Catherine: So please don't shoot me as I have not been able to update. I am basically going off what I would normally do and in an entire new direction.

Tyler: She ships Pinecest.

Catherine: Why not you shout it out to the whole dang world? Anyway, this is a Reverse Pinecest story. I have been contemplating if it is worth trying so I figure I would let you guys tell me how you feel about this whole idea.

Catherine Tyler: *Runs in* Dang it. You two started without me. Next time I am locking the door so you two can't get to the computer before me. As Catherine has stated, I have been recently obsessing over Reverse Pines and Pinecest. If you don't like, then don't read.

I don't own Gravity Falls or any characters. Only the plot.

Ps if this seems half-done that is because I have not been feeling well the past few days and my head feels like it is spinning.

Without further ado, on to the story.


Mabel Gleeful stomped up the walkway to her house. The Pines boy and his friend have once again messed up a perfect plan. Dipper Gleeful had it all planned out. Everything was going according to plan until Gideon stumbled over their trap. Pacifica instantly picked it out and then things fell apart after that.

"Well, looks as if both of you are in a bad mood. What happened this time?" Bud, their dad, asked.

"Has Dipper returned yet?" Mabel ignored his question.

"Yes. He is up in your room, waiting." Bud sighed.

The twins were so sweet 4 years ago when they were 12 years old. Then Dipper had found a journal and the next thing he knew they had changed. Both had gained a turquoise gem that they were never seen without, as well as changing their styles. Mabel got rid of all her sweaters and instead wore a leotard with black tights with a turquoise shirt that came down to her wrists. She wore black one inch heels, and when necessary, wore a grey pencil skirt. She wore a star with an eye in the middle around her neck as a chocker and her gem was attached to a headband, the same color as her shirt. Dipper sat at the edge of his bed, reading the journals that the two of them had collected so far. His unruly brown hair was pushed to the side, allowing only part of his birthmark to show. He wore a button-down turquoise shirt, and on the left breast pocket was the same star symbol that Mabel had, as well as black dress pants and black dress shoes. For their shows, he also wore a turquoise cape with their symbol on the back. He wore his gem as a tie.

Dipper looked up as a Furious Mabel entered their shared room. She locked the door before turning to pace across the floor. Dipper watched as she paced. He knew better then to start a conversation with an irate Mabel. Their rooms seemed simple. There were the two beds, on opposite sides of the room from each other, a night stand holding a lamp as well as a table, where they did their homework, plans, and ate.

"Dipper, Gideon has to go down. He shot me down in public and had the nerve to show his face in town after that. Once we get our hands on that third journal, he will pay for doing this to me." Mabel calmly said, continuing to pace.

"I know what he has done. But lets not forget that his little friend broke my first amulet. We nearly got beaten by them and I know we both vowed not to let that happen again. Now while you were out, I was contemplating an idea for us to get the third journal." Dipper said, standing up and wrapping his arms around Mabel's waist and placed his head on her shoulder.

"Do indulge me, dear brother." Mabel said, resting her hands on Dipper's.

"Well, since Cipher is a multi-dimensional demon then he must know how to dimension jump. I figured that there must be a dimension where we are the good-doers and Gideon and Pacifica are the evil ones. We could see if our other selves would give us the journal and then we could take over both universes and be able to have twice as many people to kill." Dipper explained his plan to Mabel.

"That does seem like a probable explanation. And I do enjoy the thrill of the hunt and watching the light of hope fade from our victims' eyes. Lets first check the journals for any explanation and then as poor Bill for advice." Mabel said, turning in Dipper's arms to face him.

Dipper dipped his head down to kiss Mabel full on the lips. She smiled and kissed back. They started the little experiment after they had found the journal but it had grow in to more then familiar love. They kept their relationship a secret, as their father was known for not liking couples who were family. When they broke away, they smiled at each other before Dipper lifted Mabel up and tossed her on his bed, beside the books. They each picked up one and started to look through them. Dipper was propped up by his pillows and his knees were bent. Mabel rested sideways with her back against the side of his chest. His head rested in her as one of his arms went under one of hers and over the other. They had both gotten to the end of their books when there was a knock at the door.

"Kids, here is some dinner for you two. I also brought a pot of tea and some sweets for you." Bud called before leaving.

Mabel untangled herself from her brother and got up to carry in their trays. She locked the door behind her as she set the food on their table. Dipper walked up and poured himself a cup of pomegranate tea, added two sugars, and sat beside his tray. On their plates were ham steak, mac & cheese and green beans. The two ate in silence and after placing their trays outside their door, they returned to their hunt. When they reached the end of their respective books, Mabel sighed.

"It'll take to long to check both books with the black light." She stated, glancing to the night stand.

"Alright then. Mabel, would you like to do the honors?" Dipper replied, also glancing at the night stand.

Mabel walked up to the night stand and opened the drawer. Inside was a single jar, holding a sad-looking triangle with a bow-tie and a top hat. Bill Cipher had originally been yellow but upon his capture by the twins he turned to a blue color.

"M-Mistress, M-m-Master. Is there something you wish to know?" Bill stuttered slightly, afraid of them.

"Yes there is something you can do for us. Is there a way for us to jump to a reverse universe to gain the third journal?" Dipper asked.

Bill closed his eye before the first journal flipped open to a page.

"Sh-Shine the black light on that page and it will tell you how to get to the universe you desire." Bill stated.

Dipper went over and shined the light on the pages. He nodded in approval as he had found out what he desired.

Mabel put the jar back in the drawer but before she could close it, Bill asked

"When you go to get the third journal, will you be taking me with you?"

"Of course. We will need a guide there." Mabel said in a sugary sweet voice.

She shut the drawer and turned to look at Dipper.

"We will need to cast the spell outside the Mystery Shack in order to have easy access." Dipper merely stated as he packed up some things.

That night, the twins snuck out to the Shack and started to set up. He and Mabel stood on opposite side of the circle and started to chant.

"Wolb dniw dolc eht tel, sesir noom lluf eht sa, thgin looc siht no."

Their gems glowed with a turquoise glow as the wind picked up and a purple portal appeared beside them. With a share grin, they walked into the portal.

-Meanwhile in Gideon's room-

The bright turquoise light woke up Gideon and Pacifica. They looked out the window only to spot the Gleeful twins summoning a portal. With a shared look,the two friends changed into their normal clothing. Gideon slipped into a red tee shirt, dark blue shorts, and pulled on his sneakers. He pulled the blue and white hat his great-uncle gave over his unruly white hair. He slipped the journal into his vest and turned to Pacifica. She had put on her brightly colored outfit that Gideon had no way of describing. They snuck down and followed the twins through the portal.

So that is it for the prologue. Hope you guys like it. R&R please. I love to read the reviews. I have set up a poll so check it out if y'all want to.

Till next time, Ciao!