This is based on the episode Pig and Rhino. Guys, please no hate since this is my first TMNT fanfic. Basically this is a different take on the episode -I changed almost everything- and I hope you all enjoy! Reviews/constructive criticism are appreciated and wanted. This is a Karai x Leo pairing.
"Karai!" Leo called out. He was searching the Coney Island Amusement Park. Mikey had wanted to come, but Leo had sent him with Casey and Raph. He didn't know why, but as soon as Donnie had pulled up Coney Island on the computer, Leo had known Karai would be there. There! A flash of white scales. Leo ran toward the old rollercoaster and heard a slight hiss. He turned a corner and there she was.
"Karai..." Leo whispered. She looked so...different. It hurt Leo to look at her, knowing he had caused her change. She hissed delicately.
"Leo?" She rasped. Leo nodded gently, slowly advancing toward her. She backed against the railing of the coaster.
"No, it's ok. I want to help. Donnie...Donnie made this. I - I think that it can help you," He held up the retro-mutagen. Karai slowly moved closer. Leo sprayed some around Karai, and watched as...nothing. Nothing happened.
" didn't work..." Leo's face fell. He felt something cold and smooth wrap around his arm. Karai's own snake-headed hand was squeezing his slightly, forcing him to look her in the eye.
"Goodbye Leo," She choked out. Leo cupped her face in his hand. He looked into those eyes that were like twin pools of moonlit ice. Even like this, she was beautiful, and not just on the outside. No, she had more. A strength, one made of the strongest steel, armored her soul and radiated intelligence, understanding.
"Please, you can come home with us. With me! Don't you want to see Master Splinter again? Your real father?" Leo pleaded. She shook her head.
"My going...dangerous...goodbye," She hissed. Leo caught the teardrop running down her silvery scales. He took a deep breath, then wrapped his strong arms around her and pulled her into an embrace long due. He closed his eyes, hoping that if he did, it would make the moment last longer. Karai pulled away all too soon.
"Leo...if you had to pick...between...with me...and brothers...which?" She stuttered. Leo looked at her. Karai or his brothers? What did that even mean? He couldn't pick...surely she wasn't asking him to actually pick, right? She waited. One long moment of tension followed another. Finally Leo spoke.
"I love my brothers because they are my family. But...I also...I couldn't bare to loose you either...I don't know," He sighed.
"They could change you back...if you wanted," She said, slithering closer.
"What?" Karai titled her face up to meet Leo's lips. She hugged him, pulling him closer, and Leo hugged back. Her fangs were sharp, but Leo didn't feel them. He didn't feel anything. It was just him and Karai. Not snake Karai, but the real, true girl. Suddenly, she froze. They could both hear voices. Leo cautioned for her to stay back, then moved on ninja feet to the source of the noise.
It was a Zeck, now a pig, and Steranko, now a rhino.
"Come on out turtle, vee know you is here," Steranko said in his accent. Leo turned to Karai and found no one. They could change you back... He knew what she meant now. Already he could feel the mutagen from Karai's fangs pumping through his veins. But now, he realized, we can be together. With a guilty burst of energy, Leo shot out from his hiding place and confronted the pig and rhino.
"You want me? Come get me!" He yelled.
"Uh-uh! Zeck knows you did not just do that!" Zeck squealed as Leo sliced off an inch of his Mohawk. It was then that Steranko revealed Leo's brothers and friends, locked away. Leo froze.
"That is right turtle," He grinned, rolling his R, "You either surrender, or vatch your friends die!"
"You just got owned homie!" Zeck called out. Leo hissed. He actually hissed! Narrowing his eyes, his pupils squeezed into vertical slits. Leo charged with more speed and agility than ever. He could feel a twinge in his upper gums as fangs began to grow, fully equipped with poison sacs. Leo flipped high in the air, and came down with his jaw latched onto Steranko's head.
The rhino bucked and screamed in panic, but soon fell unconscious, a crumpled heap on the ground. Zeck followed and Leo had Cacey, April, and his brothers soon freed. While Raph and Cacey were making sure the baddies were down (By kicking them in the face repeatedly) and Mickey was coming up with names, Donnie and April stayed with Leo.
"Did you find her?" Donnie asked. Leo hesitated.
"She was here, I saw her leave, but before I could follow her, they showed up," Leo lied, indicating to the newly dubbed "Bebop and Rocksteady."
"Leo, what happened to your hand?" April asked suddenly, Leo looked to see what she was talking about. There was a small patch of silvery-white scales across the back of his hand.
"It almost looks like some kind of reaction. Maybe allergic or something?" Donnie guessed.
"Yeah," Leo laughed nervously, "Or something."
Ok, so I'm leaning on making this a one shot, but I might continue if people like it. Again, please review! And by the way, it is hard to write from Leo's pov, since Mikey is my favorite, but I tried! Tell me how I did! Anyway...
Wolf out...