the sound of Tifa's voice. Tifa stopped. "Hey!" She was sure she was close enough for them to hear her shout. They still didn't take notice.

Cautiously, Tifa approached them. She was hoping she could ask them where she was. At a closer view, she could see the young boys. They look like twins...how odd. She examined their features from afar. They had the same features with the exception of their eyes. One had green eyes the other had blue eyes. With wide eyes, she was flabbergasted...I thought he didn't have any other siblings...wait who is this he? Tifa shook her head as she felt that tug again, there was more important thing at hand to worry about...like where was she. Who were these twins?

It looked like they had settled their argument when a young girl with long dark brown hair came bounding out to them from the same direction Tifa had come from. Startled, Tifa started to say something, but stopped. The young girl had run past her and did not even notice her. Nor did the boys show any acknowledgement of Tifa's presence that was in their line of sight. Weird...Tifa thought she scratched her head, trying to understand what was going on. They don't see me?

When the girl had caught up to them she flicked each of the boy on their forehead. Tifa couldn't help but chuckle. As the boys rubbed their foreheads from the pain. The young girl placed her hands on her hip as she spoke. It looked like the young girl was scolding them.

Tifa was still far enough that she could not hear what they were saying. But she could see one of the twins face as he turned away from the girl. Green eyes were brimmed with tears. Her heart went out to him. The other twin laughed loudly at something the young girl said. Tifa could see the green eyed twin's hands curl into a fist. His face turned red either from embarrassment or anger.

The other twin poked at his twin. The green eyed twin quickly turned around and grabbed his twin's hat off from his head. With a swift flick of his wrist the hat went sailing across the field.

The minute the hat left his hand, Tifa could see immediate regret at his rash action. He hid it with a laugh and stuck his tongues out at his twin. It was the blue-eyed twins turn for his eyes to brim with tears. Regretting what he did, the green eyed twin made his way down onto the field. The young girl shouted something at the green eyed twin. He grinned as he turned back and yelled back at her. With a huff, the girl turned around to console the crying blue-eyed twin.

Tifa gasped, she could now see the face of the young girl. It was looking in the mirror of the past. It was her when she was seven years old. But I don't remember being friends with any blonde haired twin boys...Is this a dream?

The green eyed twin was halfway to the hat, when a faint rumbling echoed through the quiet forest. He froze. Tifa frowned...what could possible cause that rumbling.

She felt a prick on her arm. She glanced down and saw an IV on her arm. That is strange...when did... A voice filled the area. It drowned out the rumbling sound. Whoever it was, was calling her name. "Wait..." Tifa yelled out to the children as they turned and ran away into the distance and onto the field.

Tifa awoke to the sounds of multi-machines beeping. Panic arose. She set up quickly startling Cloud.

Cloud was sitting by her bedside contemplating about the visions. He didn't like the fact that Tifa was fainting often whenever he was around. And the fear. A heavy pit settle in his stomach. The only other person he had seen such paralyzing fear was on his brother. But that was years ago, when they were younger. He was startled at first as Tifa sat up from the bed. Relief immediately followed at the sight of Tifa conscious. He stood up and stood closer to the bed, he asked her, "Tifa! How are you feeling?"

Tifa didn't hear him as she frantically pulled the IV line that was in her arm. "Stop Tifa," Cloud said, as he pushed her hand away from pulling the IV out. "Relax, everything is okay."

Tifa shook her head to clear the fog that was settling in her mind. She felt woozy. It took all of her will to stay up. With some effort she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. One of her leg was in a cast. She frowned. The last thing she remembered was...That is weird. I was at Cloud's house sitting on his couch drinking hot chocolate. Why is my leg in a cast? "How did I get here? What did they give me?" she demanded Cloud.

Bewildered at her reaction Cloud answered, "Just some pain killers... you have a fractured tibia ..."Cloud trailed off when he realized that Tifa's eye color were blood red. He slowly finished his reply, "You passed out after Aerith and Zack left. I brought you into the hospital." He didn't mention about the picture in fear that it would trigger the same reaction.

"I need to get home," Tifa hastily said. Why couldn't she remember ever seeing Aerith and Zack leaving? Or how in the world did she injure herself? She took a few deep breaths to calm down. She attempted to stand. Black dots swam across her vision. She felt Cloud's strong arms around her shoulder holding her steady.

