(A dark-skinned Asian man in tribal clothes takes his sword and swings at the camera.)

Dayak Headhunter: Borneo's vicious tribesman infamous for his collection of severed heads.

(A Headhunter blocks a blow from a rival tribesman and swings his niabor for a decapitation.)


(A tan-skinned man with long black hair and feathers in his hair swings his tomahawk at the camera.)

Sioux Warrior: The fearless and brave Native American who defeated the U.S. Cavalry at Little Bighorn.

(A Sioux warrior swings his tomahawk and slices into the face of an American soldier.)


To find out, we've assembled a team of world class fighters to test history's most lethal weapons. Using 21st century science, we'll see what happens when two warriors go toe to toe.

No rules. No safety. No mercy. It's a duel to the death to decide who is...THE DEADLIEST WARRIOR!

Last time, both tribesman defeated their respective opponents in a hard fought battle...

(The Dayak is seen slicing the Moro's head off with his niabor.)

...but now, we will bring both warriors back once again to see who will be our 'Deadliest Tribal Warrior'.

(The Sioux warrior uses his inyankapemni club like a baseball bat and smashes the Mapuche's head.)

Here in our elite fight club we have gathered doctors, medical scientists and weapons experts to test out the lethal arsenals wielded by each of our combatants to determine who would win a fight between season 3's deadliest tribal warriors.

Dayak Headhunter

Circa: 1800 A.D.

Height: 5'7''

Weight: 150 lbs.

Armor: Kalambi, Terabai

Sioux Warrior

Circa: 1876 A.D.

Height: 5'8''

Weight: 140 lbs.

Armor: None

''Today on back for blood we are bringing in season 3's deadliest tribal warriors who will compete for the chance to dethrone the Apache for said title.'' DeadAliveManiac started, ''This fight we got the Dayak Headhunter going up against the Sioux warrior and it is going to be a bloody fight where both sides won't surrender.''

''You said it DAM, the Sioux fought bravely against the better armed United States Cavalry while the Dayak mainly rival tribesmen and in the second world war were known to have beheaded some Japanese soldiers and while they have abandoned their headhunting ways they are still known to carry heads that their ancestors have taken.'' Zivon96 explained.

''On one end you had a warrior bringing in steel weapons while the other is bringing in stone and bone but that did not stop the Sioux warrior from massacring the American cavalry and that kind of unpredictability would catch the Dayak off guard.'' MKDemigodZ-Warrior added.

''These two are incredibly vicious and deadly in battle and despite the metal advantage the Dayak has it is going to be a tough match to decide a winner. So let's get this crap started and see who is the deadliest tribal warrior.'' PFC Rice Man concluded.

The infamous headhunter used an arsenal specifically crafted for expanding his collection of severed heads.

Short Range: Jimpul

Mid-Range: Niabor

Long Range: Dayak Bow

Special: Mandau

In turn, the fearless native American defended his homeland from the white men with a lethal crafted arsenal of stone weapons.

Short Range: Inyankapemni Club

Mid-Range: Buffalo Lance

Long Range: Self Bow

Special: Pipe Tomahawk

When these two warriors fought up close with their enemies they used weapons made for hacking, slashing and smashing to get the job done.

The team now reviews the testing of the jimpul and inyankapemni club in their respective episodes and the decision is as easy as ever.

''The jimpul is made of steel and a bladed weapon, need I say more?'' DAM started off.

''The club is only good for bludgeoning the hell our of people but it needs a hard head shot to get the kill, edge jimpul.'' Zivon seconded.

''Yeah..you can tell what I'm gonna say.'' Demigod added.

''The jimpul has a larger area in which it can kill compared to the club so...Dayak gets the edge.'' Rice Man concluded.

For short range weapons, the edge goes to the Dayak Headhunter for the jimpul.

For mid-ranged weapons, the Dayak Headhunter and the Sioux warrior brought in two deadly weapons to sever and impale.

The team reviews the testing of the niabor and the buffalo lance in their respective episodes and once again the edge is as easy as ever.

