Luciano looked up at the huge Jesus Christ standing over this city of sins and despair as if to protect the good and to say that everything will be alright. It simply just caused the Italian to tsk in disgust. The thought of people actually believing in someone like Jesus Christ is just stupid, a myth that they so desperately wanted to be real. However, everyone does need something to hold on to for hope after all…

"Where the hell is the asshole?" Leanos groaned in irritation before pulling out a cigarette to calm his nerves. "We have been here for an hour now and he is on this fucking side of the country!"

"You bitching isn't going to help anyone…" Luciano groaned before rubbing his temples.

"But he fucking knows the rules!" Leanos shouted before standing up. "One month. One. Fucking. Month. And we already wasted half a week!"

"I fucking know alright!" Luciano yelled at the Lithuanian. "You don't think I'm worried about the fucking time?!"

Instead of bickering back and forth like they usually do, the two countries just clenched their jaws and went back to their previous activities. Though it wasn't plan for the other two to also come through, they both were great and vital for the revenge they wanted to plan. Marcus was on the Western Hemisphere and familiar with this side; Leanos was more familiar with the smaller nations like Estonia, Liechtenstein, Finland, etc.; Luciano knew the bigger countries on the Eastern Hemisphere. With their knowledge and connections, they knew that they could cause pain that will never be forgotten for centuries.

However… They needed to do this within a month before them other selves woke up in their dimension's… before they ruined this dimension that they are in…

"Hey."the Canadian voice called out as he walked closer to the Rio de Janeiro, his red flannel shirt wrapped around his waist which showed off the bandage wrapped around his torso and chest.

"There you fucking are! What the hell took so long?!" Leanos shouted.

"Well I couldn't just fucking walk into an airport and get a damn ticket here without Alfred getting notified about it." Canada grumbled before lighting a cigarette. "I had to contact my bro- Matthew's brother Juan. He knows how to jump the border and hates Alfred, so he helped me out."

"Took you long enough…" Luciano grumbled before walking over to the Canadian and softly tracing over the bandages. "Why the hell are you wearing these? You don't need to…"

Canadian looked down at the Italian confused and a little irritated but then just sighed before blowing out smoke the opposite way of the Italian. "Glad to see you're alright too Luci."

"Don't fucking call me that!"

"Hate to break up the adorable reunion," Leanos said as he walked over to the two, "but now we have a problem."

"No shit." Luciano looked over at Leanos, a light pink on his face from the comment. "I already know, since he couldn't get here normally without being identified, then how the hell are we going to be able to go to travel."

"We can come the way you two-"

"No we can't." Leonas said with a groan, running a hand with his green bang and dark brown hair before putting it into a ponytail because of the heat. "Someone owed Toris, but I'm pretty sure when he finds out about this he won't be of any fucking help."

Stuck, the three turned nations thought. The technology now compared to when they were out was a lot different and more advanced than the last time they were out. Plus, they weren't always watching what their other selves saw so they don't know everything. Different ideas kept coming up, however they all had a problem with them. It seemed nearly impossible.


What?" Leonas looked to the Italian

"Japan! We need Kuro! His country is the fucking God of technology! If he get him, then we can get through almost every single security system."

"How do we get to him genius?"

"Family." Gaining more confidence in his idea, Luciano smirked and closed his eyes as he was viewing the whole plan in his head. "Kuro loves his family- more so this China, Yao. If we get the little fucker then we can get through to Kuro."

"Do you really think this Japan would fall for that shit?" Leanos asked, raising a brow as he threw his cigarette to the ground.

"I don't think, I know." Opening his eyes again, the magenta swirling with a poisonous plot playing out.

Chuckling, the Lithuanian stretched and walked away. "I'll find a way to get there along with some damn cigarettes."

Not really noticing the man leaving, Luciano kept pacing back and forth with a smirk and plan forming in his head. He had every single part planned out beautiful, perfectly, elegantly. It wasn't until the Canadian happened to come into his view when the madman stopped thinking.

Marcus stood closer to the edge and looking over the city of sin, cigarette at his lips. Suddenly feeling out of his comfort zone, Luciano awkwardly walked over and stood next to the male.

"What the hell you want?" Marcus asked, without the typical harshness to his tone.

Glaring, the Italian debated walking away but stayed and sighed. "That's what I should be asking you jackass."

"I'm a jackass even though you're the one who used me for your pleasure?"

"Fuck off!" Luciano yelled before turning the male around. "What the hell is wrong with you Marcus?! Yes I fucked you, yes I left you, yes I am a slut, happy?! But we both know that isn't what the fuck is going on in you damn head! Now spit it out already!"

A silence fell between them with only the numerous sounds from below being heard. Neither moved nor looked away from the other's eyes. They were at a standoff until finally the Canadian gave in.

"We both know that we'll be out longer than a month…"

The anger boiling in the Italian blood quickly turned cold. Looking and stepping away, Luciano kept his composure the best he could. "You don't know that."

