Author;s note:

HEY! So this is the last chapter, but I enjoyed writing it, so I hope you guys enjoy it! Thanks for everything and for the reviews! I personally think I did a good job describing...but we'll see!


Chapter 5

Tigress seem to ponder her options. She could just call the game off and say she gives up. Ha! As if she would ever admit defeat. As if she ever let her pride down. She looked at the snake, who seemed eager to hear her response.

"Aren't you wondering something else? I mean, why waste it in such a ridiculous question" Tigress muttered. But Viper just shook her head.

"Nope, i want that answer" Tigress crossed her arms and sighed. She looked around the room, trying to find a way around it, or at least a way to say it.

"You won't believe me if I told you" Tigress insisted.

"Seriously Viper. Ask me anything else" she pleaded, but it lead to nothingness. 'Viper' could just watch the feline have a fight inside her mind.

"Oh, I see what is going on. You want to back out, you are so not made for challenges" Tigress perked up her ears.

"Excuse me?"

"Yeah. I don't blame you, I guess you are not as brave if you can't tell a simple fact" 'Viper' said hoping it triggered some side of Tigress.

"I am brave. Here, I'll tell you who I like"

"Well then, go ahead. I'm all ears" 'Viper' replied with a smirk. Tigress took a deep breath,

"He...he lives with us" So far that already discarded a lot of guys, which made it easier for Po.

"he is nice. And cute. And And-"

'Name. I want the name!" 'Viper' half shouted. Tigress just scoffed.

"Fine. But why do you want to know so badly?"Tigress asked, trying to stall or distract the snake just enough to make her forget what she was waiting for.

"Oh, I just...HOLD ON! Don't try to distract me! I want to know..." Tigress sighed.

"You might be kind of shocked, but-" she paused. Her ears seemed to listen to something.


"Did you heard a thump coming from...the hall of heroes?" Tigress stood up, her ears trying to catch another sound. 'Viper' was nervous, she didn't want her to find out...not when he was this close to an answer.

"No, I didn't. So tell me" But it was too late, Tigress was already walking down the hall with determination. 'Viper' hurried and tried to block her path.

"Tigress... It was probably nothing. Just the wind" Po said nervously. But tigress didn't listen.

"What if its not? Its better to check, we don't want some intruder in the Palace" and she marched.

"Wait Tigress...don't go, it...Its probably a trap!" Tigress stopped and crossed her arms. She looked at the snake from top to bottom and then glared directly into her eyes.

"Ok. What are you hiding? You've been acting awfully weird" Tigress said with suspicion in her voice. 'Viper' faked a grin,

"What? I am NOT! " 'Viper' protested. Tigress smirked.

"Oh then I guess I can open the door to the Hall and there won't be anything, because it was just the wind, right?"

"Of course. But why waste your time" Tigress groaned and without waiting for any more excuses, she opened the door. Viper wrapped herself around the feline's arms, but it didn't seem to affect her.

"Viper, care to explain why is there a sarcophagus on the floor?" Tigress approached it, but it started shaking. She was startled, but she picked it up. You could only see 'Viper' in the background, hiding her face. Tigress widen her eyes,

"Po, what are you..." She looked back and forth, and the she spotted a scroll on the floor. She read it and then took a deep breath.

"Viper, or should I say Po. Get her out of that sarcophagus!" Po nodded, took the key that he had hidden and unlocked it. Viper then walked out. Fury was on Tigress' eyes. Viper and Po stood in front of her, but not too close, just in case they needed to run away.

Tigress was just glaring at both of them, a low growl was emitting from her throat. Viper and Po were stealing glances from each other. Tigress threw the scroll at them,

"Change back. Then come talk to me" She then walked away, once she was gone, they both sighed in relief. They repeated the same moves they used to the first time, and in a matter of seconds, they were back to themselves.


"So what? She caught us. And we are probably going to be dead when we go 'talk' to her" Po shifted his weight between his legs, then bit his nails.

