AN: Something has always made me enjoy the supernatural stuff like vampires.

Summary: Young Yugi Mouto is going to a summer camp. A lot of the campers have creepy stories, one is about a vampire. What happens when Yugi meets one on a fateful night? Will they develop a bond?

"Yugi, make sure you call everyday," Yugi's grandpa told him, as he shook his finger back and forth. "I want to know what kind of things you're doing."

"No problem grandpa," Yugi said with a smile.

Yugi had always been a happy boy, just with low self-esteem. He had one friend, Anzu, who had moved away years ago and they met up only once in a blue moon. The young teen boy fixed his hair a little and saw all the other teens talking.

I hope Yugi will grow out of his shell here, he is always so shy thought Yugi's grandpa. "So Yugi, see you in a month."

"Yep, by grandpa," Yugi said as his grandpa drove away.

There were many camp consulers going around.

"Mr. Mouto?" a voice said, "hello, I'm Mr. Kuro. I have assingned you to a cabin for the next month. You are in cabin six, right near the forest."

Yugi recieved a map with a number card. He nodded and smiled, waving goodbye.

Wake-up: 9:00 am

Breakfast: 9:45 am

Activites from 10:00 am-12:00 pm.

Lunch: 12: 15 pm

Activites: 12:30-5 pm

Dinner: 5:30 pm

Yugi kept reading the sheet until he finally came to his cabin and opened the old wooden door. Two other boys around his age were there.

One had glasses, brown hair, green eyes, a black shirt with white shorts and black sneakers.

The other boy had black hair, blue eyes, was dressed in white shorts and a red shirt with sandles on.

"Hey, you must be part of the cabin," the boy with the green eyes said to Yugi. "My name is Aki and this over here Hokoro."

"I'm Yugi, nice to meet you," Yugi said looking up at them with a smile.

Yugi went to a bed and started to unpack his items.

"Hey, Aki, the next month will be fun. This little twerp is going to keep us entertained," Hokoro whispered low enough so Yugi wouldn't hear.

"I know, right? Remember the legend Mr. Yama would tell us?" Aki nodded, and understood what Hokoro was getting at.

"Hey Yugi, have you been to this camp before?" Aki said, as he smiled at Yugi and Yugi shook his head. "Well, they say after sundown a vampire comes out. He is crawling through the camp at night. I've been to this camp three times and I've seen him before, a lot of campers went missing. They even had to send us home early."

"Yeah right," Yugi said, pretending it didn't bother him.

Yugi hated being scared. I mean, come on, vampires? Vampires didn't exist, well, in shows they did but that's different. How Aki had said it, it just sent chills down his spine as if he was in a cooler full of ice and he couldn't escape.

"It's true," Aki whispered. "A young girl, Makoto was pulled away by the vampire and never seen again. They say she is the vampires lover now, and that this vampire has made a clan over thousounds of years."

"Stop scaring the poor boy," said a voice, it was Mr. Kuro. "You know those legends aren't real. Don't worry about them, Yugi." Yugi nodded, and smiled. This was going to be a long 4 weeks.

All the campers got a chance to explore the camp, Yugi walked around and just sat near the lake.

He is crawling through the camp at night the words were in Yugi's mind.

He was a bit scared, he had his feet dipped into the water. He really didn't believe it, did he?

"Hi there," said a voice, spooking the 16 year old. "Did I scare you?"

"Just a little," Yugi answered honestly.

The person was a girl with black hair, purple eyes and a yellow dress on with black sneakers. "I've seen you alone, why?"

"Well, I'm not good at talking with people," Yugi said. "What's your name?"

"Usagi," the black haired girl said. "And yours?"

"Yugi," Yugi said as Usagi smiled. "Maybe we could walk around together?"

"Sure, I'd like that," Usagi replied.

The two walked around together and saw a forest, it was dark and Usagi gulped. "What's wrong? It's just a forest," Yugi said.

"A vampire lives in there," Usagi said looking at Yugi. Yugi heard the same exact legend from what he had heard earlier. "That's why you shouldn't go in there."

"Oh..." Yugi said as it become silent and the dinner bell went off and he walked away. Usagi giggled and Hokoro and Aki stepped out of the bushes. They all laughed together.

"Nice job, Usagi," Aki said looking at Yugi who was going off to dinner. "The little guy is such an idiot."

A figure with crimson eyes looked out from the dark.

"I know, right," Usagi giggled with a smirk following. "Come on, let's get our food and sit with our 'friend.'

The three headed off for dinner and went inside the canteen, it was packed. How many teens came to this camp? At the front was Yugi who was eating chicken noodle soup and he had milk as his drink.

"Yugi," Usagi said waving. "Can we sit down?"

Yugi had a bad feeling about these guys, but just played along. "Go ahead."

"We were thinking if you wanted to go into the forest with us," Aki said with a smile. "Just after dinner." Yugi stopped drinking his milk for a second then continued.

To be honest, Yugi was curious about that forest and with these legends, it kept making him even more curious.

"Sure, why not," the young teen boy said.

"Great," Usagi said as she poked her peas on the plate around.

Shortly after, the sun was setting and Yugi looked at the forest. Aki had a flash light and followed him in.

The forest was nice. The path was stones and it was quiet except a few birds which would fly away soon and little animals like squirrels. It was a perfect area for a camp like this.

"I wish I could live in a cabin here," Usagi said with a smile. "I think it would be peaceful. Have a few kids, settle down, life would seem simple. Don't you think, Yugi?"

"Uh, yeah sure," Yugi said not really caring.

After an hour of walking, Yugi's legs were getting sore.

"Ditch now?" Aki whispered and the two others nodded. Suddenly, Usagi, Aki, and Hokoro ran away from Yugi, leaving him in the forest alone.

Yugi sighed, he figured this would happen. After all, he did set himself up it.

What was I thinking? Coming with them to the forest was a dumb idea, this camp, everything! Now I have no idea where to go and everyone doesn't care about me except grandpa. I should have just stayed home.

Yugi walked over to a small stream and looked up, the stars were out, which made up for it. But he was still lost, did people care if he died? It was his first day and he would die?

"I'm going to die, aren't I?" Yugi said to nobody looking at the stream as the water flowed over the rocks making a sound just like music.

"You won't die, little one," said a voice, scaring Yugi. Thank god! Someone came from him. He turned around, only, this person wasn't from the camp.

He had hair like Yugi, just like him except had some spikes here and there and red eyes. His skin was a bit darker too and he smiled at the young boy.

"Wh-who are you! Stay away!" Yugi yelled as tears welled up in his cheeks. "You're from the legends!" Yugi screamed for help, the older man put his hand over Yugi's mouth.

"I don't plan on hurting you," he whispered. Suddenly Yugi's eyes closed and the older man grew wings, they were crimson black and red veins. "I promise."

AN: Please review :D