N/A: This is Reamy. This is AU… ish. It starts around 1x03.

So here's the thing. I'm new at this. New at the fandom. New at writing in English – which is not my first language. New at publishing anything I write. I'm feeling apprehensive and I truly hope I won't regret this. But I want this year to be different and I am giving it a shot. I'll probably make grammar and/or spelling mistakes and it's possible I'll have a writer's block sometime in the future, but have in mind I'm trying my very best.

Reviews and any feedback will be much appreciate. Newbie needs all the love you guys can give.

I do not own these characters.


Reagan sighed for what seemed like the thousandth time since she'd parked outside her new school five minutes earlier. Hester High Fucking School. Or – if you preferred – Reagan's fifth school in four years.

Reagan wished she could say she was a lesbian rebel used to defy schools' homophobic traditions and conservative methodology and that she was expelled from her old schools because of it. But in reality she was only a military brat. Moving around and new schools and never feeling like she had a home were everything she knew.

Lucky her.

Being able to start from scratch was sometimes very refreshing, but it was mostly just tiring. She loved to leave behind the popular teenagers, the cheerleaders, the jocks and their never endless bullying. But she hated having to enter a new class and have everyone stared at her, whispering among themselves about who she was and if she was as lesbian as she seemed – she was, in case you're wondering – or how could she possibly have so many piercings or was her hair really purple? – she had only five for God's sake and yes, it was purple. Get over it.

She hated discovering all schools were pretty much the same.

Different state, different people – same dynamics.

Same old shit.

But – as much as she hated it – it had to be done.

Reagan was a practical eighteen-year old. Sometimes too practical. She spent her teenager years doing all crazy jobs over summer or after school. She firstly babysat and walked her neighbors' dogs. Then she taught Spanish to some kids. She waitressed during some summers. There was a time she did all of that at the same time. In her last city, she found a job as a DJ – that was her favorite.

School was never her priority. College was never her goal.

She wanted to be independent. She wanted to have a home after she left her father's place. A place of her own. That reflected her personality.

She didn't need much. She just need to feel as if she belonged.

And school never made her feel like it. So forgive her if she is not cheerful about one more high school, one more city.

But it had to be done.

Sighing one last time, Reagan decided to enter Hester High School.

Two classes and a lunch later and Reagan had decided that Hester High School was a fucked up place.

To be fair, there were some points that made Hester better than any school she'd ever attended. There were no jocks or cheerleaders, the groups were not divided according to race or social class and she even saw two boys tongue kissing in broad daylight – and no one seemed bothered with it.

But there were things that made Hester too disturbing. The principal of them was the so-called protest that started that day and made all students behave like lunatics. At first, Reagan didn't understand what'd happened. She entered school only to find a bunch of students wearing red t-shirts of "Occupy Hester" and shouting superficial nonsense about privacy.

Then, someone handed her a pamphlet with all the details of the 'event' and she finally could say undoubtedly this Hester place was messed up. The students' ostensible protest were against Skwerkel – yes, the Skwerkel – because ooooooh the company wanted to donate money to the school and collect some date of its students.

Apparently that was the most invasion of privacy those students have ever heard of.

Have they ever read facebook's privacy policy? – Reagan thought smirking unconsciously.

"God!" someone said, suddenly sitting near her at a table outside of the principal building of Hester, "Could this school get more ridiculous?"

This person was a tiny blonde-haired girl who was wearing pink and frankly looked one of those teenagers from Mean Girls. Reagan tried not to, but she herself looked around to make sure this girl was actually talking with her.

"Yes, I am talking with you. Since you seem to be the only coherent person that didn't join this craziness." the blonde spoke impatiently but smiling somewhat, "I'm Lauren, by the way. I'm also new here… kind of."

"Reagan." she decided to introduce herself. Blondie was being polite, so who cares if the was the stereotype of people Reagan usually avoid like the plague? "And how do you know I'm new?"

"Because I've never heard of you or seen you and if Hester had you like a month ago there's no fucking way they would've given a second glance to Karmy, since you're so more lesbian and hotter than them – and no, and I'm not hitting on you 'cause I'm straight as they come. Anyway, I would know you, because you would be popular. Like Fucking Shane Harvey popular, although I will never understand how that happened…" Lauren chattered so quickly and so fiercely that Reagan had to wonder if it was better just fake a faint to avoid any conversation. Instead, she said flatly:

"Dude, you lost me at – what was that? – Karmy."