"What are we going to do?"

"There isn't much we can actually do. Let's just go talk to her and...get it over with" Viper answered, Po could hear the fear voice.

"To the peach tree?"

"To the Peach tree" they both trembled on the way there. Surprisingly, when they got there, Tigress was peacefully meditating. Her breaths were even and calm.

"HEY Tigress! So how are you?" Po asked cheerily. Tigress just opened her eyes and stood up, a frown came to her face.

"Explain" She ordered, her voice was cold and intimidating. Viper suddenly started to grin, like she did when she was nervous. And Po started to pucker his bottom lip, something that Tigress found to be adorable, but of course, she never hinted it.

"Ok, you either explain right now, or I will no longer try to not kill you!" She yelled. Viper and Po took a step backwards.

"Po, you go ahead, it was your idea" Po shoot a glare towards the snake.

"Of course" Tigress muttered. Po gulped.

"I-uh. Wanted to..."

"Viper, leave" Tigress said.

"Please don't kill-"

"LEAVE" Viper nodded, sent an apologetic look towards Po, and started heading to her room, hoping the sleepover didn't left a big mess for her to clean up. Once she was gone, Tigress sighed and her expression seemed to soften. Then she looked at Po.

"Po, tell me. I know for a fact that you didn't wanted to have a sleepover, so tell me" She asked, this time she was gentle about it. Po saw that the feline no longer seemed to have the intentions of killing him.

"I wanted to ask you something" He murmured. Tigress was curious, she put a paw on his shoulder and stood by his side.

"And why didn't you just asked me? You didn't have to do all that"

"Because its kind of ridiculous, and even in the best case scenario, you wouldn't answer me" Tigress raised an eyebrow,

"And you thought you could get it out of me by playing truth or dare?" She said with a chuckle. Po chuckled as well but his gaze fell on the floor.

"Maybe, it was worth a shot"

"Ask me" Tigress said, now standing right in front of him.

"Tigress, is complicated"

"Try me" She insisted. Po shifted his gaze until he met her eyes. He bit his lip before telling her.

"Who do you like?" Tigress dropped the paw that was on his shoulder. And her expression went blank. Her ears laid back, and it looked that she was blushing.

"So that's why you were so curious about it" She muttered, with a nervous smile. Po was looking at her, trying to see if she was going to give him an answer.

"Po, why do you want to know?" Tigress asked, before admitting who the person was she wanted a question of her own to be answered.

"You might kill me...but I think you are really awesome, and pretty and skilled and I love you" He answered quickly. His words almost to fast to be comprehensible. Tigress smiled and without thinking, she leaned forward and pressed her lips firmly on his. He didn't kiss back right away, which made her nervous and scared and made her want to pull away, but it wasn't until a few seconds later, that Po snapped out of his shock and began to kiss back. Tigress felt a paw caress her cheek, the other laid by her waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck. How many times has she hoped she could do that? She felt as if the air around them was too warm. But her skin was still shivering at the touch of her lips with Po's.

She didn't know if the kiss just lasted seconds, or if it lasted for what seem forever, but she was satisfied with it. When she pull back, she laid her head into his chest.

"Does that answer you question?" Po smiled and nodded. He wrapped her once again in his arms and kissed her. Tigress smiled to herself.

"I'm surprised you still like me after you saw me make a fool out of myself" Tigress mentioned. Po laughed and give her a peck on the cheek.

"I think it only added to your awesomeness" Tigress laughed and cuddled into his fur. Po rested his chin on her shoulder and he knew, at that moment, nothing could be more perfect. Of course, maybe next time, he could just ask.

AWWW. Can I just say how much I loved writing the ending!? What about you guys? Did you liked it? Anyway, next story is "young and forbidden" which I will update soon. And I have some other ideas on mind...but they will have to wait. Oh, but I do have some one-shots coming!

-peace out!:)