"Dean! Dean you better not be getting into that pie!"

Dean froze, his current bite already in his mouth. He had already ate one whole piece and was on his second one. Seth had left the pie to cool on the table and went to go bathe Kevin. Dean had chosen then to strike. He knew it was an asshole move, but he knew that there were two more pies that Seth could easily stick in the oven and have ready in time for Roman's Christmas party. It wasn't even until the next night. Why Seth thought he could torment him with pie he couldn't eat for a whole day was something he could get away with.

"Dean I swear you better not have done it." Footsteps rapidly approached the kitchen, leaving Dean no time to hide the evidence of his wrong doing. "I promised Roman's mom three pies and - Dean god damn it!" He stopped right at the doorway, his hands going up in exasperation.

"In my defense, you know cherry is my favorite." Dean pushed his plate away, deciding it was best not to take another bite and piss Seth off more. "You should have made some lemon or lime shit if you wanted me to stay out of it."

Seth narrowed his eyes. Getting that dose of truth was not helping to make him any less exasperated. "Dean come on! You're a grown man. If I tell you to stay out of the pie, you should be able to stay out of it!" He huffed out a long sigh. "Now I got to go back to the store and get another one."

"But you have two more in the damn freezer!"

"And did you not hear the part where I said I promised to bring three?"

Dean rolled his eyes. "If you don't show up with three she's not even going to notice. She'll show up with enough food to feed us all like twenty times over."

"You know that's not the point." Seth stared at the piece Dean had been in the midst of eating and shook his head. "Just finish the damn thing. It's too late to just stop now."

Dean pouted. Pie wasn't as fun to enjoy if he was going to get a guilt trip over it. "You're not really mad at me are you?"

Seth made a point of ignoring him in favor of getting one of the other pies out of the freezer.

"Oh come on!" Dean got up and walked over to where Seth was standing. "Babe seriously. Don't be mad." He let Seth put the pie on the stove before wrapping his arms around him from behind. "It's just a stupid pie." He rested his chin against Seth's shoulder. "I'll go to the damn store and buy another one. Hell, I'll even cook it too."

Seth snorted. "God no. You'll burn this whole place to the ground." He turned around and rolled his eyes as Dean pouted at him. "Oh god. Don't give me that face."

Dean stuck his lower lip out even further, giving Seth his best puppy dog eyes while he was at it.

"Oh for fuck's sake." Seth sighed in defeat before kissing Dean. It was a sign of forgiveness that Dean took happily. His arms tightened around Seth's waist, though they didn't really deepened the kisses. They kept them slow and lazy, Seth eventually being the one who broke it. "I'm throwing you under the bus," he declared. "If they ask where the other pie is I'm telling them you ate the whole thing."

Dean smirked. "Well I guess I shouldn't make a liar out of you then." He let go of Seth and went back to the table, reclaiming his slice of pie so he could start eating it again.

"You're not really - oh jesus, yeah you are." Seth shook his head before grabbing a plate and fork of his own. "Fuck it." He sat down and got himself a slice as well. "Just fuck it."

Dean smirked but decided against saying anything. Instead they ate in silence, letting the peace settle in between them. In the months they and Roman had battled Hunter and his boys, peace wasn't something they had gotten often. Back and forth they had gone, doing everything they could against each other. Seth had managed to get the Intercontinental title away from Owens in a street fight, but that victory was barely savored before Baron was costing Roman his world title during his match against Bray Wyatt. Survivor Series had been the final battle. A four on three handicap match pitting them against Corbin, Breeze, Owens and Hunter in a no holds barred war. Dean had gotten them the win, taking Hunter down with a sledgehammer blow to the head. It was a victory that would never stop tasting sweet.

When they were done Seth put their dishes in the sink while Dean went into the living room. He grabbed the remote and flopped down on the couch. He turned on the TV and started going through the channels, barely holding back a smile as Seth and Kevin both joined him. They spent almost all their nights like this. Dean had moved out of his apartment a couple of weeks ago and was officially living with Seth now. It wasn't a drastic change; Dean had been there pretty much every night anyway. But now it was actually done, and he felt all settled and shit. This was home. This was his family. He felt like such a sap for the warm, fluttery feeling that formed in his chest, but it stayed just the same.

Seth leaned over and rested his head on his shoulder. "Can we watch Rudolph again?"

Dean groaned. "Seth come on..."

It was Seth's turn to unleash the puppy dog eyes.

"Oh god damn it." Dean flipped to the channel that they both knew would have the stupid show on. "Happy now?"

"Mhm." Seth adjusted himself so he was laying down with his head in Dean's lap. Dean's fingers started stroking his hair. He hated Christmas specials, but they were a little easier to endure when watched like this.

As it turned out, the fact that they only showed up with two pies did go completely unnoticed. Roman's family, his mother in particular, had cooked enough food to feed a large army. Seth had put the pies he had brought on the table, got himself some eggnog and started mingling around the house. Dean stayed with Jimmy and Tyson Kidd near the food. Eating had been the main thing Dean had been doing this whole holiday season. Seth had teased him about turning into a blob that they were going to have to roll out to the ring when they wrestled, but Dean hadn't been bothered by it. He said he would be the happiest blob if that turned out to be the case.

Most of the other guests had gathered in the living room. Roman's siblings and cousins had sent their kids to go play in the spare room that Roman had set some games up in. Roman himself was sitting with his family, wearing a Santa hat on his head, laughing at some joke his brother made. Dolph, Finn, Cesaro and Sami Zayn were sitting too, but they were watching The Christmas Story more than actually talking to anyone. Finn and Dolph looked particuarly cozy with one another. The two of them had been growing even closer since Finn had come up to the main roster. Natalya, Naomi, Tamina, Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes were talking quietly in the corner, all of them wearing reindeer headbands. Seth made a point of getting past them without being noticed. He was not putting one of those things on. He wasn't nearly drunk enough to willingly look that stupid.

