Adam opened the door to Connor's hospital room. He and Connor looked at each for a moment, before Adam stepped to the side of the doorway to let Jude in. Seeing Jude, Connor's face lit up with delight. Jude smiled back at him, walking into the room. Once Jude was inside, Adam closed the door behind them to give the friends some privacy.

Jude kept smiling as he approached Connor's bedside, seeing how happy Connor was that he was there. When Jude was right next to him, Connor noticed the blue nail polish on Jude's fingernails. He reached with his right hand, grabbing onto Jude's left.

"What's this?" he asked.

"War paint," Jude replied.

They both giggled, their smiles bigger than ever. Jude looked up at the TV screen. Seeing this, Connor scooted to the side of his bed to let Jude lay with him. Jude crawled into the bed and sat next to Connor.

They sat in silence for several minutes before Jude spoke up.

"How are you feeling?" he asked.

"Better now that you're here," replied Connor.

Jude smiled. "I mean, how's your foot?"

"Still a little sore, but it's getting better."

"You remember the last time I had blue fingernails?"

Connor nodded, smiling at the memory. "It was right after you started at Anchor Beach. Those two kids were picking on you, and before I could do anything, one of the teachers yelled at them to go to the principal's office."

"You remember what happened after that?" Jude asked, sounding happy that Connor could describe the memory so vividly.

"The next day, I sat with you at lunch," said Connor, smiling again. "And I showed you my fingernails, and how I had painted them blue.

Jude blushed, taking Connor's hand into his own.

"You know what I remember about that day?"

"What's that?" Connor asked.

"That's the day I found the best friend I've ever had. I'm so happy that I found you, Connor."

"I am, too, Jude," Connor said. He then sighed deeply. "I'm so sorry about my dad not letting you see me. I've been begging him to let you come here."

"I know, I know," said Jude, patting Connor's hand. "He just needed some time to process what you said to him after you were shot." Jude hesitated. "So, is it true, what you told him, and what you texted me with Taylor's phone?"

Connor looked away for a moment before looking back into Jude's eyes.

"Yes, it's true," he said. "I don't know when it happened, maybe it's always been this way, but I love you, Jude. I love you with all of my heart."

Jude started to tear up. "I love you, too, Connor," he said in a teary voice. "There's never been anyone besides my family who treats me the way you do."

Connor tightened his grip on Jude's hand. "You don't deserve to be treated bad. You deserve to be happy, Jude. That's all I was hoping for when we became friends — that I let you be happy."

Jude leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Connor. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Connor. I love you so much."

"I love you, Jude."