Here's your next chapter! I think this story will be wrapping up yea, so sad it has got to end but like they say, out with old, in with the new! So yea, Enjoy!
No one said a word, all were too afraid to even speak.
Tooth looked up at Jack, she desperately wanted to hug him for reassurance, but he looked to wrong move and it breaks.
What was most surprising though, was that Jack was first to speak.
"C-can we..give her a m-memorial?" Jack's voice was laced with hurt, and sorrow.
"Dah, we vill," North spoke softly, and chose his words carefully, he knew that if he said anything rash, Jack would unleash his fury.
Jack nodded, shadows on his face. He carefully picked up his sisters lifeless body, and carried her bridal-style to the sleigh.
He sat on the seat, Emma's head on his lap, and just stared ahead. The others got in the sleigh as well, and they shot off.
After flying in utter silence, the guardians brought their fallen comrade into the Pole, and got to work.
North got to work on hand-carving a casket for Emma. Even though Tooth never knew her that well, it still made her cry when she cleaned the poor girl. Bunny went to his Warren, and brought special candles that were entwined with magic so they never extinguished. Sandy worked on getting the setting right in the Pole for the memorial.
When North was done with the casket, Jack put it upon himself to finish the wooden case. He got all the colors he could think of, and with great detail that was nearly perfect, he made breath taking frost designs on the casket, of all the different colors he'd seen her in.
When everyone was finished, they all gathered and placed her into the casket.
In respect, they all gave her a gift, Tooth gave a luminescent feather of hers, North, a snow globe, Bunny, his best egg he could paint at the moment, Sandy, a light sprinkle of dream sand over her, and lastly Jack.
Other than the rose, he touched her lightly, and delicate frost patterns covered her skin making it glow.
They closed the casket, and lit the candles. There was a scent of lilac, Jack said it was her favorite scent of flowers.
Remorse filled the air, the guardians sat by the case, and mourned..until the moment was disturbed.
"How sad, I should have killed you as well when I had the chance, Jack," a voice echoed from the halls, the voice was strained, but bitter in the end.
All heads turned towards the globe, where Pitch stood, his hands behind his back clasped regaly.
Bunny was the first to notice the change in Pitch, his cloths were in shreds, and there was scratches all across his arms, legs, and face. Thorns were sticking out from his bits of his clothes. Pitch's hair was bent at angles, and ratted. Mother Nature sure did a number on him.
Jack was the first to react, and he shot a gigantic lump of ice at Pitch, but soon after Pitch dodged it, boomerangs, wings, swords, and sand were swung at him.
Of course, Pitch being the numskull he was, returned, even after his punishment, just to spite Jack..of course he now knew that it wasn't such a good idea.
The guardians were unleashing all their fury on him, Jack the most.
They continued , blow after blow, kicking, scratching, freezing, cutting Pitch. He had gone to far this time, normally, he would just give children nightmares, but this! This! killing a child was beyond the limit, and Pitch was getting punishment.
This was something even for Jack, he was never known to hold a grudge, so this was something.
Pitch could tell he was losing, and with as much strength as he could muster, he bounded over to the casket that held Emma's body.
The guardians started to advance on him, but before they could stop him, Pitch formed his black scythe and brought it above his head.
"Let us see how dear Emma is doing?" Pitch smirked with spiky teeth shining darkly.
He brought he scythe up, and brought it down with all his might.
Everything was white, like a blank slate.
Emma walked through the whiteness, she felt a light and airy feeling, but dread still crept into her heart.
The last thing she remembered was talking to Jack, and then darkness.
Emma continued to walk, her hair was in a french braid on the back of her head. Her short dress turned into a longer white one with a white shawl with golden lacing. Her eyes were hazel like all those years ago when she still lived.
She continued to walk, but stopped when she saw figures in the distance. Emma squinted at them, and ran towards the figures straight into their arms.
There stood Emma's parents all dressed in white like her, and with them was someone with his trademark smirk. Jack stared down at her, his hair was brown and his eyes hazel once more, not white and blue.
