Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to nor do I make profit from my writing about any characters from any form of star wars whether that be Movies television shows, books. comics video games or anything else you can think of.

I would like to apologize for the delay I kinda wrote myself into a corner and was unsure of how to write myself back out. I hate getting ideas that seem great and then don't really pan out. I will try to keep that from happening in the future but I don't have a set guideline for this story. I am free writing this as I go which also explains why you may find spelling or other errors, I really don't do much proof reading. Alright on with the story I hope you enjoy it and May the force be with you.

"Are there any details? Anything you recognize from your vision?" Ahsoka asked after they got back to Bail Organa's place.

"No I was in a forest, all I could see were trees and my lightsaber clashing with another. A red blade. The rest is clouded." Alaran said and shook his head trying to clear it of the fogginess that now clouded it.

"The sith lord?" Kanan asked.

"I don't know, it didn't feel like I could see was a figure clad in black and cloaked but given recent events that is pretty likely." Alaran answered.

"It has to be a sith doesn't it? I mean who else wields red blades?" Ezra asked.

"I do on occasion. The color doesn't necessarily signify a sith warrior they just use synthetic red crystals. The synthetic crystals make for stronger lightsaber blades." Alaran answered.

"Alaran doesn't have much experience with precognition. Practically none." Ahsoka answered for them.

"I remember my first vision until you learn to see the details in them they are very unclear." Kanan explained to Ezra. "Although with your force abilities I find it hard to believe you experience it so rarely." Kanan then said to Alaran.

"Actually I have never experienced it before. I am extremely gifted with battle precognition that allows me to sense the flows of the force and anticipate my enemies actions when fighting but never a full foresight." Alaran explained.

"Wow that is odd. So you were in a forest do you know what planet?" Hera asked.

"How many planets have forests?" Alaran asked in return. "Hundreds, thousands there is no way to know for sure. I will meditate on it and see if I can clear things up." Alaran answered his own question and headed toward the bedroom he and Ahsoka used when they stayed on Alderaan.

"Is there anything we can do to help him?" Ezra asked after Alaran and Ahsoka left. "If someone is able to kill him what hope do the rest of us have?"

"Without knowing where or when his vision takes place the only thing we could do is ensure that someone is with him at all times. He didn't mention seeing anyone else in his vision so if we can keep things from continuing the way they would have naturally, perhaps we can change the outcome." Kanan suggested.

"You know what his response will be don't you? He will not risk causing one of us to die along with him, nor will he shut himself in and avoid forested areas." Hera said.

"Then we don't give him the option of going anywhere alone. We stand our ground. Something as small as providing support could completely change the outcome." Sabine said.

"so which one of you is going to be the one to oppose him?" Zeb asked causing the others to look around at each other.

"Do we know there is not more behind it? I mean what if he sacrificed himself to save one of us or for the greater good of the rebellion. I know neither of us know him that well but he does seem like he would do anything in his power to aid the rebellion." Ezra said.

"We have no way of knowing anything for sure. Unless he can piece more of the puzzle together its all just speculation and we are just going to give ourselves headaches guessing at what actually happened in his vision. We should all get some sleep." Kanan said.

"Kanan is right lets turn in. There is nothing we can do for him right now." Hera said.

The ghost crew all agreed and went to the separate rooms that had been set up for them.

"Are you all right?" Ahsoka asked Alaran as she sat on the edge of their bed next to him.

I am fine Ahsoka, How are you? We haven't had much time to talk since the mental attack from the Sith lord." Alaran asked.

"I don't think it was a mental attack. How many Jedi or Sith for that matter have you known that could influence a mind like mine?" She asked him.

"None that could but we have no idea who exactly we are dealing with. He could be far more powerful than anything we have ever dealt with." Alaran explained.

"You have dueled him and you have much more experience than Kanan or Ezra in dealing with force sensitives does he really seem that much more powerful than anyone we have ever come across?" She asked.

"Powerful yes, perhaps the most powerful I have ever encountered power nearing my own but I would only ever be able to influence you because of our strong connection." Alaran answered.

"Exactly, I believe he and I share a connection." Ahsoka said.

"That would make more sense, but who?" Alaran asked.

