

War, although it was inevitable, seeing friends die is never something you wish to get used to. Garnet stood on a cliff, overlooking the sea and was caught in her many thoughts. Her long black hair was being pulled by the wind and into her face. She pulled a pair of sunglasses out of her pocket and placed them carefully on her face. Through their purple shading she could still see the ruins in the distance with her perfect vision. A single tear dropped from her blue-colored eye and as it fell, she felt as if she was like that droplet of water, despite her fusion at this moment she felt...fragile. A bright white light covered her body as Ruby and Sapphire separated into two once more. Ruby looked at Sapphire, completely silent as she helped her from the ground.

" okay?" she asked slowly. Sapphire looked at her with tears in her eyes and ran up to Ruby, pulling her into a hug.

"She's really gone, just gone" Sapphire whispered as she fell to her knees, "They killed her, it only took a single second for them to smash her gem..." Ruby attempted to comfort her as Pearl and Emerald looked on in their own sadness. Rose slowly approached them, she hummed a sweet melody, Ruby kissed the tears from Sapphire's face as they both sunk to the floor. Sapphire hummed the same melody, remembering their fallen comrade as Ruby looked into the distance, anger clearly showed on her face, replacing the previous panic.

"How dare they hurt Sapphire this way," Ruby thought, as she looked at the tired face of her greatest friend. Sapphire's singing slowed and was silenced as she feel into a shaky sleep, her normal calmness once again showed on her face, replacing the previous distress. Ruby sat in silence, so as not to wake her, more than anything she wished to calm the fear and anger inside her; which clashed endlessly. Ruby stood up slowly with Sapphire in her arms, she didn't like to be apart like this but a fusion is hard to maintain when grief is present, Ruby was too unfocused anyway. She wished more than anything she could keep Sapphire safe on her own but her own powers were not enough, at least, not alone.


Rose was a little shocked to see this side of the impulsive gem, Ruby. However this scene really did prove that their decision to stay a fusion was the right one.

"After all, they have a love truer than any two gems she could think of," she convinced herself, still remembering the moment when they told her they had found something special through their combination. Although back then she doubted it, now she knew, once this was over Rose was positive that they would stay as Garnet forever if they could; or at least they would always be together.


Pearl and Emerald watched as the two gems had their moment as Rose looked on, most likely in thought. They looked at each other, the two gems had never been through anything like this before, but they did agree with a simple synchronized nod of both their heads that this was a sad day in gem history for all of them, but they could not stay here without risk of being found. Emerald slowly approached Rose, her dark green hair was blown to the side, emphasizing her serious expression which turned to a soft one as she spoke in a saddened tone,

"Rose, I know this is hard for all of us, but if we don't get moving then our friend will have died in vain." Rose looked down as she caught a glance of Ruby, who had fallen asleep with tears still glistening on her face. She sighed and after a moment of thought decided that they needed this, maybe even more than the entire team needs to not be caught by the enemy.

"Very well," she said slowly, her voice filled with sympathy, "But we can't wake them." Emerald nodded as she and Pearl began to pack up the equipment.