This is going to be a one-shot story, but if well received, I might make another chapter. This will probably suck but I hope you enjoy!

It was 3 A.M. when Marco's alarm clock woke him up. 'Time for your pill,' Marco thought to himself. 'It's the only way to get rid of your horrid acne.'

Marco got up, stretched a bit, then put his slippers on his feet. He walked down the hall as quiet as possible so he wouldn't wake up Star or his parents. 'Dad is very cranky when he doesn't get his sleep,' he thought.

When Marco got to the bathroom, he got out a plastic cup and filled it with water. After that, he got out the pill and put it in his mouth, using the water to wash the pill down. He was about to throw the cup away when he heard crying from the other side of the hall. It sounded like Star. Worried, Marco quickly but quietly went into Star's bedroom.

Star really was crying. Her cries were big and loud too, so Marco knew that something was really wrong.

"Star," Marco said to her as he put his hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong? I don't think I've ever heard you cry this loud before. Do you miss Mewni? If so, I'm sure we can-"

Star then interrupted him, with tears filling up in her eyes. "No. It's not Mewni at all. I had a very bad nightmare and it felt so real."

"Oh, Star," Marco said to her gently, "Everyone has nightmares. It's alright."

"But it's not!" Star countered, crying loudly again. "What happened in my nightmare could happen in real life!"

"Just tell me what happened, and I'll do my best to make you feel better," Marco assured her.

"O-okay," Star agreed. She found it hard to talk right now since she was so upset. "In the dr-dream, I decided that I wanted t-to cast a sp-spell on you with my wand. But when I tried the sp-spell-" Star found it really hard to spit it out. Tears filled up her eyes once more. "When I tried th-the spell, you d-d-d….

Star gulped and she cried even more than ever before when she said the next part. Almost shouting, she cried out, "You died!"

Star couldn't help it. she started to sob uncontrollably. "And the wo-worst part is that it was a-all my fault you died." She stopped crying, but her tears still ran down her cheeks. 'Poor Star,' Marco thought.

Marco thought for awhile of what to say. Finally, he said to Star, "Well, the good thing is that it was just a dream."

Calmly, Star responded, "But what if it does happen? What if something goes wrong when I use my wand? What if I do kill you?"

Marco just smiled and replied, "Star, you might feel like you can't control the wand, but you really can. You get better every day. I know for sure that nothing bad will ever happen with you and that wand."
Star smiled back and replied, softly, "Thanks, Marco."

Marco got up and told her, "Well, I should get back to bed. Goodnight." Right as he was about to exit the room, Star softly shouted, "Marco, wait!"

"What is it?" Marco asked.

"Well, I'm still a little bit shaken up from the dream, so I was wondering if you could, um, sleep with me for the rest of night?" As Star spoke the last part, she blushed a little.

Marco knew it would mean a lot to her, so he agreed. He took off his slippers and put them next to his side of Star's bed. Then he crawled in.

"Goodnight, Star," Marco whispered.

"Goodnight, Marco," Star whispered back. Then, she softly gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Marco's face grew red. As he was drifting off to sleep, he wondered if Star had feelings for him like he secretly does for her.