Well this is my first Fan Fiction!

I hope you enjoy it, and I am really looking forward to hearing some reviews.

I want to know what you guys think, and if I could improve.

Enjoy :)

The sun is just cresting over the horizon, and shining directly in Hector's bedroom. Hector, better known as Hiccup by his classmates, debated on getting up out of bed. After some lengthy, mental debate, Hector drags himself out of bed. At least it's Friday. "One more day" he mutters to himself, "One more damn day". Hector lived in the Tiny Town of Berk, (small enough it could be considered a village), situated in the middle of nowhere. Why the founding fathers decided to start a town in the middle of a field is anyone's guess; why anyone was born here is an even bigger mystery. Hector slumps downstairs to the empty kitchen, a note is the only occupant.

Hector picks up the note, it reads: "Son, help yourself to whatever you can find in the pantry. I will be getting groceries tomorrow. Love, Your Father Stoick."

"At least my Viking of a father isn't home, too busy being a mayor to care about his own son," mutters Hector as he crumples the note and throws it in the recycling.

Hector steps out of the front door. The sun is shining above his head as he is walking to school. The only school in town, the Berk Academy, is a mere 10 minute walk from his home. He walks down back lanes and side streets, almost doubling the time it takes him to get to school. As long as he can sneak in the back door and get to class unnoticed, he would be in the clear. That would be too easy though, wouldn't it? Hector sprints across the school field and swings through the back door. His first class, Biology, was the second door on the right. He was almost there, and he would have made it too, had it not been for a foot to trip him from around the corner of the door. Hector stops the fall with his hands, and hears a mocking laugh from behind him. "Great," he thought "Just fucking great".

"Going somewhere Hiccup?" says the jock and captain of the Junior Varsity hockey team, Shaun Jorgenson. Shaun had an incident a few years ago; he sneezed and everything that was in his nose was now everywhere on his desk, thus earning him the name of Snotlout. He promised to injure anyone who would dare to call him Snotlout again.

"Yeah, class. Why else would I be here, Shaun? Even an idiot could've figured that one out." Some of the fellow students who witnessed the tripping started to "Oooohh" at the obvious jab towards Shaun's lack of intelligence.

"Why you little runt!" yelled Shaun, grabbing Hector by the shirt collar and throws him into the lockers. Shaun was twice Hector's size and weight so it wasn't a challenge for Shaun to throw him across the hallway. Hector slams into the locker and falls to the floor. "Get up!" orders Shaun. Hector obeys, just to be pushed into the same locker. "Nobody insults me, even an idiot could've known that," mocks Shaun as he walks away. Several students began to laugh and point at Hector, who was still picking himself off the ground, and saying things like "What was he thinking?" and "What an idiot!" Hector slowly walks into his first class of the day, and is the last one to arrive.

"It's about time Mr. Haddock, get to your seat so we can begin the lesson," says Mr. Jorgenson, Hector's biology teacher, and yes, Shaun's father. Hector just walks quietly to his seat, keeping his head down. Some students were silently giggling at his demise.

By noon, the high school cafeteria was filled with students ranging from Freshmans to Seniors. Just like everyone else, Hector stood in line for his food; today was spaghetti and meatball day. "Great, the sloppiest meal ever, I wonder what humiliating thing will happen to me today?" wonders Hector to himself. He liked the cafeteria lady Gothi, mainly because she's mute and the only one who cannot insult him. Grabbing his tray with 'slightly better than prison' food on it, he makes his way to the 'Loners Table' as some students would call it. It's nice and small, and compacted into a corner at the far end of the room so no one would really need to walk past it for any reason, other than to insult the table's occupants. Sitting down, Hector starts to eat his food and looks out the window of the building. The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. "Can this day just end already?" he muttered to himself.

