Italics are thought and flashback. If flashback, then there will be a heading. If thought, then you will understand yourself. Please be carefull about italics.

"It's beautiful. Your singing is amazing,… Utau chan," Amu's sweet sugar coating tone changed into a poisonous one. Utau was standing there with her mouth open. She was sweating. Amu came near her. She was now standing face to face with Utau.

"Say, Utau chan, you wouldn't mind if I sing along, would you? I mean the song mostly describes me," said Amu using the preppy tone again. Then she started singing. But she was singing more softly than Utau.

Mitsumenaide tsukamaenaide (Don't look at me, don't catch me.)
Mayoikonda BATAFURAI (I'm a butterfly who got lost.)

Then she took a deep breath and started again.
Itoshi sugite taisetsu sugite (It's too dear, it's too precious.)
Kowarete shimau watashi no mune no kagi (It's going to break, the key to my heart.)(This song is Meikyuu Butterfly by Mizuki Nana, hope all of you know that)

"Such a sweet song. Did you write it yourself, Utau chan?" Amu asked giving Utau a smile. Even though her smile seemed as beautiful as a rose, it was thorny, as if it was scratching Utau. "I wonder how you knew what I felt. I am a lost butterfly whose wings were smashed. My will, my heart broke. And I drowned in the pit of darkness," Amu said, her voice was filled with sadness and self-pity.

"But you know Utau chan, the funny thing is that the people I helped to overcome sadness never came for me. Rather they were enjoying seeing me twist and shatter," Amu's sad voice changed to a malicious one. She was Smirking. The smirk that tells you that you can't run away. You can't hide from the bloody game she is playing.

"Utau chan, you are awfully quite. Normally you would never stop your babbling, you would never stop your narsism. Oh, that's right. You haven't greeted me since I came here," Amu said like an excited child. "Why?" now she used a sad tone. "Could it be that you still hate me, Utau chan?" her sweet sad act would fool anyone and all they would want is to pat the girl's head and console her. But it only made Utau more afraid. She wanted to scream. But her throat felt very dry. The dim light in the music room only made the atmosphere creepier.

"But..Utau chan, I heard your father came back. He came back to your family whereas my family broke. So you shouldn't hate me, right?" Amu asked in a tone as if she is trying to stop a child who is crying because of his favorite toy got lost. "But it seems your hatred for me didn't die," Amu said now using the dark tone again. "That's weird, don't you think?" Amu was still using the dark tone. She put her right hand on Utau's left cheek. "Her hand, it feels cold," Utau thought.

"I thought if I died, you would stop hating me. But even though I died, nothing has changed. Care to tell me why, Utau chan?" Every time Amu would say Utau Chan, Utau would feel even more afraid. "That's okay if you can't tell. And besides, now that I am back, I will make sure your hatred for me will die." Then Amu gave her a smirk and let go of Utau's cheek and got hold of one of Utau's ponytails. "And I will definitely make sure that your fear for me will rise." And with that Amu smashed Utau's head against the piano.

When Amu was walking back to her class, she saw Saya near the staircase. "Saya chan," Amu called and waved her hand. Saya seemed relieved to see her as she was looking for her. "Oh sorry, I called you by your first name," Amu said as she used her hands to cover her mouth.

"I don't mind. A..actually, I wanted to talk to you," Saya said.

Some minutes later...

"Ok, I get that you want to talk to me. But why are we in the informatory?" asked Amu.

"So there will be no one," Saya replied. "Do you have any problem?"

"No, actually I have something to say to you as well," Amu said as her soft sweet voice changed to a dark one. Saya got a little nervous at her change of tone.

"Yamabuki Saya, the only daughter of the head of the Yamabuki Company of cosmetics, make ups and child's toys. The spoilt, rotten and arrogant popular, the previous Flaming Queen who lost her place as a queen in this school last semester. Also known as the slutty queen for her choice of cloths. The one who lost her mother at a young age and also lost her father's love. Say, Saya, your life is like a movie script, right?" Amu said in a playful way making sure to hurt the person spoken to.

"Wha..what? What are you talking about? How do you know all this?" Saya asked getting a little frustrated and angry. "The girl who was so nice to me yesterday, how can she be so mean to me now?" Saya thought.

"But I am not wrong. Hotori san told me about you. He told me about all of the arrogant royals. I must say, your life was really tragic. It's like you are the heroine of a tragic movie," Amu said laughing a little. "Poor little Saya's mother went away when she was six after a fight with her husband. But when she decided to come back by little Saya's request, her plane crushed and she died. Lonely Saya became even more lonelier as her father started to hate her for her mother's death. Seriously, it's so cliché." Amu was now laughing, though not madly.

