Hi! This is my first fanfiction!
Zim is pretty OOC, obviously, so if you don't like it, then don't read. The rest of the characters might be a little OOC, but not much. (hopefully)
Please read and review! I'll try and have a new chapter posted soon.
I don't own Invader Zim or anything associated with it. I also don't own that picture.
Chapter 1
'We can't afford to let them-' A voice from somewhere started and then cut off by mumbling. Most of what was heard couldn't be understood.
'They'll just-'
'We have one to spare. We need to make sure they don't get their hands on that.'
The world around him spun. He was thrown around carelessly and then was thrown into something dark. The walls rumbled. Instantly he realized it was a ship. Headed for nowhere.
When the ship had smashed on the ground, it didn't just stop. It skidded and slid, and managed to fall off a small cliff in the process, effectively smashing the screen on the top of it. The edges of the small blue ship were melting off. Awakening a few seconds later was a small, green creature, which pulled himself out of the wreckage, relatively unharmed. It was a cloudy day, and the smoke from the wreckage rose up into the air, gathering into grey clouds among the white ones. Still a little wobbly from the shock, Zim staggered over to a nearby tree and leaned against it. He looked around warily. No foreign creature in sight. The smouldering wreckage sparked and smoked. He shifted his eyes from tree to tree, until settling on a nearby city in the distance.
Is this…? I've never seen a planet like this before… At least, I don't think I have…
Immediately he sensed something missing. He couldn't remember certain things. Things that seemed important were gone. It was impossible to get amnesia from hitting his head, because all memories were stored on the PAK. This meant…
He looked behind himself. A large dent was in the side of the PAK, making it look off-kilter. The damage must have caused the memory loss. Also, he noticed that the PAK wasn't doing anything to help him or his injuries, despite how minor they were. Usually it would be murmuring different thoughts into his head as it tried to detect anything wrong, but it was dead silent in the area.
What if it just needs energy? Zim thought. Was there even power on this planet? Everything seemed so foreign, and he felt so sluggish, like he had been asleep for much longer than he thought.
Why am I here in the first place? I can't remember much…
He went over to the wreckage, looking for something he could salvage. It seemed like there was nothing better to do in the situation. Nothing in the ship was Irken, he discovered after searching through the rubble, making it pointless to search through. Sighing, he stood up and began walking towards the city, on the foreign planet, searching for something to help him.
"What a dreary day…" Dib mumbled to himself, staring out the window. The sun was just barely shining through the clouds outside, making the day look dull. The night was soon to come.
He was alone in his room, which he had to share with Gaz, much to his dismay. The home he was staying in didn't have very many rooms, and there always had to be space for any new arrivals. When he and Gaz had arrived, they were soaked in the rain, and looked absolutely pitiful. But Ms. Bitters doesn't care about pity or anything silly like that. She hates her job running the place.
Not many kids came through. There used to be a red haired girl that he remembered, but she got kicked out for singing too much. Right now, there was only him, Gaz, and Zita, another girl. She wasn't that good of a friend though, so he never thought about her.
Even though they moved in and lost a lot of things, Dib still loved to study the paranormal. He had a small TV that he used for watching what little shows he could, which wasn't many, but didn't mind. He still had a laptop that he used to watch for different paranormal things and subjects. People didn't understand that he wasn't crazy, and that the things he blabbed about were true. Even the aliens part.
The boy in the trench coat stood, glancing around the room. Seeing nothing better to do amidst the piles of books on his bed, he decided to go to the New Year's celebration downtown. Usually it was really annoying there because everyone was loud and obnoxious, but Gaz was probably already there.
While ducking behind trees to hide from any passerby, Zim noticed a giant, fenced off area where tall electrical devices stood. Relieved, he started running towards it. This must be where the power is…
He looked at the city again. He was closer to it now, and could make out the different buildings. He also noticed that it spread out to be very large. He now noticed the moving creatures walking around. It was like a swarm.
When he got to the fence, it was very tall in comparison to the Irken. No longer able to use his spider legs (They were jammed somehow), he tried to climb the fence. When he reached the top, he realized that he still couldn't get through due to the very sharp razor wire strung around it. Why is it so well protected? This is annoying.
He dropped down softly and began to pace around the fence, looking for openings. It was closed up pretty well except for a giant gate, which he couldn't break into because, again, his PAK would not respond. It was getting darker. Light-sensitive lamps lit up around the fence, making it easier to see.
What am I supposed to do when I can't remember why I'm here, and my PAK is broken? Are the people here hostile?
The stranded Irken sat on the grass, head in his hands, thinking, trying to remember. Nothing surfaced. Just blankness and a few useless old memories. He was silent for a few minutes until a high-pitched and very annoying voice startled him.
"HI! Who're you?" The voice shouted. In the silence the voice resonated, making it even more annoying to hear.
Zim froze. He slowly took his hands off his face, looking up in the direction of the voice. In the dim light, he saw a smiling green creature with its tongue sticking out. He narrowed his eyes in confusion.
"Hello?!" The green thing shouted again and continued smiling.
Zim attempted to say something but quickly realized that another thing was missing; his ability to translate his own words into other languages through his PAK. Talking at all right now would only sound like gibberish. Instead he nodded at the thing in understanding.
