Hey there, guys! So, here it is... the final chapter of Gone Away Like JFK. I can't believe it's over. I'm beyond proud of this fanfic, so to see it come to an end is actually quite bittersweet. I just hope to God that this chapter doesn't disappoint!

As promised, these are the real-life crimes I borrowed inspiration from. Keep in mind I only borrowed little things, rather than every damn thing about the cases. I suggest to look them up when you have the chance to fully understand. Anyways, the cases are: the assassintion of John F. Kennedy (obviously, what with the title); the murder of John Lennon; the murder spree of Andrew Cunanan; and serial killer Belle Gunness.

I want to thank anyone and everyone that read, favourited, and/or followed this story. I also want to than those that reviewed this fanfic. This means guest reviewers, as well as the following readers (this is in no particular order, by the way): Starryskys102, EchoMoonHuntress, Satsuki Inuyasha Imaizumi, MahNati, F-ZeroSamus, pk-smash-attack, Paradigm of Writing, MaskedGamer, Smash King24, ChaiCat17, Bluefoot, Shana Hager, dragon0551, Ignitious, yoloaurus, and Lady Paprika. Again, thank you all so much for your support! :)

I own absolutely nothing.

Anyways, please read & enjoy! :D

Caeda never arrived at the precinct.

At first, the agents simply thought that she was running late. It was Friday in the afternoon, and traffic was usually terrible at that time. But by the time the sun had been replaced with the moon, Ike got worried.

"Something's not right," he said.

"No kidding," Snake grunted. "She's the First Lady, for God's sake. She's punctual on every occasion."

"I'll call the Parliament House to see if something happened," Rob piped up.

But before he could even pick up the phone, it rang. He answered it with a surprised look on his face.

"SSA Rob."

"Oh, I'm so glad you answered, Agent!" Captain Falcon exclaimed.

Rob had to pull the phone away from his ear because of Captain Falcon's loud voice. When he brought it back to his ear, he spoke again.

"Why? What's the matter?"

"Caeda… Caeda told us she was going to her room to get something. When I tried to get her down for dinner, she refused to leave. I thought she wasn't hungry, so I didn't push it. But now she's saying she'll never leave her room. Please talk some sense into her!"

"We're on our way," Rob said. He then abruptly hung up.

"Who was that?" Ike asked.

"That was Captain Falcon, head of the SSS," Rob revealed. "Caeda's barricaded herself in her room. She told Falcon that 'she'll never leave her room'. This doesn't sound good."

"We need to leave now."

The three agents found Luigi and Samus and briefed them on what just transpired. They quickly joined them in a fast ride to the Parliament House.

"Something is definitely wrong," Luigi remarked on the way over.

"The guilt's gotten to her," Snake said. "She's cracking under all the pressure, and she doesn't know how to cope."

"There's only two ways that this is gonna end," Samus pointed out. "She'll either be arrested, or dead."

The male agents Samus was sharing a car with exchanged uneasy glances. They knew that she was right, but that didn't make them feel better at all.

The SBI entered the Parliament House to see the SSS pacing frantically. Ike caught Captain Falcon's attention, much to the latter's relief.

"Agents! God, am I ever glad you're here!" he bellowed.

"Where's Caeda's room?" Ike questioned.

Captain Falcon pointed to the left. "It's the door on the end of this hallway."

The agents forced the SSS into a separate room so that they wouldn't interfere. They then slowly crept up to Caeda's bedroom door.

"Caeda? This is the SBI," Ike called out. "Come out slowly with your hands up!"

"No! I can't let you do that to me!" she cried.

"Caeda, it's Snake," Snake piped up. "I'm the one you last spoke on the phone with. Do you remember?"

There was a brief pause before he got his answer.

"Yes," she replied.

"I only wanted to update you on your husband's case," Snake added.

"You can tell me from there," Caeda sneered.

"We caught the killer! He's been arrested and charged with your husband's death."

The only response given to that was silence.

"Aren't you at least satisfied with that? We caught your husband's killer! He'll never hurt another innocent person again."

Again, Snake and the rest of the SBI didn't get a response.

"Caeda," Ike said, "we need you to come and talk. We can talk this out. You shouldn't have to hide-"


The sudden gunshot made all the agents fall to the ground.

"Is anyone hurt?" Ike asked.

None of the agents were wounded, making Ike suspicious. So they grabbed their weapons and stood strategically in the hallway.

"This is your last warning, Caeda!" Ike shouted. "Slowly exit with your hands up!"

No one heard a thing on the other side of the door. This forced them to prepare for the worse.

"We need to make entry," Snake muttered.

Ike nodded. "On my mark."

Once he gave out the hand signal, he and Rob both kicked down the door. The remaining agents rushed in behind them.

"SBI!" a few of the agents shouted.

It was Samus who made the grisly discovery.

