disclaimer: I don't own anything, names were added for identifications post/pre-war

warnings: mispellings, typos, grammar mistakes, AU life pre/post-war , blood, gore, probably mispelled cannon names, implied accent that was not typed, OC children for family representatives who will only appear on certain points of the story and I'll add more later on


The German pediatrician stared at the child's small cuts sprayed around the patient's hands with scrutinizing eyes as his patient continued her endless crying. Apparently from her mother, the patient had forcefully joined a rough game of war with the street kids before slipping unceremoniously on the rough pavement; Which had led them to his clinic. After a brief disinfection, a mix of pretty plasters and a sweet treat in a form of a lollipop, the patient had happily settled to slurping the candy around her lips while the pediatrician comforted her mother and relayed there were no other 'problems' to deal with. "Thank you very much, Dr. Klaus" The pediatrician merely gave his last patient of the day a swift wave of a goodbye and a short 'you're welcome' before closing his clinic. Removing his white coat marked by red crosses and hanging on the coat hanger that was next to the doorway, he gestured at his desk helper to retreat for the day. The young lady stood up stiffly and giving the stern pediatrician a quick nod before leaving. As the German turned the lock of his clinic he recalled he was running low on treats for his patient's; to be exact he was out of jelly beans, chocolate nuggets and his assorted lollipops were hitting rock bottom next. It was the perfect time to visit an old friend for restocking and the German also wanted to check on his friend's daughter; killing two birds with one stone as they say.

The German started walking to his next destination with thoughts of nothing but more paperwork to go home too. Unlike his dear friend, He had yet settled with a family due to his past marriage failures which had somehow convinced the German pediatrician that he wasn't 'destined' to settle down as much as he didn't believe in destinies, fate, fairytales or luck as a man of science. When his friend heard him speak of destinies on families both shared a booming laughterand earning him a pat on the shoulder for encouragement. Klaus took a short left turn before arriving in the small sweets store he had learned long ago to love ...for the quality of the items of course. Standing infront of the store his eyes darted toward all the items he had needed restocking before a tiny shy voice distracted him from his search and calculations. "Dear Lily, you shouldn't sneak up to people like that" The German scolded in an affectionate manner as he patted the young daughter of his friend, making sure not to ruin the pigtails that adorned her small features (unless he wanted to be mouthed down by her strict mother).

"Is Dell... I mean, is Papa home?" The german recieved a wild shake of the child's head in a gesture of a negative response. The young girl wasn't technically mute but her vocal cords were oddly damage when she was born but thanks to an early intervention from Klaus, she could still speak but had to under go proper rehabilitation for it. "you want the usual?" as if on cue, Lily spoke up as she was already on autopilot on gathering the Pediatrician's stocks from the oddly familiar red dispenser without much as waiting from the response from the pediatrician. The German couldn't help but smile yet he couldn't help but feel an odd sense of de ja vu at the girl's routine. As if he had felt someone throwing stocks of syringes from the very same dispenser standing in front of the young girl. He mentally pushed the odd feeling down as he reached for the supplies Lily issued to him "Danke, Lily. Have you been visiting your rehab sessions?" prompted by the question the young girl merely nodded and stared silently back at the Doctor. "Don't worry, I won't be doing any physical checkup today, rest assured." the keyword was 'checkup' that had prompted for Lily to run for the hills as much as The german expected it. Dell had oftened confided with him at how he had to pull Lily to any clinic or even his clinic was a problem/trauma area.

With his stocks refilled, he started marching back to his clinic. It was no surprise to anyone that he had slept in his clinic for the lackof a home to go 'home' too anyway plus it was definitely cheaper on the rent. Reopening his clinic to only grant himself entrance and to start sorting the sweets to each jar. Once he had sorted everything as well as his pile of paperwork that seemed endless; somehow the German preferred to simply drink his woes off for the night. Not like he drank often, he just did when Dell invited him or when he felt rather annoyed, depressed or even angered; a hidden vice beneath his pristine white sleeves of his doctorate. Now he wanted nothing more than to drink himself to stupor and it wasn't because of the usual reasons previously stated.

He was having odd dreams recently

No... to be precise as he usually was: he was having flashbacks of a certain Life far from his current status. He wasn't even sure if it was his past life or another person's life he would continually watch as he lay his head to bed.

He would 'dream' of wearing the same white long sleeved coat he had worn during his clinic hours as pediatrician but it would often be blood-stained mixed with dirt, snow or whatever the terrain would be. He'd see odd figures and individuals who were injured with deadly wounds who would call and holler his name; but he didn't hear his usual 'Klaus' but instead it would be replaced by 'Medic' when the dreams occured. As 'Medic' he would somehow heal them completely with a gun-like machine that spewed a red and dare he say it? sparkly beam and somethings he was granted with a power to bring the dead back to life. It was a fun fantasy world if it weren't for the fact it felt almost like an old reality, a pass job he had prior to where he was now.

And he loathed the very idea that he was now constantly dreaming patches of a possible memory or his slowly turning insane imagination. Fetching his brown coat, The German started his way towards the loud scottish tavern that Dell introduced to him. For some out-worldly reason, The Barkeep had made a connection with Dell and had immediately became friends or perhaps their love for a good beer or drink was the basis of their friendship. Stepping in the Tavern he was welcomed with the cheers of merrymen and a waft of booze which has now smelled promising to the prediatrician.