"I forgot you were new and oblivious," Lauren sighed dramatically. "Is this your very first day?"

"Yup, you?"

"Unfortunately I'm here about a month and it hasn't got any better. Why did you move?"

"Military brat," Reagan shrugged; she had long before realized that those words summarized everything anyone needed to know about her and her family, "What about you?"

"My dear dad decided to marry a woman that lives here, so we moved," Lauren shrugged. She didn't seem much of a sharer either and Reagan felt an unwelcomed rush of sympathy as she realized she had something in common with that girl.

"So," Reagan decided to change subjects. "Karmy?"

"Oh, yes. They are the most infuriating couple ever. Karmy means Karma plus Amy, two sophomores who pretend to be lesbians…."

"What do you mean 'pretend'?" Reagan's interest all of sudden was peaked. Anything with lesbians did that with her.

"Amy is my stepsister, as much as I hate to say it. She and Karma are not a couple. They're just two lame girls with none sexual experience whatsoever who Shane thought were a couple because they are always together. Honestly, their friendship is a little unhealthy, but there're no… Look!" Lauren suddenly stopped her story and pointed to the door of the school, "The blond one is Amy, my stepsister. The moron who is apparently… chaining herself to the door is Karma."

Reagan looked because, as much as she hated gossip, that story was just too bizarre. She saw two good-looking girls, one tall blonde – was Lauren sure she was not a lesbian? Reagan had a thing for blondes – and one other wearing the protesters' t-shirt and who was indeed chaining herself to the door.

"Why would they pretend to be lesbians?"

That was the thing that made no sense to Reagan. Unless you're a character in Orange is the new Blake, it sucks to be a lesbian – and even on the show the prison had a homophobic counselor prick who had a mission to destroy Reagan's OTP.

So being a lesbian? Not the easiest thing in the world.

And Reagan knew all from experience.

As a lesbian you get called names, you can't hold hands with the person you love in every place without having hateful people looking at you, you may have your own parents turned their back on you, you may not get married in some states and in some countries there're laws that forbid you to even love someone. You grow up learning you have to like boys and learning things about how a girl has to be and not fitting in and suffering silently because of that. You distance yourself from your girlfriends because you're afraid of what they might feel if they find out you like girls, even though you never saw them as more than friends. You hurt yourself when they say you disgust them. You still go to school the next day and change your profile in facebook so say you're a fucking lesbian and whoever don't like it can suck it up. But before that? Before you are all out and proud? You feel abnormal because everyone on TV is heterosexual and even the gay people are so fucking stereotyped you can't see yourself in them. You don't know how to tell people you're gay and you're into them. You don't know how to be in a relationship because you never knew an woman who would openly discuss her relationship with another woman until you have your own relationship and all your uncertainties give your first girlfriend the power to break your heart as many times as she wish.

"Well, from what I gathered, Karma wanted to be popular and my dear stepsister just went along with it." Seeing how that made no sense to Reagan, Lauren explained a little better, "As you can obviously see from this freak show, Hester is not like any high school. Here the outcasts are the in crowds. Here everyone is socialist, hugs trees, doesn't eat meat and apparently dislikes the internet… and whatever they will decided to do next week. So if you're homosexual, muslim, black, gothic, feminist, communist or just fucking stupid – you're in. If you're not, you're out"

There was a pause.

"So, congratulations. Because you'll probably be in." concluded Lauren with scorn and a little resignation she's obviously trying to hide in her forced smile.

"I'll be in because I'm a lesbian?" Reagan speculated loudly still thinking that was too weird even to high school's standards. The fact that Lauren knew she was a lesbian and did not make anything out of it was soothing. "And you'll be out because you're… you?"

Reagan scanned Lauren for some seconds and saw a tiny girl too dressed up to school, trying too hard to achieve something, all dolled up. Usually Lauren would be the type that would make Reagan puke, but the girl had treated her well so far. She was the first to talk to her. Reagan could see – as crazy as that could sound – Lauren had something inside, hidden with all the make-up, jewelry and pinkness. She knew it because she sometimes felt just like her.

Behind all the piercing, cool jackets, purple hair and lesbian pride, she also concealed so many things.