"I have no idea but I need to find out. Tomorrow I will take a ship and I plan on running down some leads." She answered.

"Are you sure that's smart. If he has a strong connection to you he may be able to find you." Alaran said.

"Do you trust me?" She asked.

"Of course I do you know that." He answered.

"Then you know that I will not walk into a trap and that should I encounter him it will not be on his terms." She said and placed her hand in his. "You don't need to worry when I have someone like you to return to I promise that I will return.

"So you and I are both going our separate ways tomorrow what about the crew?" Alaran asked.

"I have a recruitment mission for them." Ahsoka said. "Now I am going to sleep I will leave you to meditate and figure out your vision. "Goodnight Alaran."

"Goodnight Ahsoka."

"Did you realize anything new from your vision during your meditation?" Kanan asked as Alaran joined the crew the next morning.

"No nothing." Alaran said clearly troubled.

"Well we are to continue training, maybe focusing on something else will clear your mind." Kanan responded.

"I am afraid training will have to wait. I have to take a trip to see an old friend who may be able to help." Alaran informed the crew.

"Ok but I am coming with you." Kanan said.

"I know what you are trying to do and I appreciate it. I will not be going into any jungles you do not have to worry. Rejoin the fleet, I will not be long. Your crew needs you more than I do." Alaran countered.

"How will you get to where you are going if we take the ship?" Hera asked him.

"Senator Organa was kind enough to lend me a transport ship." Alaran answered. "Now if there is nothing else we should all get going."

Back aboard the rebel cruiser the crew gathered around a holo transmission of Commander Sato. Discussing plans for a rebel base of operations after their former command ship was destroyed. The only problem being that none of the potential bases known to the crew have the tactical advantage needed to protect an entire fleet. Or aid the nearby systems suffering from imperial oppression as Kanan interjected.

"I know of someone who may be able to help us." Ahsoka joined in. "A great military commander with a vast knowledge of the outer rim. He could assist us in finding a base. His experienced leadership could make him a powerful ally."

"How do we recruit this leader?" Commander Sato asked.

"That's the problem I lost track of him a long time ago and all my transmissions have gone unanswered." She informed him and the crew.

"We can find him, let us try." Ezra offered.

"There is one option I've not yet attempted." She said. "Ready the Ghost I will fill you in soon."

Shortly afterward Ahsoka walked onto the cockpit of the Ghost carrying the head of an old tactical droid. She proceeded to explain that they were great at finding things and explained that they found her old master several times and even her and Alaran when they did not want to be found. She then went on to explain that her friend was last seen in the Silos system and that they should start their before turning to leave the cockpit.

"You're not coming with us?" Ezra asked.

"I have something else to attend to." She informed them.

"The Sith Lord." Kanan seemed to know what she was after.

"There are questions. Questions that need answers." She said.

"I wish we could go with you." Ezra said and got up from his seat.

"You have your own mission Ezra. And Kanan, if you find my friend you must trust him." She then replied.

"If he is everything you say I don't see how we could afford not to." Kanan responded.

"Trust him." Ahsoka said again mysteriously before the door to the cockpit closed.

"What was that about?" Ezra asked.

"I have no idea." Kanan shrugged and took his seat as the ghost prepared to take off.

Alaran arrived at his destination and began feeling for signs of the force. He trudged the damp moist planet after picking up the force signature he was searching for. On a planet as strong with the force as the one he was currently on finding his target was a difficult task. He got close he knew his friend was close when suddenly a familiar voice cut through the dense fog.

"Good to see you again it is. Long time it has been." Yoda said emerging from a cave on Dagobah.

"Its good to see you as well old friend." Alaran said and approached the small green Jedi and bowed before shaking his hand.

"Long way you have traveled. Social visit this is not." Yoda said sensing Alaran's troubles.

"Sadly no. I have foreseen something troubling Master Yoda yet it is unclear and I am unable to focus it." Alaran explained and entered the cave.

"Troubling it must be. Fear I sense within you." Master Yoda replied.

"All I am unable to make out is my death and I am in a forest somewhere battling someone strong with the dark side." Alaran explained his vision.

