Previous chapter: "There some things you should know about me." Nico
Really?! DO TELL! It's about DAMN TIME," Dani exclaimed. This man interested her on so many levels. Little by little and piece by piece, Nico had opened up, but Dani wanted to more. She wanted to know everything about this man.
Nico smiled as he helped Dani out of the car. He could tell she was still very sore, as was he. "I will tell you everything, but first lets get inside and as promised, food." There was a setting set up for them close to the water on a huge deck. It was beautiful. A basket full of food and wine.
"Wow, Nico, you really do think of everything, don't you. You truly are the most romantic man I know," Dani stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek.
"Shhh, that can be our little secret. I don't want to ruin my intimadating badass rep, remember!" Nico smirked and loved the laugh that he got from Dani. It made him laugh and smile as well.
"God, Nico. Thank you for making me laugh again. With all that has happened over the past couple of days or even months, I kind of forgot how good it felt." Dani told him as she sighed a sigh of contentment.
"Dani," Nico said softly and gently grabbed her arm. Dani looked deep into those gorgeous eyes of his. She could definitley get wrapped up in this man. "I just wanted you to know that you being happy is the most important thing to me. I love seeing that smile and hearing you laugh." Before she could say anything, he pulled her in and kissed her like there was no tomorrow. He left her speechless.
Nico turned on some music and they sat on the deck and ate. Dani looked around at the outdoor kitchen that was bigger than her kitchen and dinning room out together. It was built with so much thought put into it. She could tell that more than likely it was Nico's design. There was a porch that wrapped around the whole house and several layers of different decks. Even the upstairs had a deck, which including a private one off of a bedroom. Dani assumed that was Nico's. Hopefully, she would get to enjoy that view with him later. Nico watched Dani look around and take in every single detail. He decided now was the perfect time to elaborate on his life.
"Being from Pittsburg and all, my family wanted a place that we could all escape to on the weekends, especially during the summer. We have several different ones. This one here, is mine. My Papaw is a carpenter and damn good at it. I actually helped him design and build this place. I'm the oldest of six, three bothers, two sisters. Dominic Ugene Careles, is the name on my birth certificate. When I was 22 I joined the navy. After the navy, I needed some extra cash, so I could start over. I helped my Papaw out with his carpentry business for a couple of years. My family has always had plenty of money. It's just I wanted to support myself. After two years doing carpenter work, I moved to New York and automaticly was offered the job as the Hawks Security. Marshall and I served together and were good friends, as you know. You already know about Gaberilla and Alex. I'm very close to my family, especially my papaw, mom, dad, and my sister, who is just a little over a year younger than me." Nico loved Dani's expression. While he was talking, her mouth would open and then close, as if she wanted to say something, but just didn't know what to say.
"Nico, that is amazing. You are such a wonderful man. I hope I can meet your family someday. Thank you for sharing that with me. From the day, I caught you staking out my house, you have intrigued me. I have always wanted to know everything about you."
"Actually, if your really up to it, my grandparents are celebrating their 75th anniversary here in a couple of weeks. We are throwing a big party for them. I would be honored if you would come with me," Nico said as he stood up.
Nico walked over to the stero and changed the song. The song that he put on was a slow song. It was called, Like I'm Gonna Lose You. He walked back over to Dani. "May I have this dance?" He offered her his hand and Dani took it. He pulled her close and he wrapped his arms around her waist and she around his neck. They listened to the words and just enjoyed this moment.
I'm gonna love I'm gonna lose you
I'm gonna hold I'm saying goodbye
Wherever were standing, I won't take you for granted cause we never know when we'll run out of time
So I'm gonna love I'm gonna lose you
"Nico," Dani whispered. "I don't want this moment to end." Nico didn't say anything, but instead, took Dani's hand and led the way into the cabin and up the stairs. Music still playing. The surround sound was all thru the house. They entered into Nicos room. He looked into those chocolate eyes, that he had fallen in love with and continued their dancing. This time, he took Dani's lips in his. They kissed until they need air to breathe. He lifted Dani up and laid her on his big king size bed.