"Ahh the doktah, welcom to meh humble abode. Ima guess yah want your usual sire?" The Scottish barkeep gave the German a huge grin before promptly taking a swig at what the German heard the Scotman call his 'scrumpy' or at however you pronounce it. "Ja, demo if you please" When Dell introduced the Scottish man to him, Dell had called him Demo since as per rumor that he previously worked on explosives as a family tradition which was later on caught the tongue of the German whenever he visited this particular pub. Passing the drink to the Pediatrician, who had but wolfed the drink down quickly as he asked for another. Demo cocked a curious eyebrow at the Doctor before the barkeep spoke once more as he handed the Doctor another of his hand-made work "lad, I can tell yah have some deep thoughts right ther, gonna tell ol' demoman here?" originally and as expected by Demo, the German had refused to speak of his troubles but nothing like a little alcohol in one's system to make them start talking. With a hand clutching his forehead and another caressing the glass, The German has showed more of his color and previously hidden annoyance. The Bar-keep merely grinned at his customer waiting for yet another story; was it a break-up? I'm gay/lesbian for someone and it's unrequited? my lover cheated me? I cheated on my lover? I lost everything/something/someone kind of story which was almost normal conversation between drunks.

"Demo, do you ever dream... of a var you have never been to?" The doctor slightly slurred partnered with his german accent.

Well now, that was a new question and story. "If you meant I did some explosions for some war then yah sure"

"Nein, Nein you dummkoph, I meant dreaming of a var you don't remember a zingle thing about and yet.. yet it feels so real!" The Scottish man stared at his customer after the 9th glass of the mixture of his signature handiwork of a drink the man had taken. The barkeep was now dead sure his German customer was now in the thin lines of tipsy and drunk with all the the German words he couldn't understand and the way his accent was passing through like a rushing train. "Not on me side doktah, but if yeh want to talk it out, I can be of service" And so the German pediatrician had now started spewing to the Scottish barkeep utter nonsense of dreams and visions that he was a military doctor and he was healing wounds and gushes far larger than his thigh (Demo couldn't help but laugh at how the tipsy German had used his own thigh as a basis of measurement) and resurrecting the dead by some weird box that prevents a person from 'permanent death' status when the 'respawn' was down. After a few hours of talking about his problems, the Pediatrician had slumped on the bar counter and was fast asleep.

Demo simply lifted the handset of the landline before punching in a familiar set of numbers. When the other line pick up with a gruff and annoyance the bar keep couldn't help but let out a laugh at how sleepy the other person was "Sorreh Dell but I nid yah halp on somethin' or to be exact, the doktah knocked himself out and I don't have a place for him" With a simple yet sleepy 'okay' the barkeep placed the handset down and let his eyes rest on the sleeping doctor. He didn't really want to kick the guy out of his bar but he didn't really have a place for him plus it would be hard to explain to his blind mother that there's another person breathing in their bar passed closing time.

When Dell arrived, there were a few drinkers left and it wasn't too hard to find his friend slumped comfortably on the bar counter with Demo still handling other customers. The Engineer simply took the bar stool to the left of the Pediatrician before Demo acknowledged his presence "Fucking finally Dell, I was already losin' me hope and preparin' a speech for my dear ol' mother!" The Barkeep let out a jolly laugh before setlling a cleaned glass on one of the nearby shelves. Sparing a glance at Klaus, The Engineer couldn't really tell what could have made him drink this much. Recently with his work schedule on the new project clashing with Klaus' clinic schedules, he hardly had a chance to talk to the German doctor; he had even asked Klaus to fetch Lily from school sometimes due to the schedule constraints "So what was troubling Klaus?" The Engineer asked with his voice still laced with slight drowsiness.

"oh ho, yah wouldan't believe what he told meh Dell!" Demo merely let out another tirade of laughter before speaking once more "He was havin' this weirdo dreams of bein' in a war of sorts when he's a freakin' kid doktah here. Heck he even claimed it was soooo real that it was 'is past or somethin'!" As much as Dell couldn't help it, the Demo's laughter was contagious and he too had found himself laughing at the very idea of the woes of his sleeping friend. Really? Klaus being a military physician was close to him being a pole-dancer; he knew personally that Klaus detested the idea of joining or aiding any side of a war.

However, amidst the busy tavern of the Scottish barkeep a lone figure had huddled himself in the corner away from the public eyes with his red balaclava gracing his face. The mysterious figure merely smirk overhearing the conversation between the bar owner and another customer. "It's only the beginning doctuer, you will soon realized who you really are and where you belong" the statement was spoken softer than whisper as the mysterious figure disappeared with eyes trained over the figure of a slumped physician on his shorter friend.


Author's notes:

If you have yet to get the gist of the story then- oh well, maybe you can try rereading it again

also the god damn upload in the doc management kept prompting my tablet to check the document on my camera, camcorder and gallery. JUST HOW DO YOU UPLOAD WITH THOSE OPTIONS FANFICTION?

and when I went for the copy-paste route, it turned my quotations "" into && which I had to edit out online. THAT WAS MEAN FANFICTION

anyway this is also a short plot-bunny and I hope I haven't butchered their accents that badly.

As for pairings, I'm not sure yet since it'll all develop once future chapters starts incorporating character development. As much as I ship the cannon heavy/medic I wouldn't mind shaking it up but yeah that depends on the development.

kay later.