"Hmm rare it is, to foresee ones own end. The death of others we so often see. To fear ones own death is understandable but dangerous." He said and sat down inside the cave.

"fear for myself no, but for the fate of the rebellion yes. I guess the reason I came here is to ask if it would be possible for you to meditate with me to find out if you can see something I can not?" Alaran asked hopeful.

"Possible it is, however help you I will not." Yoda responded. "Unbalanced you are, strong the dark side is. Path you are on dangerous it is."

"I have been more on edge lately, less patient and abrasive." Alaran responded.

"Difficult leading a war hmm? Making decisions?" Yoda asked.

"I guess I never seemed how difficult it was for you and the other council members and still keep yourselves together." Alaran said.

"More than one of us there were. Easier the decisions were when spread among us." Yoda said.

"I understand it now. Back to the reason I came here, you are saying you cant help me because my mind is too clouded with the dark side?" Alaran asked.

"No good it will do the reason is. Multiple paths there are, difficult to discern what path concludes in your vision." Yoda answered. "The path you decide your own journey it is."

"I understand Master. I am off then, to Moraband I will go." Alaran said before saying his goodbyes to the former jedi master.

Alaran arrived on the barren planet of Moraband at the valley of the dark lords. He stepped off of his transport and a wave of dark energy washed over him sending chills down his spine but making him feel immensely powerful at the same time. The power of the dark side remained so strong here that very little life whether plant or animal could survive. So many powerful Sith lords have been buried on the planets or millennia that the entire planet down to its very core had become corrupted.

Alaran looked up at the massive burial temple of the Sith lords. He could feel the dark presence within himself beating at him to be unleashed it took all the restraint he could muster to keep it at bay. He marched to the front door and it opened to him on it's own accord. He walked in to a large room with nothing in it but a spiral staircase leading down into a dark abyss. Alaran lit his lightsaber to illuminate the narrow staircase.

Before long Alaran reached the bottom of the staircase. Three paths split off into different sections of the tomb. Alaran reached out through the force to find the best path. He has no Idea what to expect once he got here he just knew that if he were to discover where the dark side would lead him.

He ultimately chose the path to the left. He walked through the hall illuminated only by his lightsaber until the hallway opened into another large burial room with a sarcophagus in the center of it. Alaran approached the sarcophagus amazed at the beautiful scripts scrawled all over it depicting many battles. The scrawlings seemed familiar but Alaran was unable to place it. He began searching for a name of who this tomb belonged to but was unable to find anything.

"This one belongs to you." A voice said from across the coffin.

Alaran looked up and noticed a black cloaked figure, its face covered in shadow.

"Who are you?" Alaran asked and approached the figure.

The cloaked figure pulled his cloak back and Alaran saw a man he remembered from a Holocron he studied at the Jedi temple.

"Now do you know who I am?" The figure asked.

"Darth Bane, Ancient dark lord of the Sith. You created the rule of two. Why did you come before me?" Alaran asked.

"I know what has become of the Sith. They are becoming what they were before I created the rule of two. Their methods failed for many millennia and they still have not grasped this." Bane said and walked around the sarcophagus keeping his eye on Alaran.

"That doesn't answer my question." Alaran said.

"If only I had an apprentice as strong as you when I was alive. We could have ruled the Galaxy." Bane said.

"You wouldn't have wanted me as your apprentice. I would have killed you long before Zannah did." Alaran smirked and Bane laughed. "Now stop evading my question. Why did you come before me?"

"Because with my help you can destroy the Sith and restore the order to its rightful glory." Bane said. "But in order to do so you must embrace the dark side."

"I have spent my life keeping the dark side at bay, struggling to maintain peace within myself." Alaran responded.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion." Bane said.

"Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory, my chains are broken.
The Force shall free me." Alaran finished the mantra.

"I am familiar with your motto. While I believe parts of it other parts I disagree with. I believe our chains can strengthen us." Alaran then said.

"Your chains hold you back. You have spent so much time training a woman who will never be strong enough to continue in your footsteps. And now you train two Jedi who are too weak to deserve to live. Imagine where you would be if you embraced your true power. Better yet close your eyes and I shall show you your fate."

