Chapter 1:

"I need a gin," Eggsy called from the backseat of the taxi. "Know any pubs around here?"

"Better," the driver said in a Southern drawl.

Eggsy sighed tiredly. It had been a long two weeks. He was done with America, with their big flashy lights and funny accents. He'd just completed a mission in Boston, Cape Cod. Even if it was quiet and peaceful here, with lots of sunny beaches, all he really wanted was to go home and snuggle in his nice, familiar bed with JB and possibly watch a movie with Roxy, if she was back from her mission in Japan.

"Here we are, sonny." The driver glided to a stop in front of a little store. "You can pick n' choose. I'll wait for you out here."

"Thank you," Eggsy said courteously before opening the door and sliding out of the car. The sound of the door closing echoed through the almost empty parking lot. Above, stars glimmered. He admitted to himself that they were quite beautiful- light pollution made it difficult to see the stars in London.

He stepped into the store- it was similar to a convenience store, but the shelves were stocked with beer, wine, vodka… Eggsy inhaled the scent, sighing. He decided he'd rather have a good martini, and picked up a Vermouth and gin out for himself.

A sudden, awful stench hit his nostrils. He glanced up as a man entered the store. He was as thick as a tree trunk, with beefy arms and a big moustache. He had a cigarette clamped between his lips, despite the no-smoking sign taped to the door. The young girl working at the counter noticed this and voiced her disapproval.

"Excuse me sir, but smoking isn't allowed." Eggsy kept his head down, pretending to browse through a shelf of American beers.

"Really, darlin'." The man sauntered up to her. "I'm just takin' a little puff, that's all. A pretty little thing like you shouldn't mind, should she?" he asked threateningly. Eggsy gritted his teeth.

"Sir, I will ask one more time, and then I will ask you to leave," she responded. "Please do not smoke in the store." Eggsy couldn't help but admire her courage. She couldn't have been more than man leaned in, breathing a cloud of smoke in her face. She didn't budge, but continued to glare at him.

"I'm gonna ask you a question, baby. Either you let me smoke, take a couple beers for the road, or maybe instead I'll take you and your innocence with me." Eggsy straightened, preparing to step in. He gripped the handle of his handgun, which was pressing against his back, tucked in his waistband. He always had it with him, just in case. The man stepped behind the counter, a sadistic grin on his face. "Such a pretty little thing, huh? I'll make it good."

"I dare you to try," the girl hissed. The man made a grab for her, but she easily dodged and wrenched his arm in a very uncomfortable position, causing him to swivel around. She pinned his arm behind his back. He swore loudly, using his enormous weight to try and overpower her. She kicked him from behind, which sent him rocketing backwards, toppling over a display case. Eggsy watched in astonishment, rooted to the spot. The case shattered loudly, wine exploding everywhere. The cigar in his mouth flew next to Eggsy's feet. Despite this, the man just swore again, and launched himself at her. She swiftly bolted out of the way, and his fist met the counter with a sickening crack. Socking him in the nose, she darted away and he howled in pain before trying to grab her again. She landed another solid kick on his crotch, causing him to yell loudly. She shoved him over, and he fell to the floor- but at the last second, he seized her ankle, bringing her down with him.

Eggsy lunged himself at the two, wrestling the girl out of the man's grasp. The man let out a colorful string of curses before pushing himself off the ground, attention focused on Eggsy. Good, Eggsy thought. The man got to his feet, bunching his fists together and launching himself at Eggsy.

The fight was over almost before it began. Eggsy electrocuted him with his signet ring, and the man fell to the ground with a loud thump.

"Didn't deserve the energy or the time," Eggsy muttered. He turned to the girl, who quickly backed away. His expression became concerned. "Sorry about that. He was treating you like shit. But you beat the crap out of him anyways." He winked, and she relaxed slightly. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yeah." She rubbed her forearms. "Thanks."

"Hey, no prob. Mostly your work, though," Eggsy replied, gesturing towards the still-twitching body. He tilted his head, watching her curiously. "Where'd you learn to fight like that?"

"Um…" She looked suddenly uncomfortable. "I'd rather not say."

"That's cool," Eggsy replied, shrugging nonchalantly, pretending not to care. He glanced back at the body. "What are we gonna do with him?"