"So, this is your true color, Hinamori Amu?" Saya asked her voice rising.

"Ha, my color?" Amu asked putting her finger on her chin. "I am like a chameleon. So no one knows about my true color, not even me. But Saya, the next part of your life is funny and cliché as well. You came to Seiyo in middle school. Soon you fell for the play boy, Souma Kukai. Because you heard he likes slutty girls, you turned into one yourself. You changed your dress style. You even managed to be one of the queens until last semester when you finally confessed to your crush and got rejected." Amu gave a sigh. "Oh my, it must have been really embarrassing and shameful to be rejected in front of everyone and not to mention losing you title, ha?"

Saya was greeting her teeth. She was angry. But she felt like crying. Why was this girl rubbing salt in her wound? But everything she said was true. Even though still..still it hurts.

"Young girls are really stupid especially when they are in love. I mean you devote your whole self for the person you love. It's like a bug getting attracted to light even though that light would be the cause of its death. It's disgusting, really." Then Amu stopped for a few seconds and then started again. "You really are stupid. All this time you were doing everything for Souma's sake. Seriously, it seems like you have no life," Amu said, her volume was decreasing.

"Of course I have no life," Saya suddenly busted out. And with her voice came her tears. "I..I.I have no reason to live. Ever since my mum died, father never talked to me in the eyes. Even though he would give me enough money, even though he would hire enough servants for me, he wouldn't love me. He wouldn't check whether I have eaten or not. He would only call doctors when I am sick. He wouldn't even come to see me. I was lonely." Saya was crying hard now which was affecting her speech. Amu on the other hand was neutral.

"After I moved here and saw Kukai, I instantly fell for him. It was my first time crushing on someone. It.. it was a wonderful feeling, falling in love. I wanted to be loved back as well. I..I did everything I could to have his attention and a..affection. Is it too much to ask for?" Saya was raising her voice now. She used her sleeve to wipe off her tears. "I had no gutter to hold on. So I wanted Kukai to be my gutter, is it really too much?" her voice was frailing.

Amu came forward and wiped Saya's tears with her hand. This action confused Saya. "Say Saya, do you want me to tell you a secret?" Amu said in her angel like voice and gave a wink.

After her talk with Saya, Amu was heading back to her class. The free period was over. But it was the launch break now. "Seriously, what's up with girls nowadays? They cry whether they are happy or sad," she said to herself. "But I am the same," she whispered. Then she heard moaning. "Moaning? In the hallway?" Amu thought.

In the hallway, behind the staircase, there were a boy and a girl kissing. The girl's uniform skirt was short like Saya's. Her first three shirt button was unbuttoned. She wasn't wearing her blazer. Her brown hair which was the same length as Amu's was a little messy. When Amu saw who the girl is, she couldn't stop her smirk. "Seriously, this day is getting better and better," she thought.

"School is not a place to flirt," Amu said in a normal tone. Both the boy's and girl's eyes widened to be caught. The boy muttered a 'oh shit' and went away running. But the girl seemed to be annoyed and pissed.

"Sorry if I have stolen your boyfriend. But how dare you interrupt my fun?" said the girl coming out of her hiding place. But as soon as she saw Amu, her eyes widened.

"Eh? Fun? This is way of the Sass Queen's fun? Kissing other's boyfriend? You really are a bitch like they say, aren't you?" Amu asked giggling. The Sass Queen, Yuiki Yaya seemed nervous. "You know, other than the Sass Queen, you are much known as the Bitch Queen. I heard you steal others' boyfriend just for fun. Now that's bitchy, isn't it?" Amu asked glaring at Yaya.

"So what's it to you? You are new to school and you don't have a boyfriend. I haven't done anything to you yet," Yaya spat.

"Yet? Did you hit your head? Did you have amnesia?" Amu asked acting concerned. Then her face changed into a serious expression. "Seriously, you didn't think I wouldn't find out? Now that's pathetic," Amu said.

"What do you mean?" Yaya asked.

"You were always bored since you were a kid. And to get rid of boredom, you always played dangerous games, right? You see, I found out about the game you played with me without me knowing. What was it called?" Amu asked putting a finger on her chin. "Did you give a flashy name to it? Oh, that's right. It was 'Shatter the Sunflower', right?" Amu's voice became dark.