Finishing his meal, Hector pulls out his art book. If there is one thing in this world that he is good at, it would be drawing. He opens the book and finds a blank page. The book is filled with a variety of images, ranging from portraits of people and landscapes, to hideous drawings of Shaun. With a concept of a beach during a sunset in mind, he starts outlining and shading away. He wants to visit places like Miami and Honolulu for the beaches. It's a hell of a lot better than the wasteland called Berk. Putting the finishing touches on his drawing, Hector doesn't realise what happens next. A meatball, covered in tomato sauce and a small piece of spaghetti lands dead centre of the page. Looking up, he looks at who threw it. Shaun and his friends were laughing at Hector's misery. "Hey Hiccup!" Shaun yells so mostly everyone can hear him, "I heard you like big, meaty balls in your mouth. I hope that you enjoy it, loser." If there was one word in the world that Hector could not stand, it was loser. He was called that since grade 4, the title still has not worn off. The entire cafeteria erupts into laughter, some even pointing towards Hector. The only one not laughing was Gothi, she was holding her head in her hand and shaking it. She might have been mute, but deaf? Not so much. Hector grabs the meatball and throws it into the garbage next to him. He then rips out his quick masterpiece and crunches it in a ball and throws it in the garbage as well. Grabbing his things, he runs out of the cafeteria with his tail between his legs and his face more red than a cherry.

"Last class of the day," Hector thought to himself. It was Chemistry, and he had got to class remarkably early so he would not have to deal with the constant bullying that he was the main target off. While he enjoyed the material, he hated the class itself. His class contained all of the people who make his life a living hell: Shaun 'Snotlout' Jorgenson, Franklin 'Fishlegs' Ingerman, Rachel 'Ruffnut' Thorston and her twin brother Thomas or 'Tuffnut', and finally Astrid Hofferson. Frank was the least of Hector's problems; he is just a backstabbing son of a bitch who would rather be popular, than to be friends with Hector back in grade 3. Rachel and Thomas were dumber than a sack of hammers but they still knew how to get on Hector's nerve. Why they wanted to be called Ruffnut and Tuffnut still remains a mystery. As for Franklin, his obsession of fish got the better of him, and people started to call him Fishlegs for whatever reason. Finally there was Astrid; she was too smart to be given an offensive nickname. That or she intimidates everyone in the school. She was slender, blond and had eyes as blue as the ocean. Hector always wanted to talk to her, but she would most likely shove him into a locker. Even if he could get the courage to get up to her, she is being guarded by Shaun like he is a pit-bull. Shaun has been trying to get with Astrid for a couple years now, and still to no avail.

Class went without any problems. Hector was the first one in, last one out; just how he liked it. In 30 seconds he would be out the door and on his way home. Walking out of the classroom, he was bumped into by Astrid, knocking both of their books to the floor. Students just stared ominously without saying a word as the toughest girl in the school ran into the runt of the school.

"I-I'm sorry Astrid, I didn't mean to..." stammered Hector. Astrid just responded with a glare.

"Who the fuck do you think you are pushing around a girl?" asked Shaun who grabbed Hector's shirt by the collar.

"I-I didn't push her Shaun!" Hector whined.

"Bullshit Hiccup, how about I pulverize you into next week for hurting my girl?" retorted Shaun.

"Knuckleheads knock it off, Principal Sven is coming." Hissed Astrid. Shaun drops Hector and gets down to 'help' Hector pick up his things.

"What is going here?" demanded Sven.

"Nothing Mr. Sven, Hector just bumped into Astrid and dropped his things." Said Shaun sweetly. Principal Sven raised an eyebrow.

"Well thank you Shaun for helping Mr. Haddock pick up his belongings. Have yourself a good weekend everyone!" Sven walks away down the hall and some students nod to Shaun that the coast is clear.

"Fucking ass kisser," Hector thinks to himself. Shaun gets up and walks away, putting his arm around Astrid.

"Did you like the way I defended you?" asks Shaun.

"First off, I am NOT your girl. Second, you smell like a barn…" Retorts Astrid before being too far way for Hector to hear. The herd of students walk away from the 'accident', eager to get home to start the weekend. Hector just picks up his things and walks to the door, keeping his head down the entire time.

Hector unlocks the front door to his home and walks inside. Dropping his bag on the leather sofa, he walks to the kitchen where his father is preparing dinner.

"Hey son, how was school?" asks Stoick in his 'louder than it needs to be' voice.

Hector responds with the same answer he has been giving his father since he became a victim of bullying in grade 2: "It was good." Stoick looks at his son walk towards the bathroom and sighs, turning back to the meal.

Hector spent the rest of the evening in his room, sitting at his desk and drawing in his art book. It was what kept him calm during these hard times. While the idea was still fresh in his brain, he re-draws the image that Snotlout destroyed. Shortly after completing his masterpiece, he hangs it up right next to the drawing of the neighbourhood black cat that he sees almost daily.