''The buffalo lance may have reach going for it, but comparing a lance or a spear to a sword is just silly. Edge niabor.'' DAM started off.

''I have to agree, the niabor is more practical on foot compared to the lance.'' Zivon said.

''Sigh, the lance is only thrust and while it may cause more damage, the niabor will decapitate the Sioux in one hit so I go with the niabor.'' Demigod said shaking his head.

''I doubt the Sioux will find a way to counter the niabor, one swing, no arm or worse, no head. It gets my edge.'' Rice Man concluded.

In mid-ranged weapons, the edge goes to the Dayak Headhunter for the niabor.

For long range weapons these two warriors used to deadly and powerful bows to take their enemies down.

The team now reviews the testing of both weapons in their previous episodes and this time they debate over the edge.

''I gotta give this one to the Sioux warrior, from what we've seen he is much more skilled in this department and will dominate the Dayak with his superior archery.'' DAM started off.

''I'm not so sure about that one, the Dayak is just as good an archer and his arrows have some nasty heads that will wreck the Sioux. For that I'll call this even.'' Zivon countered.

''I say Sioux warrior, as DAM said he is much more skilled with his weapon and it is easy pickings for him.'' Demigod said.

''Same here, we haven't seen any real impressive archery from the Dayak but from what we've seen with the Sioux and other native American warriors they are the masters of the bow.'' Rice Man concluded.

In long range weapons, the edge goes to the Sioux warrior for the self bow.

Finally, in special weapons both warriors brought deadly bladed weapons to reduce their enemies into a bloody pulp.

The team reviews the testing of the mandau and pipe tomahawk in their previous episodes before they come to a decision.

''I am giving this one to the mandau, it's a nasty knife slash short sword that can keep the Sioux at bay, sad to say since I love the tomahawk.'' DAM explained.

''Swords and even knives always win over a battle axe or the tomahawk for larger surface area in which you can damage a person. The tomahawk has only the axe head and while it is a bit longer the mandau still outclasses it in the amount of danger either warrior has to worry about.'' Zivon seconded.

''It's a longer blade and that is all I am going to say.'' Demigod said.

''Sure the Sioux can toss the tomahawk but what if he misses? He's gonna get chopped up and destroyed. Edge mandau.'' Rice Man concluded.

For special weapons, the edge goes to the Dayak Headhunter for the mandau.

Coming up! Metal Harbinger will gauge the x-factors and the battle for the title of deadliest tribal warrior begins!


Welcome back to the fight club, here we reviewed the weapons of season 3's deadliest tribal warriors to determine who will secure the crown.

For short range weapons, the jimpul sliced the inyankapemni club to ribbons.

''It's a blade against a club, more area in which it can kill.'' DAM explained.

Edge: Dayak Headhunter

For mid-range weapons, much like the jimpul the niabor decapitated the buffalo lance.

''For the same reason as the short range weapons, more blade, more surface area to kill.'' Zivon explained.

Edge: Dayak Headhunter

For long range weapons, the Sioux warrior proved to be the superior archer and put down the Dayak's bow.

''From what we've seen, the Sioux is a great archer compared to the Dayak who no doubt is good in his own right, doesn't possess the same skill as his adversary.'' Demigod explained.

Edge: Sioux Warrior

And finally, for special weapons the Dayak's mandau sliced apart the Sioux's pipe tomahawk.

''Same reason as the short and mid-range weapons, so I ain't explaining it.'' Rice Man concluded.

Edge: Dayak Headhunter

And now, resident metalhead and computer wizz Metal Harbinger will now evaluate the x-factors of each warrior.

'Let's get this done!". exclaimed Metal.

''For training the Sioux had an 88 to the Dayak's 83.''

''For physicality the Dayak had an 89 to the Sioux's 73.''

''For Killer instinct the Dayak had a 93 to the Sioux's 89.''

''For ferocity the Dayak had a 93 to the Sioux's 87.''

''For metallurgy the Dayak will get a 90 to the Sioux's 85.''

''Last is endurance and the Dayak had an 87 to the Sioux's 73.''

