A/N: Although I am very familiar with writing SwanQueen, Calzona, and Rizzles, this is my first Cabenson fic. I hope that you enjoy it. It has been something that I have wanted to write since the shooting of Alex. I never did, but after years, it will NOT let me sleep. So here it is. I hope that you enjoy and please review. Thanks.

The sound of two sets of feet running down the hallway was all that Liv could hear. Nothing else. It was odd really. It was like she was in some sort of tunnel. A dream maybe, or nightmare. She had wondered what this would feel like. Would she be afraid? Would she cry? Would she scream, maybe faint? She had wondered. There was no way to tell. Not until that moment that you are here. Faced with something so life changing as this. The moment that you know this isn't the normal day. Hell, what was she thinking? Normal? Things hadn't been normal for the past seven years. The first year was excruciating. The second year, the daily crying stopped. By the fourth year, any hope was gone. Now, here she was. Seven years, six months and 23 days into this, and there still was no normal.

She ran to the elevator that she had been instructed to find. She hit the button numerous times and when the doors didn't open, she turned and looked around the hall. She saw a door with the sign indication the stairway and she made a dash for it. Elliot was right behind her.

They entered the fourth floor with an entrance that had everyone's attention. She noticed the small group of people in the waiting room, but didn't notice the eyes that were glued to her every move. She ran to the nurses station and spoke to the first person she saw. "I need to know where Alex Cabot is."

The nurse looked strangely. "I am sorry Ma'am. We don't have anyone by that name."

Elliot spoke up. "Jennifer. We are looking for Jennifer Walters."

"Oh." The nurse said with surprise and relief. "You must be who the Doctors are waiting on."

"I want to see her!"

"Let me see if they have already taken her in for surgery."

Liv watches as the woman makes a phone call. When she hangs up she speaks. "The Doctor is on his way out."

Liv still hadn't seen the group of people watching her every move as she paced the floor. They noticed the well-dressed detective in her black slacking accompanied by her gun and shiny gold badge. The boots with just a small lift adding to her height and the well pressed light blue button up shirt. Her short hair that flipped out at the ends and a face that looked more like a model than a cop. What none of them missed was the worry that all over the woman or her incredible resemblance. They watched as the doctor walked up Liv and spoke. "Detective Benson?" He extended his hand and Liv quickly took it. "I'm Doctor Chase. I will be operating on Ms. Walters."

"Cabot." Olivia corrected. "Her name is Alexandra Benson-Cabot. I would appreciate if you addressed her that way."

"I'm sorry detective. I have to admit, this is the first situation I have been in like this. My apologies."

"It's okay. And please, call me Liv."

"Okay, Liv. The nurses have some paperwork that you need to sign."

Another commotion behind Liv caused her to turn. She saw Finn, Melinda, Rollins and Amaro walking toward her. She turned her attention back to the Doctor. "Okay. What do you need?"

He handed her the forms. "We need this medical history and physical filled out to the best of your knowledge. Is she allergic to anything? Latex?"

"No. She doesn't have any allergies like that."

"Good. I know that you haven't seen your wife in a while, so just try and get the answers correct to the best of your knowledge of her." Liv took the papers. "We also need this signed."

Liv took the paper, but knew by the look on the Doctor's face that this wasn't a general questionnaire. The Doctor continued. "This is a consent form. Your wife needs a very risky procedure."

"How risky?"

"She has a substantial chance of not making it off the table, but without the surgery, she has no chance. This isn't a question. We were about to do the surgery when you arrived."

Melinda spoke up. "What kind of surgery is it?"

"She suffered extensive damages during the accident. Her brain is starting to swell and the pressure needs to be released. If we don't-"

"Liv." Melinda looked at Liv. "Honey, you have to sign that."

"She will die on that table."

"She will die without it. This is a horrible call for you to have to make, and I am sorry, but this is her only hope. Sign the paper, Liv."

Liv signed the paper and when it was handed to the doctor they were gone. Leaving Liv in a stunned state surrounded by her friends. "Come over here and sit down, Liv. You look like you are about to hit the ground." Amanda took her by the arm and helped her to a sit in the waiting room.

A woman stood and walked over to her. "Hello. My name is Audrey." The group looked at the woman. "I am a friend of Jennif- Alex." She corrected herself.

Liv tried to smile. "Hi."

"She told me everything. Over the past seven years, she told me everything. She is my best friend and she never told me this." The woman wiped the tears and chuckled a nervous laugh. "I guess this explains why she never dated." Somehow that made Liv smile. "Men were always asking her out, but she never did." She rung her hands. "Now I know why."

"Aunt Audrey! Look what Jacob bought me!" Liv watched a small boy run up to the woman with a hand full of candy. "He said that I could have one piece before dinner."

Liv was not the only one in the group stunned into silence, they all were. They looked the boy, maybe seven, with light brown hair, caramel eyes and short hair the flipped at the ends. Liv had wondered about this moment. She had wondered what it would feel like. She wondered what the baby, that she was told Alex had lost, would look like. Standing in front of her was a child that turned to look at her and saw his own reflection. This was the moment she knew, not only had Alex survived, but so had their son.

Nine years earlier…