It was now 6:00. That meant it was exactly 20 hours and 12 minutes since Zach had kissed me. And that same amount of time that I had not told anyone about it. And that same amount of time that I had spent pondering on whether or not I should tell someone.
As a knock came on the door, I felt my heart rate start to pick up. I opened the door to Zach.
"Ready?" he asked motioning out the door.
"Yeah. I guess," I suddenly felt that I didn't exactly want to go. I closed the door behind me as I walked out.
I walked down the stairs and out onto the sidewalk. Zach came up next to me and we walked in silence for a little before I started to get curious. "Zach, where are we going?" I asked realizing I hadn't known where we were going, which is not good when you're a spy.
"The park," he said in monotone. There wasn't much else said as we walked south towards the park.
As we reached the grassy field, Zach pulled me over to a bench and sat down on the edge. I sat in the middle, a reasonable distance away from him.
"Uh so…" I said trailing off. Zach looked just as awkward sitting there as I felt.
"So…" he repeated quietly.
I waited for him to continue talking because he was in fact the one that had dragged me out here, so he should have had some sort of plan. Realizing he had none I groaned, "You brought me all the way out here and you don't even have anything to say?" I pushed myself up off the bench, "I've gotta go. Kyle's probably home by now."
I swear I saw his jaw tighten at that. But then again, I could just be imagining things that aren't really there.
As I started to walk back towards home I heard Zach's voice call out, "Gallagher Girl wait."
I stopped in my tracks, wondering if I should turn around. Before I could keep walking again, I heard footsteps running towards me.
I turned around to wait for him to catch up. As he came closer, he took my hand in his, "Don't go."
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't. Because right now I can think of fifty as to why I should." He looked into my eyes with a pleading look. "Exactly," I said ripping my hand out of his.
As I walked away I heard his retreating footsteps. And I heard him whisper, "Three words. Eight letters. That's why."
The words seemed so familiar, but I couldn't place it. I turned around to ask him but he was no longer there.
I shrugged off the confusion and continued on with my angry dramatic exit. I couldn't help but feel like it was a little less dramatic since I was the lame one that had to look back.
My phone rang and I dug into my purse to try to find it. I finally found it to see Kyle's face lighting up my screen.
I smiled, answering the phone, "Hey babe."
"Hey Cams. How are you?"
"As good as I can be. But what's up?"
"I just got back home and you weren't here."
"Oh, yeah. I had to go to the store to get some food if you looked in the fridge, Bex ate like everything. I'm actually there now if you want anything. What do you want for dinner?" I said searching my bag for my car keys.
That's when I realized that Zach drove me here and I didn't even have my keys with me. Great, now what?
"Uh whatever, I'm not all that hungry. . . You went to the store without your car?" Kyle asked, voicing exactly what I was hoping he wouldn't notice.
"Yeah I had Bex take me since her food opinion is always nice to have because she'll eat half of it anyways," I replied, the lie rolling off of my tongue too easily. Recently it had become so much easier to lie to him, I remember the days when I could barely keep a straight face when lying around him.
"Well then I'll see you back at home then. Love you," he said letting me go.
"Yeah, see you there," I said hanging up the phone.
I called Bex, but she didn't answer, so I called Macey. She picked up immediately, and I told her my predicament and asked her to pick me up and drive me to the store.
She sighed, "Fine, but you owe me."
"Thank you love you forever!"
Macey arrived in no time, and we were in the chip aisle soon after.
"So did Zach say anything?" Macey asked from her squatted position on the ground as her eyes flitted back and forth between normal and lime lays.
"Nope," I let out an exasperated sigh, "He makes this huge deal about wanting to talk and never does. I just don't understand why he has to make everything so complicated. I'd rather just know what he's thinking and just get it over with. I can't continue to hang in this state of confusion and wonder -which by the way I shouldn't even be in because Zach shouldn't even be in the equation right now."
"At this point in time you should know that there will never be a time that Zach isn't part of the equation. He was your first love, things like that just don't go away, you can move on but he'll still always hold a special place in your heart."
"Ugh how come Bex and Liz got to stay with Grant and Jonas?" I asked genuinely wanting to know, "Why did Zach have to ruin everything?"
"Well I mean if he didn't then you wouldn't have met Kyle. So I guess it was all for the best?" Macey said more as a question. She turned to face me as if maybe I didn't agree if it was for the best.
Was it better? Two months ago I would've said of course without hesitation. But now? Now it was different. As much as I hated to admit it, Zach changed things. He shouldn't still have this effect on me, but I can't help but wonder what if? What if we stayed together all this time -would I be happier with him than I am now with Kyle?
But then again I also had to realize, what if messing things up with Kyle over some old crush is the worst thing I do in my life?
I shook my head and gave a small smile, "Yeah, I guess it was." Macey seemed to believe my reply just as much as I do.
Macey dropped me off at the house and I went in carrying all the groceries.
When the house let out the little beep that goes off when a door opens, Kyle's head popped out from above the stairs. "Need some help there babe?"
I just brushed past him and placed the bags on the counter. "Not anymore."
"So you aren't hungry?" I asked him.
"Nope, but I'll just watch you eat. You're adorable when you eat."
"Well then sorry to disappoint, but I'm not really hungry either."
Kyle scrunched him nose in the slightest, obviously thinking about what to do then. I loved how his nose did that when he thought about stuff.
He grabbed my hand and pulled my over to the couch, me curling up next to him, absorbing his body heat.
I stared up at his face as colors flashed upon his face as he scrolled through the channels. "Anything you want to watch?" he asked looking down at me with a smile.
"Gossip Girl?" I asked with a hopeful grin. He gave me that are-you-serious look before clicking on the bar the read Gossip Girl on the screen.
I reached up and gave him a little peck on the cheek and watched excitedly as Blair and Serena sat on the Met steps.
A little while later, I felt Kyle's lips brush against my collar bone. As he kissed up my neck, I light out a slight moan. He pulled me closer and I moved so I was straddling his legs on top of him. I felt his smile as his lips met mine.
In the background, I heard Chuck beg from the television, "Please don't leave with him."
"Why? Give me a reason. . ."
Kyle's hands were playing with the hem of my shirt, drawing little circles on the small of my back.
". . . The true reason I should stay right here and not get in the car. Three words, eight letters. Say it and I'm yours."
I sat up straight and whipped my head around to stare at Blair walking away.
"What happened? Is everything okay?" Kyle asked, slightly pouting.
"What did she just say?" I asked searching for and grabbing the remote to rewind the scene.
"Are you serious right now Cammie? You are interrupting us for Chuck and Blane?" he asking with disbelief all throughout his voice.
"First of all it's Blair. And yes. Now shush."
". . . And not get in the car. Three words, eight letters. Say it and I'm yours."
"Fuck." The words, they were so familiar, I had just been wondering about them earlier today. Zach had said them, Bex had said them. How could I be so dumb and miss such an iconic reference?
Hey, so I kind of went on a really long hiatus and I really want to apologize to everyone. I left the site for a while -like 2 years a while- but I recently rediscovered my love for this series and site. So if any of you are still reading this that were here from the start thank you for being patient and I'm so sorry that I waited so long to update I just kind of dropped off of writing. And if any of you are just starting this now then thanks for reading and you are lucky enough to not have fallen victim to my terrible punctuality.
So I'm sorry. I will definitely be trying to finish this story in a timely fashion. I will update when I can with I promise will be before 2 years. Again I'm sorry and love you all!
Until next time :)