Our panel has finished reviewing the weapons and x-factors of both warriors. Now we will run the simulation one-thousand times to determine who is this season's deadliest tribal warrior.

''Let's see who will rise from the carnage and battle the Apache for the full title. Let's go.'' Metal said hitting the button.


It was a rather humid evening in the jungles of Borneo as a lone Dayak warrior was seen prowling the trees in search of his next victim. Recently he and his tribe have fought back another tribe from the Philippines who had encroached on their land and it was a great victory.

Though the celebrations were cut short when a band of more mysterious tribesmen had stumbled upon their village and raided it killing some of his fellow Dayaks. Being one of the most capable warriors in his tribe he had been following the tracks of these mysterious tan men and knew one had to be nearby when he spotted smoke rising from the jungle canopy.

In another part of the jungle a lone Sioux warrior was seen roasting a fresh kill and some fish he had caught in a nearby stream. Following his tribe's victory over a rival Mapuche group they had somehow ended up in Borneo and it was only when one of their own was captured and beheaded by the strange savages of these lands that they decided to raid the nearby Dayak village.

They suffered a few losses but inflicted several on their new opponents and made a hasty retreat. He had ended up separating from his comrades and decided to just rest up for the evening before continuing the search for his friends.

Unknown to him he was being watched from the nearby brush, the Dayak had found one of those attacking natives and had a feeling this prey would make a good addition to his collection of severed Moro heads. The Dayak takes his bow and strings an arrow onto it and takes aim at the native American warrior as he was going to take a bite of his fish.

The Dayak let the arrow fly and it skewered the fish and pinned it against the tret and the sudden surprise of having his food shot literally from his hands made the Sioux jump in shock. Without even batting an eye he picked up his self bow and when he turned to face the direction from which the Dayak shot his arrow another one was sent his way and thanks to his years of battling the white men he leaped out of the way and when he landed he fired off his own arrow.

The arrow flew passed the Dayak's upper arm and left only a slight scratch but the Indonesian warrior was forced to change his position and as he backed up he let loose another arrow. The Sioux like before managed to dodge the projectile and fired off another shot of his own and smirked when he was rewarded with the sound of pain. He fired his last arrow off but only heard the sound of the projectile impacting a tree.

Picking up his lance he dashes over to where the sound of pain was heard and upon further inspection noticed several drops of blood on some bushes and when he looked ahead he saw several more drops of blood on the ground. Now he was the one that was on the hunt and holding his lance with both hands he slowly follows the blood trail.

Behind a tree the Dayak was seen grunting in pain as he was yanking the arrow out. Letting out a cry of pain he tosses the arrow aside and luckily it was where he had left his terabai shield unsheathing his jimpul he scoops up the defensive tool and looks around the tree after hearing some movement within the brush.

He spots the Sioux warrior with his weapon in hand.

The Sioux noticed that the blood splotches had disappeared the further he went and cursed to himself. Despite being wounded he knew the Dayak had covered up his own tracks.

Nonetheless, he decided to continue forth and when he reached the tree the Dayak was behind he was greeted by the Indonesian warrior popping from around the trunk and swinging his jimpul.

Out of instinct the native American warrior raised the lance and the Dayak's blade managed to slice through the shaft. The Sioux was taken by surprise at the move but had no time to react when the Dayak shoved him away with his terabai causing him to stumble and fall on flat on his ass.

The Dayak seized the chance to bring his jimpul down to try and slice the native American open but the Sioux rolled out of the way and quickly drew his club.

His own opportunity visible, he brings the inyankapembi club down onto the back of the Indonesian warrior and struck it hard making his adversary cry out in pain but was met with a horizontal slice from the Dayak and had his forearm cut.

The Dayak tried to use his shield as leverage but the Sioux twirled around the shield arm and brought the club down onto the elbow joint nearly breaking it and was met with satisfaction when the Dayak let go of his shield. The Sioux when headbutts the Dayak causing him to drop his jimpul as well

Growling in frustration, the Dayak reached out with his shield arm and grabbed the Sioux by the throat and reaches for his mandau.

