AN: Hello Everyone! I know it has been a hot minute since I have been on the site, but as always, life tends to get in the way. Been working hard on the upcoming chapters and trying my best to focus on the story with the allotted time I have given a day. A lot of life changes have happened and are going to happen in my life such as moving, new jobs, and new life being born. So, there is quite a bit on my plate, but this story has not been on the back burner. I am continuously writing, and I am so glad I have another chapter finally knocked down for you all to enjoy!

So, without further announcements, the song inspired for this chapter is entitled, "Young" by The Chainsmokers. I have been dabbling in other artists besides Avicii in the EDM world, and I like most of the songs from this group. With this song in particular, I find it appropriate for the feeling and essence of what I am trying to get across. Please take a listen and enjoy! While you are at it, why not leave a review? Then we can all geek out together! Hope to hear from you all soon! Enjoy!

Don't Let It Go Like This

~Chapter Fifty-Eight~

She didn't care where her legs were taking her as she stormed through the elegant halls of the Fiore palace. She was livid, angry, bitter; pick any emotion and it only fueled her anger. Lucy couldn't have gotten out of that meeting fast enough. She had half a mind to summon Aquarius right then and there and let that scrawny, little Empress be at her mercy! But with her luck, she also might be on the receiving end considering she'd have to summon her using a water glass, and she'd hate how that might turn out in her current state.

Although at this point, she may be beyond caring. She was certain that her place was on the battlefield with those whom had helped and safeguarded her. She was useless running and being in the background. All that training with Levy, Juvia, and even Erza had to amount to something! Her mind quickly shifted to Natsu. It was dirty how Mavis played that card. She was a damn good mother. So why was it that it only pissed her off more that she was not only apologized, but then threw it all back in her face in front of them all?

The more she dwelled on it, the livider she felt herself becoming. It angered her that the feeling that Mavis essentially betrayed her by denying her request. She had placed her mate on the front lines and looked what had happened! So why should this be any different with her? She was just so tired of running and being held back because of her status. All she wanted now was to help and be alongside her companions in this upcoming battle. Luna was perfectly safe in the hands of her friends-any one of them she would certainly trust with her life. If she couldn't fight, share the load of this battle, or save her mate; then what example was she really setting for her daughter?

Lucy's legs ended up carrying her through the palace and down secluded hallways. In her rage, she hadn't much cared, nor paid too much mind, of exactly where she was going. All she knew was she didn't need to have Luna see her in this state. She was so angry that all she wanted was to get far away from that meeting and specifically Mavis before she did what she knew she would regret.

"Should have let Aquarius drown her." She seethed to no one in particular.

"And that would do exactly opposite of what we want to accomplish. And if you must send a tidal wave, then I would much rather you send it towards our enemies; not our friends." Spoke up a rather amused voice from behind her.

Whipping herself around, the angered woman saw the red-haired beauty that was attempted to catch up with her. "Not now, Erza! I do not wish to deal with anyone right now."

"I can understand why you are upset, but-"

"Don't. Don't you dare defend her!" Savagely Lucy had cut her friend off with a dangerous edge in her voice.

"Natsu must really be rubbing off on you. Although, wouldn't expect anything less from his wife."

"Your joke isn't well received."

"Lighten up some, Lucy. I know things aren't exactly ideal, but we need to make the most of it."

"Funny, how can you say that when it isn't your husband in captivity."

"No, but it hasn't exactly been easy on the front lines either. While you were playing house, we all had been doing our best to ensure your safety."

"More reason why I want to be on the front lines. I am useless back here. I have been running for far too long and look where it has gotten me. I want Zeref to really pay." The Celestial Queen felt herself begin to feel her anger begin to return once more. Why couldn't they understand that this was something she needed to do-it has for a long time.

Erza gave a sympathetic expression towards her steaming friend. She couldn't blame her for how she felt, for after all, if she found herself in the same position then she very well might feel the same way. She placed a hand on her shoulder in hopes to aid comfort, "Lucy, we all understand Mavis's decision. Although harsh, it is well meaning. She sees the trap that Zeref has laid out for you. Surely you can attest to that?"

"Of course I can! I am not blind; just pissed, Erza." The Queen huffed with folded arms, "Besides, now that I know exactly what I am up against, I won't be so easily provoked."

