AN: Welcome to another new story by everyone's favorite fluffykitten!

And um… that's all I really have to say about this story.

Oh, I don't own Pokémon or Star Wars, they belong to Nintendo (Game Freak? Both?) and Disney respectively. *Grumbles about Disney buying Star Wars*

Oh and another thing: I will be using characters from the Pokémon anime along with ocs (who will be named at the beginning of the chapter they debut in). As for Star Wars, there are three characters owned by me (for now): The two protagonists based off of TOR characters, and a Jedi. That's all of my characters for now and like I said before, any new ocs will be mentioned. Any characters that are not my ocs belong to their rightful owners, not me.

Finally, this takes place during the time of The Old Republic MMO, when the Sith Empire existed.

Wait, I should probably mention that in this chapter, two ocs will debut: (Wait, would the two characters based off of playable characters in the game count as ocs? Because you know- you customize the character to make it yours, but they give an official background for the character.)

Irdiageesh: A red skinned Zabrak Sith Assassin, Irdiageesh was trained at an early age in the ways of the Sith. His master, Darth Zash, was confident in his abilities, despite him being a teenager. At one point, Zash tricked Irdiageesh into performing a ritual which would allow her to take over his body, but her mind became stuck in the body of Irdiageesh's Dashade servant, Khem Val. (I know the age for the characters conflicts with the storylines, but I think it would be weird and kinda creepy for three adults to be traveling with adolescent kids, so they're teenagers.)

Fiemmea: A cyborg bounty hunter who is skilled in the art of firearms, she has a lust for adventure and credits. She never betrays her original clients and promises maximum efficiency.

Eos: A female Rutian Twi'lek Jedi Padawan . She has the ability to use Battle Meditation, but does not know how to properly use it yet. (She won't make an actual appearance in this chapter, but instead the next one)

Mako: If you've played the Bounty Hunter storyline, you should recognize her. I would have added Khem Val from the Inquisitor story, but I don't think he would fit in with this story, know what I mean? He calls Death his "Mistress" if that tells you anything.

(Okay, so I had more to say than I thought.)

Vaiken Spacedock

Outer Rim Territories

3642 BBY

(Because I don't know what major event they went by during this time period)

"Ah, there you are my lord."

Irdiageesh looked at the Imperial officer. "Do I know you?"

"I'm not of any importance, but the message I carry is." The officer pulled out a holocomm and began playing a transmission. On the holocomm appeared a man anyone from the Empire would recognize: Darth Malgus.

"This is Darth Malgus." He said. "Our spies in the Jedi Order have confirmed our greatest fear; the Council is training a Jedi to use Battle Meditation. We couldn't be certain of it, since no one has used Battle Meditation since the Jedi Civil War, but it is true. Fortunately, this Jedi is still young- she is merely a teenager. I am placing a bounty of one million credits on this Jedi's head. Bring her to me alive and you will be rewarded ten times that. I want you to find this Jedi, Lord Irdiageesh."

"Wait, you're actually speaking to me?" The young Sith Lord said. "This isn't a pre-recorded message?"

"Not this time." Malgus said. "This mission is of the upmost importance, and I need to be able to answer any questions you may have."

"Well for starters, I thought Sith were supposed to kill our enemies." Irdiageesh said, confused. "Why am I bringing the Jedi in alive?"

"Normally, that is true," Malgus went on. "But not in this case. Tell me, do you even know what Battle Meditation is?"

Irdiageesh shook his head.

"I thought so." Malgus said. "Battle Meditation is an extremely powerful ability that only a select number of Force Sensitives can use. It boosts the morale of the troops under the command of the being using Battle Meditation, while crushes the enemy's morale." The Darth sighed. "I love seeing our enemies hopelessly squirm. It's a very lovely sight. Not only does it affect morale, it increases the actual strength of soldiers, while draining the strength of the enemy. That is why Darth Malak wanted to obtain Bastila so badly; so he could use that power for his army."

"This still doesn't seem like a big deal." Irdiageesh said. "I've killed Jedi before."

"I doubt you've ever fought one that can manipulate strength and morale." Malgus replied. "Do not underestimate the Jedi." After a few moments, the Dark Lord added, "Joining you on this mission will be a bounty hunter and her friend." As if on cue, two girls walked in, both around Irdiageesh's age. The first one had dark skin and yellow hair. She was missing an eye, replaced by a mechanical one. There were also cybernetics attached to her face. Her armor looked as though it could break bone that hit it too hard and she wielded two blaster pistols.

The other girl was lighter skinned with dark messy hair. She too had cybernetics on her face, on the left side of her face, next to her eye. Irdiageesh assumed they were merely cybernetic enhancements unlike the first girl. The second girl carried only one blaster pistol.

"This is Fiemmea and Mako." The Darth introduced. "They're two deadly bounty hunters despite their young age."

