Liv had been at the scene about an hour when she heard a text message come through. She looked at that message that read 'At my place. Meet me when you are done. –A'

A smile graced the woman's face, and when she was finished with the scene, she did just that. Liv rushed through the traffic to make quick time of the drive to the upper Manhattan condo. Once there, she willed the elevator to move as quickly as possible to Alex's floor. When she was in front of Alex's door, she took a deep breath, knocked on the door and waited. All she could do was grin as high class Alexandra Cabot answered the door in the skimpiest, black-laced teddy that she had ever seen. It reeked of sex and power. It fit Alex's personality to a tee.

"Liv. I am standing in the doorway half naked. Do you think that you can close your mouth and come inside?"

Liv smiled. "Come inside, I can do. Close me mouth? I'm making no promises." Wrapping her arms around Alex's midsection, she walked her backward inside until the door closed beside them.

"Liv?" A hand waved in front of her face. "Earth to Liv."

Liv snapped out of the daydream to look Elliot in the eyes. "What?"

"Where the hell did you just go?"


"What's wrong with you lately? For weeks you have been staring into space, missing details, and yesterday you started laughed during a code. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I did not laugh during a code, El. That's an exaggeration."

"You did that zoning out thing and started giggling. It isn't my fault that they had just called a time of death."

"What do you need?" Liv huffed.

"You know Strong down in homicide?"

"You are not about to compare me to David Strong."

"Look, he started all this staring off and screwing things up-"

"What have I screwed up?"

"You missed the tag on a getaway car last we-"

"The guy was firing at us Elliot and he was going…like…60."

"I have never seen you miss somet-"

"What do you want, Elliot? Strong was snorting crack on an undercover op and got caught. Are you asking me if I am snorting crack, Elliot? Because the answer is no."

"You'd tell me if there was something wrong, right?"

"If I were snorting crack, yes."

"So what is it?

"Nothing! Nothing is wrong."


"What were you wanting?" Olivia was now sounding as annoyed as Stabler seemed.

"Cap says that we have to meet with the family of that woman over on the east side. They called in the missing persons last night, but had to wait the 24 hours, so we're up."

"I'm behind you." Liv stood and followed Elliot out the door.

They had been in the car for almost 10 minutes when Liv huffed. "I'm sorry for snapping at you."

"Mhm." Was all that came from Elliot. He knew Liv well enough to know that he had to wait her out.

"I just have some stuff that I'm dealing with…outside of work."


"Okay? That's all? You have been riding me for a week and you say 'okay'?"

"Yep." Elliot was almost ignoring Liv.

"What's the deal, Elliot?"

He smiled. "Well, you see, I am one half of the best detective partnerships in this fine city. So I would think that you know, very little gets by me."

"What do I owe this pat on the back moment that you are having with yourself right now?"

"What happened between you and Cabot?"

"Wha- what- I don't even- know- what you mean."

"Yeah. You answered that question well. Very convincing."

"Nothing happened."



"So you and Cabot ignoring each other is just my imagination?"

"Yeeeep." Liv stared out the window.

"And the fact that all this started the night of my party, that my imagination too?"

"I guess so."

"And the day that we went to make that big arrest? You leaving and letting Finn go? The day Alex called into work sick?"

"You have an overactive imagination." Liv chuckled.

"So you are denying that anything happened?"


There was silence in the car for a moment. "The day after my birthday party, I received a text from you."

Liv knew that she was busy with the case, with Elliot standing in front of her. After that she went home to Alex and never touched her phone the remainder of the weekend. She hadn't sent him a text. "I didn't send you a text. I was with you."

"Yeah." Elliot parked the car and turned in his seat to face Liv. "It came in right after we left the scene. It said that you were going to do some very dirty things to me when you got home." By the sudden redness to Liv's face, Elliot knew that Liv had put together which message he was talking about. "I figured the message wasn't supposed to come to me since I wasn't the one who was, and I quote, sitting on your face the night before-"

"Dear God, just stop." Liv had your hands over her face. "When did you figure- oh God Elliot you can't tell anyone. Not even Kathy. Promise me!"

"I won't. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It was just that one weekend." Liv shock her head. "It's been 3 weeks and I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop thinking about her."

"Have you told her?"

"I don't need to. She knows and I'm pretty sure that she is in the same predicament."

"So what's the hold up?"

"It's me. I told her that we couldn't do this."

"Wait! Did you say weekend? Like not one time, but a weekend? As in multiple days of hot sex with the Ice Princess?"

"Ugh." Liv put her face in her hands. "Elliot, I really don't want to talk about Alex. Can we just go and talk to the family and get this over with?"

"Sure." Elliot started to get out of the car. "But you're gonna have to talk about this sooner or later. " As Liv got out of the car, he spoke again. "Maybe would could go for some drinks tonight? Just you and I, and we can talk about this. Maybe figure something out."

"If that will make you feel better." Liv grunted.

"It will." Elliot said as he pated Liv on the back


Alex looked up from her computer as there was a knock at her office door. "Hey." Alex greeted the visitor. She smiled as she watched Casey sit in the chair on the other side of her desk.

"I was just wanting to see if you had changed your mind about joining us tonight?"

"I would love to, Casey, but I really need to finish this case up."

"Come on, Cabot. It will be fun."

"I'm sure that it will, but I need to finish this damn stack of papers. I can't seem to concentrate on any of it and I have been staring at for-" Alex looked at her watch "Three hours and 49 minutes."

"Okay, spill it. What's up?" Alex shook her head. "I would think that by now you would realize that you can talk to me." Casey watched as Alex started to rub her hands together nervously. "I assume this is about your little sexcapade with Olivia Benson?" Alex didn't speak. "Well, when you're ready I'm here."