"You certain about that? Your reaction back there might suggest otherwise."

"You know better than to underestimate me. You know exactly what I am capable of. You know what? I think that is her problem with me; she probably thinks that I will just cave into Zeref's obvious trap and allow my emotions to cloud me. She probably thinks I am incapable of realizing my own strength!"

"I don't think that it is it at all. I think she wants to keep you safe-"

"So, it is my strength she doubts!"

"Clearly you don't want to hear my own observations." Erza deadpanned.

"I just need a shot. I can prove I am more than capable of handling my own and aid our side!" The Queen ignored the annoyed expression from the desert Queen herself. She was too focused on proving her point. It infuriated her to no end to be denied the chance to step up and protect her friends as they had done on more than one occasion.

Erza let out another sigh. Her words of reasoning were going to fall on deaf ears. It wasn't hard to see the Dragon Prince's mate was a match made for it; it appeared once her mind was made up then there was little to deter it. Knowing this left her with little option, so she went with her last resort. She cleared her throat to refocus her friend's attention, "Well perhaps I can offer an alternative to our dissatisfaction?"

"And what might that be?" Lucy poorly covered up her peaked interest.

"I need help with evacuations this week. Do you have any interest in helping me with this task? Depending on how well you help might just show Mavis that your skills are best suited on the battlefield rather than the safety of behind our lines?"

"And how is me helping to evacuate going to show the Empress that I am better utilized beside her rather than playing babysitter?"

"You are resourceful, Lucy. That has always been one of your most admirable qualities. So, let's find a way to make her eat her words while doing some good. Trust in your friends to have your back." She held out her arm for the Celestial Queen to take in sign of their agreement.

Lucy eyed the offending limb, "You are sure this might help change her mind?"

"If it doesn't, we know Cana will just sneak you to our side." The crimson beauty slyly glanced at her.

"Rule abiding Erza would condone this? My, my, you have changed."

"Perhaps it is you that is becoming a bad influence on me?" She teased right back.

"In all seriousness, thank you Erza. I needed this. I know that means you are sticking your neck out for me. If there is anything that I can do to help repay you or Jellal back, don't hesitate, okay?"

"Bring that idiot home safe and alive. That is all the repayment that I require."

"Then leave it to me. If anyone could bring my husband home, then it will be me."

"We pray that you are right. Now, don't let us down."

"I won't, I swear."

"Good. Now come along, you've spent more than enough time sulking. There is quite a bit of work to be done and the sooner we execute a promising plan, the better." Without needing much more motivating.

There was no time to waste as Erza made good of her decision and put Lucy, along with those under her charge, straight to work. The capital was significantly large, and with it have almost an indefinite number of civilians unaware of the upcoming dangers. The first part of action was to help spread the word that was informative about the upcoming battle. The citizens had but a few days to plan gather up their belongings and seek safety among Erza's brigade or stay and fight under Laxus's army. Those whom chose to stay, and fight must meet an age requirement of at least 18 years old and must have will and testament of kin. Lucy and the others were assigned tents and booths for those civilians to approach and declare from their household which choice was given.

From this, the Celestial Queen had a front row seat of meeting the people of the capital. Lines of innocent families scared and concerned by the wake of Zeref's impending arrival. She couldn't blame them for being at his hand the first place, but she needed to press on and, in her small way, be a kind shoulder to listen to each household grievance as they supplied their answers for her to document.

After the second day of taking down orders and witnessing families fight for members that wish to remain behind and fight, only fueled the anxiety she had been feeling since the Empress declared going to war at her home. Without wanting any supper with her friends, she had retracted to her chambers to decompress from the day-hopefully a bath would reset her worries and ease her troubled mind.

The bath however would have to be delayed as she came home to the sight of her daughter setting the table as if she waited for her mother to come home- in a sense. Lucy did not miss the brightened smile that greeted her; the same one that belonged to none other than her husband's. She couldn't let her child see how haunted she felt from such a kind gesture and was easily able to return the smile with one of her own.

"What is all this, sweetheart?"

"I helped make you dinner with Aunt Mira's help! I wanted to surprise you!"

"Well count me surprised. You really outdone yourself. Since when you have become my little chef?"