"Are you homeless? I have a bunch of trash I keep in a GIANT pile somewhere! You can live in the trash with me! We'll be TRASH BUDDIES!" The creature shouted enthusiastically. It pulled off its weird costume to reveal it was a little robot with blue eyes.
Trash…buddies…? What did that even mean? Was he a malfunctioning robot that belonged to someone? Why wasn't he taking notice of his appearance? Or were the people of this planet used to other species? Maybe he can help me get to the power station.
The small Irken pointed to the giant devices surrounded by a fence. The little robot looked at them. "OOH! Those are shiny, huh?"
Zim got up and walked over to the fence, shaking it. He looked back at the robot, antennae pointed upwards in expectation.
"Oh, you wanna see the cool power thing?! I been there, but me and my trash weren't allowed to be around." The blue-eyed device walked over to the fence and climbed it, easily getting to the top and over the razor wire, and then started to tear the wire off excitedly. He was surprisingly strong, and ripped it clean off. Some of it tore his little costume, but he didn't seem to mind. While Zim climbed carefully over the fence, the robot looked at the city and the lights that had started to shine around.
"Somebody's havin' a PARTY! Lookit the color lights!" He giggled.
Zim rolled his eyes. This robot is downright idiotic.
"Ooooh yeahhhh! I'm GIR! That doesn't stand for anything; it's just that I dress up like a dog sometimes to make children cry, and that's the sound dogs make!"
What in the world is a dog…? Zim thought. He dropped down and looked around. Nobody but the weird robot was there. Everyone must be at that gathering thing they were doing. The electricity towers were extremely tall in comparison to him.
I wonder if there's anywhere to connect to other than the bare metal or wires… He scanned around them cautiously. He found a box with several sockets, some filled and some not.
Without any thought or command, his PAK extended cords which jammed into the control box, sinking into it. Energy coursed up the cords and into his PAK. GIR, seemingly unfazed, smiled and shouted, "When you're done, let's go be trash buddies!"
The amount of energy pouring from the box was overwhelming. I think that's enough… the Irken thought to himself. He tried to tell the PAK to stop charging. Instead of decreasing, the energy absorbance increased, making Zim twitch with surprise.
Hey! Quit it or-
The lamps around the fence began to flicker. He turned to each of them worriedly. The bright and shining city in the distance started to lose its brightness.
I'm taking control of their power system? My PAK won't listen to me, but for some reason I don't really seem to mind. Did this used to happen before my memory was damaged?
The memories were still really fuzzy. Stop taking all the energy! We don't need it, and it'll only draw attention to us! What's the point?
The PAK slowed down its power absorbance but didn't let up. The lights in the distance flickered and began to die. Wires that connected to the city from the power station started to fall onto the ground, sparks flying. GIR watched with sadness.
"Why would you kill the pretty lights…?" The small robot sobbed.
Dib pushed through the crowd, looking for Gaz. Everyone was wearing stupid costumes. The city was lit up and colorful in excitement for the New Year. It also smelled.
He shoved though two fat women to see Gaz sitting on some bleachers playing her game as usual. He walked around piles of trash and cans to sit next to her. It was dark now, so the lights shone brighter.
"Ugh, I hate this day of the year. It's the worst one, and the last one." Gaz mumbled under her breath.
Dib nodded in agreement. "Yeah… but why did you come to the party then?" He looked back at her.
"Because, I haven't been to this stupid party ever since Dad took us that one time. It's kind of nostalgic."
"Oh. Yeah, I guess it is. But that was when we were really little, so I don't remember it much." He looked around at the crowd of screaming people.
"But I still hate it! I think I'm gonna go home instead of sit here trying to beat the last level while these idiots scream and throw trash around like maniacs!" She closed her game and stood up, then started stepping down the stairs without saying anything more.
She's so annoying sometimes… Dib thought to himself. But she was still his sister, even though she threatened him with death constantly.
It was half an hour until midnight. I'll just stay until the party's over. Then I can go back to the room and stare out the window some more at that pile of trash and-
A power line fell onto the street, just barely missing several people. Sparks flew and electricity could be seen still coursing through it. Lights all around the area dimmed. The crowd gasped and backed away from the power line.
The boy in the trench coat stood up instantly with surprise. A downed power line in the middle of a party? Just randomly like that? He quickly stepped down the stairs to inspect it.
The power line danced on the ground like a snake. Dib got dangerously close to it, inspecting it. The line looked like it had been overloaded, like energy had suddenly been sent through it and made it explode off the tower that hung above them. Not surprisingly, the crowd had already started shouting again, probably expecting other people to clean it up for them. Idiotic people.
With a hunch on why the power line did this, Dib walked down the street until the giant power station was in sight on the hill. The lights were flickering and dimming over there, too, and a faint, unnatural light could be seen. It was almost… greenish?
I have to go see what's going on. Maybe some idiot got through the fence and started messing with things.
He started running down the street excitedly. Things like this didn't happen every day, so if he could stop some sort of crime, of course he was going to try! He was perfectly capable. After all, he was a member of a top secret paranormal society. He's seen tons of creepy things, so it wasn't like anything was going to surprise him…