One year later

"Lisbeth, what are you doing?" Optimus asked, trying to look as he was being blindfolded. "It's a surprise, don't worry about it, doofus." Lisbeth said, leading her husband somewhere. "Alright, I trust you, Lisbeth." Optimus said. Lisbeth stopped Optimus and opened a door. "Just a few more steps." Lisbeth said. Lisbeth closed the door with her foot. "Ok, annnnnd... alright we're here. You can take off the blindfold now." Lisbeth said.

When Optimus took off the blindfold, confetti was flying and he saw all of his friends there with a huge banner that said, 'Congratulation on beating SAO, Optimus Prime!' They even cheered the same thing. "My friends. Thank you for this celebration. You really did not have to do this." Optimus said. "What are talking about? You beat the game, you freed the living survivors man. You're a hero!" Klein said. "Plus, you got us out as well. You deserve some praise." Silica said. "I got to see my son again thanks to you. Thank you, Optimus." Ilena said, holding her son in her arms.

"It was all thanks to all of you as well. You all gave me your support and helped each other in the end. You deserve the same amount of honor as me. While I did defeat Kayaba, you all fought many other monsters and managed to save many other humans as well. So thank you. All of you here. You honor yourselves with your own bravery. To us." Optimus said, holding a glass. "TO US!" Everyone cheered. "Man, You're such a show off. First you get all the babes, then you say all that. Lucky bastard!" Klein said, grinning. "What do you mean?" Optimus asked. "Ahhhh, playing dumb huh?" Klein asked. "Don't be mean to my Daddy!" Yui said, her voice coming out of Optimus' radio. "S-Sorry about that, Yui-chan." Klein said.

As Optimus and the others were having their celebration, he received an email. "Daddy, you just got an email." Yui said. "From who, Yui?" Optimus asked. "From Argus." Yui said. "What?" Optimus asked, walking to the other side of the room. He opened the email and read it.

Dear Optimus Prime, Congratulations on beating SAO. With this victory, you have earned a gift from Kayaba before he died. He wanted to give it to the person that defeated him in the final room or by his own terms. Please accept to receive the gift. After you receive it, you may do whatever you wish with it.


"Should I accept it?" Optimus asked. "Yes." Yui said, trusting this decision. "Alright then." Optimus said. He accepted the gift and the Item said 'World Seed'. "World... Seed. I shall scan it and see what it is." Optimus said. He scanned it and was surprised at what came up. "A world generator. It is free of the Aincrad system. Hmmm... Agil." Optimus said. "Sup Prime?" Agil asked. "I wish for you to upload this all over the internet." Optimus said, handing him a USB he pulled out of the side of his head. "What is it?" Agil said. "It is called the 'World seed'. Argus sent it to me and before I even spoke to you, I did scan it just in case if it had anything that could be a threat to the human race." Optimus said. "Well if you checked it, I'll put in on the web." Agil said, taking the USB. He went to his computer and clicked on some stuff, he then put in the USB and uploaded it to the web. "Now we just let it do its work." Agil said.

"Thank you, Agil, and thank you all loyal viewers reading this Fanfiction. We know that many of you enjoyed it." Optimus said. "We appreciate all your support throughout this year." Lisbeth said. "Be sure to check Sun the man of Hope's other stories like 'Goku in Legend of Korra' or 'One Punch Man in RWBY'. We know you'll enjoy it." Yui said through Optimus' radio. "Season 2 will happen soon but please be patient with Sun-Kun, he's finishing up school and he'll have more time to work on his stories." Klein said. "We'll see you all soon in Season 2!" Silica said. "BYE!" Everyone said.

AN: Thank you. All of you. I appreciate your support. I hope you enjoyed this season. Please send me your reviews, also be sure to follow and favorite for more content and as always... I shall see youuuuu... in the next one. Stay awesome everybody! Buh-Bye! :)