"Aunt Mira and Aunt Lisanna have been teaching me and the others since everyone is busy."

"I hope that you like it, Momma." Luan spoke with such enthusiasm while beaming up at her parent. Lucy couldn't help but smile gently at the gesture.

"Well I don't doubt it. Everything looks almost too good to eat. Shall we?" She asked and was met with her child's eager nod. The young mother took a seat at the table with the already plated food while Luna sat next to her in her usual spot. The pair dug into the delicious meal. Luna's mother was quick to compliment the dishes much to the child's jubilant delight. It was a much-needed moment from a rather long day. Unfortunately, it would only appear to be only but that.

Luna's chewing began to slow as it appeared something was consuming her thoughts. Her mother took note and cleared her throat to catch her child's attention.

"You know what? This might be the best meal I've had in a rather long time. Thank you for being so thoughtful."

"Do you…do you think Papa would ever eat something if I made it for him?"

"He would devour it in half a heartbeat; especially if it was you that made it."

"Do you think Papa will be…"

"Don't think about, Luna. Your father will find a way back to us. I promise. We are all working to ensure that." Lucy placed an arm around her worrisome child. It was all that she could do to offer any sort of reassurance. It was difficult to see her once vibrant girl dampen by all the terrible uncertainty around her. Unfortunately, the gesture did little to uplift the young princess's downturned gaze.

"What is it?" Lucy gently pried.

Those sorrowful eyes moved to meet her own, "Storm told me that you don't want to come with us to safety? He said you want to stay and fight with everyone else…"

"Where did he hear that?" The Celestial Queen narrowed her gaze as she didn't like the direction of where this topic was heading.

"He overheard his parents talking last night…is it true?"

"Yes. Does that bother you if that is what I want to do?"

"Of course! I don't want you to get hurt or end up like Papa! I don't want you to be taken away from me!" She suddenly outburst her true feelings with the inability to control her fragile, childlike emotions while tears were beginning to leak out from the corners of her eyes and her tiny frame trembled.

"I am sorry, Luna…" Was all that her mother could offer.

"Then don't go! You can't go fight Uncle Zeref! He almost killed us before! He will do it again!"

"But this time I have our friends helping us. This time we are ready." Lucy strengthen her resolve. She made the child face her in her chair. She placed both hand on either side of her child's shoulder's. "Don't you want Papa back? Do you want Papa safe?"

"Yes, but I don't want to lose you too!"

"Who said anything about losing me?"

"Papa left; and now he is hurt and Uncle Zeref has him!"

"That is true. Uncle Zeref did hurt your father, but they are coming here Luna. I promise you that we won't lose, and you will not lose either of us. We have to come back because we are your parents and we need to keep taking care of you. We have a future to protect and overseeing you grow up is part of that." She smiled warmly at her teary-eyed daughter.

"You can't promise that! Papa couldn't! What makes this different than when Papa promised!"

"Do you remember our friends?" Lucy gently touched Leo's key that was still around Luna's neck. They came to me and told me that they would stand by my side in this fight. I don't want to be behind in the safety of our lines this time. I want to go bring your Papa back to us. And I am the only one who can do this right now."

"But you can't! You are just my Momma! You have to let the other's fight!"

"Even Alex and Steel's parents? What about Storm's?"


"But they are Luna. They are going to fight just like everyone else. And I need you to continue to be strong for me. I know what I am asking of you isn't right or very fair, but we have lost the luxury of time. I promise, after this war, I won't ever ask you to be more than your age until it is time for you to take the throne. But we must do this, and we must sacrifice because in the end, if we do not, then we will all lose. This won't just be your father's life. It will be mine, our friends, and eventually yours-and I will not sit back and let them take your future as they tried to take mine."

Lucy regrettably observed as more tears fell down her trembling daughter's cheeks as she didn't hold back on the reality of the situation. She watched as yet another piece of Luna's childhood innocence break away from her; another thing lost to Zeref's senseless war.

