Hoytzman stuffed the gag back into Jake's mouth and stepped back with a feral grin, eyeing him as an artist would his most prized creation.

He grabbed another knife from the chest and grazed it lightly across Jake's face . ''You wouldn't want your pretty face all scared up now would you Peralta? But I'm sure your pretty lady cop would love you just the same. Petty she's going to get you back in a body bag!''

''shhh ntt mmm glllfrnnnn!'' Jake struggled to speak. Amy can sure as hell take care of herself, but the thought of this lunatic going after her made him panic and he struggled to get out of the handcuffs; even momentarily forgetting his own pain.

''What is that you said?'' His captor asked with a lazy grin splitting across his face ''No need to lie to me. Sophia complained enough about you two to me to last a lifetime! How jealous she is about how close you two are, how you two look at each other when you think no one else is watching. And besides I followed you in the last couple of weeks and I've seen how often you two hang around with each other. And don't give me any crap about just being partners.''

Hoytzman leaned close to his face and ripped out the gag ''Don't worry, when I get to her I'll make sure to show her your last few moments. I'm sure she would love to see that.'' He spat out pointing at the camera. '' Any last confessions you want to air out to the world Peralta?''

Until then Jake hadn't noticed the red light still blinking on the camera and realized that the maniac was still recording everything.

''That's really thoughtful of you Geoffry. With all the talk of murdering and torture, I really didn't think you'd be such a gentleman''

''Don't try to make fun of me! How does it feel like to not have any control over your life pig? Because that's how i felt. Seeing everything you have built your whole life come crashing down and burn. I'M GONNA SHOW YOU WHAT I FELT WHEN YOU RIPPED MY...'' Hoytzman broke off gasping and struggling to control himself.

While he was distracted Jake tried to get his own bearings, pointedly ignoring the pain emnating from the knife wound on his leg. He tried to reason to himself that if Hoytzman was going to go after Amy after he was done with him, maybe it was time he threw caution to the wind. After all Jake Peralta was never going to go over without a fight.

There was a door leading out the back, which was probably his only way out. His damaged leg would prove to be an obstacle if he tried to get out through the windows on the side.

''Hey you know what, I've never liked lawyers,'' Jake said trying to egg Hoytzman into doing something rash ''I think they're even worst than firemen and that's saying something because those guys are assholes. Have you met the Fire Marshall? That guy is a piece of work. Sorry that's a cop joke,'' He internally cursed himself for getting sidetracked. Damn that guy had a hold over his brain even when he was getting tortured! ''The point is I enjoyed arresting you. A lawyer caught snorting up coke. Man that's a good joke for the next party!''

Hoytzman froze and with a furious look on his face crouched down next to him. He was probably going to go into a lengthy speech on how he was going to kill Jake, but the detective didn't pause to find out. As soon as he was within striking distance, Jake rammed his head into Hoytzman's face knocking him down to the floor. But his captor sprang back to his feet with an agileness that surprised Jake and backhanded him across the face with a snarl.

''I'm gonna fucking kill you for that Peralta!'' Hoytzman grunted trying to stem the blood flowing through his nose.

''I thought you had already decided to do that. Damn if I knew that you changed your mind I wouldn't have given you a broken nose'' Jake commented dryly.

''So what were you going to do after knocking me down? Hop through the back door with a chair tied to your back? Not really smart for a detective who calls himself the best''

''I was actually winging through the whole thing. I've found out that it's better if you go into somthing like that without any plan at all. It works for me anyway.''

''You think you're funny don't you Peralta?''

''Funny you should mention that. I've been told tha...mmmmffhhh''

''I'm really getting tired of hearing you're voice'' Hoytzman said stuffing the gag back into Jake's mouth. ''There is no one around to hear you even if you scream, but better be ready for anything right Peralta?'' He glanced at the knife lodged in Jake's leg and gave a wolfish grin ''Besides your going to do a lot of screaming when I start with you. Lots and lots of screaming!''