"I still don't understand." Irdiageesh said. "Why are you sending us? Why not someone better, with more age and experience?"

"In order to hunt a teenager, I need people who think like teenagers, and who better than actual ones?" Malgus answered. "Complete this task and you will be rewarded ten million credits." He told the two new arrivals.

"Ten million credits?" Mako gasped. "Can you imagine the things we could do with that much money, Fiemmea?" The cyborg girl thought for a few moments, then said, "I'm in. But let me tell you this- if you scam me and my friend out of one single credit, you'll regret it."

"Persuade me with something other than credits, and I might assist you." Irdiageesh said to the high ranked Sith. "If this Jedi is as dangerous as you say, I could drop the job right now and find one less lethal."

Malgus thought for a moment. "A Sith who can't be bought with money. I like it. Tell you what: Bring me the Jedi and not only will you get your reward, but I will allow you to keep her as an apprentice on one condition."

"And that would be?"

"You must allow the Sith Empire to take her into battle and use her abilities if we require."

"Fair enough." The young Sith answered. "I get an apprentice, and the bounty hunters get money."

"Then it's settled." The Darth said. "Go now. May the Force serve you well."

"Um, Darth Malgus, sir?" Fiemmea said. "You never told us what this Jedi looks like."

"Malgus rubbed his chin. "I guess that would help, wouldn't it? Your target is a Rutian Twi'lek named Eos. Find her, bring her to me, preferably alive, and you will be greatly rewarded." The hologram vanished.

"Sounds like a rather big job, eh?" The Imperial officer said. "I wish you the best of luck, my lord."

"Please." Irdiageesh said, putting his hand in front of him to dismiss the sentence. "I'm a Sith. I don't need luck."

"Whatever you say, my lord." The officer said, then sprinted away.

Irdiageesh lead the bounty hunters into the hanger containing his Fury- class Imperial Interceptor. After showing them around the ship, the young lord received another transmission from Darth Malgus.

"We're picking up a signal left by a tracker we placed on the Jedi's ship." Malgus said. "My officers are sending you the coordinates so you can make a jump to hyperspace." The image vanished as a set of coordinates appeared in the ship's log.

"Um, Irdiageesh?" Mako said. "These coordinates lead into the Unknown Regions. Are you sure that's where the Jedi is?"

Irdiageesh sneered. "The Unknown Regions. Jedi are so predictable. It's the last place I would go if I were attempting to hide."

"How would you hide, then?" Fiemmea asked, crossing her arms.

"I'd mask my force-sensitivity, and then hide in plain sight." Irdiageesh answered. "I imagine some Jedi would go into the Unknown Regions to look for me, but they'd never find me. Of course, I don't know if it's possible to mask force-sensitivity, but I would if I could."

As Mako confirmed the jump to hyperspace, Irdiageesh said, "This Jedi is rather important to the Order. More than likely she'll have several fighters protecting her. I want one of you to man the missile launcher and the other to man the laser cannons should we meet anyone else. When we kill anyone escorting her, I want you to fire on the Jedi's engines so she'll be forced to land- or crash."

Fiemmea's head arched slightly backwards. "And what will you be doing during this?"

"Piloting this ship, of course!" Irdiageesh snapped, sitting in his pilot seat. "Man your station- we're approaching the signal.

After about an hour of flying, the Imperial teenagers finally reached the ship that was transmitting the signal. Irdiageesh's databanks contained no information on the starfighter that was hosting the tracker, but he saw that the other starfighters- two of them, were Liberator class starfighters. The three ships were in the highest reaches of an unidentified planet- one filled with green and blue and many other colors on the surface.

"State your business." A person from one of the Liberator fighters said. None of the Fury's crew said nothing, thinking of a believable lie for being in the Unknown Regions, following a starfighter containing a Jedi. After about a minute, the two Liberators realized something was going on, and turned around to open fire on the Fury.

"Fiemmea! Return fire!" Irdiageesh ordered over the ship-wide channel. The cyborg fired laser cannons at the two Liberators, blasting them to pieces in a matter of seconds.

"Pathetic." She spat. "Those were two of the worst fighters I've ever seen in my life." She fired more shots at the Twi'lek's ship, but nothing happened. The crew noticed there was a blue lining over the shield.

"Mako!" Irdiageesh said. "Fire on that ship! We need to take it out with missiles!"

"Understood!" Mako replied. She fired several missiles at the Republic Starfighter, causing it to rock a little.

"Firing laser cannon!" Fiemmea said. The Republic Starfighter absorbed the hits, leaving several black spots on the ship where the lasers made contact.

"Her shields are down!" Irdiageesh said. "Fire at the engine! I want her alive!" The two Bounty Hunters relentlessly shot at the Jedi's ship, but the small starfighter dive-bombed towards the planet.

"She's gonna get away!" Mako said.