He successfully shoves the blade into the Sioux's side but the native American fought through the pain and with the strength he summoned he shoves his opponent away and yanks the mandau out with a sickening crunch.

Tossing the blade aside and the adrenaline pumping through his veins he takes his tomahawk out.

With his two weapons in hand he lets out his tribe's signature war cry while the Dayak shouted back after drawing his niabor sword. He had faced gun totting soldiers before so another tribal warrior wielding some sword wasn't going to scare him one bit.

Shouting in defiance the fearless native American warrior went in for a flurry of swings with his weapons only for the Dayak to keep him at bay with his longer weapon. In response the Dayak went to swing his sword but the Sioux ducked under the attack and swung his own tomahawk and dug it into the side of the Dayak who retaliates with a backhand that sends the Sioux stumbling backward.

He ends up backed into a tree and when he recovered he saw the Dayak charging with his sword ready to kill. The Sioux used a last resort attack and tosses the tomahawk at the Dayak who moves his head to the side.

He was caught off guard when the Sioux charged forth and went in for a full force tackle that knocks the Dayak to the ground. Raising his club for the kill he brings it down onto the Dayak's head but the Indonesian warrior rolls out of the way while at the same time swings his niabor and slices the Sioux's leg off at the knee. The Sioux was sent falling to the ground and crying out in pain holding his bloodied stump.

Knowing he had already won the battle the Dayak grabs the hysterical Sioux by the hair and gently places his niabor's blade against the Sioux's neck.

Feeling the cold steel on his skin, the Sioux realized what was about to happen and before he can try to fight back with what energy he even had left the Dayak raised his niabor high and delivered a vicious swing that sliced almost halfway through the Sioux's neck.

The native American let out continuous cries of anguish and pain but when the Dayak swung again, his cries were silenced forever...

Swinging several more times he finally severs the Sioux's head and with his new trophy, raises the head high and shouts victoriously.


Winner: Dayak Headhunter

Dayak Headhunter: 554

Jimpul: 117

Niabor: 233

Dayak Bow: 10

Mandau: 194

Sioux Warrior: 446

Inyankapemni Club: 45

Buffalo Lance: 133

Self Bow: 168

Pipe Tomahawk: 100


Training: 83/Training: 88

Physicality: 89/Physicality: 73

Killer Instinct: 93/Killer Instinct: 89

Ferocity: 93/Ferocity: 87

Metallurgy: 93/Metallurgy: 85

Endurance: 87/Endurance: 73

Following a battle between season 3's most fearsome tribal warriors it would be the Dayak Headhunter who emerged victorious with 55.4% to the Sioux's 44.6%. While the Sioux warrior was a fearless and deadly opponent the Dayak's steel weapons would be the deciding factor.

''Despite the Sioux being a very dangerous and fearless challenger, the Dayak was able to cut the Sioux down once he came within short range and he just didn't stand a chance.'' DAM explained.

''You have to give credit to the Sioux, he used his stone weapons as well as he could and gave the Dayak a tough fight but in the end the metals played in the latter's favor.'' Zivon said.

''Yeah, I can see why the Sioux lost, but it wasn't easy for the Dayak considering the type of opponents he has faced before. He wasn't ready for the Dayak though.'' Demigod added.

''The Dayak had steel which shouldn't be too surprising on why he won. While the Sioux faced against firearm wielding enemies, the viciousness and fight to kill mentality of the Dayak was unlike any he had ever encountered. Looks like the Apache has his hands full with defending his title.'' Rice Man concluded.

(The Dayak is seen inside his hut back at his village with the Sioux's weapons hanging on his wall. Picking up the native American's severed head he places it on a spike and smirks at his new trophy.)


Next time on back for blood, two of the greatest warriors of Islam meet in a battle of conqueror versus defender.

Mughal Warriors: Fierce Muslim conquerors who ruled over India for over 400 years.


Mameluke Cavalrymen: Egypt's elite slave cavalry who successfully repelled the Mongol Horde.