"Over here, guys," she said.

Everyone walked over to find Caeda lying in a pool of her own blood. Most of the blood came from the back of her head, stating the obvious.

"She shot herself in the mouth," Rob announced.

Samus checked for a pulse, but found none.

"Time of death?"

"10:55 PM," Samus confirmed.

Some of the agents soon left to do different duties. Samus left to call the coroner to collect Caeda's body. Meanwhile, Ike and Luigi went to speak to the SSS. This meant that Snake and Rob were alone with Caeda's lifeless body.

"I didn't think it would end like this," Rob admitted.

"None of us did," Snake replied. "No one wanted this to end this way."

Rob's eyes wandered over her bedroom. They stopped at the sight of an open laptop. He walked over to see what was on it.

"She wrote a suicide note," he said.

Snake walked over to read it alongside him.

I'm so sorry…

Or am I?

I don't even know anymore.

Since I'm going to die, I might as well be honest, right?

The SBI thinks that I killed Roy, my first husband. When one of their agents questioned me about it, I told her to fuck off. I wasn't going to talk to them without my lawyer, and I told her so. I didn't want to get caught! I've been able to get away with this for so long- how could I possibly get caught now? I couldn't!

Roy needed to die. I had to kill the son of a bitch. That life insurance policy I made him get "just in case" was my true love- not him. I just wanted to get rich off him. I didn't want to work! Killing Roy for his insurance money was the easiest way for me to get rich.

I wasn't gonna ever do something like that again until I met Marth. He didn't interest me at first because he looked kind of plain, and generally not my type. But when he told me that he was a Senator wanting to run for President, I wanted him. I didn't want his love. I wanted the money he was going to get with becoming the President.

I wasn't surprised when he fell for me. I knew how to make him fall in love with me. I knew how to act like I loved him. That's why I wasn't surprised when we ended up getting married. His mother didn't care for me, but Marth dismissed it. I guess love blinded him enough to make him not care about her opinion.

I convinced him to get us BOTH life insurance policies. I figured that if I got myself one as well, than it wouldn't look suspicious. I was surprised how easily Marth agreed to it. He never knew that his policy was worth more than mine because he let me take care of it. I was in charge of staying on top of our life insurance policies.

But how was I to know that someone was going to kill Marth before I could?! I was so angry when he died! Yeah, I got a good chunk of that policy. But I didn't get the extra payout for his death being as accident, which is WHAT I WANTED. I deserved it, damn it! I deserved every penny of that damn policy.

I can't live like this anymore. Ever since Marth died, all I've been worried about is the SBI finding out what I did. But you know what? I don't care anymore. This is my confession. I know they're going to probably read it, so why leave anything unwritten? That doesn't make sense, in my opinion.

I'm going to end my life because I can't handle this anymore. The benefit of Roy's death is long gone, and I never got to fully benefit from Marth's death. I'd rather die than be stuck in a goddamn jail cell for the rest of my days. Death will be better than jail, that's for sure.

I wish I could say that I'll be joining my ex-husbands in heaven, but we all know that's a lie.

I'll see you in hell.

- Caeda

"Holy shit," Rob sighed.

Snake let out a low whistle. "Well, she definitely killed Roy. And she did want to kill Marth."

Rob sent it to Robin for further analysis. It wasn't really necessary anymore, but it couldn't hurt. He wanted to see if she spotted something that he and Snake had missed.

"This woman was a sociopath," he said. "A textbook sociopath."

"She chose death instead of jail," Snake mused. "That makes her a coward, too."

The men suddenly heard angry shouting coming from outside the bedroom. They didn't have to look out in the hall to now that the SSS had just learned of Caeda's death.

"They had nothing to do with either death," Rob pointed out.

"True," Snake said. "They're victims too, when you think about it. Caeda managed to play them- as well as Marth and Roy- for fools."

"What's gonna happen to them now?"

"Only time will tell, Rob. We should leave so that the M.E. can do her job."

Rob nodded. "Let's go, then."

"The SBI has arrested the person responsible for killing the President of Smashville, Marth. This person has also killed other innocent people before assassinating the President. We are confident that we have the correct person in custody. He has been charged with four counts of first-degree murder. He will be punished to the full extent of the law for his crimes."

As soon as Lucina finished her statement, journalists began asking her questions. Before she could pick someone from the crowd, Rob passed her a piece of paper. On it revealed the less than happy news about Caeda.

"I've just received some sad news," she began.

At this, the press became quiet.

"I regret to inform you that First Lady Caeda was found dead in her home tonight. The coroner has already determined that her death was a suicide."

Shouts of shock and sadness began to erupt from the crowd. Some journalists managed to compose themselves enough to try and ask questions.

"The SBI will investigate the circumstances of the First Lady's death," Lucina said. "We hope to answer some of our questions once we know everything. This will happen at a later date. That's why, we will not be taking any questions now. Thank you."

