I apologize for writing this and not the next chapter of Harry Potter: No Good Deed goes Unpunished or Harry Potter the Undead Slayer. The idea just would not leave my head at all. I needed to get it down on paper.
I do not own Harry Potter or anything you recognize herein. I am making no money off of this.
Headmaster Albus Dumbledore had just given his closing speech for the year. Unlike most years he had precious little to say that was good compared to the awful news of Voldemort's return and Cedric Diggory's death. Once more he had failed his charges and Harry Potter had been forced to save the day. Well, save as much of it as he could. It was far more than most could have done. Not many people could duel Voldemort to a stalemate. Dumbledore would be the first to admit he did not win his duels with his former student. Like Harry, he had always fought to a draw. The difference was, Albus had more than a century of experience and he'd had help.
"Sorry, my boy, I believe I was woolgathering." Dumbledore was so deep in introspection he had not noticed the Great Hall go quiet or the approach of the very young man he had been thinking of. "You'll have to ask your question again, I am afraid."
"Understandable sir, I have been thinking very hard over things the last few days." Harry Potter gave a half smile. "I just wanted to address everyone. I feel I owe to Cedric and everyone else."
"Harry, it is not you who owes anything." Dumbledore smiled warmly. "Feel free, I doubt that anyone would begrudge you a few words."
"Thank you Headmaster." Harry smiled before he turned to step up to the podium. He'd been planning what to say since he had gotten out of the hospital wing. Using a bit of transfiguration he had learned this year, he made the stool the right height before stepping up. "If I may have all your attention, I have a few things to say. As many of you know I am Harry Potter." He chuckled as the Weasley Twins did a fair impression of being surprised by this statement. "I was unfairly chosen to compete in the TriWizard Tournament through the malfeasance of a Deatheater. Despite facing off against two Wizards and a Witch that were by far my superiors, I won. I wish I could say it was god luck, but alas it was not. The very man who put my name in the Goblet of Fire also robbed the real Champions of their rightful glory. He helped rob one of my friends lives."
"I am not telling you this so you will lionize or pity me. I do not want either from you. No, I tell you this because hard choices are coming. Voldemort has returned and he will bring back the Blood War again." Harry paused for a moment. "He's already started with the murder of a good man who would have stood in the Light against him. Now is the time when you have to decide: Do you stand for what is Right or do you bow down to Murderous fiend who tortures his followers for fun? Only you can decide that. I know which side I am on, though for me it was never a choice. I stand against Voldemort and his evil."
"Unfortunately that stance effects others in my life. Voldemort is too cowardly to strike me in person. He will strike at me through those I love and cherish." Harry continued, his voice cracking a little bit. "All my life I have wanted Friends and eventually Family. I found that here in Hogwarts. I found a Brother and a Sister who even though we fight, we will always be there for what matters." He looked directly at Hermione and Ron with a warm smile. "I have found many friends who have helped me with tasks great and small." He looked around the room catching individual people's eyes for a moment. "And this year I found love. A woman touched my heart much the same way my mother touched my father's so many years ago." Looking to the Ravenclaw table he found the eyes of the woman who he loved so dearly. "I should be the happiest man to walk the Earth, but there is a shadow hanging over it all. Everyone who calls me Friend or Brother is in danger now. That danger pales next to the danger the woman who calls me her Lover. Voldemort and his followers with strike out at her. I have no doubt she could beat any of them in a fair duel, even Voldemort himself. But liken the cowards they are, they never attack alone and never with warning."
"They will hound her and her family. A family I love dearly as well. So it is not just her I am worried for." Harry sighed softly as he saw the woman's eyes flash with sadness for a moment. "Abandoning her is not an option. If we broke up, Voldemort would still kill her and slaughter her family just for having been with me once. So I have no other option…OBLIVIATE!"
There had been some in the crowd who had wondered just what Harry Potter was attempting. Unfortunately, nobody managed to piece it together until the spell was spoken. By then it was too late. All memory of the events Harry Potter had selected for his spell left the minds of everyone present. New memories were seeded in everyone replacing what was erased. The crowd would not even remember that Harry spoke at the Leaving Feast. In fact nobody in the Hall even knew what happened save one Potions Master. So when Harry exited the Hall while others were gathering their wits, Severus Snape was hot on his heels.
"Just what do you think you are doing, Potter. I know you are trying to protect her, but the Dark Lord will just pluck it from your mind." Severus Snape grabbed the arm of the Boy-That-Lived and spun him around. "She won't even know why she is being targeted you Dunderhead."
"I knew you wouldn't be affected." Harry was barely holding himself together. He'd just erased all the reasons the love of his life had chosen him. "The most advanced occlumens in the world. Quite a feat. I just beg of you, please hide what you know in the most secure part of your mind. She has done nothing to you, don't let him kill her."
"Blasted boy, if the Dark Lord find out it will not be from my mind." Snape sneered. "How are you going to protect her?"
"Obliviating myself is the only way." Harry replied after a moment. "I'll know I love someone deeply, but I'll never connect it with her. She'll find someone new, as for me. I arranged a potion to be delivered my sixth year and ordered Dobby to make sure I drink it. Provided I live that long."
"You…you…you…I cannot think of an insult dire enough to call you. If Lily were alive today she would likely hex you to London and back." Severus seethed for a moment. "I will protect your secret, with my very soul Potter. Know this, if that woman suffers because of this, I will make existence a living hell."
"It already will be, Professor Snape. I just won't know it." Harry gave a small half smile before pointing his own wand between his eyes. "Obliviate!"