Decided to do a Jercy story because I got bored :P. Won't be perfect because my laptop broke and now I'm stuck with my IPad. But anyway, let's start the story! Btw I suck at intros. Disclaimer: Rick Riordan owns HoO and Pj.

Jason woke up feeling the most refreshed in days. He saw clothes thrown all across his rooms. He'll just clean it up later. He saw a water fountain spraying water in the corner. Meh, he'll just return it to its owner. He turned to the side and saw a sleeping Percy. He'll just drop him off at Percy's room. Wait a second.




Jason pulled off the covers slowly so Percy wouldn't wake up then took a look at the room. Wait, this isn't even his room. All of a sudden he felt pain in his waist. When he looked down to see if there were any bruises he noticed he was only wearing his boxers. Just then a thought went across his mind. A thought of something that he shouldn't have thought of. 'There is no way that could've happened.' Jason thought. 'Right?' Maybe it was just a Leo playing a prank on them. Yeah that's what happened.

Jason decided to take a shower to make sure there was no trace of Percy left on his body. He grabbed his clothes and left for his room. He got out a fresh pair of clothes and went to the showers. He tried to remember what happened yesterday. He remembered everything up until he helped Leo. Everything else just... disappeared.

Jason shut off the shower deciding to just forget about it. It would be better if Percy didn't know. Jason walked out of the showering room wincing at the pain in his waist reminding him of what could've happened. It made Jason feel sick thinking about that.

Jason went to the dining hall to get breakfast. After he got his food he started digging in. After a while Percy walked in. Jason looked up and saw it was Percy. A scowl formed on his face. When he first met Percy he thought he would be a cool guy but he was off. Way off. Percy acted like a jerk to him. He would always say something to get on Jason's nerves. When Percy sat down, he ordered blue waffles and started kicking Jason's foot. "Hey Grace, I see you've been having fun lately, seeing those hickeys on your neck." Percy snickered.

"Fuck off, Jackson." Jason growled but Jason was actually woried that Percy knew what happened yesterday. Percy was about to say something else when Annabeth walked in. That shut Percy up real quick. Jason took that as his chance to leave. When Jason was walking out the door he winced again. Jason held his breath when he saw Percy narrowing his eyes at him. Jason walked out as fast as he could to the arena. He sighed but he was actually really nervous. Then all of a sudden Jason remembered he left his shoe in Percy's room. Jason face palmed while whispering, "Idiot, idiot, idiot."

"Of coure you're and idiot Grace. I bet you got hurt while you were training. How are we going to survive with someone like you on our team." Percy said. Jason sighed with relief because that meant Percy doesn't know what happened. Jason ignored Percy and started cutting up dummies. "Your stance is all wrong an stop trying to disarm them while you're slashing!" Percy yelled. Jason had enough of Percy and went to his room.

Jason was in his room for a couple of minutes before Percy barged in. He was holding Jason's shoe. Oh shit. "Would you care to explain this?" Percy asked. "Um..." was all Jason could think of. "Wow Jason, and I thought you were neat." Percy said while dropping Jason's shoe. "Next time that happens I'm throwing it out to sea."

'Man it's a miracle that Percy hasn't figured out what happened yet. He needs to start avoiding him. Jason remembered how Percy told him he had hickies on his neck. Jason looked in the mirror and that confirmed his thoughts. He and Percy Jackson had had... sex.