It crashes upon the mind like waves upon the sand: Relentless, agonizing, demoralizing and terrifying. Such power found in the darkest part of life.


It is the constant pressure of pain upon the body or emotions that obliterates hope, peace, and serenity.

Four brothers know these terms well. They know the white that eats at their consciousness. Yet they all fight to stay awake, even for one more minute longer.

Four brothers lay in the embrace of suffering. Watching each other through the cages that held them. Offering support in whatever way they can. Bound by chains, gaged by leather. They know pain. They know Torment. They know the torture they go through will not end.


Blinks of colorful emotion flash inside each brother as they watch their fellow kin get tortured in front of their eyes. Each one fighting the bonds that holds them, not for themselves, but for their brothers.

The torment, the pain, the agony; they fight for each other. They live for each other. They will die for each other. Each brother fights for more time on the torture table. Each one trying to protect the others from the agony he is experiencing.

The screams tear at each brother, demoralizing and flashing a deeper red in their eyes. The splatter of blood on the ground, the cold mettle against the skin, the screams that pierce the throat; it is just too much to bear. Darkness embraces them all, one by one, falling to the dark peace of the unconscious.

Raphael woke up, aching in multiple places. His mind slowly remembers where he is. He is in pain. He is captured. He is as good as dead. Bound by thick mettle chains, he is unable to move. He looks up from his chains and sees his three fellow brothers, all bound like he is. Each one is caged to each wall of the room. The captures clearly wanted to separate them. He sees that two of them are still breathing, awake, and at least alive. He looks to his right and sees the hung head of blue:

His blue.

His brother.

His leader.


Raph feels panic and tries to shout, but he is muffled. No coherent words escape his lips. He tries to move but the chains are unforgiving. They will not release him.
"I see you are finally awake, my angry little turtle. Oh don't worry, he is alive… for now." Said a deep voice from the middle of the room. Raph looked at the dark figure clad in black, standing next to the torture table.
"Yes, I know what your thinking. You're worried about your big brother. How cute. Well, you should be." The man replied in a menacing voice. Ice dripping from his voice, sending chills through Raph's spine. The man walked over to Leo and took off his gag, then harshly slapped him across the face. A moan escaped him, and a growl rumbled from Raphs' belly. He was getting angry. The man went to Donnie and removed his gag as well. As he was removing the gag from Mikey, he quickly tried to bite the man's fingers. The man jerked his hand back, just barley escaping the bite.
"Oh we got a feisty one! Oh don't worry, we will work on that."

The man then walked over to Raph and also removed the gag. It felt great, but Raph hid any relief from the man. The man knelt down in front of Raph, and spoke with great care.
"I want you to understand, that from here on out, you are in control. What I mean by that is this: you will decide which of your brothers shall be my next pet to play with."

"You can go jump down a sewer and drown, I wont choose any of my brothers to be your pet. If you want to play, release me and we can have all sorts of fun." Raph replied.

The man shook his head and tried again:

"Let me tell you in a better way. You choose one of your brothers or I will slowly kill one of them. I will make you watch. You will be the reason they die. So let me ask you again. Which one shall I be working on next?"

"Fine, me." Raph insisted. The other brothers clearly did not like the answer, as they all shouted for Raph to choose them. Mikey insisted it be he because he was sure he could handle the torture after having to listen to all of Donnie bad jokes. Donnie thought he should go because he was the least skilled at combat, and is more likely to hinder the team. Leo commanded raph to choose him because he was the leader. The man let them debate for a couple minutes before shouting for silence. The turtles all glared at him.

Mikey spoke up: "This is a family decision, it is very rude to interrupt us by shouting. You need to work on your manners."

The man replied:

"Well how about you let me teach you some manners about talking back to me?" He then walked over to Mikey and started to release the chains.
"Don't even think about escaping. You all have been drugged with a neurotoxin. You have limited body control, but enhanced pain perception. I invented it myself," The man said. Before he could even undo the first chain Raph shouted from him to stop. The man took a step back and nodded. He reminded Raph he was in control and again asked which of his brothers he chooses.
"Me, I choose me," Raph declared.

"It can't be you, now choose, or I will kill the one in the blue!" The man threatened.

Fear grasped Raph's heart. He couldn't choose. His brother he loved, his brother he would fight for. How could he choose any of them? Anger rose inside of him. At the situation, at being captured, at the twisted game the man was playing.

Red… Red….Red….

The emotions flashed again. Red meant anger, revenge, hate and malice. Red…..…Red…..Red…..

The flashed of emotion gave him hatred. It gave him power. He felts the chains on his body, he felt the dark cold air of the chamber, and he heard the heavy breathing of his brothers. He remembers the torture they already faced.


An explosion of fury and strength tore into Raph's muscles. The hatred burned into his blood, determination flooded his heart. His loyalty to his brothers was unwavering. He pushed with all his might, he twisted and turned and tried to break free of the chains. Raph was seeing only a red tunnel vision of hatred and revenge.

With a roar of fury he lunged at the man, screaming and struggling like a ferocious animal. The chains croaked and fought to restrain him. With a final roar Raph leapt forward!
And the chains pulled hum back down. He lay there panting, hurting from the chains. He didn't understand. He had power; he had the anger, felt the strength that the red of hatred gave him. He should have been able to break free.
The man looked at him and shook his head. He walked over to the table and pulled out a sword… upon closer look it was Leo's sword. He walked over and rested the blade on Leo's neck.

"I told you to choose, now you will face the consequences of your actions. Any last words for your brother?" The man rasped.

Fear tore through Raph. Tears started streaming down his eyes. Not, his brother, not Leo, not anyone. Not his brother Leo, who he had always fought with, Leo who he always defied, Leo, who he always protected.

"Leo… I love you, I love you so much! I am sorry I have failed you. I should have listened to you. Just know, that I have always loved you." Raph cried out.

"Touching, but at least your brother dies knowing he was loved." The man replied.

The man lifted the sword and stepped back. Getting ready for the killing strike.
Raph looked into Leo's eyes, expecting to see anger, fear, and sorrow. Instead, he saw a deep love and admiration for Raph. No anger, just a proud look. A sincere look of love that only a brother could feel. Raph felt it burn inside him again.

The emotions hit him like a train. Looking at all his brothers, tears in their eyes, yelling at the man to stop.


He searched for the emotions to give him power… but he found no anger, no hatred, and no revenge. Instead he felt love. A deep-seated love that only the bond of brotherhood could bring. He felt the unbreakable loyalty, constant competition, and incredible protective instincts. He looked up at Leo with protection instead of anger at the man. He looked at the person who would fight for him while he was younger. He looked at the brother who always would have his back. He looked at his brother whom he idolized the most. He looked at the brother who he protected the most.

The power flooded through his veins. He roared and with a protectiveness born only from brotherhood he broke the chains. He stood up, the chains that were not completely shattered dangled over his shoulders.

The man stood their shocked, sword still raised.

"But but but you were in chains, you were tied up, you were weak!" The man stammered.

"Nothing is strong enough to contain the bond of brotherhood." Raph replied.

The Red ensnared Raph as he attacked the man who was trying to kill his brother.

The four brothers lay in the chamber, hugging each other. Telling Raph what a hothead he was, and that it took him long enough to free them. The man lay utterly destroyed in the corner. Not dead, but completely broken. Raph delivered no mercy to the man who threatened his brothers. The four brothers helped each other up, and walked out of the room and towards the home in which they foster their love. With the strength to keep fighting, that is born only from their brotherly bond.