"Yes I do." tossing the cigarette to the ground, Marcus slide his sunglasses down and over his eyes before stuffing his hands in his pockets. "So do you."

Another silence fell upon them, this one heavier and colder despite the setting sun's warmth on them. "We'll make life better for them..." Luciano spoke softly.

Marcus sighed. "Yeah, but Matthew won't remember this. Neither will Feliciano. The longer we are out, greater the chances that they could wake up in our world for a moment and see our hell. I just don't want Matthew's hell to become his reality. The kid been through enough…"

"That's why we're here though." Luciano stepped closer and resetted his hand on the Canadian's arm. "We live in their hell because their reality is slowly becoming hell. They may wake up in our world, but that never happened before. Marcus, I promised that we will make all those assholes suffer for what they have put our counterparts through."

A slight huff escaped the bigger male before he stretched, causing the Italian hand to fall. "Dammit Luc', I can't fucking hate you no matter how much of a whore and bitch you are."

"Go to hell!" Luciano yelled, going towards the male with his knife out ready to attack.

Marcus just laughed as he easily blocked the deadly blade, used to Luciano tactics. Just for a moment they enjoyed themselves and forgotten about the silent ticks of time flowing by.

The redhead walked down the dirt road until he was facing one of the American's old mansion. The sun was already down, stars and moon being his only light in the night.

"What the hell did you get yourself into now…" he grumbled before a hand patted his shoulder.

Flinching at the sudden touch, Scotland pushed away the person and was about to punch them until he saw the familiar mask. "Oh Sadiq." he said with a sigh then chuckle of relief.

"Geez man, you're the one that called me here and you nearly punch me in the face." the Turkish joked, already in a defense position from being pushed.

"You're the fucker that appeared out of nowhere all silent and shit wearing a mask." Scotland joked back.

After a moment of joking around, Turkey motioned towards the mansion. Now with both nations remembering their reason for rushing to this place, they continued to the door in silence.

"One moment." they heard someone call out. "Scotland-san? Turkey-kun?"

"Merhaba Japan," the Turkish said though he rather greet the smaller male differently, "is England here?"

Still surprised from seeing the two men, it was a moment before the male nodded and moved to the side in order for the two to enter.

"We have been meeting here," Japan said as he guided them to the living room, "although we haven't met since earlier… I'll go get England-san."

After he left, Turkey sat on the couch while Scotland stayed standing in contemplating. Neither one could recall the reasoning for the other side lashing out so suddenly. Typically- unless you are aware of them -they stay silent without saying a single word. As far as they were aware of, their other selves lived in a world that was full of chaos and death.

"How has Gavin?" Turkey asked to break the silence.

"Good I guess, let him out about a week ago." Scotland responded as he leaned against a wall and took out a cigarette. "How are the two in your head?"


"Must be nice."

"I wish I could say that." the Turkish said with a sad chuckle. "But it worries me since they are never quiet for this long…"

"Allistar," England said as he entered the room, "could you please not smoke in here."

Groaning, he put out his cigarette. "Good to see you too England."

Although he was obviously hurt, England turned to Japan to ask him to get the others before greeting Turkey.

"Merhaba England."

"Hopefully the way here wasn't too bad for you."

"Naw man," he said, waving it off, "I don't mind."

After a moment of silence, England sighed as he looked down. "Thank you for coming. I… I think this may become how it was when mother was still alive. Maybe even worse…"

Alarmed, Scotland pushed himself off the wall and walked over to England and grabbing his shoulder. "Who actually came out?"

"Canada, Italy, and Lithuania."

"Fuck!" Scotland groaned as he walked to the window in order to look at his reflection. Upon just seeing himself, Scotland glared. "I know you are fucking there Gavin! Why didn't you tell me it was them you fucking bastard?!"

"Scotland, that isn't-"

"Gavin! Answer me god dammit!"

"Scotland!" Turkey shouted having gotten up and pulled him from the window. "That isn't going to help man!"

"You don't understand Turk'! Gavin told me about those fucking three!" Groaning and rubbing his face, Scotland shook Turkey's grip off and looked at England. "You guys know where any of them are at?"

England just shook his head. Before England could say something else, the others came in. America went to the Brit while France went to the other side with Prussia who was still ticked off at America. Russia went back to the chair by the window and Germany to the couch with Japan by his side. China walked in with a tray of tea, placing it on the coffee table before pouring himself a cup and going over to Russia.

"What happened to them…" Turkey whispered as he looked at them all.

The once proud and loud nations he knew of were now silent and sulking. Never had he ever seen them like this, not even during the aftermath of war.

"Everyone else here was there when one turned into someone else." Japan explained.

"Okay…" Scotland said, grabbing a chair and sitting down. "Tell us what happened."

Thank you so much for still reading this story everyone! I would like to apologize for such a long delay ;-;
I didn't intend to wait so long but I had major writer's block and life have been rough lol..
but here is another one although it is short ^^" I just really felt like I should give you all at least something since you ass are so awesome and patient !
But until next time (which hopefully won't be so long lol)