The tiny princess gave way to another sniffle before a small nod, "I-I'll keep everyone safe in the camp. Please bring Papa home and stop Uncle Zeref…"

"That's my girl. I know I will help win this if I know you are safe and cheering me on. How could I possibly lose?" She wrapped her in her arms before pulling her into her lap. She held onto her child and gave her comfort that only a mother could while feeling her child softly sob into her arms with trembling fingers holding onto her dress. This only fueled her that much more in wanting to put an end to Zeref's hostile attacks upon them. She swore that these would be the last tears that man had caused her family. She would protect her family from this, and she was determined more than ever to win.

~The Few Days Later~

The day started as any other since the dinner with Luna a few nights ago; Lucy up early and dropping Luna off at Juvia's suite before reporting to Erza for duty. The new marching orders were to begin taking the first batch of people to the check point to begin evacuating the city. They would be starting with those closest to the sea and moving more inland. This also meant gathering those staying behind to fight and directing them to Laxus camps to test skills and place them where they would be best served for the cause.

For the better part of the morning and into the afternoon, Lucy was able to lend a hand with the help of her spirits and in giving aid to helping those who were living closest to the ocean to the first check point where Gajeel and Levy were in charge of leading the first group to safety. By now Gildarts and Laxus were also setting up their armada of ships to protect their shores while everyone began to break for lunch.

These past few days the Celestial Queen made it a point to avoid the Empress at all cost. She doubted that she would act civil towards her since their last conversation. But it would seem that today would be ill fated as Mavis made it with Makarov and Jellal down to where all the others were eating together. At a table, Lucy sat with Erza, Juvia, and the children while the conversations took on a hushed tone with the Empress gracing her presence amongst them

And, of course, the youthful ruler took a seat at their table to join in their mid-day meal. Jellal took the vacant seat next to his wife whom greeted him with an affectionate gaze while the elderly advisor sat across from the Celestial Queen and her daughter. Lucy did not back down with her harden expression that was solely focused on the carefree ruler whom paid her no mind.

"How are the preparations coming?" Mavis cheerfully asked while beginning to plate her lunch.

"Right on time. We are even a little ahead of schedule. Already we've fully evacuated those closest to the seats and as we speak are evening setting up the armada to protect our shores."

"Excellent to hear! I expect nothing less from your thoroughness, Erza."

"Thank you for your praise, but I cannot take all the credit. After all, Lucy and the others have ben a great effort in the cause. If we all hadn't been working together then we couldn't have progressed as much as we could. Especially Lucy, her help in organizing and helping to gather those willing to help with the aid of her spirits has really given us the extra pair of helping hands we desperately needed."

"Have the numbers of those that we aided have increased significantly because of this?" Mavis asked with surprise in her tone.

"About 20% if you can believe that, and more by the hour."

"Impressive. You will have to keep up the good work. How soon can we expect the whole city to be evacuated safely?"

"With any luck, by the end of this week, we should have everything ready in place; plenty of time before when Zeref is to invade." Lucy coolly answered while taking another bite of her meal. The tone was not lost on everyone while Juvia cleared her own throat and the children could only exchange puzzled expressions with one another.

"Then that should give you plenty of time to help Lisanna gather up the children and retreat to the safest spot designated for them."

"With all due respect, Empress, Lucy has more than proven her worth with helping in the effort. I think her fighting-"

"I believe we all agreed that, that topic was no longer up for discussion and put to rest. Lucy was to help you with evacuations and prep-work; nothing more. Her place is behind the safety of the lines." The Empress voice held no warmth when she regarded Erza's attempt to put her word in for the young mother.

"Don't act like I am not sitting at this table. I am right here, Empress Mavis. And if memory serves correctly, then you will recall I had agreed to no stipulations."

"You will be playing right into Zeref's hands. We cannot underestimate him again."

"I never did the first time, Makarov! Do either of you listen? Don't you think I might have more insight on the matter than what you give me credit for?"

"In any case, you have your orders and your part to play in this. I will not change my mind. Be happy I am not willing to risk the lives of both Luna's parents for your own stupidity." Mavis nonchalantly sipped her drink as she narrowed her eyes without waiver from the deadlocked from the Celestial Queen.

"I am afraid I have lost my appetite. Juvia would you be so kind as to continue to watch over Luna this afternoon? I know there is still so much work to be done before nightfall." Lucy abruptly stood up.

