A/N: Felt like writing this. I'm more strong in writing about the supernatural than I am with humanity. So hopefully this goes well. This is clearly not apart of The Long Road Ahead Universe.

I don't own Kim Possible... Disney does. If I owned it, we would have Season 5 by now!

Warning: This contains violence and Shego with a penis. If you do not condone that, then back out now. Be kind about it :D

The thick, yet slick liquid slid down my throat as I drank heartily. My fangs sunk into the flesh of my victim deeper as I drained them. The body fell from my arms as the last bit of life left their body. My eyes shone red with hunger and I licked my lips of the red liquid. My black hair was wet with blood as my victim had struggled against me, spilling their precious blood.

I glanced down at the body and frowned. The woman who I had taken as my latest meal was anything but unappealing. She was a blonde with a delicious bust that had attracted me to her in the first place. She had been in a very shirt dress that barely covered her ass and now she was lying in a crumpled heap, pale and clammy. It was unfortunate that it had ended this way. As much as liked her as a meal it would have been nice to wet my cock with her. Sighing, I exited the dark alleyway that I had cornered the blonde in.

As I walked down the darkened and bustling street, I glared at the people that walked by me. They all reeked of booze and varying drugs. The scents were repugnant. As I rounded the corner to where I had parked my black Corvette, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I retrieved it and glanced at the caller ID. It read Drakken. Huffing, I answered the phone, dreading hearing the whiny voice of my employer.

"Shego!" Drakken practically shouted at me, "Where the hell are you!?"

"I'm out," I snarled, "What do you want?"

"I need you to get back to the lair. I have a new and exciting plot to take over the world."

I sighed internally. It was always something new with him. Drakken's plans always failed and I was there to pick of the pieces he left in his wake. "I'll be there in 20." I snapped the phone shut and entered my car.

You might be wondering why a vampire is working for the blue skinned fool, Doctor Drakken. Honestly, I need the money. I have been around long enough to have amassed a small fortune, but I did like doing something with my time. When I was human, I was training to be a master thief. After I turned, I had gained the ability to 'sneak' better. So stealing things was another hobby of mine.

I drove through Middleton towards Upperton. Why Drakken felt like living so close to civilization, I never understood. As I pulled up to the driveway, the raw stench of fish smacked me in the face. I groaned, knowing that Drakken was doing something idiotic. I walked into the main lab and glanced around the maroon coloured room. All over the floor, there were various types of fish flopping around, gasping for air. I nearly face palmed and kicked a rather large fish towards a henchman that was struggling to get his balance.

I heard a howl of anguish as Drakken fought his way through the sea of fish. I glared at him, ready to fire a plasma blast at him. The complete idiocy of what he could possibly be doing was probably going to drive me up the wall this week. As Drakken approached me, he whimpered from the glare that I was giving him.

"Shego," He started, "I'm sorry to have dragged you away from your meal… But as you can see, I need your assistance here." He cleared his throat nervously and motioned towards the fish. I rolled my eyes at him and lit up my hand.

I don't know how to explain what I did next, but it involved me heating up my plasma to the point that it would evaporate whatever it touched. Drakken and the henchmen that were in the lab scrambled out and let me deal with the mess that they had made. Over the years, I had learned to focus my plasma into a beam. It had taken me a very long time. The first time I had done it, I destroyed the warehouse I was in. With my focused beam, I removed the fish from the lab.

"All clear, Dr.D," I shouted towards the farthest door to my left. Drakken peered out the door and adjusted his lab coat. He strutted in as if nothing had happened and sat down in front of his desk. There were blueprints to a building that was housing the most recent device the blue genius wanted. I glanced over his shoulder and quickly scanned the plans.

"When do you want me to go steal this thing?" I asked, pulling away.

"As soon as you can, Shego," Drakken said, "If you could do it tomorrow that would be wonderful. Thank you for helping me with my issue by the way."

I grunted in acknowledgement and sauntered off to my bedroom. It was at the far west corner of the lair. None of the henchmen nor Drakken came to that end because they thought it was creepy. Creepy was just fine with me. I walked along the corridor and sighed. I knew that I needed to find something better to do with my time. I was getting bored with Drakken's antics. And from what I had heard through the villain grapevine, there was some teenager that was foiling super villain's plans. That made me scoff as I entered my room. A teenager was taking out the world's villains? That was a laughable thought.

My room was what one would call a master bedroom. In the center of the room was a queen size bed that had green and black linens on it. To the right side of the room there was a closet and a door that led to the ensuite bathroom. To the left of the room, there was a punching bag hanging from the wall and a desk that was littered with books of varying subjects and from varying centuries.

I removed my clothes and slid into bed. It had been a long night for me, and producing the amount of energy that I had to get rid of those fucking fish, I was drained. But the member between my legs was standing at attention for no particular reason. I groaned as I stared at it. The one thing I hated the most about my vampirism, was that when I changed, I grew a cock. I mean I still had my vagina, it was just frustrating for the first few years having an extra piece. I learned from some older vampires that the reason why I had it was because of my sexual orientation. I conked out halfway through their speeches, but from what I could remember it had to do with having a mate.

I wrapped my hand around my throbbing member and jerked it a couple of times before I came, shooting a few ropes of white sticky stuff. I buried my face into my pillow, moaning. I hated when it just got hard for no reason. While grumbling to myself, I drifted off to sleep. My sleep was filled with figuring out how to acquire the device Drakken wanted.

I hope this goes well. Please review and let me know if I should continue it in anyway.