"You shouldn't be up. You need to rest," Cloud said. He guided her back down on the bed. "The doctor said they will need to run some testing that will take some time."

"I need to go home now," Tifa repeated firmly as she made another attempt to stand. Cloud sighed, seeing that she was not going to budge about staying.

"Let me get a wheel chair at least," Cloud replied. He firmly but gently pushed her back onto the bed. "Sit here and I will get it." Cloud dashed out of the room and made his way to the nurses' charge station. "Can I get a wheelchair for my friend?" he asked the nurse at the desk.

He didn't notice her blush or the flirty smile she gave him, "It is over there, is there anything I can help you with?" Cloud thanked her and walked down the hallway to the wheelchairs. The nurse pouted as she watched him walk away.

As he was pushing the wheelchair back to the room, Sephiroth came walking down the hallway towards him. "Seph? What are you doing out and about? I thought you were to be discharged tomorrow?" He greeted him with a wave. Cloud knew better to try to give his brother a hug. "Should you be up at this moment? You have lost weight! Is the hospital food that bad?"

"I didn't break a leg, just recovering from a fever. I starved because of your negligence in bringing me decent eatable food," His brother responded nonchalantly, "I was discharged earlier. I was about to leave, when I heard a few of the young nurses gossiping about a dreamy blonde haired, blue eye male on a fenrir. Who was waiting for his brunette haired fiancée. I figured it was you and curious who this fiancée was. The description did not match Aerith's and it was the first I have heard of my brother's fiancée."

Cloud sheepishly laughed slightly taken aback with Sephiroth's keen interest, "Well, they didn't take her in at first. And we were sitting there for more than 20 minutes. They took her in quite fast when I named dropped our dad's name and mentioned that she was my fiancée."

"Who is she?" Sephiroth asked seriously, "Does our father know about your fiancée?"

"First, she is not my fiancée," Cloud clarified, "She is a friend from school. And no, father does not know her. I just meet her a week ago in our class." He was surprised at Sephiroth. It had been months since they had spoken then more than one sentence with each other. Let alone joked with one another.

"What does she look like…"Sephiroth trailed off as Tifa poked her head out into the hallway looking for Cloud. She was pale, and she was tethering as if she was going to past out. Seeing her, Cloud excused himself as he pushed to the wheelchair back to the room.

"I thought I told you to wait," Cloud scolded her as he helped her onto the wheelchair. She did not look well. Cloud also noted that her eyes had returned to the color of chocolate, "Are you sure you want to go home?"

Tifa sighed with relief when she sat down on the wheelchair. Her head felt heavy along with everything else. "Yes I want to go home," she replied. She smiled sheepishly at Cloud as she explained, "I don't do so well with being in the hospitals." And also that I can't afford to pay for it, Tifa thought to herself.

"Alright, we will have to fill out some paperwork to get you discharged out early. We still have to finish the rest of your personal information. I didn't know half of it. So I just used my address we probably should update that," Cloud explained, "And we need to get your medication prescription filled out."

As Cloud pushed her out of the room, a random nurse accompanied with a security rushed to her, "You can't be out of bed young lady, and the doctors are still running tests on your blood. And…"

The security guard pushed Cloud aside and began to push Tifa back into the room. "Hey!" Cloud protested, as he tried to grab the wheelchair back.

"Cloud?" Tifa turned to him pleading, "I want to go home."

Sephiroth strode over to them. With his arms folded in front of him, he stopped the security guard. The security guard looked at the nurse then back at Sephiroth, "Sir, please move. We have been told that this patient needs to stay longer due to some tests."

Sephiroth looked at him annoyed, "You know who I am. That is good, this will make it easier." In an authoritative voice, he spoke to the guard and nurse, "She is fine, and she wants to go home. I am allowing her to be discharged. And if the doctors have any issues, tell them I will be along shortly to personally talk to them about this patient." He gave them an icy glare. The security guard started to say something, but the nurse grabbed his arms. She bowed her head to Sephiroth as she excused herself and the guard. She pulled the guard away. The guard looked back at Tifa and Sephiroth before she hurried down the hallway.

Cloud gave his brother a quizzically look, he forced a smile, "Wow, I didn't realize you had so much authority here…you must be shadowing him. Taking over the family business?"