"Juvia will watch her." The Water Woman quietly agreed from the tense atmosphere. Without a word, the young mother removed herself from the table before another word could be exchanged. She didn't quite trust her mouth not to say something she may, or may not, regret later. She hadn't taken note of her departure as her daughter watched her leave with concern written across her childlike features with only friends around to offer her support.

The day was long as the afternoon seemed to drag on with the tedious work. Lucy had finished seeing off the last of her group that departed from the city to the first check point. She was burying herself between signing up the next wave of people to evacuated in the morning and registering those more inland. If she kept herself busy, then she didn't have to dwell on the emotions of the lunch that made her want to lash out to those in higher power. She wasn't stupid and it only infuriated her to no end that her powers were going to be used in running away to safety yet again. She didn't agree with Mavis; she should be fighting alongside those she trusted.

And all things must come to an end as the once bright sky turned from hues of orange and red to the deep navy blue that gave way to the shine of the stars. Bells chimed out to signal the end of the day. The shores of Fiore were secure and heavily guarded while the remaining civilians returned to their homes for their mandated curfew. Erza had found her way to the tired woman's side. "I am sorry for how lunch turned out, Lucy. I will continue to talk to her this week and maybe wear her down?"

"Don't bother, you heard her, she had made up her mind. No sense in her targeting you in order to get to me. I am not thrilled about any of this; but no more sense in arguing what we both know I can't win. Tomorrow, I'll help Lisanna pack up with the children and we will head out. I rather get an early start to safety than leave it to chance."

"Are you sure? I could still use your extra pairs of hands."

"Best I get going Erza before being tempted. If I know Natsu is close, then I may just abandon orders and say hell with everything else. That would just ruin the plans set in motion and we can't have that."

"Then I wish you the best of luck and hopefully by next week this will all be a bad memory." Erza cracked a gentle smile but it did little to give aid of comfort to Lucy. The pair of women continued to head towards Juvia's suite where Lucy would collect her daughter.

She raised her hand to give a knock but never got the chance as the door swung open. Both women were suddenly startled by the abrupt movement and to the sight of a teary-eyed, fearful prince. "I-it's mom-" was all he managed to squeak out before the strong red-haired warrior maneuvered around the child and let herself in; leaving behind Luc to get on Storm's level to try and find out anymore information. Both the child could get out the first sentence; a loud cry from the master suite cut his explanation short.

"Juvia?!" Erza re-emerged with an expression Lucy was all too familiar with.

"Storm take Luna and go retrieve Grandine and Wendy. Lucy, I need you to go to the docks and bring me Gray." Another loud sob echoed the chamber as it dawned on the young mother the reality of the situation.

"Is she-"

"Go now!" Erza barked. Luna, whom was clinging to the tall woman's leg scurried around her and without so much as a single protest, both children rushed off in search of the healers. Lucy didn't argue as she too took her leave quickly as well. Juvia was in labor; the baby was coming. She ran as fast as her feet could take her. Her chest burned from the rate of how quickly she gotten down to the docks. The harbor was lit with lanterns as still people were at work with organizing the ships, but she was so focusing on finding her target that she almost knocked down Cana in the process.

"Hey! What is the big idea! Lucy? What's the matter?" Cana managed to slow down the panicking woman as she attempted to gather her thoughts and ease her beating heart.

"Gray! Where is Gray!"

"Below the ship and doing inventory, why?"

"Juvia! She-she's in labor! Erza sent me! It sounded bad!"

No more needed to be said as Cana made quick work in sending someone below to retrieve the unsuspecting father. It only took half a breath before the man of the hour came practically barreling up from the steps to the top deck with a mixture of worry and excitement on his face. "Juvia! Where is she!"

"In your room with Erza. Storm and Luna went to get Grandine and Wendy. Hurry, she doesn't sound to good. She needs you!"

"Okay, I'm going. Thank you Lu-" He stopped midsentence by the alarming bells of the palace beginning to violently ring as it resounded the area. It was as if everything was in slow motion when the three exchanged uneasy looks. On the horizon, being led by the King of Dragon's ship, was King Zeref's attacking fleet with an inferno of fire balls being thrown in their direction. The leader of the attacking force stood out of the helm of his brigade with an almost sinister expression as he locked eyes on his target. The time had come. The final battle was here, and they were grossly under prepared.