"I usually dump them a few blocks down, somewhere in the park or something."

"Oh," Eggsy managed. "Wait, usually? Has this happened before?" She wouldn't meet his gaze. When she did, he was shocked to find how blue they were. It was like looking into an endless, cloudless sky.

"Well…" She raised an eyebrow. "You would expect that a girl like me might get harassed by drunks and things like that pretty often. They think that they can steal crates of alcohol just because they think I can't stop them." She gives a bitter laugh. "They were mistaken."

"I'd pay loads to see their faces when you beat the shit out of them," Eggsy said, trying to lighten the mood. She smiled at that, and tugged his arm.

"C'mon then, I don't really want him to wake up before we get him out of the store."

"Oh, no. I think he deserves to be bashed again for what he did to you."

"That's not what I meant," she replied with a snort. "He might thrash about and break more wine bottles- which, by the way, I'm going to have to pay for myself." Her eyes got dark. "If he wakes up, I'm going to bash him again myself."

"I'm Harry, by the way," Eggsy said, sticking out a hand.

"Avery." She smiled. "Thanks for helping me out."

"Anything for the ladies," he replied with a wink. She blushed, before shaking her head and bending down to where the man lay, still unconscious. She slid her arms underneath his ankles. Glancing up at Eggsy, she motioned towards his upper body. Eggsy rushed to pick up the man, and together, they carried him out of the store. Eggsy waved at the taxi driver, whose eyes were widened in shock. The driver's face paled. "I don't think he's going to wait around for me," Eggsy noted. He scrunched up his nose, attention returning to the man he was carrying. "Jeez, he smells awful."

"Tell me about it." She dropped him, pulling a set of keys out of her pocket and locking the store door behind them. "I've had worse though," she admitted.

"How many times has this happened?" Eggsy asked softly.

"Too many," she responded, pressing her lips together. Eggsy felt a coil of rage rear in the pit of his stomach. How dare anyone do such a thing?

"Avery, why do you work there all by yourself?"

"Because my stepfather is a jerk and he thinks an eighteen year old girl working the nightshift at a liquor store is funny," she hissed.

"Damn," Eggsy breathed.

"Luckily, my older sister taught me how to fight years ago, when he first came into our life." Her expression turned pained.

"Why isn't your older siste-"

"Because one of his pals mugged her, then raped her, and left her body in a forest." Eggsy stopped walking, the force of her words hitting him like a train. He stared at her, anger etched into his handsome features. She met his angry gaze with a cold, detached look.

"That's despicable," he whispered. "I'm sorry."

"So am I. The guy's in jail for life now, but I know my stepdad was the one who encouraged him to do it in the first place."

"How do you know?"

"The bastard fucking told me the day after it happened." Eggsy swore.

"You didn't tell the police?"

"What was I supposed to say? My step dad helped to plan my sister's death? There wasn't any evidence."

"Still." Avery stopped walking.

"Here is fine." Eggsy let go of the man, and enjoyed hearing the sound of his body hitting the ground.

When they arrived back at the store, the taxi, as Eggsy had guessed, had disappeared. Avery invited him inside, handing him her cellphone so he could call another taxi. She flipped the OPEN sign over, closing the store for the night. While they waited for the cab to arrive, Avery made him a martini. Eggsy took a grateful sip, and nearly sighed in pleasure. It was the best martini he'd ever had.

Thirty minutes and four martinis later, the cab arrived. Eggsy wasn't sure why it had taken so long, but he was surprisingly pleased at having the extra time to chat with Avery. Just as Avery unlocked the door, Eggsy made a decision. He reached into his suit jacket pocket, pulling out a card.

"Listen, Avery. If you ever feel like you need help, or just want to get out of this shithole… no offense, but seriously, just call the number and we'll have a plane pick you up." She looked at him in astonishment. "Just tell the operator, Oxfords not Brogues, and I'll know it's you."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out if you take up my offer sometime." She took the card, reading it over. Peering up at him, she thought about his offer.

"When can I call?" she asked doubtfully.

"Anytime," he responded quietly. She reached into her pocket, and pulled out her cellphone. Eggsy watched in amusement as she dialed the number.

"I want to get out of this shithole. Oxfords not Brogues," she whispered, more to Eggsy than the operator. Eggsy grinned.

-agent galahad