Besides, it was not like Reagan to join the popular ones. Or – worse – to side with the ones ruling someone out just because they could.

She was an outsider at heart.

"That's messed up, dude." she ended up saying at the same time one of the fake lesbians decided to call for a hunger strike and all students started to cheer and scream around Reagan and Lauren as a bunch of maniacs, "Shut the front door. Did she really do that?"

"In the dictionary, under fucked up there's a picture of Karma, I swear." Lauren said with disgust shaking her head.

"These people have ever heard of Facebook or I don't know, Edward Snowden?" Reagan wondered aloud and Lauren actually laughed at her. Again, Reagan felt a pang of consideration for the girl.

"Do you want to get out of here?" Lauren asked unexpectedly and with some uncertainty that did not matched her fierce personality.

"Sure." she replied smiling. She really wanted to get out of that place, but she also wanted to get to know a new person.

They ended up at Lauren's place. Reagan discovered a lot about Hester and its dearest couple over sandwiches and iced teas. According to Lauren, Karmy decided to fake being a couple to be popular and that had gone incredibly well, because they had been nominated homecoming queens and were even interviewed by a local channel.

Theirs lies were so complex they came out for their parents – two of which were Lauren's parents as well – and they invented a puppy love story that could be published on school's tumblr. Lauren told her about how she tried to expose both girls but Amy kissed Karma in front of everyone just to prove her wrong and since then Karmy was in everyone's mouth and Lauren was hated by the whole school. The so-called couple pretended to be a happy and perfect and was usually talking about how amazing life was and acting as if they freaking knew what it actually was being a lesbian. To Reagan, it was almost offensive what those girls were doing because they were spreading a false sense of being homosexual.

What would they do when they get tired of playing this game and start dating boys? Claim it was a phase?

But she tried not to think about any of these unknown wannabe lesbians and have fun – which, surprisely, she did. She discovered a lot about Lauren. She was mean and petty when she wanted, but she had good taste for books and movies, seemed dedicated and had strong values. She could talk about anything since it didn't get too personal, and that was fine by Reagan. She's the same.

Reagan was honestly surprised about how much Lauren knew and how critical she could be. The girl had deepness, even though she appeared just one mean girl. Yeah, of course, she loved to gossip and knew all about magazines, pedicures, shopping, clothes and yogalates. But she could still understands most of Reagan's references to songs and TV shows and even surprised Reagan with a reference to Orphan Black – one of her favorites, she said.

At some point of their conversation about the show, Blondie said she herself had some traits that remind her of Allison – the soccer mom with a gun – while Reagan remind her of Cosima – the hot lesbian with brains; and since then they have been calling each other Allison/Cosima and laughing senseless all the times they did.

Lauren was just telling her how she was now addicted to a new TV show called How to get away with murder – very educational, she said – when they heard Lauren's phone. She picked it up and talked for about two minutes before hanging up and turning do Reagan:

"I'm sorry, Cos." she pouted as she spoke lightheartedly, "But all this protest-craziness made me forget I had a date with my boyfriend. I'll have to get dressed now."

"No problem, Allison." Reagan answered just as witty, winking and getting up of Lauren's bed. "I know being married and mother of two beautiful children can be very demanding." she rolled her eyes dramatically, before sobered up, "I should go anyways, my father should be home anytime."

"I'll accompany you 'til the door." the shorter one said, also getting up.

"No need, I think I remembered where that was. You should probably doll yourself up for Donnie." she smirked referring to another Orphan Black's character.

"Yeah, I should. Did I told you I share a bathroom with my stepsister aka Hester's favorite lesbian? I should get in the shower before she gets home."

"You do that and I'll see you tomorrow." Reagan waved and she was just about closing the door behind her when Lauren called the brunette, "Yeah?"

"I had a nice day today." the short girl said quietly,"Maybe we can repeat one of these days?"

"You don't even have to ask, blondie." she smirked and laughed as Lauren rolled her eyes at the nickname.

Closing the bedroom's door behind herself, Reagan was surprised with herself and with how much fun she did actually have that day. It was common for her to spend days in a new city without a single soul paying attention to her and now she had sort of made a friend. An unusual friend, but…

Without watching where she was going while searching for her car keys in her bag, she bumped into something right in the hall.