"It doesn't have to. We can continue this moment for as long as you want to," Nico said in a very seductive tone. His lips went to her neck and wsaker their way down. "Dani, please tell me that this is okay. If it's not, although it would be hard, I can stop."
"Nico, please don't stop." Dani kissed him hard.
Nico pulled Dani back up and faced her away from him. Her back was against him. Nico began to massage her neck and shoulders. It had been a few tense days for her and he wanted to take every bit of her pain away. Dani moaned and arched her back because it felt so good to her. Nico was touching her in all the right places. It's like he knew exactly what she needed. While massaging, he kissed on her neck. Then, his hand went up to her right breast and as he rubbed it, he felt her nipples harden. If only she knew how badly he wanted her and for so long. He continued by removing Dani's shirt and pulling her into his lap. She felt exactly how hard he was and it turned her on so badly. Nico took Dani's breast in his mouth. He loved the way she moaned his name. He continued his torture by inserting his fingers down her pants. She was so wet for him. He laid her down on the bed and removed the rest of her clothes. This was really the first time he had seen her completely naked. He paused for a minute and took it all in.
"What," Dani whispered. She wanted to know what he was thinking.
"Just admiring the view. Dani you are so beautiful." Nico began his kissing down her body and to her sweet spot. He began fingering her with his right hand and rubbing her cliche with his left.
Dani closed her eyes. "Dani, look at me. I want to watch you go." Dani opened her eyes. She didn't know why, but him watching her go, turned her on even more. Nico had the right touch and applied the right pressure. He knew how to move his fingers. She knew if he was this good with just his hands, that he would be unbelievely incredicable when he finally entered his cock not her.
Nico loved the way Dani moved and arched her back as she finally came. She was so responsive. Nico didn't hesitate. He entered her fast and hard. He was more than ready to show her just how amazing she was.
"Do you want it fast," Nico said as he increased his speed. Dani moaned his name at this action. "Or do you like it slow," Nico asked as he slowed his pace. He started rubbing her cliche as he mixed his pace up between fast and hard and slow and steady. He was driving Dani crazy. She knew she wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Nico was makin her feel things that she had never felt before. Making her cum in a way that she never had before.
"I love you, Dani," Nico whispered as they both went at the same time. Dani's orgasm lasted so long. She had never in her life felt this way and she knew exactly why. This man, she thought.
Nico pulled her against his chest. It was still early in the day. He had a suprise for Dani that should be arriving in the next hour or so. He couldn't stop thinking about how amazing she was and the way he felt. He knew she was the best that he had ever had and he knew it was because he loved her.
They had both been quiet, trying to catch their breath. Dani felt like she was on cloud nine. On top of that, Nico had just told her he loved her. He had made a similar statement a few days ago, but she didn't say anything back, but she wasn't making that mistake this time.
Dani turned towards Nico. "You just made me feel like I have never felt. You made me cum like I never have before. Sex was the best that I've had. I know it's different because when you make love with the person you are meant to be with, it makes it so special. Thank you, Nico. I've tried to deny my feelings for you for too long. I am in love with you."
When Nico heard her say those words, he was back on her again. No more words were spoken as they made love again. It was slow and more passionate, not as rushed this time. Nico kissed and touch every part of Dani's body. It was like he worshipped her body. Dani couldn't get enough of this man. He did things to her and made her feel in ways that she didn't know existed.
"Nico...where have you been my whole life! I am so sorry that I avoided my feelings for you for so long."
"I love you, Danielle."
"I love you, Dominic."
"I like Nico," he whispered. "Time for a quick shower and then I have a suprise for that should be arriving in the next twenty minutes or so. "Your bruising looks better. Still sore?" Nico ran his hand lightly across the bruising.
"It's a little better. Still pretty sore."
