A Cinder's Rose

A small prologue based on Kinzaibatsu91's AU where Cinder Adopts Ruby. The premise is that Ruby (by the canon starts) is 5 years old, and Everyone else is the same age. I just thought I'd give some back story before touching this topic.


Rain. She hated the rain. It was a phenomenon that told of sadness and of regret. It told of flames receding and leaving only ashes. She was one of flames, a roaring inferno. She and the rain did not go well together, and yet…here she was, traversing through the rain, heading to her destination on foot. It wasn't a common occurrence; she could have easily tricked some man into bringing her to where she needed to be, but something deep inside told her to walk.

The rain was light, though it did obscure the vision as it formed into a light fog as it struck the warm ground. The streets were nearly empty, save a few others who were forced to walk in the rain as well. She ducked into an alley way, a short cut to her destination, and a reprieve from the rain as the buildings around provide a bit of dryness. She let out a sigh.

'I really should have gotten a ride,' She mused. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sound. It was the sound of a baby's cry. She scanned the alley way and spotted a white lump on the ground; a white cloak. She made her way over to the cloak, noticing that it was slowly turning red. 'Blood…' She moved the cloak slightly to a woman her age, face pale, ragged breathing. The woman was dying. In her arms was a baby wrapped in a red blanket.

"P-Please…" the woman whispered. "P-Please save my baby….please save…my Ruby…"

Ruby. The name of the baby was Ruby. She gently took the baby from the dying woman, soothing its cries and sharing her heat with it. Most believed that she was a heartless person, who would kill anyone who stood in her way, but she wasn't that heartless. Everyone around her was a potential tool; a tool to be used at her leisure. A baby however wasn't one thing she considered useful, or a tool. A baby was innocent, a spark that could potentially become flames. She could not snuff out a spark, no matter who it was.

"W-Who are you?" the woman asked.

She paused for a moment. What was her name to a dying woman? Nothing in the grand scheme of things, but she would humor her, as the dead told no tells.

"Cinder Fall." She said plainly, her words nearly echoing in the near empty alley way.

"T-Thank you…Cinder…take care…of my little…Rose…" And with those words the woman died.

Ruby began to cry again, and Cinder quickly soothed the crying child. Soon Ruby fell asleep. "Ruby Rose, huh…a beautiful name for a little spark like you." She whispered. She continued on her way to her hideout. She decided to raise this little spark. She could tell that she would be special, and potentially useful.

Things would be different in her life, Cinder realized, but different wasn't always bad. It just meant plans needed to be modified and changed; after all, completing her plans would be difficult, but not impossible while raising a child.

End of Prologue