"She'll never get away!" Irdiageesh said. "Not when I shift into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!" Irdiageesh pushed every lever and hit every button that would make the Fury go faster in order to keep up with his prey. Fiemmea's cannons made contact with the ship several more times, until a trail of smoke and fire appeared out of the back .

"She can only keep going for so long." Irdiageesh said, grinning through his teeth. Eventually, there was an explosion where the engine should be, and the Republic Starfighter began to fall out of the sky.

"Hang on, ladies!" Irdiageesh said. "We're staying right on her tail and going in hot!"

"Um, Irdiageesh?" Fiemmea said. After a moment of silence, she said, "Look! She's got an ion cannon!" A small cannon emerged out of the top of the starfighter, then turned to face the Fury.

"Hmh." Irdiageesh grunted. "She's too scared to fight us, so she's going to let us crash?" After finishing his question, the cannon fired at the Fury, causing all of its systems to temporarily shut down.

"Well, this is fantastic, isn't it?" Mako said.

"Yep." Fiemmea said. "I always thought I'd go out with a bang, but this kind isn't exactly what I had in mind…"

Santalune City Pokémon Center, Kalos Region

"Noivern! Use Gust again!"

The large bat Pokémon began flapping its wings at Fletchling and Pikachu during their training exercise. Earlier that day, Ash had lost a battle against Viola, the Santalune Gym Leader. Her Vivillon was a Pokémon Ash Ketchum had never seen before, and his Pokémon were unprepared to face Vivillon's Gust attack.

Alexa, Viola's sister, offered to help Ash prepare his Pokémon for the attack. After several attempts of the exercise, Pikachu learned to dig his tail in the ground and use it as an anchor, while Fletching learned to ride the current like it would in the sky.

"Pikachu, Fletchling, you guys did amazing!" Ash called to his two Pokémon. The boy looked at the sunset, then back at his Pokémon. "I think it's time we went inside and had some supper. What do you guys think?"

"Pika-Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed.

"Fletchling-ling!" Fletchling said. Ash recalled Fletchling to its Poke Ball as Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder. The young trainer walked into the Pokémon Center, his new friends not too far behind. Inside, the group had a large meal together, eating and laughing and telling stories.

"Um, Ash?" Serena said timidly. Ash however, was too busy devouring his meal to hear a word Serena was trying to tell him.

"Ash?" She tried again. Serena frowned. "ASH!" Serena sighed loudly, still trying to get the boy's attention. Finally, she got an idea.

"Pikachu, could you help me out here?" She asked to the small Pokémon.

"Pika Pi?" Pikachu said, tilting his head.

"Can you please get Ash's attention?"

Pikachu looked at his trainer, then back at Serena. He folded his ears back and said, "Pi…"

"Please Pikachu? For me?" Serena folded her hands like she was about to pray and tilted her head slightly.

Pikachu looked at Ash again, then back at Serena again. He shook his head and went back to eating his food.

"Oh, Ash." Serena said softly. "Why don't you remember?"

Later that night

Ash was laying on his bed, trying to fall asleep. The boy couldn't however- he was too excited for his gym battle rematch the next day.

"Clemont, you wouldn't happen to have a device that could help me fall asleep, would you?" He asked.

"Hmm… let me check." The blond boy began rummaging through his bag to see if he had parts that could make some sort of sleep machine. "Nope. I don't have anything. Sorry."
"Arrgh!" Ash said, flopping on his bed. "There's gotta be something I could do!"

"Try looking at the sky." Clemont suggested. "The night sky is dark, and when your eyes are closed, all you see is darkness, so maybe looking at the sky can help you fall asleep."

"You really think it'll work?" Ash asked hopefully.

"To be honest, I'm not sure. It's just a theory I came up with to help Bonnie fall asleep."

"Well, it's worth a shot…" Ash got on his knees and began staring out the window, looking into the starry night.

"It sure is a beautiful night." He said. "It seems like even the stars want me to win tomorrow." He kept gazing at the sky, when something caught his attention: A bright line of light streaked across the sky.

"A shooting star!" Ash exclaimed. "Clemont, make a wish!"

Clemont, who was tinkering with some kind of device, looked at Ash and said, "No thanks. I don't believe that shooting stars grant wishes. There's no scientific evidence that the wishes come true and besides- shootings stars are just meteors burning up in the atmosphere. You can have the wish."

"Thanks." Ash bowed his head and said, "I wish for victory in my gym battle tomorrow. And victory in the Kalos league, so that I can one day become a Pokémon Master!" Ash looked up again, seeing the shooting star was still there.

"Clemont?" He said.


"How long does a shooting star typically stay visible?"

"A second or two. Why?"

"Because this one's still here!"

"What?" Clemont jumped up and dashed to the window to peer outside like Ash.

"That's some meteor!" He said. Squinting, the young inventor saw that it was getting closer and closer until-

It was gone.

