A/N: Hey reader I am back sorry but this story is going be slow with updates right now. But once I get a chapter finished I will update. Also I am working on a playlist. If anyone wants to help please feel free to do so and i'll give credit who recommended the song.


Chapter 8

ROSe's pov

Hours later I was in my room and thought over what Lee was talking to me about. I knew I would have to talk to them and explain myself but I didn't want to. I love Dimitri but at the same time I don't. I glanced down at my phone and noticed that Adrian had texted me.

Rose, I know you know who this is. Please text me or call.-AI

I didn't even text back. I closed out of the messages and got up and went for a jogged. While jogging I looked around and noticed that this is what I want to do with my life for now on. I smiled when I saw families walking around with one another. I placed my hand on my belly and sighed.

All of a sudden I felt like someone was watching me. I scanned the area and saw a van and someone was taking pictures of me. I let it be and started to head home. When I arrived I saw my father and mother both their along with Lee.

Abe had a grim look on his face when I walked up to them. My mother was still the same but she was a lot more motherly to me. We walked in and I sat down and said, "What bring you all here?"

"Rose we have some bad news. Lisa is taking you to court for abandoning her. She states that you haven't gotten her permission on leaving the court and that if a guardian sees you then you, then they are to use any force to bring you in. So daughter what are you going to do?"

I sighed and said, "I'll go back but I do have a paper signed by the Queen herself that I was allowed to leave without letting her knowing the reasons why. I know our bloodline needs to be kept secret but if I were to do this I am going to have to cancel the upcoming tour."

Lee looked at me and said, "I've already done that. So you don't need to worry about that. But to forewarn you now, your ex mentor is on the jet waiting for us."

"Right. Well I guess I better get packing and head to the airport," I said.

I got up and went to my room and locked the door. I took out my blade from a hidden spot and rolled my arms up and made five more cuts. Once I cleaned myself up I started to pack everything that I needed. I doubled checked everything and walked out of my room and met my mother and father at the front door.

We placed everything into the car and head to the airport. When we Arrived we got onto our plain and headed back to the one place I wish I could forget about. Court.

Eddie POV

Lee texted me and told me that him and Rose would be here soon. He even said that Rose and Dimitri didn't even say one word to each other. But once they did all hell would break loose. I sighed and looked sighed.

"Eddie is it true? Is Rose really coming back to face her charges?" Mia asked me.

I sighed and said, "I'm afraid so. How is Jill holding up?"

"She's upset and it doesn't that Dimitri's sister agrees with Lisa. Jill said that she knew something was going on before Rose left. She even over heard something about Rose before she left court. Victoria says that Rose is a Liar and that she is a whore. Jill slapped her and told her to get out. Jill locked herself in her room until Rose gets here. I just wish she would talk to us."

"I understand where Jill is coming from. She looked up to Rose for a long time now. Mia whatever happens don't choose a side. Adrian is staying out of it and you should to. Everyone is unsettled by this," I said.

Lee's POV

I watched my sister sit next to me while her ex-boyfriend watches us. I knew she wanted to lash out at him but I held her back. As I did I got a call from Maze, our tour manager. Maze was pissed because we left without giving her more details

"Maze don't be pissed. We have a family thing to do and we cannot miss it," I said.

"Lee that's why I'm not calling. I am calling because someone broke into your sister's home. I just called to let you know that the cops would like to talk to you and your sister," Maze said.

"Damn it. Okay I'll call you back in 20," I said.

Abe looked at me as well as, mom, Rose and her ex lover. I sighed and Abe said, "Son what happened?"

"Dad send one of your people over to Rose's place right now. Someone broke in and they need to video tapes as well as a list of things that Rose owns." I said.

Rose looked up at me and said, "What about the room, was it broken into?" Rose asked me.

"No it wasn't because their are too many passwords to crack and if it were I would have been altered right away," I told her