With that, she high tailed inside SBI headquarters, much to the press' dismay. All they could do now was speculate on what little information they had been given.

Lucina headed to Ike's office. She knocked twice on his door.

"Come in," he said.

"Hello, Sir," Lucina greeted. "I just wanted to know if you felt as though I did well with the press release."

"You always do well," Ike replied. "I'm never worried. You did great tonight like always."

"Thank you. Although I do have one question, if you don't mind my asking."

"What might that be?"

"Why do you want the media to focus on Caeda's suicide instead of Whitman's arrest? I'm not disagreeing with your choice, but I am confused about it."

Ike's eyes hardened. "Whitman wanted to become famous by killing all those innocent people. Why in the hell would I give him what he wanted? And yes, I'd like the media to ignore Caeda too, but it won't work. The public's gonna learn a lot about her that's gonna destroy her reputation quickly. So I'm not too worried about what's to come."

Lucina nodded. "I understand. I apologize if my question made you… uncomfortable."

"Don't apologize, Lucina. You have every right to ask whatever you want. I'm just glad you've managed to handle everything while we were away. You were incredible."

"Thank you, Sir! By the way, I have a couple case files that I need you to glance over when you have a moment. I picked two that I think you'll be interested in."

"Just drop them off on my desk when you get the chance. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Sir."

When Lucina left his office, Ike couldn't help but groan loudly.

There's always another case after the one that's finished, he thought.

Even though Robin was done work for the day, she hadn't left her office. She'd already shut down her computers and bid Lucina goodbye. But she still couldn't bring herself to get up and leave the room. She just sat in her seat on the brink of tears.

"You're still here?"

"Yep," Robin replied without moving.

Rob walked over and sat in the other office chair. "What's wrong?"

"Ugh, it's nothing."

"Don't you lie to me, baby girl. You know I don't buy that bullshit."

Robin groaned. Times like this made her annoyed that she and Rob were so close. He could read her so easily, and vice versa.

"I know the case has been stressful," Rob said. "It's been stressful on everyone, believe me."

"That's not it," Robin admitted. "Well… that's not all of it, if we're being honest."

"So what's the matter then?"

"I… can't help but wonder if people actually love each other anymore. I feel like people actually being in love is rarer than a blue moon. Gods, I don't know what else to say! It makes me wonder if love even exists anymore. Does it still exist, Rob? Or is love just a word that has lost its once powerful meaning?"

Rob looked startled by what his colleague had just admitted. He blinked as he tried to comprehend it all.

"I'm sorry for dumping all this on you out of nowhere," a now embarrassed Robin added. "I just needed to let this go, and it feels wonderful! I feel as though a huge weight as been lifted off my shoulders! I had to do that, or else I was gonna explode. At least, I think I would have."

"Love does exist, Robin. I myself have not yet experienced it, but I'm confident in my belief. The reason you doubt love's existence is because of people like Whitman and Caeda. If Whitman truly loved his wife, he wouldn't have become a serial killer. If Caeda loved either ex-husband, she wouldn't have become a serial killer. She probably wouldn't have married Marth in the first place, too. But believe me when I say that love does exist. Does that make you feel any better?"

"It does. Thank you, Rob. I wanna apologize for my outburst. I-"

Robin was cut off by a sudden kiss to her left temple. Her facial expression went from content to surprise in a nanosecond.

"Don't apologize, love," Rob said. "I hate seeing you upset. Now, what say we join the rest of the team out for some fun? We've all earned it."

"I'd like that. I'd like that a lot, actually. Thank you."

The two agents finally left to join their colleagues and friends for a night out.

The End

There ya go! I hope you all enjoyed it. :)

Review Responses:

Shana Hager: And I hope this chapter didn't disappoint either!

Guest: Thank you! Snake is older, so it makes sense that the rest of the team would see him as a father figure of sorts. I'm sad this is over, too. I have no idea what to write next, to be honest. I'll post a poll about it soon, hopefully.

MahNati: Maybe this chapter answered your question regarding a twist? XD LOL, you and your obsession for Robin x Robin. It's so cute! To answer your question about Whitman, he panicked. He's a killer, it's what he does. I feel like he didn't want to get caught at first because he still wanted to kill. But when Luigi was like, "Don't you want everyone to know what you did?", Whitman was like, "Hell yeah!" because he killed people to become famous. To sum it up, he panicked because he wasn't totally sure about getting caught until Luigi brought up becoming famous. I hope that answers your question.

EchoMoonHuntress: I know, right? Poor Winnie indeed. She did nothing to deserve having her life destroyed by her husband's actions. It is quite poetic, when you think about it. Glad you like the previous chapter!

Please review, and don't forget to check out all of my other fanfics! :D

With all my love,

- Elizabeth