"Something like that," Sephiroth said, "You should know how our old man is, ever since you left I had to take up the mantle."

Cloud looked away feeling the guilt. Not wanting to deal with it, he changed the subject, "Thank you, I would prefer if she would stay. But she wants to go home."

Tifa fidgeted in the wheelchair at the conversation between the brothers, "Can we get going please?"

Sephiroth looked at her, and saw the markings of the IV left behind when she had torn it off. He could see a start of the bruise from the improper removal. Tifa quickly hid it, noticing his glance.

Out of the blue, Sephiroth green eyes flashed with anger. He grabbed Cloud by his shirt and yelled at him, "Cloud what have you done?!"

"What? It's hard to explain," Cloud started, "She fell down the stairs while she was leaving. And it was because a couple things happened before. Zac and Aerith were there..."

With an icy glare, Sephiroth interrupted, "Enough, I don't need your explanation. What's done is done." Taking a deep breath, he released his hold on Cloud's shirt, "Take her home now."

"What about the paperwork?" Cloud asked. Tifa looked between the two confused at the interaction. It was slightly awkward to be caught in a middle of an argument. "I have yet to fill out her personal information and we need to get her medications," Cloud listed off.

"I will take care of it. Take my car," Sephiroth handed Cloud a set of keys and ordered icily, "Take her home now..." He strode away without looking at Tifa or Cloud. Cloud stared at him slightly bewildered and irritated at being ordered around.

"What is his problem?" Cloud murmured at the strange outburst from his brother. Ever since he moved out, he had drifted apart from his brother. Well more like his brother had shut him out from his life since he woke up at the hospital that summer. He quelled the lurking thought that told him it was before that. Cloud shook the despairing thought as he wheeled Tifa down the hallway to take her home.

Tifa sighed with relief as she sat down in the booth of the bar. She was covered in sweat from her trek home. She really needed a shower, but was too tired to make exert the effort to get herself upstairs. Maybe she should have let Cloud accompany her home. No it makes more since that I took the train home. There was no way he was going to be able to get the car here in the slums anyway or even get it out…Plus, it gave me time to think. Not like, I am ashamed of where I live. It's been a crazy Saturday. Tifa rationalized. She settled into the booth. Her trek home had helped clear away the fog that was sifting through her mind, but now her leg was hurting.

Cloud had escorted her to Sephiroth's car. The car was luxurious. Cloud did not bat an eye as he helped her in, and got in the driver seat. As he started the car with ease, he asked for her home address. Nervous of driving a luxurious car in the slums, Tifa spouted a lie about a meeting with Yuffie. Tifa knew she was not a great liar. But she kept it up. She knew there were murmurs against the affluent society. And driving such a car in her neighborhood was asking for trouble. After a few minutes of convincing Cloud that she was feeling better and that her friend Yuffie was meeting with her. She assured him that Yuffie lived near her and would escort her home. It was a huge relief when he agreed.

Tifa was glad for the solitary time. She needed time to think. There was something important that happened. But she couldn't remember anything besides the dream and waking up in the hospital.

During the train ride home the events kept replaying in her mind. What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she remember anything after drinking the hot chocolate? Why was she fainting so much? Was she anemic? And the snow dream…what was that about? It felt like her brain was going to explode from rationalizing the events. She remembered sipping on the hot chocolate while on the couch. She was waiting for Cloud to come back out. And then she woke up in the hospital.

As they waited for the train Cloud had mentioned that she had another vision that resulted in her trying to escape his apartment. And at her attempt to run she had tried to jump down the stairs which explained her broken leg. What would cause her to do that? Why couldn't she remember the details of the vision? Was the memory's from the other time line causing her to have holes in her memories? It was blank. As if someone had wiped her memory clean of that time. Was that someone the other Tifa? Maybe it was the medication the hospital gave me…Tifa thought throwing all logic into the air. She got nowhere with finding the answers she needed. Before she knew the train had stopped at her station and she had to use all of energy into making the trek home.

