It was a rather normal day for the Damon family, well, at least it was their standard of normal to say the least.

You see, the Damon family was nothing but normal due to their family's history that was mostly entwined with these strange things called Digimon.

And it all started with Marcus Damon's father of course. And then it proceeded with Marcus Damon himself- if the fact he was currently arguing with a large frog like tyrannosaurus rex for eating the last fried egg - was any way to show that he was very much entwined with Digimon, then there would also be his job at a place called DATS, or also known as DATA SQUAD.

You see, DATS was responsible for taking care of keeping Digimon under wraps, which normally involved deleting the offending and Illegal digimon to make it revert back to an egg so it could be correctly sent back to the digital world. It might seem cruel at first, but it was order and order was very much needed to keep mass panic from happening due to all different kinds of Digital Monsters showing up and randomly destroying places.

Now, let's get back to how DATS takes care of digimon shall we?

You see, not only does DATS see any digimon as an illegal immigrant, they also see them as tools to help further themselves when it comes to dealing with the rogue digimon that had escaped from the Digital world.

DATS often keeps some of the digimon eggs and keep them in captivity in order to find partners to these digimon, however, for some cases such as the large frog like T-Rex at the Damon Family Table, are much too violent to actually find someone the digimon actually syncs with due to not being to trust the digimon, and so the Digimon would normally be deleted and turned back to a digiegg in order to send it back.

However, this Digimon had somehow managed to escape the DATS HQ and made contact with none other than Marcus Damon, who ended up brutally beating up the large Rookie Level T-Rex digimon which soon gave out its name to be Agumon.

That is how the partnership between the eldest son and the reptilian digimon came to be, and a partnership it is! It was rather arguable that the young man was one of the strongest DATS Agents that they had for years.

However, the top agent spot belonged to one boy that no one ever wanted to mention, not even Thomas, who was considered the new Top Agent..

They always had a tight, pained look to their faces, as if something.. Horrible happened to the last agent.. Which was rather troubling to say the least…

"Hey Kristy? Don't we have to pick your friend up today at the station?" The teenager mumbles this around his fried egg.

"Uh huh! And I'm really excited since I haven't seen Daisuke in a long time!" The girl says this, happily, which made her older brother blink before the reptile digimon speaks up.

"I thought you said his name was Davis?" The dinosaur made some chewed egg and rice fly as he spoke, making the girl laugh a bit.

"Davis is his nickname! Daisuke Motomiya is his full name Agumon!" Kirsty laughs a bit more before she gets up. "An speaking of him, his train is supposed to be here soon! Marcus, please tell me that you're leaving Agumon at DATS while Davis is here right?"

The teen paused as the little girl asked him this- Marcus hadn't even thought of that.. "...Can't we just tell your friend about digimon..?"

Everyone, even Agumon face palms before speaking up "Boss! You can't just tell anyone about digimon! No one is supposed to know about us you know!"

At this, Marcus laughs sheepishly, obviously having forgotten about that rule. "I bet he forgot agumon.." Kristy said this, laughing a little bit at her older brother's foolishness. "He totally forgot. Just look at the look on his face Agumon!" Kristy laughs a bit more at her older brother, shaking her head a bit.

"I did not! I'm just.. used to not having to hide Agumon from people since I normally hang out with others from DATS." Marcus grumbles this, huffing a bit as he muttered something else under his breath that had sounded like the words 'know it all'

"You three should probably stop bickering." their mother chimes in to her children and digimon."After all, Davis is probably waiting for you two to get there… The train was supposed to get there about… ten minutes ago." She says this, making her children squawk out identical 'whats' before scrambling around the house.

"We should have been there twenty minutes ago Marcus! " Kristy yells this before she pulls on her jacket due to how windy it had been lately. "And you still need to find somewhere to hide Agumon! I could distract Davis while you go to DATS if you really need to." She says this before opening the door, not once leaving room for her older sibling to respond.

yet again one of my infamous short chapters... Yeah... I've uh.. actually had this sitting around since I first posted that note.. I'm actually a bit rusty at writing? Believe it or not.. ? I'll be going through all my stories these next few months and updating what ever ones I think need to be updated? Any questions? Ask down below in the reviews or even shoot me a PM! I hope you guys don't have me for this LONG wait... oops.. Echo the Slowpoke out!