Reagan let her eyes wide open in surprise when she realized she had indeed bumped into something. Into Someone. Into the blonde fake lesbian/Lauren's stepsister. She could finally see her from up-close and damn… she was fine. She was tall and thin, but with flawless curves in all the right places and never-ending legs. Her wavy and dirty blond hair naturally framed her face and those gloomy and greenish eyes and that… rosy and perfect mouth.

Jesus Christ. Have mercy.

Back pedal, Reagan –she then thought. She's a fucking fake lesbian. Straight girls are dangerous.

"Damn, my shrimps!" the girl exclaimed not paying any attention to Reagan but to a plate that apparently had fallen when the two of them had bumped into each other.

Reagan felt tempted to kneel down and collected the great amount of shrimps that had been knocked everywhere down the hall, but to a reason just later she would feel she need to analyze Reagan was paralyzed staring this blond girl pouting over her lost food.

Just then realizing she was not alone and that a strange person was right in front of her, the blonde girl turned to Reagan somewhat shocked and accusingly, "Who the fuck are you? And what are you doing at my place?"

"I'm Lauren's friend and…" she trailed off watching the girl close enough to realize her eyes were watering. The girl – was she Karma or Amy? Reagan was terrible with names – was doing everything she could to not look in Reagan's direction, trying hard not to blink so a tear wouldn't fall.

After listening whom Reagan was, the other girl apparently lost all interest in her and knelt down at the floor to start cleaning all the shrimp mess. The girl was obviously nervous, her hands were shaking and she was snuffing discreetly, as if she had been crying before. Not knowing how to act around an unknown crying and beautiful girl, Reagan tried to light the mood whilst : "Those must be some great shrimps if you're more worried about them falling than about a stranger in your house." she said somewhat clumsily arching one eyebrow.

The blond girl stared at Reagan not amused. "You already ruined my dinner. You can go now." she affirmed trying to sound annoyed, but failing miserably when a lonely tear finally run down her face.

Their eyes met each other briefly. Dark eyes staring down the lighter ones. Curiosity searching in sad green pools. Reagan felt a pang of recognition all of sudden, before the other girl could look away.

She knew that sadness.


"Look, Shrimp Girl." Reagan spoke after some seconds of silence, kneeling down in front of her and waiting until the blonde one looked at her face. "I'm sorry about your dinner. I wasn't looking and I can pay for it and help you clean everything up. You don't have to cry about it, ok?" she apologized sincerely, feeling a rush of courage and touching the younger girl's face to catch the tear rolling down her cheek.

The girl seemed surprised about Reagan apparent lack of respect for personal space, but didn't pull back. Reagan caressed the soft and cold skin with her thumb and decided to push her lucky even further:

"Unless… you're not crying over spilled milk." she said with a soft smile and knowing smile. She felt a very unusual and strong need to know more about this girl.

"I'm not." Shrimp Girl confessed after a long pause. "Even though food waste is one of humanity's most fatal tragedy, you know." she attempted to joke, her eyes glittering in a way Reagan found adorable.

"Indeed." Reagan's smile widened making the other girl smile faintly too.

"I just…" she started unsure of herself. Reagan could tell she didn't want to share anything personal with a stranger and need to talk with someone at the same time. "I'm just having some troubles… with my… girlfriend… I guess."

"You mean your fake girlfriend?" before she could control her tongue, the words had flow out of her mouth. Damn impulsivity. "I mean… Lauren told me about it." she tried to explain. She felt embarrassed. She didn't mean to snap. She didn't know why she did. She just did.

Shrimp Girl pulled away gaping at her, not believing what she had just heard. "Of course she did, you're friends with Satan." she shook her head and looked at her with coldness, "You know what? You may think you know all about me or my feelings for Karma…"

Reagan's eyebrow arched after that slip-up. She hadn't said anything about knowing about her feelings for Karma. She had actually assumed there wasn't any feelings.

"But you don't. You know nothing. And you can go now." she told her so angrily she could barely speak.

"I may not know you, Shrimp Girl." Reagan admitted standing up and looking at the other girl with a knowing smile, "But I was once a teenager girl who was in love with her own best friend. Girl best friend." she clarified and Shrimp Girl's eyes grow big in awareness, "So I wouldn't say I know nothing."

"See you around." she then said when the blonde girl didn't answer her.

Reagan walked out the house not knowing she had left behind an even more confusing fifteen-year-old.

A/N: So? What do you guys think? Do you want more?