Alaran closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He began to feel the dark energy soothe as he began to meditate. Before long his mind began to fade and shortly later a vision began to fade back in.

Alaran saw himself sitting at the head of a ship, storm troopers all around him.

"Darth Odious, The situation on vhemos has ben resolved peacefully. However the Rodian government is seeking more aide in rebuilding after the last assault that wiped out the last of the rebellion." A Storm trooper commander reported. Apart from the rebellion the Pikes and black sun have both fallen. Jabba the hutt has also agreed to turn over control of the outer rim territories for the sake of his own life.

"As far as the pikes and black sun whee one beast falls another will rise keep up the pressure on organized crime. Kill Jabba anyway that disgusting worm doesn't deserve to live. Inform the Rodians they are on their own and if they continue to press the matter I will come to discuss it with them personally. Alaran responded menacingly.

Darth Odious walked off to his meditation chamber where he looked on to the trophies he had taken in battle. Among them the black cloak of Darth Sidious, Darth Vaders helmet and their lightsabers displayed before them. Alaran felt a sense of pride as he looked on and realized what this potential future held. His eyes continued looking at the many more trophies until he noticed Ezra's lightsaber blaster next to Sabines brightly colored mandalorian armor, Zeb's blaster, the storm trooper armor that Kanan stole, and then the sight that brought him back to reality Ahsoka's dual white lightsabers.

"You see what could be accomplished if you heed my words." The force ghost of bane more stated than asked.

"I will never follow give myself over to the ways of the sith!" Alaran shouted and force pushed the spirit. Bane disappeared and Alaran sighed. He turned to leave only to find himself face to face with the spirit once again. Alaran's hand shot to his lightsaber out of instinct.

"If you do not you will die." Bane responded.

"A fate I will greet happily after seeing the alternative." Alran responded before walking through the apparition.

"And what of the fate of your allies?" The spirit then asked before fading away leaving alaran standing alone once again in a dark tomb.

Alaran made his way back to his ship. He took off happy to be leaving this horrible planet behind when he suddenly realized he had no idea where to head next. He reached out through the force until a vision of a planet called telos along the hydian way called out to him. He mapped out a hyperspace route and sat back while the ship flew to his current destination.

The ship dropped out of hyperpace several hours later and Alaran piloted to the surface of the planet. The beautiful lush planet felt oddly refreshing to alaran as he began walking in no particular direction. He reached a jungle shortly later and stopped before making his way in. It looked like his vision. Alaran looked on cautiously but realized he would receive no answers if he turned back. He entered the jungle cautiously and felt for signs of the dark side as he trekked.

Hours later and Alaran came to a river running through the jungle. He stopped to rest and refresh himself in the crystal clear waters. He laid on the bank of the river and before long he fell asleep.

"Alaran wake up there is much work to be done." Ahsokas voice rang out and Alaran awoke from the river bank. "These crops aren't going to harvest themselves."

Alaran got up and walked to greet her. He picked her up and spun her around before kissing her and setting her back on her feet. "Your absolutely right, lets get to work." He said and walked back to the farm.

After a hard days work he walked inside their farmhouse to be greeted by two young togrutta/human twins barely able to walk, a warm feeling washed over him as the family sat down for supper.

After they had finished eating and the children were put to bed Ahsoka headed to get a shower to wash the day off of her. Alaran picked up a holo recording of recent events. Picture after picture of burned planets, death and destruction played out before his eyes. The horrific sites turned his stomach.

"What did I tell you about that?" Ahsoka asked still wet after she stepped out of the shower.

"I know I just picked it up to check the weather forecast and to get an idea of what this harvest will sell for but its on every page now Ahsoka." Alaran responded.

"You want to rejoin the rebellion?" She asked.

"No we have children to look out for now. The jedi no longer exist and neither does our involvement in this war."

Alaran snapped back awake feeling terrible for the first time. Three different paths and neither of them work out. If he continues his current path he will die but the rebellion will live on. The path of the dark side allows him to destroy the sith at the cost of his friends and his own humanity or he can turn from the war all together and start a family knowing he turned his back on the rebellion leaving them to get slaughtered time and time again. Three paths and the only right choice costs him his life. Alaran realizes what he has to do the rebellion must live on.