"Listen, Foxy… I'm not mad at you. And I'm not mad at him." Mike explained, "Both of you were just trying to do your jobs." He said. "He was there for me after I was bit." He said, "He was the only one there for me. He's my dad, he adopted me after the accident." He stood between Jeremy and Foxy.
Foxy growled and glared at Jeremy, who sat pressed against a wall after another rough night. Jeremy glared back up at him with blackened eyes, a light mist rising off his shoulders.
"What were the security guards paid to do when you bit me?" Mike asked.
Foxy growled, "Protect the kids…" he said, his jaw hanging from one hinge, "But-"
"He was just doing his job." Mike said calmly.
"He was a-a-a-attacking you!" Foxy snapped.
Mike flinched, but stood his ground, "He wasn't." he looked back at Jeremy, "Tell him what happened that day."
Jeremy glanced at him, then at Foxy, then back to Mike.
"Come on, Dad, it won't get resolved otherwise…"
Jeremy took a deep breath, "Morgan told us you guys were acting weird… he told us to keep a close eye on you guys. Don't let you too close to anyone, and don't let anyone too close to you. Mikey wandered to close and didn't listen to me verbally. I had to try to physically take him away from you. He screamed, threw a fit, and you bit him, aiming for me." Jeremy explained darkly. "I should've gotten hurt, and not Michael. I was trying to protect him. But instead, I only made things worse…" he said.
Foxy stared at him for a while, "An-n-n-n-nd you belie-e-eve this man?" He looked up at Mike. "Trust him?"
Mike nodded, "With my life."
Foxy looked down, "But-t-t-t you ki-i-i-illed those kid-d-d-ds…" He said.
Jeremy shook his head. "I've never killed anyone…" he said, "Mangle is the only one who recognizes it."
Foxy looked at Jeremy for a while.
Scan complete
Foxy blinked and shook his head. "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Fitzgera-a-a-ald…" he said. "We-e-e'd been so ed-d-d-dgy since the incident…" he confessed, "A child had been murdered in the building pre-e-e-eviously, and we barely caught a glimpse of the ma-a-an…" he explained, "We had be-e-en scanning-g-g- everybody… you were the closest mat-t-tch to one of our entries… so we kept a clos-s-s-se eye on y-y-you…" he said.
Mike finally lowered his arms, "We good?" he asked, "Are you friends now?"
Jeremy stood up, "Not necessarily friends…" he said and grunted, keeping himself standing.
"But… I will-l-l-l leave ye alone." Foxy said, regaining his accent and his previously cocky attitude.
"Good." Mike sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Now let's get back to the office before Olivia has a heart attack, and finish the night…" he said.
***PLEASE READ THIS! Short chapter. Really short chapter, sorry if it was kinda... I dunno, uneventful? But… I had nothing else for the story. At least you know both sides of the Bite of '87. But uh... If I continued, I'd lead into Lost Son. Speaking of which! I am taking down Lost Son and re-uploading it to where it fits into the story better. Mentions of Olivia, Ray, Jarvis, Rhythmi, Gerald… all that since that story was written before this one. If you have followed this story only, then follow me so you know when Lost Son goes up. This chapter is the end, folks. I hope you enjoyed this. Thank you, WarHusky2000 for helping me with this and helping it turn into the story it is now. Thank you, GrezzWizard for your support.***
**EDIT: Lost Son is up! Go and check that out!**