'A Strange Sort-of- Fairy Tale'

Told from Heero's point of view

Unlike most of my stories there is no random side plot or original character, strictly Heero and Duo love in a Drama/Romance

Warnings: angst, shonen-ai, lack of sleep, 1x2

Disclaimer: Something I put at the beginning of stories so the rightful owners of these pretty boys do not sue me. 

'Prologue ~ Restless Perfection'

It would be humanly impossible to accurately determine exactly when and how my agreeably unhealthy obsession with Duo Maxwell began. Easily, I could muse that war impacts the lives of soldiers so that they are irrationally bonded through deep seeded wounds scabbed together. However, I care not for the soldier-pilot-god of death, but for the frail boy whose every movement draws me into a deeply meditative trance.

His body was a divine sight to behold. Although by far the thinnest of our five, his frail form compacted a lean muscle under tightly stretched cream skin. Admittedly, I had countless opportunities to catch a glimpse of his essence in full glory, but averted my gaze out of an unyielding respect for the fragile heart that beats within his firm chest.   

I cannot see any use for sexuality in a soldier's life. Procreation is not something currently resting heavily on my mind, but the energy he omits the moment those narrow hips shift slightly to the left awakens the primal sexual instincts within my brain. That foolish sexual instinct clouded my mind into allowing the predator to join me in my home.

For all the numerous places the creature could have gone once peace was finally achieved, for all the companions he had, he asked me to share an address with him and I imprudently accepted his proposal. Having joined the Preventers, I had certain obligations to fulfill. Facing no objection from Duo, I opted for a position as senior director at the branch on L1.

Our home would have been an amusing sight for guests, if we'd ever had any. The walls remained completely bare, the outlines of the previous tenants hangings adorned our enclosure. Knowingly little of furniture styles and having no interest in shopping, I designated Duo a certain amount of money to purchase fixtures. Thus the living contained three mix-matched velveteen sofas, and a ying-yang coffee table. His frugality astonished me; although, I am one to agree that there are more things in life than furniture, I can clearly remember the look in his violet eyes whenever we entered one of Quatre's many homes. With the funds available I had expected to return home to leather recliners and a chaise longue, at least I wanted him to get the big screen TV he always marveled over. But the ten-inch screen sat crowned with rabbit ears on a crate in the corner.

The bedrooms were another difficult matter. Duo purchased two twin sized beds and placed them in the same spacious room with hardwood floors. Of course I uttered not one word about the unused room across the hall. I had been grappling with the idea of having him so far at night. I had become accustomed to his rhythmic breathing lulling me to slumber. Oddly, man could make no sleep aid as effective as Duo Maxwell's snoring. 

 I spent each evening watching him, studying his every curve, movement, and expression. He seated himself before the television or sprawled out like a purring kitten with a book. I would pretend to study reports, all the while watching as each hair on his head shifted slightly. Some nights he attended parties or wondered out to local clubs with co-workers. He often offered me an invitation to join him, but I couldn't accept. I could never bear to watch him move through a crowded nightclub, dirty hands touching and groping his transcendent body. It would be like watching the destruction of a priceless work of art. Instead, turned on the coffee maker and sat in the kitchen awaiting his return when he would regale me with tales of drag queens and drunken fools, even conquests of lust. I was completely content in this sweet torture, but the dream ended all too soon.

It wasn't but six months subsequent to our taking up residence that Howard and his Sweepers passed through L1 and Duo joined his friends for a casual meeting. Duo had been working as a mechanic for a local fleet of shuttle manufactures. He took the job insisting that he wanted something ordinary, this was the time to settle down; six months latter he had begun to grow tiered of the redundant job. 

He asked me before they departed if I wanted him to stay. I should have been honest with him, and begged. Still Howard had lost two good men and need the help. Somewhere or somehow Duo Maxwell had become the air I breathed, my religion if you will; I praised his divined figure each day from affair. My services of worship were going to have to be cut short. Duo has always been a creature of beauty, intelligence, and rapture. Someone so wild should be free to float through space as he chooses.

Now I just have a void that hangs in the air of my dwelling, where Duo Maxwell once stood. 


Ok so that was really short but it's just to start! Please please please review?

Pretty please with a naked Duo on top? ^^

Oh an it will be pretty obvious once we get into the next chapter what the title is in reference too, and it's not the cool song by tori ^_^ I love you tori!!! Almost as much as I love Duo, but not quite ^^