He went upstairs, finding AJ standing in the hallway looking into the room the kids were playing in. "What's up?" he asked as he joined her. He looked to where she was, finding that Paige was actually playing Twister with the kids. "Why aren't you in there? I thought you never turned down a game like that."

She shrugged. "Sometimes I just like to watch." She slid an arm around his waist and pulled him in close. "Wanna know a secret?"

"Sure." Seth put an arm around her and squeezed her in return. "Tell me."

"You have to keep it a secret though."

"I think I can do a better job than you on that."

She pouted at him, though that didn't last long. It wasn't like he was wrong. "I caught Roman and Randy making out in the storage closet when were taping that last Raw."

"Oh god." Seth shook his head. Natalya's persistence in setting those two up had finally paid off. "How long has that been going on?"

AJ shrugged. "Considering that nobody really knows about it, not very long. Randy didn't even come to the party, so I don't think it's serious."

"Well he does got his own family to see." He gestured towards Paige, who was still playing with the kids and oblivious to their entire conversation. "Are you guys seeing your parents?"

"Hers are arriving tomorrow," AJ confirmed. "Mine can't make it."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We visited them on Thanksgiving." AJ shifted her weight from foot to foot. "And my cousin's getting married in a couple of months so we'll see them then." She bit her bottom lip, thinking her next words over carefully before saying them. "Do you think she'd marry me?"

Seth blinked, not expecting to hear those words. "What?"

"Paige." AJ glared at him for the question. "Do you think she'd marry me?"

"Well I mean, she loves you. So I think she would."

"But she's always so like...skittish and shit whenever we even watch wedding shit on TV."

"Yeah well, I mean, she's young." Seth realized how that sounded and rushed to cover his ass. "Not that you're old. She's just younger and like...I don't think she's wrapped her head around truly settling down." He saw the disappointed look on AJ's face and felt like an asshole about it. "Talk to her about it. Ease her into it. Make it a long engagement. Naomi and Jimmy did. Hell, Nattie and Tyson's was even longer than that. You guys don't have to rush anything."

"I know." AJ slipped out of Seth's grasp and folded her arms over her chest. "I just...I don't know. I just feel like she's the one. This is who I want to marry and have babies with." She smiled to herself. "Think Roman would be the sperm doner if we ever asked?"

"Roman? What about me?" Seth let out a hufff. "Why can't I be the baby daddy? What's wrong with me?"

"Nothing. Roman's just prettier than you are."

"What? I'm gorgeous god dammit!"

"Hey, dumb and dumber! Why don't you come help me over here?"

Seth and AJ looked over to see that the kids were in the midst of ambushing Paige and wrestling her to the floor. Seth snickered while AJ jumped right in. "Don't worry baby. We'll save you."

"We? Why do I -" Seth stopped at the look AJ gave him. "Alright yeah. We'll save you."

While all the other guests slowly left, Dean and Seth stayed behind to help Roman clean up. By the time they were done it was so late that Roman offered to let them stay in the guest room so they wouldn't have to drive home while so tired. They accepted, and now they were huddled under the blankets, Dean laying his head on Seth's chest while having an arm and leg thrown over him as well. "I think I finally did it," he said with a frown.

"Hmmm?" Seth's fingers kept playing with his hair.

"I think I finally ate too much." Dean tilted his head back to see that Seth was trying to hold back his laughter. "It's not funny asshole. My stomach really hurts."

"Poor baby." Seth's attempts at sympathy didn't stop his laughter. Dean thought about nailing him in the gut, but that was going to take more energy than he wanted to use. Instead he turned his head and bit his nipple, making the younger man yelp. "Yeah that's right. You deserved it."

"Did not." Despite the denial, Seth didn't try to get Dean back for that. Instead he kept playing with his hair while the fingers on his other hand started slowly trailing up and down his arm. "Hey Dean?"


"AJ and I were talking and uh...it got me thinking about some stuff."

"Is it the group sex idea again?"

"What? No!" Seth moved Dean on to his back so he could sit up and look him in the eyes. "She was um...talking about proposing to Paige and stuff. She wants to have kids and stuff."

That was the first Dean had ever heard of this, but he didn't find himself surprised. "Yeah? Think Paige will go for it?"

Seth shrugged. "Don't know. But I was just uh...well I mean...kind of got me thinking like I said." He swallowed hard, looking scared as shit, which was freaking Dean out. "Do you um...do you ever think about it? Getting married, having kids?" He barely gave Dean a chance to answer before he was stumbling over himself to say more. "Not like any time soon. That's not like, what I'm saying. I just...you know...whenever you would like want..."

Dean decided to spare Seth the pain of still speaking by pulling him down for a kiss. The truth was he hadn't really thought of all that stuff. Marriage, kids...that had always felt like a fate destined for everyone else around him. And that had suited him fine. He hadn't wanted it. But now it was different. He still didn't feel ready for it. He sure as hell could tell Seth wasn't either. But he could see it. He could see the stupid ceremony they would have to have because AJ would murder them if they eloped. He could see a house with kids and a couple more dogs and all that god damn shit. He could see it all because it was with Seth. Seth was the only one he could ever want it with.

They broke the kiss, Seth swallowing hard and staring at him with wide eyes. "Was that a yes?"

"Yeah." Dean brushed his thumb over Seth's lower lip. "Whenever you actually ask for real it's uh...it's a yes."

Seth grinned before leaning down and kissing him once more.

A/N: It feels so weird having this done now. Between the writing of it and the months is spent sitting in my brain, I've been attached to this story for almost a year. I want to thank everyone for reading and reviewing and all the like. You're all awesome.