Sequel! This is a sequel to my first story 'lack of control'. I would really recommend reading that before this story as its gonna lead on from it.

Also so sorry. I know I said I'd have this up last week but time got away from me. And I don't know when I'll be able to post these chapters as I'm still writing it and I don't have too much time for writing at the moment but I'll try to post as soon as I can.

Hope you enjoy and please review!

Chapter 1- Lightning

The clash of swords echoed loudly through the trees that shook with the carnage that lay around them. The whole forest was chaos. Men fought wildly so that it was not certain who was fighting who. Cries and yells filled the air that had once been calm with bird calls. The wind had stilled as soon as the fighting had started as though afraid to interfere with the gruesome affairs of men. Some of those fighting wore proud shining armour; capes of two different colours were present. Others wore dark clothes that did not look protective but were well equipped with weapons they could wield with great skill so that they were a match for the group of knights.

Near the centre of this battle was a nobleman who was fairing better than most and easily fended off four men who were attacking vehemently. King Arthur swung his sword, disarming one and stabbing another. No sooner had the man fallen that another took his place. He continued to push back against the men but no matter how many he slew more would appear from nowhere. He couldn't understand where they were coming from. He knocked two of them down, cut another and the fourth was found with no weapons in sight. With this briefest of pauses, Arthur scanned the battlefield. It wasn't exactly a battlefield. It was a normal patch in the forest that had unfortunately been the spot for all this to happen. The fighting had spread out all through the trees so it was hard to pick out everyone. He spotted some of his knights nearby: Leon was fighting off a group of three, Percival was fairing well and over by a large oak, small Elyon was easily keeping back two. Although he was relieved that they were okay, they weren't who he was looking for and he already knew that they could handle themselves well. His second of rest was over as the men fighting him regrouped with a new pair of men that he had not yet fought. Never had he met people in the forest that determined. At first he had believed that they were mercenaries but they were too focused and persistent. He risked a glance over the men's heads as they fought.

There! He caught sight of a brown jacket and the flash of a blue neck scarf. Despite the danger they were all in, relief flooded through him. Merlin was okay and fighting well. He had not been idle these past few years and learned some skill with a blade that was enough to keep him alive. If his eyes had not mistaken him, Gwaine was nearby. He would keep Merlin safe. That knowledge allowed him to let himself fall back into the battle. Distractions would not mean well for him.

The fighting seemed to go on forever and Arthur was beginning to weary. The waves of these strange men did not stop coming and the attacks did not stop for an instant. He had long since lost sight of all his men, the only knight he could see was Sir Leon overrun with his own group of men. The sun was beginning to fade, unable to witness the awful display any longer and the sky spread blood red rays of light over them. The shouts and cries had not quietened since the start and many bodies lay still on the tainted forest floor.

Arthur felt himself backing up as he now began to struggle. Too long had this gone on for. The men noticed this and advanced. Then Arthur's foot suddenly hit something soft and unstable that his foot slipped on and he wavered slightly. He pushed the men back a moment and looked down. A mournful cry of disgust escaped his lips when he did. He had trodden on a dead man's hand. The eyes stared blankly at him, as though asking "why?" and Arthur had to force himself to look away.

This temporary weakness and his tiredness lost it for him as a sharp pain exploded in his thigh. He lashed out and a satisfactory grunt greeted him as another man fell. Arthur let out a scream as the wave of pain from his leg hit him in full.

"Arthur!" He heard a shout from close by. It took him a while to realise whose voice it was. Leon was the only one close enough to him and now he was battling his way towards him to help the king.

Leaning his weight onto his right leg, Arthur turned back to his own opponents. He blocked the strikes well, but now he was no longer able to move as he would usually because of the damage to his leg. The other men seemed to sense their advantage and grinned sinisterly at him as they prowled in front of them, waiting for their move. In their eyes there was no way they could lose now. The King's life was theirs. However they did not consider the vengeance of a knight when his King was in danger.

Sir Leon leaped at them whilst they were focused on their prey. Two fell immediately, their blood watering the already soaked ground. He stood protectively in front of Arthur, defying any who dared approach, those few who did were easily dealt with, discouraging anymore from attempting an attack though it wouldn't be long until there were more men that would easily overwhelm the two knights.

"Arthur we have to get you out of here," Leon said quietly over his shoulder, his eyes never leaving the men before them.

As expected the stubborn reply of the King told him firmly, "No."

"Arthur," Leon persisted, "You're injured. You won't be able to fight them off and Camelot needs its King-"

"I can't Leon," Arthur interrupted, "How can I? These are my knights, my friends. I can't leave them to die."

"Arthur," He said softly, "You've lost many already."

With Leon watching their opponents, Arthur was able to look around the forest for the first time. The ground was littered with bodies, many of which were knights who bore the royal red cloak from Camelot. Arthur's stomach turned. He had failed all of these men. Never had he lost so many on what was never meant to be a battle. He tried to look for his friends and knights but it was hard to spot anyone in the growing darkness.

"Arthur, Camelot needs you," Leon continued. It was only then that Arthur realised what Leon was saying. He had already given up any confidence that this was a battle that they could win. He was telling him to save himself because otherwise they would all die. He was telling him the battle was already lost. Camelot needed its king.

The men had grown impatient and now they had packed a tight ring around the two knights, cutting them off from escape whilst they had been talking. Leon cursed himself for not having noticed it. He had been too focused on the enemy in front; he had not noticed the approach from behind. He backed closer to Arthur who had his sword raised. They stood back to back, watching for the first move from the opponents. So much for getting the King to safety.

There was a glint in the men's eyes as the reality of their victory had greeted them and their prey seemed to have also come to this conclusion though they would not accept it easily. Arthur tried to scan the forest again for a sign that his friends were okay, for a sign that Merlin was still alive. He shouldn't have even been here, let alone fighting.

Suddenly the world flashed a startling white, blinding all in the forest and instantly the inhabitants were raised from their feet and threw far across the forest. Arthur felt himself being twisted and weightless as the brightness engulfed him. Confusion clouded his thoughts. Then his shoulder exploded in agony as hard ground rushed up to meet him and his world transformed into darkness.