Chapter 29: Searching

Nessie's POV

The only thing that kept me from losing my mind in that moment was my son. I had to find him! The only way that I would ever be able to find my son is if I kept a calm and clear head.

I ran into Jacob's awaiting arms when I got back home. He comforted me and soothed me as best as he could despite the fact that he was clearly distraught himself. I didn't blame him for anything though even though he insisted that CJ's disappearance was all his fault.

None of us had a concrete plan of how we were going to search for my son. I couldn't stand to just sit around in the house and do nothing though. So I left the house against everyone's better wishes and started searching the city all on my own.

It was as if my boy had just simply vanished. The worry was just eating me alive. My baby could be in very real danger and I had no way of protecting him!

I felt one of my babies movie internally. The affect it had on me was therapeutic. I had my triplets to worry about as well. I rubbed my stomach soothingly where he had moved. I had to try not to get upset for their sakes as well. For their's and CJ's. Getting upset and falling apart would not do anyone any favors.

"Nessie what's wrong?"

I jumped when I heard a voice speaking to me. I spun around and accidentally startled Marcus.

"Nessie are you p-" he can't even bring himself to say the word.

"Yes I am pregnant but that's not what I'm worried about right now. It's CJ he's-"

"What about him?!" Marcus yelled. Clearly looking upset. "What's wrong with him?! Is he hurt?!"

"He's, oh god I don't know!"

"What do you mean you don't know?! What's going on with him?! Nessie he's my son to and I think you should tell me what's going on with him"

That's the moment I understood. My best friend was his father. The union that resulted in my son, drugs in exchange for sex, didn't mean that my son was any less loved by his parents then any other baby was. It was clear to me that Marcus here did care about CJ. He did love him and wished him nothing but the best. He and I had both made our fair share of mistakes in the past. Those mistakes didn't define who we were as people though.

Marcus was just a good kid that had just made a lot of mistakes. He wanted to better himself as much as I wanted to better myself. He also loved his son. That much was clear.

"Nessie for god sakes will you tell me what the hell is going on?!" He shouted. "You're scaring me!"

"He's missing!" I yelled.

"He's what?!"

"I don't know how it happened. I left him with Jacob for a short time. Then Jacob called and told me that CJ was missing. Someone kidnapped him but we don't know who!"

"So what do we do?!"

"We've been searching everywhere but we can't find him"

"Well how can I help?" he asked.

"You can't help" I said.

"Why not?! He's my son to! I've got-"

"You're human that's why. Whoever took him is obviously not human if he can get past us. You'd be no match for him"

"Then turn me into a vampire"

I felt like I had been hit by a ton of bricks. I was shocked beyond words. There was no way in hell that I could've heard him correctly.

"Nessie please turn-"

"You still would not be of any use. You'd be writhing in pain for three days and when you finally did wake up you'd be this blood crazed monster that would only care about one thing. Human blood. CJ would be the last thing on your mind"

"Oh like you're a blood crazed monster right now?!"

"I'm the rare exception to the rule"

"Nessie just do it please!" he yelled. "I can't just stand around feeling helpless to find and protect him. Please Nessie. Just trust me"

I didn't know what to say or even think. My feet seemed to react before my mind did though. I walked toward him slowly and without really thinking about it I lowered my lips his neck and sunk my venom coated teeth into his skin.

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