There was no explosion, no piercing light, no giant fireball in the sky. There was only the twinkling of the stars, the Pokémon moving around outside, and Ash tripping over EVERYTHING in a frenzied panic to get outside.

"Ash!" Clemont yelled, trying to run outside. "Slow down! I can't move that fast!"

The boys ran to where they last saw the meteor, and when they arrived, they saw Bonnie and Serana, the girl at Ash's gym battle.

"Clemont!" Bonnie said. "You have to come see this!"

The two boys rushed closer to Bonnie, and stopped dead in their tracks at what they saw. There was some kind of large object that had struck the ground and left a small trail of destruction behind it. Trees were flattened and other plants were uprooted. The object that had caused the destruction was clearly not a meteor, it appeared to be manmade. It was glowing white in some spots.

"What is that thing?" Serena said.

"Maybe we should call the police." Ash said. "See if they can figure out what it is."

"Good idea, Ash." Clemont said. "I'll stay here so I don't have to run back."

"I'm staying with you, big brother!" Bonnie said. "If anything wants to hurt you, it'll have to go through me first!"

The blond boy chuckled. "Thanks, Bonnie."

A few minutes later…

"Santalune Police Department." An Officer Jenny on the other side of the video call said, "Who is this?"

Ash spoke first. "I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town."

"And I'm Serena from Vanivlle Town." Serena answered.

"What can I do for you two?" Jenny asked.

Ash started to explain what happened. "I was in my room at the Pokemon Center when I saw a shooting star. I made a wish that I would be victorious in my gym battle tomorrow-"

"Sir, could you please get to the point?" Jenny said. "I don't have time for this."

"I'm getting to the point." Ash said. "After I made the wish, I saw that the shooting star was getting closer and closer, then it disappeared over a tree line. We went to wear it vanished, and we saw some kind of massive object."

"It must have been a meteor." Jenny said. "You said it was a shooting star, and shooting stars are just meteors burning up in the atmosphere."

"Oh no, Officer Jenny this was no meteor!" Serena said. "It looked like some kind of craft!"

The police officer was silent for a few moments. "I'll be right over. Let Nurse Joy know I'm coming."

"Of course." Ash said. The line disconnected, and the two kids informed Nurse Joy of the police.

"Thank you for telling me." Joy said with a smile. "Why don't you two stay here while you wait?"

"Thank you." Ash and Serena said in sync. The kids sat down next to each other, Ash looking at the door

and Serena looks at Ash.

"Ash…" She whispered softly.

Ash turned his head to look at the girl. "Huh?"

Serena cringed and in a panic, shook her hands rabidly and said "N-nothing! I said nothing!" She started blushing.

"Okay then…" Ash turned his attention back to the door.

Minutes later, two Officer Jennies walked through the door, one with a Manetric and the other with an Arcanine.

"Ash and Serena?" One of them said. The two kids rose and approached the officers.

"Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to come here." Serena said.

"It's really nothing," One of the Jennies said. "The Police Department has been very quiet lately."

"Can you take us to where you saw this object?" The other Jenny said.

"Of course." Ash answered. "Follow us."

Meanwhile, on the Fury-class starfighter

"Blast it!" Irdiageesh grumbled, kicking the main controls. "That ion blast really screwed up the ship! All that's working is the lights." The Sith Lord scrunched his face and said, "I'd kill that Twi'lek if we weren't told to bring her alive." He left the pilot room where he saw Mako staring out a window.

"Um… what are you doing?" He asked.

"I saw something outside," Mako explained. "It looked like a group of people. Two of them left, and I'm looking to see if they come back."

"If they do, you should go outside to greet them."

The young bounty hunter raised her eyebrow. "Why me? You're the leader of this mission."

"I'm also a red skinned alien with a dozen horns on his face. If these people have no space travel, they'd probably freak out if they saw me or even Fiemmea."

At the sound of her name, the cyborg moved towards the window. "What about me?"

"Irdiageesh volunteered me to leave the ship first." Mako explained.

"If they've never seen a Zabrak or cyborg, they'd flip out." Irdiageesh added.

Fiemmea looked at her partner. "He's got a point."

Sighing in defeat, Mako nodded. " But let me wait a few minutes for the other two to come back." Moments later, the two silhouettes returned.

"Go on." Irdiageesh. He tossed Mako out the door using the Force. She girl hit the floor, brushed off some dust from her suit, and began banging on the ship. "Real mature, Irdiageesh!"

"Go on." Irdiageesh repeated through Mako's earpiece.

"I hate you." She grumbled, then turned to see two guns pointed at her.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." She said uncomfortably.

AN: Wow. I actually wrote a Star Wars crossover where the chapter didn't end with the main characters falling out of space towards a mysterious planet.

So, um… Meesa hope you like this story and review and stuff.