"Well, I couldn't tell with the way you moved that sexy body." Nico gave her a soft kiss on the lips.
They joined each other in the shower. Dani was in shock at how huge the shower was. It was bigger than her master suite and that was just the shower. Nico didn't stay in but a few minutes.
As he got out, he kissed her hard. "Stay in as long as you like."
Dani turned the hot water up. The memories of the last two hours flooded her mind. It was unreal how she felt. She was so happy. She couldn't wait to tell Jeanette all about this experience. She would be proud.
Nico headed downstairs and outside to greet his arriving company. He had arranged for Ray J, Lindsey, Jeanette, Ronnie, Dani's sister and her fianchero come stay the weekend. He hoped Dani would love the suprise. Nico had a ski boat and some jet skis. He had plans for them to all go out and ride the tube, knee board, ski and just swim. Just enjoy the day.
Nico greeted everyone. They were all already in their bathing suits.
"So mom doesn't know we are here?" Lindsey asked.
Nico smiled. "Not yet."
When Dani got out of the shower, she wondered why it was quiet. She wrapped a towel around her and walked out into the bedroom. No sign of Nico. Her bathing suit, cover up, and towel was laid out on the bed, so she assumed they were going swimming.
Once Dani was dressed, she headed downstairs. Nico was in the kitchen. He had on his bathing suit and very tight tank top. Looking so sexy.
Before Dani could say anything, she heard laughin and talking. She looked at Nico because she knew that laugh. He gave her a smile. When she walked outside and saw Ray J, she thought she might cry. Dani hadn't seen him in almost a year. He had changed so much.
After hugs were all given out, Nico and Ray J got the ice chest ready with drinks. Dani and Jeanette grabbed some snacks.
"Dani, I just want to apologize for earlier. I want you to meet my fiancé, Jared. Jared, this is my sister Dani," Ronnie said as they were all walking to the boat.
Dani hugged Ronnie. "I'm just glad you're here." She then turned to Jared and said, " nice to meet you and you better take care of her." Everyone laughed.
They all piled in the boat. They went out and rode around the lake. It was beautiful.
"Who would have took you for a Lakin kind of guy," Jeanette told Nico. "I'm glad though because Dani here, loves the water."
Dani drove the boat while Nico knee boarded and skied. He was awesome at it. Everyone was just having such a great time.
They stopped for break and all got out to swim, munch on a few snacks.
Dani didn't think she had ever seen her kids smile so much. They were happy and getting along well with Nico.
"I'm glad my mom has you Nico," Lindsey said out loud.
"Yea man, you are ," Ray J added.
Nico laughed. Is that just because I let you drive my boat?" After everyone was done laughing, he continued by saying, "I'm the thankful one. Your mom is amazing."
We all know this," Jeanette added.
Dani was just eating this up. It was almost too good to be true.
"Anybody up for some burgers tonight," Dani questioned.
Once they all agreed on that, they decided to play a little while longer in the water. Dani and Nico rode the tube back to the cabin. Lindsey and Ray J took out the jet skis. Dani sent Nico and Jared to get meat, fries, and the ingredients for homemade ice cream from the store. Jeanette, Ronnie, and Dani sat around the pool listening to music and drinking some wine. The men told them to relax and that they would cook and take care of everything. So the ladies were definitely taking advantage of that.
"This place is amazing, Dan," Jeannette told her.
"Nico is for sure," Ronnie put in.
All Dani could do was smile. She was very happy and she knew she wanted to continue to move forward with this man. She also knew there would be highs and lows, but she knew they could overcome all of that, especially with everything they had been thru lately.
While they were relaxin in the pool, Dani got a phone call from the hospital. Their mother had improved and would be able to have visitors first thing tomorrow morning.
Nico and Jared had just arrived when Dani hung up the phone. She told everyone the good news. They were all relieved and excited.
Jeanette cranked up the music. "LETS CELEBRATE!"
Nico and Dani kissed.
"I love you, Danille."
"And I love you, Dominic."