Sighing, she laid her head on the table of the booth she was seated at. The cold surface against her sweaty hot cheeks felt good. The cool sensation brought her thought back to the dream she had the hospital-the snowy field, the twins and the young girl. The young girl was her. But she did not have any recollection of that time or being friends with twins. The dream was bizarre; it felt so real that it could have been a memory of hers. She tried recalling her childhood memories. Nothing of the twins or of a large snow field appeared. Maybe the snowy field was in the little town she used to live when she was younger. But then again, she could not recall ever snowing like that there. "Ugh! Why, am I having a problem remembering?!" Tifa shouted out loud as she scratched her head in frustration. "Why can't I make sense on what is happening here? It all started with seeing Sephiroth… but the fainting only intensified since I visited Cloud's apartment. Why? I didn't see any visions when I saw Sephiroth at the hospital."

She glanced around the bar. It was quiet. The bar was a stark contrast to the penthouse that Cloud lived in. It was a little hole in the wall, with a small bar and three booths. It was an old bar with dings here and there. It was clean, but it did nothing to hide the worn look. She did not how her father kept the place afloat. She was thankful. Of late they were barely making their bills. Speaking about her father, she hobbled into the kitchen to see if he left her a note. It was unusual for him to be not home at this time.

'T, I had to go help a friend. Don't know when I will be back. For emergency only use phone in junk drawer. Miss you kiddo. PS- No boys and no parties. Someone will be over for…' Tifa squinted at the last scribbled part, but it was illegible. He had ran out of room and tried to cram in more words than the little spot on the paper allotted.

Tifa chuckled, "Horrible handwriting dad…you need to work on that. Don't have to worry about me having boys over." She took the note down, and hobbled back to the booth. She wanted to go upstairs, but she was exhausted. Grabbing a blanket from a cabinet, she lied down on one of the booths and drifted asleep. Dreaming of soft fluffy snowfalls and playing in the snow.

Tifa groggily woke up to the sound of someone knocking at the door. It felt like she had just closed her eyes. It was the first night in many that she had slept so soundly. "Ugh," she groaned at all of the aching muscles that protested at her movement. Temporarily disoriented, she looked around her. It was dark in the bar. The knocking grew louder. "Hold on!" She shouted as she looked at her phone. It was nine in the evening. The time the bar would normally open. Tifa let out a groan. She had forgotten to put the 'closed sign' up. With a sigh she wobbled to the door. Along the way she flicked the lights of the bar on. "Sorry we aren't open tonight…" she started to explain to the patron knocking at the door. She trailed off.

Before her was Sephiroth in a tailored black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and black slacks. His hair tied back showing off his facial features that were normally framed by his long hair. Up close Tifa could see he had high cheek bones, strong jaws topped off with striking green eyes.

He had a certain authoritative air about him. He looked like he had stepped out from one those high society magazines. His lips curled into a smile at the sight of her. A smiling Sephiroth...Tifa couldn't help but think he belonged in those historical romantic novel covers that Yukkie kept pestering her to read. She could imagine her friend's glee of delight if she ever laid eyes on Sephiroth in his casual clothes. "Evening," Sephiroth said. He had raised an eyebrow at Tifa who realized she was staring.

Tifa blushed, "Um.." She stopped when she noticed that he was holding a large brown bag, and a large black overnight bag. "Sephiroth right? What are..." Tifa stammered, the last time she saw him, was at the hospital and he looked pretty pissed at Cloud. "What…what brings you here?"

"Can I come in?" he asked. Surprised at his appearance at her door, Tifa automatically opened the door wider for him to come in. Maybe it had to do with the hospital bill? Tifa thought. As he passed her, she caught a whiff of what smelled like stew.

With a curt nod, he placed his bags on one of the booth's table. Tifa closed the door, lost at what to do. As soon as she walked over to Sephiroth, another knock preceded. She groaned, she wished she had placed the sign up sooner. "Sit," Sephiroth ordered. Without hearing her reply, Sephiroth went over to the door. He grabbed the closed sign that was leaning next to the door and stepped outside to talk to the patron. Tifa could hear their muffled voices, but could not make out what they were saying. After a few minutes, he stepped back in and locked the door.

"Um," Tifa started, "Thank you…what are you doing here? If it is about the hospital bill, just tell me the amount. I will have to pay it in small amounts here and there." Sephiroth remained silent as he looked at her. Uncomfortable because of his gaze,Tifa continued to blabber, "Please don't tell my dad about this. I will definitely take care of the bill. Sorry about earlier…and thank you."