"You are supposed to be dead?" Yaya said not looking at Amu.

"Am I?" Amu asked acting clueless.

"I only heard the news that you died. But it seems that was a lie. But how did you know about my game?" Yaya asked looking at the ground.

"Lie? But Kukai senpai and Nagihiko confirmed my death with their own eyes. So how can be it be a lie?" Amu asked.

"What do you want?" Yaya asked in a serious mode.

"Umm, let's see. Oh that's right. I want to play a game," Amu said getting excited.

"A game?" Yaya asked.

"That's right. A game. A game where I will be the game master and you will be my toy. A doll or a puppet may be?" Amu said giving Yaya a smirk.

"What makes you think I will ever play your game?" Yaya asked raising her voice.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you want to play or not. You will be consumed by the game. And I will have fun seeing you twist and suffer. It's the same as you played. Only difference is that it's more deadly," Amu said as she walked toward Yaya and then whispered in her ear," Now that's a cute expression you have. I want to see more of where that came from." Then she went away leaving Yaya who seemed scared and shocked.

"That can't be true. She can't have died and then came back. No, that's not possible," Yaya thought. "It doesn't matter what you say? I don't believe you. And I will never let you play me," she said to herself with a determined expression.

Ami was in the middle of her launch break when she got a call from her elder sister. "What is it, onee san?" she asked on the phone.

"Ami, I want you to talk to Lulu. She seems to hate me. I don't want that. So, please…"

"I understand. leave it to me," Ami said and hanged up.

"So Yamamoto Lulu, ha? That girl, wasn't she too much attached to onee san? I still remember every time she came to our house, I would always glare at her. I would think she was trying to steal my sister from me," Ami thought and smiled. "I wonder how you would react when I tell you the truth, about Project Living Corpse."

The break was over. Still some of the populars didn't come to class. After the first class after break, Utau came with a bruised nose, Saya came crying and so was Lulu. Yaya seemed a little tensed. And lastly, Amu came with a bruised cheek as if someone had slapped her. Her fans immediately went to protective mode and were screaming that they would avenge their queen. Amu calmed them down somehow.

School was finally over. Amu was walking in the hallway aimlessly. Senri nii was late to pick her up. She didn't mind though. She wanted to look around her new school. After all, she isn't going to stay here for long. So might as well enjoy herself.

"Today was very fun. Well except for the slap," she said as she touched her bruised cheek. "I talked to Rima chan, Utau chan, Yaya chan and even Lulu and Saya. The chess pieces seemed to be seated already. Tomorrow I will be sure whether Saya and Lulu be playing as well," Amu said out loud getting excited. "I still don't know whether I should invite Nagihiko to play or not. Surely he deserves punishment. But my heart…." she was debating in her head as she touched her chest right above her heart. Then she shook off her sad thoughts and once again adopted her cherry personality. "But I wish I would have more pawns or pieces," she said to herself. "Well, surely Senri nii and Ami would figure something out."

As Amu wasn't paying attention she bumped into someone and fell on the ground. That someone happened to be none other than the Black King. He didn't fell though. He just looked at what or who he bumped into. Then he just left. Without even saying sorry. "What a jackass! How dare he treat a girl that way! Even if that wasn't his fault, he should have helped me up," Amu thought and looked pissed.

Then she got up and dusted herself. "Well, maybe because I was labeled a queen that he was hostile with me," Amu thought. Her she remembered something. "Wait a second. He was Tsukiyomi Ikuto, Utau chan's brother," she said to herself. Her expression changed into a dark one. "I~ku~to san, you are going to be a piece of my chess set as well," she said and she licked her lips.

Meanwhile Lulu was walking back home. Her home was near. Sometime her father would give her a ride to school, but she always walked home. "Seriously, why did I do that?" Lulu asked herself as she was crying and looking at her hand.

Flashback of some hours ago

Lulu went to the girl's washroom and first thing she saw was red? Amu was standing there facing Lulu and in her hand there was something red. It was…it was the red pendant Lulu gave Amu when they became friends. (The same one as Shugo Chara Doki) There was a yellow teddy bear attached to a key chain as well. No way, she can't be the same Amu. No way. No way.

"I saw confusion in your eyes. You were struggling to know whether I am the same Amu or not," Amu said feeling ashamed and looking at the ground. "Do these prove anything?" she asked and held her hand up where the two items were.

Lulu came forward and took the items in her hand. It was the same teddy bear she still has but in yellow. The pendant, it was the same as well. She is the one who made it and gave her best friend. And it seems the owner took care of both the things properly.

