So, I know I haven't finished my other two stories but I just had this idea and just wanted to put it out there. I will be coming back to the Please Don't Forget About Us and To Wish Impossible Things very soon, but yeah, I hope you like this new story and please leave a review to let me know what you think.

Quinn sat down on her couch and switched on the TV in front of her, she'd had a long day of meetings with her agent about new potential upcoming projects for her. However, none of them really stood out to her so she declined them all, she needed something meaningful, something that would speak out to her and stand out above the rest.

"Now this next story is about the famous womanizer and director, Santana Lopez" Quinn over heard the TV, she looked up to see that E! News was on. Quinn didn't make a habit to watch this but from time to time she would switch it on to see whether they had made up some fake rumours about her.

This story did get her attention though, she had never met her but Quinn knew of Santana Lopez, she knew that she was a player and slept with a different girl every night. She knew that Santana was a talented director and that her last film had been nominated for best picture at the academy awards but Quinn also knew that Santana Lopez was cocky and arrogant, all the things that Quinn hated.

"Now, we all know what she's like, but we gotta give it to her this time. Photos of her leaving a night club in Los Angeles on Tuesday night with not one but two models have appeared. We don't know how she does it but she sure is living up to her reputation as one of the biggest players in Hollywood and we're also sure that she's definitely discovered Victoria's secret by now, if you know what I mean"

Quinn rolled her eyes as she reached for the remote to switch the TV off. Quinn just didn't understand why all of these girls were falling at Santana's feet. She personally knew some people who had slept with Santana and most of them were all wanting more with the brunette. Quinn just didn't understand why anyone would sleep with her when they all knew that by the next night she would have another girl lined up. Santana didn't do attachment.

After switching the television off Quinn reached into her pocket to dig out her phone. She switched it on and saw that she had two unread messages. One was from Tina, her agent and the other was from her ex-boyfriend Sam. She decided to read the one from Tina first in hope that she had some good news to share.

Hey Quinn, we have a really exciting movie offer lined up for you. It's the one you've been waiting for. I read the script today and it's Oscar worthy! This is it Quinn. Come into the office tomorrow so I can fill you in. I have a great feeling about this one! – Tina

Quinn was ecstatic by this, the words 'Oscar worthy' sticking out above the rest. It was every actors dream to win an Oscar one day and hopefully this would be her chance.

Taking a deep breath she decided to open the text from Sam. She knew it would be a long the lines of him wanting to get back together with her but Quinn didn't want that. She wanted to be single and she wanted to focus on her career. She also wanted Sam to do the same, he was a musician and it was his time to shine.

Quinn please talk to me. We can work through this. We belong together! – Sam

Quinn rolled her eyes slightly, Sam just wouldn't give up and it was starting to get annoying. She knew that she did them both a favour by breaking it off between them, she just wished that Sam would understand that.

She decided to ignore Sam's message and just focus on the message from Tina and this potential new movie.

The next day Quinn got in her car and drove to go and meet Tina to discuss the new offer which was on the table. Quinn hoped that it was as exciting as she had imagined it.

Once she had got there she sat in the chair opposite Tina.

"This is it Quinn, this is definitely the one we've been waiting for" Tina said as she sat down in the chair across from Quinn.

Quinn grinned at Tina's words, "I'm so excited. So, what is the film about?" she asked wanting to get as much information as possible.

"It's a woman from Texas who fights to get her rights heard and will do anything to make a difference in the way not woman but everyone who is looked down upon. The film highlights so many important issues such as homophobia, feminism, equality. Everything about this film screams 'Oscar' towards me Quinn"

"Wow that sounds amazing." Quinn was in awe, she wanted to play this role. The topic was personal to her and she wanted to do this so she could show that this was still a huge issue in not only this country but all over the world. "Who wrote this?" Quinn asked, this type of film was risky and Quinn wanted to applaud whoever decided to put it out there.

"That another great thing, the write is also the director so they already have a clear vision of what they want this film to be. And the best thing of all is that she asked for you personally, she said that she wrote this park for you!" Tina said excitedly.

"This is incredibly. I've never had someone personally write a role for me before. So who is this amazing director/writer?" Quinn asked.

"Santana Lopez"

Upon hearing this Quinn's smile faded instantly. Quinn really wanted to do this movie, the role spoke out to her because as a woman in the acting world she was constantly having to deal with guys who felt like she was just the girlfriend on someone's arm and not the real deal herself. She wanted to do the movie, she just didn't want to work with Santana Lopez.


Tina noticed straight away the change in Quinn's face and attitude. "Is that a problem?" Tina asked as she saw the change in Quinn.

"I guess I'm just not a fan of her" Quinn admitted.

"Quinn this is a once in a life time role. You have to do this movie!"

"Are you crazy?!" Rachel shouted, "You told her you would think about it? This movie is perfect for you Quinn"

Quinn was at lunch with her best friend Rachel who was also an actress. Quinn had told Rachel all about the movie offer and the fact that Santana was directing it.

"But it's Santana Lopez" Quinn responded.

"Why do you hate her so much?" Rachel had to ask, she had never really understood why Quinn hated the girl so much.

"She's cocky, she's arrogant and a total womanizer. I mean she sleeps with a different girl every night"

"So you would never go there with her?" Rachel found herself asking.

"What? Of course not!" Quinn answered back far too fast for Rachel's liking. "I'm straight Rachel"

"Sorry, I was just wondering. Plus I don't think that any girl saying that they're straight would be a problem for her, I mean I heard she slept with Rihanna, I don't know if it's true but I wouldn't put it past her, that girl could…"


"Sorry, anyway all I'm saying is that you shouldn't let your personal judgements ruin this opportunity for you Quinn. This is a role of a lifetime"

"I guess" Quinn reasoned.

Quinn couldn't stop thinking about it, she knew that this movie was one of a kind and it would do wonders for her career.


Quinn stood up off her couch and walked over to the door to answer it. Once she got over there she opened the door to see a man holding a big beautiful bouquet of flowers. Lily's, Quinn's favourites.

"Quinn Fabray?" The man asked and Quinn nodded. "These are for you" he handed the flowers over to her.

"Who are they from?" she asked.

"I'm sorry ma'am I don't know, I just deliver them."

"Oh, okay. Well thank you"

"Have a good day" he said just before he walked off.

Quinn closed the door and brought the flowers into the kitchen, she found a vase and filled it with water and placed the flowers in it. She picked out the card from the top of the bouquet. She opened the envelope to read it;

Dear Ms Fabray,

I couldn't imagine anyone other than you playing this role. I sincerely hope that you will join me in telling this story. I know you would do a fantastic job in portraying Emily. I look forward to working with you.

Santana Lopez x

As she read the card Quinn couldn't help but feel a little smile graze her lips. She didn't know why but this caused her to reach out her phone from her pocket and send a new message to Tina.

I'll do it – Quinn

Quinn wanted to do this movie. It would be great for her career she just had to find a way of dealing with Santana Lopez.