Note: This oneshot may or may not include actual strategies and terms to the Othello game.
Trellis glared at the game board in front of him. No matter what move he made Lugar would win. He looked up at his brother, "Again. The one that loses has to catch the fish."
"Just don't knock over the game board this time." He helped set up the next Othello game.
Not even five minutes later Trellis was glaring at the game board again. "You cheated," he got up.
"I follow the rules."
"I will figure out how you won while I'm fishing," he went to get the fishing gear and went out to sit by a nearby stream.
Navin joined him after a while. "Lugar won again?"
"Yes," he brought in a fish and, at seeing how small it was, let it go.
"I thought elves didn't like fish."
"We were raised by our uncle. He taught us not to be picky eaters."
Navin nodded in understanding, watching as Trellis caught a bigger fish and put it into a bucket filled with water where two other fish were. "You remembered a little bit after going into the Void?" Trellis nodded. "Do you think you lost your memory the same way Lugar did? That elf had that machine that stole memories, right?"
Trellis glanced at him before his attention was turned to another fish that tugged on his line. He pulled it in. It was a good size. Just as he took it off the hook an even bigger fish, this one easily being five times the size of the one he held and had lots of teeth, leaped out of the water at him. He yelped and used his stone to create a defensive barrier. The fish bounced off and landed back in the stream. It glared at Trellis and swam away. Trellis moved a little further away from the stream.
"It's a good thing you're better at defense," Navin said. He glanced at the stream and moved to a safer spot. "Is that why you never spar with Emily in attacking?"
"It always ends badly for me." He wasn't exactly sure why he wasn't as good at using his stone with attacking as Emily was. And why he was a lot better at defense. Which was why he was never going to make her angry. He didn't need a barrier to unexpectedly fail….
"Is there a reason why Emily's stone is red?" Navin asked.
That was a good question…. "She might be able to answer that better than I can." He packed everything away and started going back. That fish probably scared everything else away….
Navin stopped walking, frowning, "Wait…."
Trellis looked back. "Yes?"
"If you and Lugar are brothers, and your father is the Elf King, how come you're the only one that's referred to as the Elf Prince?"
…Huh…. He never really thought about that….
When they got back Lugar was just setting up the Othello board again to play against Emily.
Trellis narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Go easy on her."
Emily looked up at him, "I'll be fine." She occasionally placed a game chip here and there in positions where it would be difficult for them to be taken. Lugar had warned Trellis against doing that.
Lugar looked over the board and hesitantly placed a chip down. Emily smiled and placed another chip down, successfully surrounding one of Lugar's, and flipped it over, which in turn allowed her to flip even more chips, effectively creating a chain reaction that dominated the whole board.
Trellis stared, amazed. "Teach me how to do that," wait…. He glared at Lugar. "You…."
"It's fun to see you try."