", you are really Amu? You are my best friend, right? Right? Please, tell me. Where were you all this time? Why didn't you contact me? Why do people say that you died? Please tell me," Lulu was shaking Amu and nearly crying.

"I was afraid," Amu said. Her voice was barely audible.


"I was afraid. I was scared that you would be the same. The same as my other friends. That you would betray me, just like them," Amu said not meeting Lulu's eyes. "I..I had enough of it. I felt enough of the pain. The pain of being betrayed by your friends, your loved ones," Amu said her voice rising.

"To me, it seems that you never trusted me to begin with," Lulu said letting go of Amu.

" could say that," Amu responded and Lulu's hand collided with Amu's cheek. She just slapped Amu.

"How can you say that? How can you say that?" Lulu asked, tears now falling. "I thought we were friends. I thought we were best friends. And you couldn't share your sadness with me. Your pain and despair, you couldn't share them with me? Why? Why, Amu?" Lulu was crying hard and barely managed to talk. When Amu didn't answer she wiped away her tears. "Just forget it. I am not getting any answer from you," and so saying she went to her class.

"I slapped her. It wasn't her fault completely. I was at fault as well," Lulu thought to herself as she kept looking at her hand and walking. "If I was a true friend, I would be able to understand even without her telling me."

Flashback of five years ago

Lulu was in a talent competition. It was the second round today. Of course she was qualified in the first round. The competition was going to start in one hour. Lulu was a little nervous. Only the competitors were taken to camping. Their parents' weren't allowed. Suddenly Lulu got a phone call. It was Amu. Lulu's face lit up.

"Hello, Amu," Lulu was excited.

"Hi Lulu, how have you been?" Amu asked.

"Fine. But what's with your voice?" Lulu asked. Amu's voice was.. it sounded like she was crying.

"Nothing. I just had a lot of ice cream yesterday," Amu replied. "Say Lulu, you love me, right? You don't thing I am annoying or a show off or anything, right?" Amu asked.

"What are you talking about? It doesn't matter if you are annoying or a show off, you are my friend," Lulu replied getting a little annoyed.

"L..Lulu, if I were to die, would you be sad?" Amu asked.

"What are you talking about, you baka?" Lulu screamed on the phone. "Honestly, I thought you phoned me to say good luck or something. But I never thought you were the one for this useless talk," Lulu said calming down a little.

"I was just kidding," Ami replied pouting. "I just wanted to take your mind off from getting nervous, that's all. Well, good luck. When you come back winning, you will get a surprise from me, Lulu."

"I can't wait," Lulu replied and hanged up.

After Lulu came home winning, she got the news of Amu's death. "So..this was your surprise," Lulu thought as she collapsed on the ground on her knees. "You traitor. You traitor. You traitor. You said we are best friends. Best friends till the end of the world. It was a lie, wasn't it? It was a lie."

Lulu wanted to hate Amu for this. But she could never do that no matter how much she tried to. Because Lulu knew she was at fault as well.

"L..Lulu, if I were to die, would you be sad?"

Clearly Lulu didn't get what Amu was implying. It was her fault she couldn't detect Amu's sorrow.

"I am such a bad friend," Lulu said covering her eyes with her hands. Then she saw someone on the road. It was a girl wearing Seiyo Middle School uniform. She had light brown hair the same length as Amu's. When the girl turned to Lulu, Lulu's breath caught. She had the same golden eyes as Amu's. But the most terrifying thing is that she looks exactly like Amu when Amu was little.

The girl was bending her weight on the pole of a street lamp. When she saw Lulu, she stood up and walked toward Lulu.

"Yamamoto Lulu san, I am Hinamori Ami, Hinamori Amu's little sister. I have something to discuss with you.

Ohhhhh, it's done. I think most of you said 'Finally, Ikuto's in', right? Well, Ikuto will be a main character but not Tadase. It's not that I hate Tadase. But Tadase is so so sooo boring. And….Ohhhh gosh, it's so hard to type, especially in onee san's laptop.

I know that Amu's character is really weird, especially with Saya. But..but..please bear with it. And I know that she changes her expressions in every seconds and minutes. If you don't understand, then you can tell me. The thing is that when I write I can imagine. When I read anything I can imagine as well. I can imagine the thing happening even if it's something from my textbook. So if you try to imagine the thing I wrote, I think you can see the whole story as an anime.

Well, that's all for today. Thanks for reviewing. And review even more and more to make Reihime sama happy. Bye bye.