He reached into the bag, and held up a small vial. "It is medication for your leg. If you take that you will be in back to your normal self in a couple of days. And dinner as an apology for earlier today."

Apology for what? Maybe he was embarrassed about his outburst? All I can see is that I should be the one getting him dinner since he was the one who helped me leave the hospital. Tifa thought. "Here," Sephiroth said as he held the vial out to Tifa.

Tifa took the vial from his outstretched hand and examined the vial. The label on it was an elegant cursive 'Regenerate'. It was an elixir. Tifa's eyes widen. She recognized the name. The elixir was a very expensive medicine that cost a whole year of their meager income. It was a hot debate her father always talked with their regulars. Only the Shinra elites could afford such medications. "I can't take…"

"I can't return it, I already paid for it. You are supposed to take that for two days every morning and evening. And I am also here for the position."

"What position…" Tifa started, but stop as she remembered that her father had mentioned about hiring someone, since she was in school. And he didn't want her to work at the bar anymore so she could concentrate on her school work.

"Oh…" she had not realized he had already advertised for it. Does her father know that he just hired a high school student? She became upset at her father for not letting her know that he had hired someone. How can he do such a thing without consulting with her?! She was the one who balanced their checks. "I don't think we can hire you." She started, she was going to have a talk with her dad, there was no way he could hire someone with the meager income they brought in, especially now with the hospital bill.

He laughed, "Don't worry, your dad arranged a deal with me, a place to stay in exchange for part-time working. Of course, I will be paying rent since it will only be part-time. You can call him if you want to." He handed her an old looking cellphone. Tifa looked at the phone momentarily surprised. It was not something she expected. She would have thought he would have the latest new phone like Cloud had.

"Ah thank you…" she said. She dialed a number she knew her dad would pick up.

"Hello?" answered her dad on the other side of the line.

"Hey, it is Tifa. Sephiroth is here."

"Tifa! Oh that is great! What a relief! Hold on," her father said. In the background she could hear several people talking as her father moved to a quieter room. I wonder where he is… "Okay sweetie, shoot away. How is the new hire slash renter?"

"Dad?!" she whispered. She looked Sephiroth who had wandered around the bar. "We can't afford to hire someone! And he is a…"

She could hear her dad chuckle, "Don't worry, it actually worked out. I gave him a room to stay in as part of his wages. It's okay if he uses your room right?"

"What!?" Tifa shouted, Sephiroth turned to look at her and raised an eyebrow. She smiled at him as she lowered her voice again. "I am not about to give up my room to a stranger. We have no extra room to put him in! Give back whatever money you swindled from him."

"Oh, well if you don't want to give up your room. I am sure you can find something, I already spent his deposit," her dad answered sheepishly.

"How could you!?" Tifa exclaimed in a whisper.

"He seemed desperate, and he said that he knew how expensive it was as a last minute arrangement, and didn't care. Yad-yad-yada," her father said, "Look sweetie, I have to go. Make sure you make him feel at home! He can stay in my room in the mean time. We need the money! And oh yeah, I told him food was included with his room and board."

"Wait!" Tifa exclaimed at her dad, but it was too late. She heard the phone click and the line was silence. He had hung up on her.

Sephiroth was behind the bar now examining everything. Determined to save the poor guy from a bad situation she said, "Look Sephiroth, I don't know what my dad told you. But we really can't take another person, and we have no place for you to stay."

"Your dad mentioned that I can stay in…," he started.

Tifa quickly interrupted him, "My dad is basically taking advantage of your situation and is taking more than what is fair."

Sephiroth shrugged, "Alright, I guess I can find someplace to stay. If I can have my deposit money, my first and last rent money back. I will be on my way."

Tifa's stomach dropped, "How much?"

"About 2k..."

Shit…there was no way she could get that money back. Especially since her dad told her he had spent it. "Um…how about I pay you back in little amounts?"

Sephiroth cocked his head as he coolly said, "You know that I need that money in order to find another place to stay at? Plus you still owe me the hospital bill."

Tifa felt like her head was about to burst, her brain was tired. She could not find any other reasons to kick him out, "Um, give me a couple weeks to get the money."

"Then I will stay here in the meantime." He simply stated. Defeated Tifa nodded in agreement. "Shall we start on dinner?" He asked as he preceded to take the food out from the brown bag.