The war has gone on too long, if the history is correct then it has been centuries during the day of their ancestors are still alive when the war begin between the humans and the immortal. In the past the vampire are disadvantage under the sun while the humans are only equip with swords as shield but as years passed by the two species has discovered magic. The war has become more brutal and many lands has been destroy and can't be reproduce anymore. Many innocent lives has been lost, nobody can walk out from their house in peace. Many wonder how all of these happen. Both side blame the others and told if they didn't exist none of this will happen.

Even so he knows that war will continue even if one side has lost since rebellion, politic and racism's will cause the war to continue. Humans knew the immortals think of them as pray just like the immortals knew that the human thought of them as monsters. The war continue, more blood are spill on the holy ground and all he could is pray for this to be over. Here he is kneeling at alter while clutching the necklace his father give to him before he pass away. With his eyes close and his head lower the sounds of his prayer fill the silence church. He wear the white robe and veil to cover his face as he beg for his comrade to be saved.

The priest look at the boy with wonder since the boy will always come every day to pray for the day of peace to come. Ever since the boy become an orphan he become very lonely and sad making the old man feel pity. He leaves the boy alone after he wish that the boy can reach his happiness.

"We are all sinners." The boy known as Slaine said. "Please forgive us and bless us. Have pity toward the family who lost their loves one and despise those who are selfish and greedy. Please give us strength to live another day."

As soon he heard someone calls him slowly he stand up and place the necklace around his neck, he turn around to see a black hair girl standing near the door while carrying a basket of bread with her. She gives a bright smile at him but he notice her tired eyes and pale face. She is also an orphan and have spent her free time as a nurse to heal the victims of the war. He quickly go to her side and embrace her before giving a kiss on her head.

She chuckles as she embraces him back and give a silent thanks. "Do you know that many said they will be bless once you kiss them at their fore head?" She told him as she escort him out from the old church that looks like about to fall at any second. "The kids start the rumor since they think you're special since you always go to church to pray while the adults said because that is the power of a virgin."

"I don't see any problem being a virgin." He blushes. "I'm still 17 years old."

"That's right but the elder insist that we start reproduce in young age to have many armies." She said sadly. "The adults are thinking of getting me marry with someone from my village."

"They can't do that!"

"I know!" She take out a loaf of bread before giving a huge bite. "How dare they think lowly of women? Just because I can't be as strong as guys and can bear children doesn't mean they can take away my dream to live a happy life with someone I truly love!"

"Why don't you live here with me?" He asked.

"Slaine, even though you and I are in the same situation but that doesn't change that you're Lord Troyard the heir of Troyard family. Having someone like me in hour house would be a disgrace." She explains. "You shouldn't show pity toward me unless it benefit you."

"I'm not like them!" He almost shouted at her before recompose himself. "I'm the same as you but it's just my blood status that makes me different."

"Yeah . . ."

They both grab a bread and start eating peacefully as they look at the house that are still in good shape. If the defense can hold the vampires then this area will live a bit longer until they turn 40 or 50. If they're lucky this place will stay untouched until they grow old and die. Once people die because of natural death or being killed they will be burn while the bodies from important families will be bury as a reminder for the other humans. His father was buried at the cemetery of noble alongside his mother and soon he will be buried right beside them along with his future children.

His friend Crystal was born from a normal family. They aren't poor but they can't afford a single luxury and it stay that way until she become an orphan. Once he parents leave her she will be force out from the house and stay at the orphanage with other kids. The house that she once called her home are given to the people who come here for protection. Many humans come to the safe zone once their home are destroyed. The place they live in are one of those places who haven't been attacked by the immortals yet.

Few are brave to live in the forest where they will be expose to danger but those few told them once that it's a good hidden place despite the risk. These day everyone will do anything to stay alive even becoming slave to the immortals. Some already committing suicide while others bow to the immortal thinking of them as god because of their superior power. Crystal said those people are insane and he can't help but agree. Those people are the type that betray them easily causing the war to last longer than I should be.

"What should we do Crystal?" he asked her once. "The war won't end and the only thing that is keeping us alive because of our advance discovery of magic."

"I don't know." She answered him. "Even if I have the power over all humanity I have no idea what to do since there's no way immortals want to respect us since our body is weaker and our life are shorter than theirs. It's impossible to ask for peace, many of our ancestors has tried before but none of them agree."

Slaine nod his head lazily before gripping tightly of his precious necklace.

"That belongs to your father, right?"

"Yeah. He told me it's a protective charm and so far I don't know if it's true or not since I have never been in danger before."

"Well, if you father said it is then it's better to believe it."

He smile back at her before slowly standing up. "It's time for me to go." She bid him farewell and watch as he enter the church again. The way Slaine always enter the place wearing that robe and veil remind her a lot of Slaine mother. She is a beautiful woman and kind as well. Just like her Slaine also help people in need, he was also called as a pure maiden but that title will only last until he got married. If he married someone someday she can only hope that person will love Slaine as Slaine father had once did to his wife. She gives a deep sigh before walking away from that place since she has a feeling that the number of patients for today has increase again.