A/N: Hello my dear fans! I would like to thank those who have followed, favorited, or reviewed! I also would like to know how soon you guys would like me to have the team find out about Kat. I also want to know if you guys would want me to actually write a lemon scene or not so please review and tell me your thoughts and feelings! Thank you(:

I looked over to see Spencer taking a light nap after our little activity. He must be exhausted after not getting much sleep due to getting in late and then getting a call early. He usually doesn't get much sleep in general after the whole Tobias and his addiction to the dilaudid. I know he's worried about sleeping because he's scared of the nightmares that come along with it. I've been by his side since before his issues and as much as he hated me during that time I still stood by him. I didn't want him to go through it alone, I wanted him to know I wouldn't leave when things started going to shit. I stretched out and sat up trying not to disturb the sleeping man next to me. He deserves some rest and he usually doesn't have nightmares after such activities take place.

I got off the bed as quietly as I could and started to walk towards the bathroom for a nice hot shower.

Skip to an hour later… (2:00pm)

I was standing in the kitchen making grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch when I felt Spencer's arms wrap around my waist.

"Oh excuse me sir, but I don't think my boyfriend would appreciate you putting your hands on me." I said turning with an appalled look on my face.

"Hmm well he must be a lucky man to have a woman like you." Spencer said leaning down to place a kiss on my forehead.

"Ah, he is indeed. If you haven't noticed I'm amazing!" I said grinning up at Spencer.

"Oh I've noticed. You're even making lunch for the guy." Spencer said chuckling.

"Well I mean a King does need a healthy meal every once and in while." I said directing a look at Spencer who suddenly looked sheepish. I am indeed hinting at his diet or lack therefore. He doesn't eat as healthy or as much as he should. Come to think of it he only really eats if I cook or if he's cooking for us.

"Well I guess that King is going to work on it." Spencer said looking at me with a charming smile he knew I couldn't resist.

"Mhmm. Just sit down and eat." I said placing our plates and bowls on the table. As we ate a comfortable silence fell over us. When we finished we placed our plates and bowls in the sink and I set out washing them.

"What did you want to do for the rest of the day?" Spencer asked from the table.

"Hmm well I do need to go get some new shoes, but we could always stay in if you want to relax after a long trip." I said turning to look at him slightly. I really don't care what we do as long as I get to be with Spence.

"How about we go out and get your shoes along with some coffee?" Spence suggested jutting his lips out slightly.

"That sounds nice. And then we can come back here and just relax for the evening." I said turning off the water and drying my hands.

"Well then let's go get ready." Spencer said walking over to me and grabbing me by my hands.

He led us to the bedroom so we could get dressed for going out. I pulled on a pair of burgundy jeans and put on a cream colored sweater. I pushed my feet in my brown boots and brushed my hair down. I went to the bathroom to apply my eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara. I decided to go light and simple on my make-up for today. I walked back into the room to see Spencer putting his shoes on. Even when he's not at work he dresses clean and professional. He had on a pair of khakis, a white button down, a brownish tie, and a red sweater. I think he purposefully tried to match me!

"Are you trying to be funny Spencer?" I said giggling while looking him up and down.

"I actually think you are the one trying to be funny here, Kat" Spencer said as he looked over my outfit and shook his head.

"Oh whatever" I said as I walked over to grab my purse.

Spencer followed me towards the door and opened it for me. I curtsied and threw a smile his way. I waited in the hall as Spence locked the door and then followed him down the steps. As we got to his car he hit the unlock button and we climbed in. Spence turned the car on as I fiddled with the radio.

AN: I am also so sorry for this taking so long to be put up and I'm not the happiest with it. But I knew it's been too long and you all deserve something. I've been having a bit of writers block and any ideas you guys have feel free to message me or leave a review and I will check them out