"I'm coming!" Melissa Mitchell yelled francially as she ran out of her bedroom while putting on her shoes. She almost tripped doing so but managed to catch herself before knocking on the bathroom door of her small New York Apartment.

"Jake come on we have to go." she said through the door to her fiance Jake heart. Where she heard running water from him still taking a two had a meeting with his parents in less than a half hour.

"I'll be ready in a minute." he yelled shutting off the water. She sighed slightly only to frown when her phone continued to ring.

"I'm coming jeez." Melissa groaned walking over to the kitchen table and picked up her phone she eyed the cell phone looking at the number not even knowing it. The caller ID said California she didn't know anyone in California.

"Hello?" she said answering it.

"Melissa?" a familiar's young male voice said on the other line.

Melissa blinked looking at the time on her watch she really didn't have time for this. "Yes?" she asked as she watched Jake leave the bathroom and walk into their bedroom.

"Melissa Mitchell?" he questioned again. Melissa sighed and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water from the side of it and opening it.

"Yes. This is her. Who exactly is calling?" Melissa asked.

"It's Kendall Knight." Kendall said just as Melissa took a sip of the water she almost choked on it when she heard Kendall's name.

Luckily she recovered so quickly Kendall didn't notice she swallowed hard. "Kendall. It's been a few years." Melissa said putting her water bottle down on the table.

"Three but that's not the point." Kendall said.

"Okay, so than what's the point? You haven't called me in three years." Melissa said slightly annoyed.

At that point Jake had reentered the room and smiled walking over to his fiance. "Hey you ready?" he whispered.

"Just a second." Melissa whispered. Jake nodded.

"I'm actually calling because of Logan." Kendall said.

Logan. Her younger brother who she hasn't seen or heard from since he had been adopted into the Knight family after their Mother had died. She wonder if something was wrong with Logan.

"Melissa? You still there?" Kendall questioned.

Melissa gulped. "Yes, sorry you said you were calling about Logan. Is there something wrong with him?" Melissa asked.

"He was shot." Kendall said taking a deep breath in.

Melissa completely froze in place feeling her hands begin to shake. Logan was shot. Her little brother was shot. Nothing else seem to run through her mind but that.

"Melissa?" Jake questioned as he noticed her actions and he stepped forward and put a hand on her shoulder.

This brought Melissa out of her stance. She cleared her throat. "Kendall?" Melissa said her voice shaking.

"I'm here." Kendall said.

"You-you said he was shot...does that mean...is he...okay?" Melissa stammered.

"We don't know." Kendall said.

"You don't know? What does that mean?" Melissa asked.

"It means we don't know they rushed him to surgery right as he was brought in and he's been in it ever since." Kendall said.

"How long ago was that?" Melissa asked.

"Not that long maybe a half hour." Kendall said.

"Okay, that's...that's good right? The shorter you wait the more chances he..." Melissa was stopped mid-sentence.

"Melissa...wait." Kendall said. "It's not that simple"

"What do you mean?" Melissa asked.

"Logan he lost a lot of blood. When we got to the hospital he was barley alive." Kendall said.

"Oh my god." Melissa breathed slowly pushing herself down on the nearby chair. She ran her hands through her hair.

"Melissa I don't know what happened between you and Logan. But Logan's your brother and if there's a chance he doesn't make it...you should..you should be here." Kendall said his voice shaky.

"I should be there. Of course I'd be there. I'll get on the next flight to Minnesota" Melissa said.

"Actually Melissa...were not...in Minnesota anymore" Kendall said.

"Your not in Minnesota? Where are you then?" Melissa asked confused. Since when did they move from Minnesota?

"We're in La." Kendall said.

"As in California?" Melissa asked shocked.

"Yes, it's kind of a complicated story...that I can tell you later but right now I should get back before my Mom has any information on Logan." Kendall said.

"Right of course. Um...what hospital are you in La?" Melissa asked. She turned Jake and pointed to a paper and pen which he handed her.

"La Mercy Hospital." Kendall answered. "We're in the ER as of right now." Kendall said.

"Well, I can probably be there in the next five- six hours at the most." Melissa said.

"Okay, I can call you if anything else changes." Kendall said.

"Thank you Kendall." Melissa said.

"You his sister." Kendall said. "I have to go." Kendall said before hanging up the phone.

"Melissa? Are you okay?" Jake asked.

"I have to find the next flight out to LA like now." Melissa said quickly grabbing her purse and jacket from the table.

"Melissa we have to meet my parents like...now" Jake said.

"I know and I'd love to...but see my...brother...he was shot and he's in surgery and might not make it and I just...I have to go." Melissa said shaking her head

"My parents aren't going to be too happy this is already the third time we've had to cancel." Jake said.

"Did you not hear what I said? My Litttle brother was shot and he might die!" Melissa snapped.

"I'm sorry Mel. But you've never mentioned a brother before..." Jake said.

"I know and that's why I have to be there. I haven't been there for him and I just I need to be there for him now" Melissa said almost ready to breakdown into tears.

Jake sighed takigng Melissa by the shoulders. "Honey relax" Jake said calmly. Melissa nodded.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm acting like this I'm just..." Melissa said. "I'm scared." she finally admited.

"I know you are and it's going to be okay trust me it will be okay." Jake said.

"But what if he...Jake...I can't loose him." Melissa said.

"You won't." Jake said.

"How do you know?" Melissa asked.

"Because I do." Jake said. "Now, I can call Alexzander and he'll be at the airport in less than fifteen minutes." Jake said.

"Alexzander? Jake I can't take your privet jet…." Melissa said. She hated being that girlfriend who needed her boyfriends Money to do anything.

"Oh but you are. We both are he's already on his way." Jake said. "So come on we'll be late." Jake walked out the apartment door followed by Melissa who stopped in the door way.

"Mel? What's wrong?" Jake asked.

"What about your parents? I hate that I keep dismissing them." Melissa said.

"I'll talk to them. Don't worry about my parents." Jake said.

"I don't want to be on bad terms with them we're going to be married in less than two months and I haven't even met them yet." Melissa said.

"That's not your fault. Now let's go." Jake said.

"Right, Okay." Melissa said closing the apartment door behind her.

"Jake?" Melissa asked stopping.

"Yeah?" Jake questioned turning around.

"Thank you." Melissa said.

"Anything for you." Jake said with a smile holding out his hand which she greatfully took and they made there way out of the apartment.