"W-where am I?" Emma whispered, tears of joy fell from her eyes, running along her cheeks, "H-how are you here? Why are y-you here?"
"We are in the Between, and we are here to help you make your decision.." Jack smiled gently.
"What decision?"
Her parents smiled, "Because you died in sacrifice for your brother-"
Emma cut her mother off, "Wow wow wow, hang on a minute, is Jack dead?!"
"No, I'm just the part of Jack that died a long time ago," Jack chuckled.
"As I was saying, because you sacrificed yourself for your brother, you get to have a choice on whether to live or die. You see, you can only die if MiM takes pity on you, and right now, he is giving you the choice between life and death.."
"But, I don't want to leave you, and, and, I don't want to leave Jack either!"
"We do not want to lean your decision, but remember, Jack will miss you, and you have to remake that bond that was broken 300 years ago with him, but you will always have us, except you shall be dead," Jack chuckled nervously, he was never good at seriousness.
Emma knew that she had to make a decision, she didn't want to leave her old family..but, she had a new one now..And even though she never really knew the others that well, Emma knew that they were her family.
Her heart hurt trying to decide, but after several moments, she nodded her head slightly to herself.
"I've decided..I want to live, and live the life I never got too," Emma smiled weakly.
"Then if that is your decision, we will respect it," her dad said, placing his hand on her shoulder.
"Goodbye, mother, father, Jack," Emma closed her eyes, and felt herself being whisked away, but before she was gone, she yelled to her family, "See you soon!"
Emma was gone, she was back to her astral plane.
"Hopefully not too soon.." Jack squeezed his eyes shut, and let a tear slip as a breeze went by them and blew them away like sand on a beach.
(At the Pole)
The scythe flew down, the air whistling as it went.
"No! the guardians shrieked together, but held their breaths when a arm broke the wood, and came up from the casket, and in mere seconds, caught the handle of the scythe.
"What!" Pitch shrieked, and was thrown back by an incredible force.
From the casket emerged Emma, looking as healthy and not dead as a possible, except for one little thing.
Her eyes were glowing white, her brown hair ablaze with fury, her dress was a white so fierce that it stung to look at. Emma grabbed the scythe handle once more, and yanked it from Pitch;s grasp, and threw it to the side.
She started to advance on Pitch menacingly. He scooted backwards in real fear, but hid it, to not show weakness. Emma grabbed Pitch's shirt and flung him against a wall.
She pulled out her bow and arrow, and aimed it menacingly at Pitch.
But she didn't release, even when he was cornered on a wall.
She only spoke to him, malice laced in her words.
"Alright, listen up Pitch, you can hurt me all you want okay!? But let's get one thing straight!"
Emma slightly lowered her bow, only just so that she was now nose-to-nose, "You will not hurt my family, my past, present, or future family, dead or alive! Got it?"
Pitch just nodded dumbly, for once in his life, he was actually afraid.
"I'm not going to kill you, because if I did, I would be just like you, so I'll let you go, just never ever try to hurt my family again!"
Emma stepped away, and let Pitch disappear into the shadows, the light faded from her eyes, and she turned to the other guardians.
"Miss me?" she tilted her head slightly.
"Drama queen much?" Jack laughed and bear hugged her.
The rest of the guardians joined in, trying to take what just happened all in. They decided to ask about it later when all the chaos had died down.
Soon, the yeti's were coming in, grumbling about having to clean up the wall that crumbled by the impact of Pitch hitting it.
But other than that, everything was fine.
The guardians had a new family member, and after what Pitch had just attempted, he wouldn't bother them for a long, long time.
And when that time came, they would be ready.
Well, here you are! This story is finally at an end, and I want to thank you all for all the support in this story! I have so many idea's that are swirling in my head! If you want me to do any one-shots or have any story idea's that you want me to try, let me know! Review or PM me, and I'll let you know! Hope you enjoyed this story, and..yea..see you in another story! Byyyyeeee!