Alex smiled. "Thank you. Was there something that you needed?"

"You to show up tonight?" Casey tried to smile. "Please Alex, I need a huge favor."

Alex removed her glasses and laid them on the desk, leaning back fully into her chair. "I don't know that I like where this is going. What's the favor?"

"I started talking to this girl about a month ago. She is perfect, Alex."

"Casey, that's wonderful." Alex smiled. "I'm happy for you."

"Right. Here's the thing. She is going out with us tonight, but because she doesn't know any of my friends, she wants to bring a friend."


"Alex, please. I really like Amber and want her to come with us. I need you to do this for me."

"Why can't one of the other girls?"

"She is a neurosurgeon, Alex. She is so smart. I feel like, to try and pull this off, I need someone of…well your caliber."

"Thanks for the compliment, but I don't have time, Casey. I really woul-"

"Please, Alex? I am begging here." Casey put her hands up in a pleading motion.

Alex sighed. "What time?"

Casey was so excited that she started to clap her hands. "We'll pick you up at seven."

"No need. I don't know how long I'll be here, so I'll just meet you there."

"If you're sure."

"I am. I will be here late, so I will get there as soon as I can."

"Perfect. Fashionably late." Alex smiled at the comment. "Yeah. I owe you. Who knows, maybe you two will hit it off."

"Maybe." Alex didn't sound convincing.

"Well at the least, hopefully she will be a distraction from a certain detective."

Alex smiled the fakest smile that Casey had ever seen. She knew that distracting Alex Cabot from Olivia Benson, especially after the events of a couple weeks ago, was damn near impossible. Casey said thank you twice more before leaving the room.


"Liv. I am standing in the doorway half naked. Do you think that you can close your mouth and come inside?"

Liv smiled. "Come inside, I can do. Close me mouth? I am making no promises."

Alex felt the strong arms wrapping around her waist as she pushed the door closed over Liv's shoulder. Their lips never left each other's as she removed the other woman badge and gun. She tugged at Liv's shirt until it was free from underneath her slacks and belt. She unbuttoned the shirt and slid it over Liv's shoulder at some point in the hallway. As the kissing and walking continued, she slid the belt from the slacks and discarded it on the floor as well. As they crossed into her bedroom, she was working on the button and zipper of the slacks. She tugged them down Liv's thighs, placing kisses as she went. She was on her knees and removed Liv's boots and then slid the slacks off her leg. Giving the pants a toss into the room. She didn't care were any of the clothes landed just as long as they were off. She looked up at Liv who was towering over her with her hands gently on Alex's shoulders. She smiled and placed a kiss on Liv's knee. Then her thigh in multiple spots. She gave attention to both thighs before stopping just in front of the white high cut panties that Liv was wearing. She place two gentle kisses on the garment as she slid her index fingers under the waistband and began sliding them off. Once the panties were discarded, she leaned forward to take Liv into her mouth…..

"Ma'am? Miss Cabot?"

Alex shook her head. "Sorry. What?"

"We are here. Would you like for me to help you out?"

Alex smiled. "No. I got it Albert. Thank you anyway." Alex looked over at the bar on the corner. Thirty-five minutes late, not too bad. She stepped from the vehicle and started inside.


Liv and Elliot were on their third round of shots when they saw Casey Norvac come in the bar. She was with 5 women and they were seated just across the room. Casey immediately panicked, starting to call Alex and tell her, when Elliot waved the attorney over to their table. Casey came over and sat with Liv and Elliot for a moment. She franticly tried to text Alex, but got no answer. Maybe she got it, Casey hoped. She was talking to them when a woman walked up to the table. Liv noticed how attractive the woman was. She was a brunette with amazing hazel eyes.

"I'm getting the next round. I was just wanting to see if you wanted anything?"

"Um, no. I think I'm good. Kendra, these are some of my coworkers. Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler. This is Doctor Kendra Browning."

Liv and Elliot smiled and offered 'hello'. "I'm gonna get the drinks before they started summonsing me back to the table, and before my date arrives."

Liv noticed that Casey tensed up, but tried to do it unnoticed. "Okay, I think I'll head up with you." Casey stood and looked back at her friends. "Alright. You two have a good evening and nice weekend."

"You too." Liv smiled.

When Casey had returned to her table, she sat down with a thud. "What's up with you?"

Casey looked at her date, Meghan. "Kendra just told Liv and Elliot that she was waiting on her date."


"And- as soon as very in the closet, very doesn't like people in her business, and completely in love with the woman that was just told, Alexandra Cobot walks in, they will know that it's her." Casey put her hand against her forehead. "Alex is going to kill me."

"What's the big deal?"

"Did you miss the whole 'in love with the woman sitting across the room' part?"

"I'm sure that you're over exaggerating."


"If she was that in love with the woman, why would she agree to this?"

"Maybe because I begged." Casey smiled nervously.

"Yeah, but she did have a choice, right?" Casey didn't respond. "Right?"

"If you call giving in to a begging friend a choice, then yeah. Totally" Casey took a long drink. "Cabot is gonna kill me."

Liv was mid-sentence when the woman at the center of multiple conversations walked in. She was dressed in a black pants suit with a snug fitting black vest over a white short sleeved button up. Liv's eyes never left Alex as she walked over to the table where Casey was. She watched as Casey and Alex shared a quick hug and as Kendra stood and extend her hand to Alex. As Liv and Elliot watched them shake hands and smile at each other, there was no question as to who Kendra's date was.

Alex felt eyes on her and looked over toward the table on the other side of the room. As she made eye contact with Liv. She smiled at the two and turned to whisper toward Casey. "Casey Novac, you will die."